Safe Haskell | Safe-Infered |
- parse :: String -> String -> Either ParseError JSNode
- readJs :: String -> JSNode
- parseFile :: FilePath -> IO JSNode
- showStripped :: JSNode -> String
- showStrippedMaybe :: Show a => Either a JSNode -> [Char]
- data JSNode = NS Node SrcSpan
- data SrcSpan
- = SpanCoLinear {
- span_filename :: !String
- span_row :: !Int
- span_start_column :: !Int
- span_end_column :: !Int
- | SpanMultiLine {
- span_filename :: !String
- span_start_row :: !Int
- span_start_column :: !Int
- span_end_row :: !Int
- span_end_column :: !Int
- | SpanPoint {
- span_filename :: !String
- span_row :: !Int
- span_column :: !Int
- | SpanEmpty
- = SpanCoLinear {
- type AlexSpan = (AlexPosn, Char, String)
- data Node
- = JSArguments [[JSNode]]
- | JSArrayLiteral [JSNode]
- | JSBlock JSNode
- | JSBreak [JSNode] [JSNode]
- | JSCallExpression String [JSNode]
- | JSCase JSNode JSNode
- | JSCatch JSNode [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSContinue [JSNode]
- | JSDecimal String
- | JSDefault JSNode
- | JSDoWhile JSNode JSNode JSNode
- | JSElision [JSNode]
- | JSEmpty JSNode
- | JSExpression [JSNode]
- | JSExpressionBinary String [JSNode] [JSNode]
- | JSExpressionParen JSNode
- | JSExpressionPostfix String [JSNode]
- | JSExpressionTernary [JSNode] [JSNode] [JSNode]
- | JSFinally JSNode
- | JSFor [JSNode] [JSNode] [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSForIn [JSNode] JSNode JSNode
- | JSForVar [JSNode] [JSNode] [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSForVarIn JSNode JSNode JSNode
- | JSFunction JSNode [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSFunctionBody [JSNode]
- | JSFunctionExpression [JSNode] [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSHexInteger String
- | JSIdentifier String
- | JSIf JSNode JSNode
- | JSIfElse JSNode JSNode JSNode
- | JSLabelled JSNode JSNode
- | JSLiteral String
- | JSMemberDot [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSMemberSquare [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSObjectLiteral [JSNode]
- | JSOperator String
- | JSPropertyNameandValue JSNode [JSNode]
- | JSPropertyAccessor String JSNode [JSNode] JSNode
- | JSRegEx String
- | JSReturn [JSNode]
- | JSSourceElements [JSNode]
- | JSSourceElementsTop [JSNode]
- | JSStatementBlock JSNode
- | JSStatementList [JSNode]
- | JSStringLiteral Char [Char]
- | JSSwitch JSNode [JSNode]
- | JSThrow JSNode
- | JSTry JSNode [JSNode]
- | JSUnary String
- | JSVarDecl JSNode [JSNode]
- | JSVariables String [JSNode]
- | JSWhile JSNode JSNode
- | JSWith JSNode [JSNode]
- data ParseError
- data AlexPosn = AlexPn !Int !Int !Int
- type P a = StateT ParseState (Either ParseError) a
- data ParseState = ParseState {}
:: String | The input stream (Javascript source code). |
-> String | The name of the Javascript source (filename or input device). |
-> Either ParseError JSNode | An error or maybe the abstract syntax tree (AST) of zero or more Javascript statements, plus comments. |
Parse one compound statement, or a sequence of simple statements. Generally used for interactive input, such as from the command line of an interpreter. Return comments in addition to the parsed statements.
showStripped :: JSNode -> StringSource
Source location spanning a contiguous section of a file.
SpanCoLinear | A span which starts and ends on the same line. |
| |
SpanMultiLine | A span which starts and ends on different lines. |
| |
SpanPoint | A span which is actually just one point in the file. |
| |
SpanEmpty | No span information. |
data ParseError Source
UnexpectedToken Token | An error from the parser. Token found where it should not be. Note: tokens contain their own source span. |
UnexpectedChar Char AlexPosn | An error from the lexer. Character found where it should not be. |
StrError String | A generic error containing a string message. No source location. |
records the location of a token in the input text. It has three
fields: the address (number of characters preceding the token), line number
and column of a token within the file. start_pos
gives the position of the
start of the file and eof_pos
a standard encoding for the end of file.
calculates the new position after traversing a given character,
assuming the usual eight character tab stops.
type P a = StateT ParseState (Either ParseError) aSource