-- | Parallelism combinators with an implicit global thread-pool.
-- The most basic example of usage is:
-- > main = parallel_ [putStrLn "Echo", putStrLn " in parallel"] >> stopGlobalPool
-- Make sure that you compile with @-threaded@ and supply @+RTS -N2 -RTS@
-- to  the generated Haskell executable, or you won't get any parallelism.
-- If you plan to allow your worker items to block, then you should read the documentation for 'extraWorkerWhileBlocked'.
-- The "Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local" module provides a more general
-- interface which allows explicit passing of pools and control of their size.
-- This module is implemented on top of that one by maintaining a shared global thread
-- pool with one thread per capability.
module Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global (
    -- * Executing actions
    parallel_, parallelE_, parallel, parallelE,
    parallelInterleaved, parallelInterleavedE,
    parallelFirst, parallelFirstE,

    -- * Global pool management
    globalPool, stopGlobalPool,
    -- * Advanced global pool management
    spawnPoolWorker, killPoolWorker
  ) where

import GHC.Conc

import Control.Exception

import System.IO.Unsafe

import qualified Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local as L

-- | The global thread pool. Contains as many threads as there are capabilities.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
{-# NOINLINE globalPool #-}
globalPool :: L.Pool
globalPool :: Pool
globalPool = IO Pool -> Pool
forall a. IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO (IO Pool -> Pool) -> IO Pool -> Pool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> IO Pool
L.startPool Int

-- | In order to reliably make use of the global parallelism combinators,
-- you must invoke this function after all calls to those combinators have
-- finished. A good choice might be at the end of 'main'.
-- See also 'L.stopPool'.
stopGlobalPool :: IO ()
stopGlobalPool :: IO ()
stopGlobalPool = Pool -> IO ()
L.stopPool Pool
 -- TODO: could I lift the requirement to call this function with a touchPool function after the parallel combinators?

-- | Wrap any IO action used from your worker threads that may block with this method:
-- it temporarily spawns another worker thread to make up for the loss of the old blocked
-- worker.
-- See also 'L.extraWorkerWhileBlocked'.
extraWorkerWhileBlocked :: IO a -> IO a
extraWorkerWhileBlocked :: IO a -> IO a
extraWorkerWhileBlocked = Pool -> IO a -> IO a
forall a. Pool -> IO a -> IO a
L.extraWorkerWhileBlocked Pool

-- | Internal method for adding extra unblocked threads to a pool if one of the current
-- worker threads is going to be temporarily blocked. Unrestricted use of this is unsafe,
-- so we reccomend that you use the 'extraWorkerWhileBlocked' function instead if possible.
-- See also 'L.spawnPoolWorkerFor'.
spawnPoolWorker :: IO ()
spawnPoolWorker :: IO ()
spawnPoolWorker = Pool -> IO ()
L.spawnPoolWorkerFor Pool

-- | Internal method for removing threads from a pool after one of the threads on the pool
-- becomes newly unblocked. Unrestricted use of this is unsafe, so we reccomend that you use
-- the 'extraWorkerWhileBlocked' function instead if possible.
-- See also 'L.killPoolWorkerFor'.
killPoolWorker :: IO ()
killPoolWorker :: IO ()
killPoolWorker = Pool -> IO ()
L.killPoolWorkerFor Pool

-- | Execute the given actions in parallel on the global thread pool.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallel_'.
parallel_ :: [IO a] -> IO ()
parallel_ :: [IO a] -> IO ()
parallel_ = Pool -> [IO a] -> IO ()
forall a. Pool -> [IO a] -> IO ()
L.parallel_ Pool

-- | Execute the given actions in parallel on the global thread pool, reporting exceptions explicitly.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallelE_'.
parallelE_ :: [IO a] -> IO [Maybe SomeException]
parallelE_ :: [IO a] -> IO [Maybe SomeException]
parallelE_ = Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [Maybe SomeException]
forall a. Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [Maybe SomeException]
L.parallelE_ Pool

-- | Execute the given actions in parallel on the global thread pool,
-- returning the results in the same order as the corresponding actions.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallel'.
parallel :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
parallel :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
parallel = Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
forall a. Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
L.parallel Pool

-- | Execute the given actions in parallel on the global thread pool,
-- returning the results in the same order as the corresponding actions and reporting exceptions explicitly.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallelE'.
parallelE :: [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
parallelE :: [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
parallelE = Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
forall a. Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
L.parallelE Pool

-- | Execute the given actions in parallel on the global thread pool,
-- returning the results in the approximate order of completion.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallelInterleaved'.
parallelInterleaved :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
parallelInterleaved :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
parallelInterleaved = Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
forall a. Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
L.parallelInterleaved Pool

-- | Execute the given actions in parallel on the global thread pool,
-- returning the results in the approximate order of completion and reporting exceptions explicitly.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallelInterleavedE'.
parallelInterleavedE :: [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
parallelInterleavedE :: [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
parallelInterleavedE = Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
forall a. Pool -> [IO a] -> IO [Either SomeException a]
L.parallelInterleavedE Pool

-- | Run the list of computations in parallel, returning the result of the first
-- thread that completes with (Just x), if any.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallelFirst'.
parallelFirst :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
parallelFirst :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
parallelFirst = Pool -> [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
forall a. Pool -> [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
L.parallelFirst Pool

-- | Run the list of computations in parallel, returning the result of the first
-- thread that completes with (Just x), if any, and reporting any exception explicitly.
-- Users of the global pool must call 'stopGlobalPool' from the main thread at the end of their program.
-- See also 'L.parallelFirstE'.
parallelFirstE :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
parallelFirstE :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
parallelFirstE = Pool -> [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
forall a.
Pool -> [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
L.parallelFirstE Pool