uni-htk- Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs

Safe HaskellNone



Basic types and classes concerning widget configuration.



class GUIObject w => HasColour w where Source #

Coloured objects instantiate the class HasColour.


HasColour LabelFrame Source #

A labelled frame has a background colour.

HasColour NoteBookPage Source #

A notebook page has a background colour.

HasColour Pane Source #

A pane has a background colour.

HasColour Message Source #

A message widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour Menu Source #

A menu has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour Frame Source #

A frame widget has a background colour.

HasColour Space Source #

A space widget has a configureable background colour.

HasColour Box Source #

A box has a configureable background colour.

HasColour ScrollBar Source #

A scrollbar widget has a background and activebackground (regarding slider) colour.

HasColour Canvas Source #

A canvas widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour Image Source #

An image object has a configureable foreground and background colour (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasColour Editor Source #

An editor widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour BitMap Source #

A bitmap object has a configureable foreground and background colour (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasColour MenuCascade Source #

A menu cascade item has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuCheckButton Source #

A menu checkbutton has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuCommand Source #

A menu command has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuRadioButton Source #

A menu radiobutton has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour TextTag Source #

A text tag has a configureable foregroud and background colour.

HasColour Button Source #

A button widget has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour Label Source #

A label widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuButton Source #

A menu button has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour IconBar Source #

An icon bar has a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour SelectBox Source #

A select box has a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour SpinButton Source #

A spin button has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

(HasSlider w, GUIObject w) => HasColour (Slider w) Source #

The slider component has a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour (Scale a) Source #

A scale widget has a configureable foreground, background and activebackground colour.

(HasSelection w, Widget w) => HasColour (Selection w) Source #

The selected entries have a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour (ListBox a) Source #

A listbox widget has a foreground and background colour.

(HasIndicator w, SelectButton w) => HasColour (Indicator w) Source #

You can specify the colour for the selector of menu checkbuttons and menu radiobuttons.

HasColour (OptionMenu a) Source #

An option menu has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasColour (ICursor w) Source #

The insertion cursor has a configureable colour.

HasColour (Entry a) Source #

An entry field has a foreground and background colour.

GUIValue a => HasColour (ComboBox a) Source #

A combo box widget has a background colour.

HasColour (CheckButton a) Source #

A checkbutton widget has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour (RadioButton a) Source #

A radiobutton widget has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour (Prompt a) Source #

A prompt has a configureable foreground and background colour.

(HasColour a, HasScroller a) => HasColour (ScrollBox a) Source #

A scrollbox has a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour (Notepad a) Source #

A notepad has a configureable background colour.

HasColour (InputForm a) Source # 
CItem c => HasColour (TreeList c) Source #

A tree list has a configureale background colour.

HasColour (RecordField a b) Source # 
HasColour (EnumField a b) Source # 
HasColour (TextField a b) Source # 
HasColour (CheckboxField a b) Source # 
HasColour (NumEntryField a b) Source # 
HasColour (EntryField a b) Source # 

background :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w Source #

Sets the background colour.

getBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour Source #

Gets the background colour.

foreground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w Source #

Sets the foreground colour.

getForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour Source #

Gets the foreground colour.

activeBackground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w Source #

Sets the active background colour.

getActiveBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour Source #

Gets the active background colour.

activeForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w Source #

Sets the active foreground colour.

getActiveForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour Source #

Gets the active foreground colour.

disabledForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w Source #

Sets the disabled foreground colour.

getDisabledForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour Source #

Gets the disabled foreground colour.

fg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w Source #

Sets the foreground colour.

bg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w Source #

Sets the background colour.

class GUIObject w => HasSize w where Source #

Objects with a configureable size instantiate the class HasSize.


HasSize LabelFrame Source #

You can specify the size of a labelled frame.

HasSize NoteBook Source #

You can specify the size of a notebook widget.

HasSize PanedWindow Source #

You can specify the size of a paned window.

HasSize Message Source #

You can specify the width of a message widget (height configuration is ignored).

HasSize Frame Source #

You can specify the size of a frame.

HasSize Box Source #

You can specify the size of a box.

HasSize ScrollBar Source #

You can specify the width of a scrollbar.

HasSize Canvas Source #

You can specify the size of a canvas.

HasSize Image Source #

You can specify the size of the containing label, if the image is implicitely displayed inside a label widget.

HasSize MenuSeparator Source #

You can specify the size of a menu separator.

HasSize Editor Source #

You can specify the size of an editor widget.

HasSize BitMap Source #

You can specify the size of the containing label, if the bitmap is implicitely displayed inside a label widget.

HasSize MenuCascade Source #

You can specify the size of a menu cascade item.

HasSize MenuCheckButton Source #

You can specify the size of a menu checkbutton.

HasSize MenuCommand Source #

You can specify the size of a menu command.

HasSize MenuRadioButton Source #

You can specify the size of a menu radiobutton.

HasSize Button Source #

You can specify the size of a button.

HasSize Label Source #

You can specify the size of a label.

HasSize MenuButton Source #

You can specify the size of a menubutton.

HasSize EmbeddedCanvasWin Source #

You can specify the size of an embedded canvas window.

HasSize Line Source #

You can specify the width of the line.

HasSize Oval Source #

You can specify the size of an oval item.

HasSize Rectangle Source #

You can specify the size of an rectangle item.

HasSize TextItem Source #

You can specify the width of a text item.

HasSize Arc Source #

You can specify the size of an arc.

HasSize IconBar Source #

An icon bar has a configureable size.

HasSize SelectBox Source #

A select box has a configureable size.

HasSize Separator Source #

You can specify the size of a separator widget.

HasSize SpinButton Source #

A spin button has a configureable size.

HasSize (Slider (Scale a)) Source #

A scale's slider has a configureable size.

HasSize (Scale a) Source #

A scale widget has a configureable size.

HasSize (ListBox a) Source #

You can specify the size of a listbox.

HasSize (OptionMenu a) Source #

You can specify the size of an option menu.

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasSize (ICursor w) Source #

The insertion cursor has a configureable width.

HasSize (Entry a) Source #

An entry field has a configureable width (height config is ignored).

GUIValue a => HasSize (ComboBox a) Source #

You can specify the size of a combo box widget-

HasSize (CheckButton a) Source #

You can specify the size of a checkbutton.

HasSize (RadioButton a) Source #

You can specify the size of a radiobutton.

HasSize (ScrollBox a) Source #

A scrollbox has a configureable size.

HasSize (Notepad a) Source #

A notepad has a configureable size.

HasSize (SimpleListBox val) Source # 
HasSize (InputForm a) Source # 
CItem c => HasSize (TreeList c) Source #

A tree list has a configureable size.

HasSize (RecordField a b) Source # 
HasSize (EnumField a b) Source # 
HasSize (TextField a b) Source # 
HasSize (CheckboxField a b) Source # 
HasSize (NumEntryField a b) Source # 
HasSize (EntryField a b) Source # 

class GUIObject w => HasPosition w where Source #

Objects with a configureable positon (e.g. canvas items) instantiate the class HasPosition.

Minimal complete definition

position, getPosition


HasPosition EmbeddedCanvasWin Source #

You can specify the position of a bitmap item.

HasPosition ImageItem Source #

You can specify the position of an image item.

HasPosition Oval Source #

You can specify the (upper left) position of an oval.

HasPosition Rectangle Source #

You can specify the (upper left) position of a rectangle.

HasPosition TextItem Source #

You can specify the position of a text item.

HasPosition BitMapItem Source #

You can specify the position of a bitmap item.

HasPosition Arc Source #

You can specify the (upper left) position of an arc.

Window w => HasPosition (Icon w) Source #

You can set the location of an icon.

HasPosition (NotepadItem a) Source #

A notepad item has a position on the associated notepad.

class (HasSize w, HasPosition w) => HasGeometry w where Source #

Objects with a configureable size and position instantiate the class HasGeometry.

Minimal complete definition

geometry, getGeometry


HasGeometry Oval Source #

An alternative way to specify an oval's coords.

HasGeometry Rectangle Source #

An alternative way to specify a rectangle's coords.

HasGeometry Arc Source #

An alternative way to specify arc's coords.

class GUIObject w => HasCanvAnchor w where Source #

Canvasitems with an anchor position on the canvas instantiate the class HasCanvAnchor.

Minimal complete definition

canvAnchor, getCanvAnchor


HasCanvAnchor EmbeddedCanvasWin Source #

You can specify the anchor position of an embedded canvas window.

HasCanvAnchor ImageItem Source #

You can specify the anchor position of an image item.

HasCanvAnchor TextItem Source #

You can specify the anchor position of a text item.

HasCanvAnchor BitMapItem Source #

You can specify the anchor position of a bitmap item.

class GUIObject w => HasBorder w where Source #

Objects with a configureable border instantiate the class HasBorder.


HasBorder LabelFrame Source #

A labelled frame has a configureable border.

HasBorder NoteBookPage Source #

A notebook page has a configureable border.

HasBorder Message Source #

A message widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Menu Source #

A menu has a configureable border.

HasBorder Frame Source #

A frame widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Box Source #

A box has a configureable border.

HasBorder ScrollBar Source #

A scrollbar widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Canvas Source #

A canvas widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Image Source #

An image object has a configureable border (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasBorder MenuSeparator Source #

A menu separator has a configureable border.

HasBorder Editor Source #

A editor widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder BitMap Source #

A bitmap object has a configureable border (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasBorder MenuCascade Source #

A menu cascade item has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuCheckButton Source #

A menu checkbutton has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuCommand Source #

A menu command has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuRadioButton Source #

A menu radiobutton has a configureable border.

HasBorder TextTag Source #

A text tag has a configureable border.

HasBorder Button Source #

A button widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Label Source #

A label widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuButton Source #

A menubutton widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder IconBar Source #

An icon bar has a configureable border.

HasBorder SelectBox Source #

A select box has a configureable border.

HasBorder Separator Source #

A separator widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder SpinButton Source #

A spin button has a configureable border.

HasBorder (Scale a) Source #

A scale widget has a configureable border.

(HasSelection w, Widget w) => HasBorder (Selection w) Source #

The selection has a configureable border.

HasBorder (ListBox a) Source #

A listbox widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (OptionMenu a) Source #

An option menu has a configureable border.

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasBorder (ICursor w) Source #

The insertion cursor has a configureable borderwidth (width for three dimensional appearence).

HasBorder (Entry a) Source #

An entry field has a configureable border.

GUIValue a => HasBorder (ComboBox a) Source #

A combo box widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (CheckButton a) Source #

A checkbutton widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (RadioButton a) Source #

A radiobutton widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (Prompt a) Source #

A prompt has a configureable border.

HasBorder (ScrollBox a) Source #

A scrollbox has a configureable border.

HasBorder (Notepad a) Source #

A notepad has a configureable border.

HasBorder (InputForm a) Source # 
CItem c => HasBorder (TreeList c) Source #

A tree list has a configureable border.

HasBorder (RecordField a b) Source # 
HasBorder (EnumField a b) Source # 
HasBorder (TextField a b) Source # 
HasBorder (CheckboxField a b) Source # 
HasBorder (NumEntryField a b) Source # 
HasBorder (EntryField a b) Source # 

class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasValue w v where Source #

Objects that have a value instantiate the class HasValue.


value :: v -> Config w Source #

getValue :: w -> IO v Source #


GUIValue a => HasValue Editor a Source #

An editor widget has a value (its textual content).

GUIValue v => HasValue MenuCheckButton v Source #

A menu checkbutton has a value, that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.

GUIValue v => HasValue MenuRadioButton v Source #

A menu radiobutton has a value, that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.

GUIValue v => HasValue HTk v Source #

The wish instance has a value - the application name.


value :: v -> Config HTk Source #

getValue :: HTk -> IO v Source #

GUIValue a => HasValue (OptionMenu a) a Source #

An option menu has a value (the selected element), that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.


value :: a -> Config (OptionMenu a) Source #

getValue :: OptionMenu a -> IO a Source #

GUIValue a => HasValue (Entry a) a Source #

An entry field has a value that is associated with a polymorphic variable.


value :: a -> Config (Entry a) Source #

getValue :: Entry a -> IO a Source #

GUIValue c => HasValue (RadioButton a) c Source #

A radiobutton has a value, that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.

GUIValue a => HasValue (Prompt a) a Source #

A prompt widget has an (entered) value.


value :: a -> Config (Prompt a) Source #

getValue :: Prompt a -> IO a Source #

(GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasValue (ListBox a) [a] Source #

The value of a listbox is the list of the displayed objects (these are instances of class GUIValue and therefore instances of class Show).


value :: [a] -> Config (ListBox a) Source #

getValue :: ListBox a -> IO [a] Source #

(GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasValue (ComboBox a) [a] Source #

The value of a combo box is the list of the displayed objects (these are instances of class GUIValue and therefore instances of class Show).


value :: [a] -> Config (ComboBox a) Source #

getValue :: ComboBox a -> IO [a] Source #

class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasText w v where Source #

Objects containing text instantiate the class HasText.


text :: v -> Config w Source #

getText :: w -> IO v Source #


GUIValue v => HasText LabelFrame v Source #

Sets and gets the string to display as a label for the frame.

GUIValue a => HasText NoteBookPage a Source #

A notebook page has a text label.

GUIValue b => HasText Message b Source #

A message widget can contain text.

GUIValue v => HasText MenuCascade v Source #

A menu cascade item can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText MenuCheckButton v Source #

A menu checkbutton can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText MenuCommand v Source #

A menu command can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText MenuRadioButton v Source #

A menu radiobutton can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText Button v Source #

A button can contain text.


text :: v -> Config Button Source #

getText :: Button -> IO v Source #

GUIValue b => HasText Label b Source #

A label can contain text.


text :: b -> Config Label Source #

getText :: Label -> IO b Source #

GUIValue v => HasText MenuButton v Source #

A menubutton can contain text.

GUIValue b => HasText TextItem b Source #

A text item is a container for text.

GUIValue v => HasText (Scale a) v Source #

A scale widget has a text label.


text :: v -> Config (Scale a) Source #

getText :: Scale a -> IO v Source #

(Window w, GUIValue v) => HasText (Icon w) v Source #

You can set the name on the icon.


text :: v -> Config (Icon w) Source #

getText :: Icon w -> IO v Source #

GUIValue v => HasText (CheckButton a) v Source #

A checkbutton can contain text.


text :: v -> Config (CheckButton a) Source #

getText :: CheckButton a -> IO v Source #

GUIValue v => HasText (RadioButton a) v Source #

A radiobutton can contain text.


text :: v -> Config (RadioButton a) Source #

getText :: RadioButton a -> IO v Source #

(GUIValue a, GUIValue b) => HasText (Prompt a) b Source #

A prompt has a configureable text.


text :: b -> Config (Prompt a) Source #

getText :: Prompt a -> IO b Source #

GUIValue v => HasText (Dialog a) v Source #

The message displayed as plain text.


text :: v -> Config (Dialog a) Source #

getText :: Dialog a -> IO v Source #

GUIValue c => HasText (RecordField a b) c Source # 


text :: c -> Config (RecordField a b) Source #

getText :: RecordField a b -> IO c Source #

GUIValue c => HasText (EnumField a b) c Source # 


text :: c -> Config (EnumField a b) Source #

getText :: EnumField a b -> IO c Source #

(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (TextField a b) c Source # 


text :: c -> Config (TextField a b) Source #

getText :: TextField a b -> IO c Source #

(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (CheckboxField a b) c Source # 


text :: c -> Config (CheckboxField a b) Source #

getText :: CheckboxField a b -> IO c Source #

(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (NumEntryField a b) c Source # 


text :: c -> Config (NumEntryField a b) Source #

getText :: NumEntryField a b -> IO c Source #

(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (EntryField a b) c Source # 


text :: c -> Config (EntryField a b) Source #

getText :: EntryField a b -> IO c Source #

class GUIObject w => HasFont w where Source #

Objects with a configureable font instantiate the class HasFont.


font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config w Source #

getFont :: w -> IO Font Source #


HasFont Message Source #

You can specify the font of a message widget.

HasFont Menu Source #

You can specify the font of a menu.

HasFont Editor Source #

You can specify the font of an editor widget.

HasFont MenuCascade Source #

You can specify the font of a menu cascade item.

HasFont MenuCheckButton Source #

You can specify the font of a menu checkbutton.

HasFont MenuCommand Source #

You can specify the font of a menu command.

HasFont MenuRadioButton Source #

You can specify the font of a menu radiobutton.

HasFont TextTag Source #

A text tag has a configureable font.

HasFont Button Source #

You can specify the font of a button.

HasFont Label Source #

You can specify the font of a label.

HasFont MenuButton Source #

You can specify the font of a menubutton.

HasFont TextItem Source #

You can specify the font of a text item.

HasFont SpinButton Source #

A spin button has a configureable font.

HasFont (Scale a) Source #

A scale widget has a configureable font.


font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config (Scale a) Source #

getFont :: Scale a -> IO Font Source #

HasFont (ListBox a) Source #

You can specify the font of a listbox.

HasFont (OptionMenu a) Source #

You can specify the font of an option menu.

HasFont (Entry a) Source #

You can specify the font of an entry field.


font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config (Entry a) Source #

getFont :: Entry a -> IO Font Source #

HasFont (CheckButton a) Source #

You can specify the font of a checkbutton.

HasFont (RadioButton a) Source #

You can specify the font of a check button.

HasFont (Prompt a) Source #

A propt has a configureable font.


font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config (Prompt a) Source #

getFont :: Prompt a -> IO Font Source #

HasFont (InputForm a) Source # 
HasFont (RecordField a b) Source # 
HasFont (EnumField a b) Source # 


font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config (EnumField a b) Source #

getFont :: EnumField a b -> IO Font Source #

HasFont (TextField a b) Source # 


font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config (TextField a b) Source #

getFont :: TextField a b -> IO Font Source #

HasFont (CheckboxField a b) Source # 
HasFont (NumEntryField a b) Source # 
HasFont (EntryField a b) Source # 

class GUIObject w => HasUnderline w where Source #

Objects that have a text underline configure option instantiate th class HasUnderline.


HasUnderline MenuCascade Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuCheckButton Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuCommand Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuRadioButton Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline Button Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline Label Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuButton Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline (CheckButton a) Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline (RadioButton a) Source #

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

class GUIObject w => HasJustify w where Source #

Objects that have a configureable text justification instantiate the class HasJustify.


HasJustify Message Source #

A message widget has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuCascade Source #

A menu cascade item has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuCheckButton Source #

A menu checkbutton has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuCommand Source #

A menu command has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuRadioButton Source #

A menu radiobutton has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify TextTag Source #

A text tag has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify Button Source #

A button has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify Label Source #

A label has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuButton Source #

A menu button has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify TextItem Source #

A text item has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify (Entry a) Source #

An entry field has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify (CheckButton a) Source #

A checkbutton has a text justification configuration.

HasJustify (RadioButton a) Source #

A radiobutton has a configureable text justification.

class GUIObject w => HasGrid w where Source #

Objects that support geometry gridding instantiate the class HasGrid.

class GUIObject w => HasOrientation w where Source #

Oriented objects instantiate the class HasOrientation.


HasOrientation Space Source #

The space widgets orientation can either be vertical or Horizontal.

HasOrientation Box Source #

A box'es packing orientation is configureable.

HasOrientation ScrollBar Source #

The scrollbars orientation can be Horizontal or Vertical.

HasOrientation MenuSeparator Source #

A menu separator has either a vertival or a horizontal orientation.

HasOrientation IconBar Source #

An icon bar has either a vertical or horizontal orientation.

HasOrientation Separator Source #

A spearator widget has an orientation (Horizontal or Vertical)

HasOrientation (Scale a) Source #

A scale widget's orientation can either be vertical or horizontal.

class GUIObject w => HasFile w where Source #

Objects associated with a file instantiate the class HasFile.

Minimal complete definition

filename, getFileName


HasFile Image Source #

Images can be read from files.

HasFile BitMap Source #

Bitmaps can be read from files.

class GUIObject w => HasAlign w where Source #

Objects with a configureable alignment instantiate the class HasAlign.

class HasIncrement w a where Source #

Incrementable objects (e.g. scale wigdgets) instantiate the class HasIncrement.

Minimal complete definition

increment, getIncrement


increment :: a -> Config w Source #

getIncrement :: w -> IO a Source #


ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Slider (Scale a)) a Source #

A scale's slider has a configureable resulution.

ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Scale a) a Source #

A scale widget has a configureable incrementation interval.


increment :: a -> Config (Scale a) Source #

getIncrement :: Scale a -> IO a Source #

class GUIObject w => HasEnable w where Source #

Stateful objects that can be enabled or disabled instantiate the class HasEnable.


HasEnable ScrollBar Source #

A scrollbar widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable Canvas Source #

A canvas widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable Editor Source #

A editor widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuCascade Source #

A menu cascade item is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuCheckButton Source #

A menu checkbutton is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuCommand Source #

A menu command is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuRadioButton Source #

A menu radiobutton is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable Button Source #

A button widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuButton Source #

A menubutton widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable IconBar Source #

An icon bar is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable SelectBox Source #

A select box is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable SpinButton Source #

A spin button is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (Scale a) Source #

A scale widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (ListBox a) Source #

A listbox is a stateful widget - it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (OptionMenu a) Source #

An option menu is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (Entry a) Source #

An entry field is a stateful widget - it can be enabled of disabled.

GUIValue a => HasEnable (ComboBox a) Source #

A combo box widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (CheckButton a) Source #

A checkbutton widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (RadioButton a) Source #

A radiobutton widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (Prompt a) Source #

A prompt is a stateful component, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (InputForm a) Source # 
HasEnable (RecordField a b) Source # 
HasEnable (EnumField a b) Source # 
HasEnable (TextField a b) Source # 
HasEnable (CheckboxField a b) Source # 
HasEnable (NumEntryField a b) Source # 
HasEnable (EntryField a b) Source # 

class GUIObject w => HasAnchor w where Source #

Objects that have an anchor position instantiate the class HasAnchor.


HasAnchor Message Source #

An message widget has a text anchor.

HasAnchor Button Source #

A button has a text anchor.

HasAnchor Label Source #

A label has a text anchor.

HasAnchor MenuButton Source #

A menubutton has a text anchor.

HasAnchor TextItem Source #

An anchor defines where a text item is placed relative to the given position.

HasAnchor (OptionMenu a) Source #

An option menu has a text anchor.

GUIValue a => HasAnchor (ComboBox a) Source #

A combo box widget has a text anchor.

HasAnchor (CheckButton a) Source #

A checkbutton has a text anchor.

class GUIObject w => HasBBox w i where Source #

Objects or sets of objects with a bounding box (e.g. canvas tags) instantiate the class HasBBox.

Minimal complete definition



bbox :: w -> i -> IO (Maybe (Distance, Distance, Distance, Distance)) Source #


GUIObject c => HasBBox Canvas c Source #

You can request the bounding box size of a canvas item (use a canvas tag for the bounding box of a set of items).

HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => HasBBox Editor i Source #

You can find out the bounding box of characters inside an editor widget.

HasIndex (ListBox a) i Int => HasBBox (ListBox a) i Source #

You can find out the bounding box of a list box element.