wumpus-basic-0.21.0: Basic objects and system code built on Wumpus-Core.

Stabilityhighly unstable




LocImage and LocGraphic types - these are functional types from the DrawingContext and start point to a graphic primitive.



data LocImage u a Source

LocThetaImage - function from start point and DrawingContext to a polymorphic answer and a graphic primitive (PrimW).

type DLocImage a = LocImage Double aSource

Type specialized version of LocImage.

type DLocGraphic = LocGraphic DoubleSource

Type specialized version of LocGraphic.

emptyLocImage :: Monoid a => LocImage u aSource

Having empty at the specific LocImage type is useful.

at :: InterpretUnit u => LocImage u a -> Point2 u -> Image u aSource

Downcast a LocImage function by applying it to the supplied point, making an Image.

Composing LocImages

distrib :: (Monoid a, InterpretUnit u) => Vec2 u -> [LocImage u a] -> LocImage u aSource

distribH :: (Monoid a, InterpretUnit u) => u -> [LocImage u a] -> LocImage u aSource

distribV :: (Monoid a, InterpretUnit u) => u -> [LocImage u a] -> LocImage u aSource

duplicate :: (Monoid a, InterpretUnit u) => Int -> Vec2 u -> LocImage u a -> LocImage u aSource

This is analogue to replicate in the Prelude.

duplicateH :: (Monoid a, InterpretUnit u) => Int -> u -> LocImage u a -> LocImage u aSource

duplicateV :: (Monoid a, InterpretUnit u) => Int -> u -> LocImage u a -> LocImage u aSource