freckle-app- Haskell application toolkit used at Freckle
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Parse the shell environment for configuration

A minor extension of envparse.


import Freckle.App.Env

data Config = Config -- Example
  { cBatchSize :: Natural
  , cDryRun :: Bool
  , cLogLevel :: LogLevel

loadConfig :: IO Config
loadConfig = parse $ Config
  <$> var auto "BATCH_SIZE" (def 1)
  <*> switch "DRY_RUN" mempty
  <*> flag (Off LevelInfo) (On LevelDebug) "DEBUG" mempty


data Info e #

Parser's metadata

data Error #

The type of errors returned by envparse's Readers. These fall into 3 categories:

  • Variables that are unset in the environment.
  • Variables whose value is empty.
  • Variables whose value cannot be parsed.


Instances details
Show Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error


showsPrec :: Int -> Error -> ShowS #

show :: Error -> String #

showList :: [Error] -> ShowS #

AsEmpty Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error


empty :: Error #

tryEmpty :: Error -> Maybe () #

AsUnread Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error

AsUnset Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error


unset :: Error #

tryUnset :: Error -> Maybe () #

Eq Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error


(==) :: Error -> Error -> Bool #

(/=) :: Error -> Error -> Bool #

type Reader e a = String -> Either e a #

An environment variable's value parser. Use (<=<) and (>=>) to combine these

data Parser e a #

An environment parser


Instances details
Alternative (Parser e) 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


empty :: Parser e a #

(<|>) :: Parser e a -> Parser e a -> Parser e a #

some :: Parser e a -> Parser e [a] #

many :: Parser e a -> Parser e [a] #

Applicative (Parser e) 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


pure :: a -> Parser e a #

(<*>) :: Parser e (a -> b) -> Parser e a -> Parser e b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser e a -> Parser e b -> Parser e c #

(*>) :: Parser e a -> Parser e b -> Parser e b #

(<*) :: Parser e a -> Parser e b -> Parser e a #

Functor (Parser e) 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser e a -> Parser e b #

(<$) :: a -> Parser e b -> Parser e a #

data Mod (t :: Type -> Type) a #

This represents a modification of the properties of a particular Parser. Combine them using the Monoid instance.


Instances details
Monoid (Mod t a) 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


mempty :: Mod t a #

mappend :: Mod t a -> Mod t a -> Mod t a #

mconcat :: [Mod t a] -> Mod t a #

Semigroup (Mod t a) 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


(<>) :: Mod t a -> Mod t a -> Mod t a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Mod t a) -> Mod t a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Mod t a -> Mod t a #

class AsUnread e where #

The class of types that contain and can be constructed from the error returned from parsing variable whose value cannot be parsed.


unread :: String -> e #

tryUnread :: e -> Maybe String #


Instances details
AsUnread Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error

class AsEmpty e where #

The class of types that contain and can be constructed from the error returned from parsing variables whose value is empty.


empty :: e #

tryEmpty :: e -> Maybe () #


Instances details
AsEmpty Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error


empty :: Error #

tryEmpty :: Error -> Maybe () #

class AsUnset e where #

The class of types that contain and can be constructed from the error returned from parsing unset variables.


unset :: e #

tryUnset :: e -> Maybe () #


Instances details
AsUnset Error 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Error


unset :: Error #

tryUnset :: Error -> Maybe () #

class HasHelp (t :: Type -> Type) #

A class of things that can have a help message attached to them

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
HasHelp Flag 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


setHelp :: String -> Flag a -> Flag a

HasHelp Var 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


setHelp :: String -> Var a -> Var a

data Flag a #

Flag metadata


Instances details
HasHelp Flag 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


setHelp :: String -> Flag a -> Flag a

data Var a #

Environment variable metadata


Instances details
HasHelp Var 
Instance details

Defined in Env.Internal.Parser


setHelp :: String -> Var a -> Var a

type ErrorHandler e = String -> e -> Maybe String #

Given a variable name and an error value, try to produce a useful error message

parse :: AsUnset e => (Info Error -> Info e) -> Parser e a -> IO a #

Parse the environment or die

Prints the help text and exits with EXIT_FAILURE on encountering a parse error.

>>> parse (header "env-parse 0.2.0") (var str "USER" (def "nobody"))

(<>) :: Semigroup a => a -> a -> a infixr 6 #

An associative operation.

>>> [1,2,3] <> [4,5,6]

(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c infixr 1 #

Left-to-right composition of Kleisli arrows.

'(bs >=> cs) a' can be understood as the do expression

do b <- bs a
   cs b

(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c infixr 1 #

Right-to-left composition of Kleisli arrows. (>=>), with the arguments flipped.

Note how this operator resembles function composition (.):

(.)   ::            (b ->   c) -> (a ->   b) -> a ->   c
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c

char :: AsUnread e => Reader e Char #

The single character string reader

optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a) #

One or none.

It is useful for modelling any computation that is allowed to fail.



Using the Alternative instance of Control.Monad.Except, the following functions:

>>> import Control.Monad.Except
>>> canFail = throwError "it failed" :: Except String Int
>>> final = return 42                :: Except String Int

Can be combined by allowing the first function to fail:

>>> runExcept $ canFail *> final
Left "it failed"
>>> runExcept $ optional canFail *> final
Right 42

asum :: (Foldable t, Alternative f) => t (f a) -> f a #

The sum of a collection of actions using (<|>), generalizing concat.

asum is just like msum, but generalised to Alternative.



Basic usage:

>>> asum [Just "Hello", Nothing, Just "World"]
Just "Hello"

splitOn :: Char -> Reader e [String] #

The reader that splits a string into a list of strings consuming the separator.

var :: AsUnset e => Reader e a -> String -> Mod Var a -> Parser e a #

Parse a particular variable from the environment

>>> var str "EDITOR" (def "vim" <> helpDef show)

footer :: String -> Info e -> Info e #

Set the help text footer (it usually includes examples)

header :: String -> Info e -> Info e #

Set the help text header (it usually includes the application's name and version)

def :: a -> Mod Var a #

The default value of the variable

Note: specifying it means the parser won't ever fail.

parsePure :: AsUnset e => Parser e a -> [(String, String)] -> Either [(String, e)] a #

Try to parse a pure environment

prefixed :: String -> Parser e a -> Parser e a #

The string to prepend to the name of every declared environment variable

sensitive :: Parser e a -> Parser e a #

Mark the enclosed variables as sensitive to remove them from the environment once they've been parsed successfully.

switch :: String -> Mod Flag Bool -> Parser e Bool #

A simple boolean flag

Note: this parser never fails.

str :: IsString s => Reader e s #

The trivial reader

nonempty :: (AsEmpty e, IsString s) => Reader e s #

The reader that accepts only non-empty strings

auto :: (AsUnread e, Read a) => Reader e a #

The reader that uses the Read instance of the type

helpDef :: (a -> String) -> Mod Var a #

Show the default value of the variable in help.

help :: forall (t :: Type -> Type) a. HasHelp t => String -> Mod t a #

Attach help text to the variable

helpDoc :: Parser e a -> String #

A pretty-printed list of recognized environment variables suitable for usage messages

desc :: String -> Info e -> Info e #

Set the short description

handleError :: ErrorHandler e -> Info x -> Info e #

An error handler

defaultErrorHandler :: (AsUnset e, AsEmpty e, AsUnread e) => ErrorHandler e #

The default error handler

parseOr :: AsUnset e => (String -> IO a) -> (Info Error -> Info e) -> Parser e b -> IO (Either a b) #

Try to parse the environment

Use this if simply dying on failure (the behavior of parse) is inadequate for your needs.


newtype Off a Source #

Designates the value of a parameter when a flag is not provided.


Off a 

newtype On a Source #

Designates the value of a parameter when a flag is provided.


On a 

flag :: Off a -> On a -> String -> Mod Flag a -> Parser Error a Source #

Parse a simple flag

If the variable is present and non-empty in the environment, the active value is returned, otherwise the default is used.

>>> import Blammo.Logging (LogLevel(..))
>>> flag (Off LevelInfo) (On LevelDebug) "DEBUG" mempty `parsePure` [("DEBUG", "1")]
Right LevelDebug
>>> flag (Off LevelInfo) (On LevelDebug) "DEBUG" mempty `parsePure` [("DEBUG", "")]
Right LevelInfo
>>> flag (Off LevelInfo) (On LevelDebug) "DEBUG" mempty `parsePure` []
Right LevelInfo

N.B. only the empty string is falsey:

>>> flag (Off LevelInfo) (On LevelDebug) "DEBUG" mempty `parsePure` [("DEBUG", "false")]
Right LevelDebug
>>> flag (Off LevelInfo) (On LevelDebug) "DEBUG" mempty `parsePure` [("DEBUG", "no")]
Right LevelDebug


data Timeout Source #

Represents a timeout in seconds or milliseconds


Instances details
Show Timeout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Freckle.App.Env

Eq Timeout Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Freckle.App.Env


(==) :: Timeout -> Timeout -> Bool #

(/=) :: Timeout -> Timeout -> Bool #

eitherReader :: (String -> Either String a) -> Reader Error a Source #

Create a Reader from a simple parser function

This is a building-block for other Readers

time :: String -> Reader Error UTCTime Source #

Read a time value using the given format

>>> var (time "%Y-%m-%d") "TIME" mempty `parsePure` [("TIME", "1985-02-12")]
Right 1985-02-12 00:00:00 UTC
>>> var (time "%Y-%m-%d") "TIME" mempty `parsePure` [("TIME", "10:00PM")]
Left [("TIME",UnreadError "unable to parse time as %Y-%m-%d: \"10:00PM\"")]

keyValues :: Reader Error [(Text, Text)] Source #

Read key-value pairs

>>> var keyValues "TAGS" mempty `parsePure` [("TAGS", "foo:bar,baz:bat")]
Right [("foo","bar"),("baz","bat")]

Value-less keys are not supported:

>>> var keyValues "TAGS" mempty `parsePure` [("TAGS", "foo,baz:bat")]
Left [("TAGS",UnreadError "Key foo has no value: \"foo\"")]

Nor are key-less values:

>>> var keyValues "TAGS" mempty `parsePure` [("TAGS", "foo:bar,:bat")]
Left [("TAGS",UnreadError "Value bat has no key: \":bat\"")]

splitOnParse :: Char -> Reader e a -> Reader e [a] Source #

Use splitOn then call the given Reader on each element

splitOnParse c pure == splitOn c
>>> var (splitOnParse @Error ',' nonempty) "X" mempty `parsePure` [("X", "a,b")]
Right ["a","b"]
>>> var (splitOnParse @Error ',' nonempty) "X" mempty `parsePure` [("X", ",,")]
Left [("X",EmptyError)]

timeout :: Reader Error Timeout Source #

Read a timeout value as seconds or milliseconds

>>> var timeout "TIMEOUT" mempty `parsePure` [("TIMEOUT", "10")]
Right (TimeoutSeconds 10)
>>> var timeout "TIMEOUT" mempty `parsePure` [("TIMEOUT", "10s")]
Right (TimeoutSeconds 10)
>>> var timeout "TIMEOUT" mempty `parsePure` [("TIMEOUT", "10ms")]
Right (TimeoutMilliseconds 10)
>>> var timeout "TIMEOUT" mempty `parsePure` [("TIMEOUT", "20m")]
Left [("TIMEOUT",UnreadError "must be {digits}(s|ms): \"20m\"")]
>>> var timeout "TIMEOUT" mempty `parsePure` [("TIMEOUT", "2m0")]
Left [("TIMEOUT",UnreadError "must be {digits}(s|ms): \"2m0\"")]