hoist-error- Some convenience facilities for hoisting errors into a monad
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides helper functions for lifting partiality types into error-carrying monads like ExceptT.

For example, consider the following App monad that may throw BadPacket errors:

data AppError = BadPacket Text

newtype App a = App (EitherT AppError IO) a
 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadError AppError, MonadIO)

We may have an existing function that attempts to parse a ByteString:

parsePacket :: ByteString -> Either Text Packet

We can lift this error into the App monad using (<%?>):

appParsePacket :: ByteString -> App Packet
appParsePacket s = parsePacket s <%?> BadPacket

Instances also exist for extracting errors from other partiality types like Either e and ExceptT e m.



hoistError :: (PluckError e t m, MonadError e' m) => (e -> e') -> t a -> m a Source #

Given a conversion from the error in t a to e', we can hoist the computation into m.

hoistError :: MonadError e m -> (() -> e) -> Maybe       a -> m a
hoistError :: MonadError e m -> (a  -> e) -> Either  a   b -> m b
hoistError :: MonadError e m -> (a  -> e) -> ExceptT a m b -> m b

hoistErrorM :: (PluckError e t m, MonadError e' m) => (e -> e') -> m (t a) -> m a Source #

A version of hoistError that operates on values already in the monad.

hoistErrorM :: MonadError e m => (() -> e) -> m (Maybe       a) ->           m a
hoistErrorM :: MonadError e m => (a  -> e) -> m (Either  a   b) ->           m b
hoistErrorM :: MonadError e m => (a  -> e) ->    ExceptT a m b  -> ExceptT a m b


The operators in this package are named according to a scheme:

  • (<?>) is the simplest error-handling function: it replaces any error with its second argument.
  • The additional ! in (<!?>) and (<%!?>) means the operator handles values that are already "in a monad".
  • The additional % in (<%?>) and (<%!?>) means the operator takes a function argument, which it applies to the error from the partiality type. (The mnemonic is that % sometimes means "mod", and we abuse "mod" as a shorthand for "modify". It's a long bow, but lens uses the same mnemonic.)

(<%?>) :: (PluckError e t m, MonadError e' m) => t a -> (e -> e') -> m a infixl 8 Source #

A flipped synonym for hoistError.

(<%?>) :: MonadError e m => Maybe       a -> (() -> e) ->           m a
(<%?>) :: MonadError e m => Either  a   b -> (a  -> e) ->           m b
(<%?>) :: MonadError e m => ExceptT a m b -> (a  -> e) -> ExceptT a m b

(<%!?>) :: (PluckError e t m, MonadError e' m) => m (t a) -> (e -> e') -> m a infixl 8 Source #

A flipped synonym for hoistErrorM.

(<%!?>) :: MonadError e m => m (Maybe       a) -> (() -> e) ->           m a
(<%!?>) :: MonadError e m => m (Either  a   b) -> (a  -> e) ->           m b
(<%!?>) :: MonadError e m =>    ExceptT a m b  -> (a  -> e) -> ExceptT a m b

(<?>) :: (PluckError e t m, MonadError e' m) => t a -> e' -> m a infixl 8 Source #

A version of <%?> that ignores the error in t a and replaces it with a new one.

(<?>) :: MonadError e m => Maybe       a -> e ->           m a
(<?>) :: MonadError e m => Either  a   b -> e ->           m b
(<?>) :: MonadError e m => ExceptT a m b -> e -> ExceptT a m b

(<!?>) :: (PluckError e t m, MonadError e' m) => m (t a) -> e' -> m a infixl 8 Source #

A version of <?> that operates on values already in the monad.

(<!?>) :: MonadError e m => m (Maybe       a) -> e ->           m a
(<!?>) :: MonadError e m => m (Either  a   b) -> e ->           m b
(<!?>) :: MonadError e m =>    ExceptT a m b  -> e -> ExceptT a m b

Helper class

class PluckError e t m | t -> e where Source #

A class for plucking an error e out of a partiality type t.

Minimal complete definition

pluckError | foldError


pluckError :: t a -> m (Either e a) Source #

default pluckError :: Applicative m => t a -> m (Either e a) Source #

foldError :: (e -> m r) -> (a -> m r) -> t a -> m r Source #

default foldError :: Monad m => (e -> m r) -> (a -> m r) -> t a -> m r Source #


Instances details
(Applicative m, e ~ ()) => PluckError e Maybe m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Error.Hoist


pluckError :: Maybe a -> m (Either e a) Source #

foldError :: (e -> m r) -> (a -> m r) -> Maybe a -> m r Source #

Applicative m => PluckError e (Either e) m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Error.Hoist


pluckError :: Either e a -> m (Either e a) Source #

foldError :: (e -> m r) -> (a -> m r) -> Either e a -> m r Source #

Monad m => PluckError e (ExceptT e m) m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Error.Hoist


pluckError :: ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

foldError :: (e -> m r) -> (a -> m r) -> ExceptT e m a -> m r Source #