tmp-proc-zipkin- Launch ZipKin in docker using tmp-proc
Copyright(c) 2020-2021 Tim Emiola
MaintainerTim Emiola < >
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Provides an instance of Proc that launches ZipKin as a tmp proc.

The instance this module provides can be used in integration tests as is.

It's also possible to write other instances that launch ZipKin in different ways; for those, this instance can be used as a reference example.


Proc instance

data TmpZipkin Source #

Provides the capability to launch a Zipkin instance as a tmp proc.




Instances details
Connectable TmpZipkin Source #

Specifies how to connect to a tmp ZipKin service.

In this case, there is not really a connection type, but Zipkin provides a close analogue.

Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

Associated Types

type Conn TmpZipkin = (conn :: Type) #

Proc TmpZipkin Source #

Specifies how to run ZipKin as a tmp proc.

Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

Associated Types

type Image TmpZipkin :: Symbol #

type Name TmpZipkin = (labelName :: Symbol) #

type Conn TmpZipkin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

type Image TmpZipkin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

type Image TmpZipkin = "openzipkin/zipkin-slim"
type Name TmpZipkin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

type Name TmpZipkin = "a-zipkin-server"

Useful definitions

aProc :: HList '[TmpZipkin] Source #

A singleton HList containing a TmpZipkin.

aHandle :: IO (HandlesOf '[TmpZipkin]) Source #

An HList that just contains the handle created by aProc.


class (KnownSymbol (Image a), KnownSymbol (Name a)) => Proc a where #

Specifies how to launch a temporary process using Docker.

Minimal complete definition

uriOf, reset, ping

Associated Types

type Image a :: Symbol #

The image name of the docker image, e.g, postgres:10.6

type Name a = (labelName :: Symbol) | labelName -> a #

A label used to refer to running process created from this image, e.g, a-postgres-db


runArgs :: [Text] #

Additional arguments to the docker command that launches the tmp proc.

uriOf :: HostIpAddress -> SvcURI #

Determines the service URI of the process, when applicable.

reset :: ProcHandle a -> IO () #

Resets some state in a tmp proc service.

ping :: ProcHandle a -> IO Pinged #

Checks if the tmp proc started ok.

pingCount :: Natural #

Maximum number of pings to perform during startup.

pingGap :: Natural #

Number of milliseconds between pings.


Instances details
Proc TmpZipkin Source #

Specifies how to run ZipKin as a tmp proc.

Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

Associated Types

type Image TmpZipkin :: Symbol #

type Name TmpZipkin = (labelName :: Symbol) #

type family Name a = (labelName :: Symbol) | labelName -> a #

A label used to refer to running process created from this image, e.g, a-postgres-db


Instances details
type Name TmpZipkin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

type Name TmpZipkin = "a-zipkin-server"

data HList (a :: [Type]) where #

Defines a Heterogenous list.


HNil :: HList ('[] :: [Type]) 
HCons :: forall anyTy (manyTys :: [Type]). anyTy -> HList manyTys -> HList (anyTy ': manyTys) infixr 5 


Instances details
(Show x, Show (HList xs)) => Show (HList (x ': xs)) 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


showsPrec :: Int -> HList (x ': xs) -> ShowS #

show :: HList (x ': xs) -> String #

showList :: [HList (x ': xs)] -> ShowS #

Show (HList ('[] :: [Type])) 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


showsPrec :: Int -> HList '[] -> ShowS #

show :: HList '[] -> String #

showList :: [HList '[]] -> ShowS #

(Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList (x ': xs)) 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


(==) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

(/=) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool #

Eq (HList ('[] :: [Type])) 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


(==) :: HList '[] -> HList '[] -> Bool #

(/=) :: HList '[] -> HList '[] -> Bool #

type HandlesOf (procs :: [Type]) = HList (Proc2Handle procs) #

A list of ProcHandle values.

type SvcURI = ByteString #

A connection string used to access the service once its running.

type HostIpAddress = Text #

The IP address of the docker host.

data Pinged #

Indicates the result of pinging a Proc.

If the ping succeeds, ping should return OK.

ping should catch any exceptions that are expected when the Procs service is not available and return NotOK.

startupAll uses PingFailed to report any unexpected exceptions that escape ping.



The service is running OK.


The service is not running.

PingFailed Text

Contact to the service failed unexpectedly.


Instances details
Show Pinged 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker

Eq Pinged 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker


(==) :: Pinged -> Pinged -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pinged -> Pinged -> Bool #

type family Image a :: Symbol #

The image name of the docker image, e.g, postgres:10.6


Instances details
type Image TmpZipkin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

type Image TmpZipkin = "openzipkin/zipkin-slim"

class Proc a => Connectable a where #

Specifies how to a get a connection to a Proc.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type Conn a = (conn :: Type) | conn -> a #

The connection type.


openConn :: ProcHandle a -> IO (Conn a) #

Get a connection to the Proc via its ProcHandle.

closeConn :: Conn a -> IO () #

Close a connection to a Proc.


Instances details
Connectable TmpZipkin Source #

Specifies how to connect to a tmp ZipKin service.

In this case, there is not really a connection type, but Zipkin provides a close analogue.

Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

Associated Types

type Conn TmpZipkin = (conn :: Type) #

type family Conn a = (conn :: Type) | conn -> a #

The connection type.


Instances details
type Conn TmpZipkin Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker.Zipkin

data ProcHandle a where #

Provides access to a Proc that has been started.

Bundled Patterns

pattern ProcHandle

A pattern constructor the provides selectors for the ProcHandle fields

The selectors are readonly, i.e they only match in pattern context since ProcHandles cannot be constructed directly; they are obtained@ through startupAll or startup


  • :: a

    the Proc that led to this ProcHandle

  • -> String

    the docker process ID corresponding to the started container

  • -> SvcURI

    the URI to the test service instance

  • -> HostIpAddress

    the IP address of the test service instance

  • -> ProcHandle a

only :: x -> HList '[x] #

Construct a singleton HList

startupAll :: forall (procs :: [Type]). AreProcs procs => HList procs -> IO (HandlesOf procs) #

Start up processes for each Proc type

the processes' are able to communicate via a docker network with a unique generated name

toPinged :: Exception e => Proxy e -> IO a -> IO Pinged #

Use an action that might throw an exception as a ping.

withTmpConn :: Connectable a => ProcHandle a -> (Conn a -> IO b) -> IO b #

Run an action on a Connectable handle as a callback on its Conn