what4-1.6: Solver-agnostic symbolic values support for issuing queries
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data Binop (inTp :: BaseType) (outTp :: BaseType) where Source #

A type for Verilog binary operators that enforces well-typedness, including bitvector size constraints.

binopType :: Binop inTp outTp -> BaseTypeRepr inTp -> BaseTypeRepr outTp Source #

data Unop (tp :: BaseType) where Source #

A type for Verilog unary operators that enforces well-typedness.


Not :: Unop BaseBoolType 
BVNot :: Unop (BaseBVType w) 

data IExp (tp :: BaseType) where Source #

A type for Verilog expression names that enforces well-typedness. This type exists essentially to pair a name and type to avoid needing to repeat them and ensure that all uses of the name are well-typed.


Ident :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> Identifier -> IExp tp 

data Exp (tp :: BaseType) where Source #

A type for Verilog expressions that enforces well-typedness, including bitvector size constraints.


IExp :: IExp tp -> Exp tp 
Binop :: Binop inTp outTp -> IExp inTp -> IExp inTp -> Exp outTp 
Unop :: Unop tp -> IExp tp -> Exp tp 
BVRotateL :: NatRepr w -> IExp tp -> BV w -> Exp tp 
BVRotateR :: NatRepr w -> IExp tp -> BV w -> Exp tp 
Mux :: IExp BaseBoolType -> IExp tp -> IExp tp -> Exp tp 
Bit :: IExp (BaseBVType w) -> Integer -> Exp BaseBoolType 
BitSelect :: (1 <= len, (start + len) <= w) => IExp (BaseBVType w) -> NatRepr start -> NatRepr len -> Exp (BaseBVType len) 
Concat :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> [Some IExp] -> Exp (BaseBVType w) 
BVLit :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> BV w -> Exp (BaseBVType w) 
BoolLit :: Bool -> Exp BaseBoolType 

mkLet :: Exp tp -> VerilogM sym n (IExp tp) Source #

Create a let binding, associating a name with an expression. In Verilog, this is a new "wire".

signed :: IExp tp -> VerilogM sym n (IExp tp) Source #

Indicate than an expression name is signed. This causes arithmetic operations involving this name to be interpreted as signed operations.

binop :: Binop inTp outTp -> IExp inTp -> IExp inTp -> VerilogM sym n (IExp outTp) Source #

Apply a binary operation to two expressions and bind the result to a new, returned name.

scalMult :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> Binop (BaseBVType w) (BaseBVType w) -> BV w -> IExp (BaseBVType w) -> VerilogM sym n (IExp (BaseBVType w)) Source #

A special binary operation for scalar multiplication. This avoids the need to call litBV at every call site.

data BVConst Source #

A wrapper around the BV type allowing it to be put into a map or set. We use this to make sure we generate only one instance of each distinct constant.


BVConst (Pair NatRepr BV) 


Instances details
Eq BVConst Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


(==) :: BVConst -> BVConst -> Bool #

(/=) :: BVConst -> BVConst -> Bool #

Ord BVConst Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST

litBV :: 1 <= w => NatRepr w -> BV w -> VerilogM sym n (IExp (BaseBVType w)) Source #

Return the (possibly-cached) name for a literal bitvector value.

litBool :: Bool -> VerilogM sym n (IExp BaseBoolType) Source #

Return the (possibly-cached) name for a literal Boolean value.

unop :: Unop tp -> IExp tp -> VerilogM sym n (IExp tp) Source #

Apply a unary operation to an expression and bind the result to a new, returned name.

mux :: IExp BaseBoolType -> IExp tp -> IExp tp -> VerilogM sym n (IExp tp) Source #

Create a conditional, with the given condition, true, and false branches, and bind the result to a new, returned name.

bit :: IExp (BaseBVType w) -> Integer -> VerilogM sym n (IExp BaseBoolType) Source #

Extract a single bit from a bit vector and bind the result to a new, returned name.

bitSelect :: (1 <= len, (idx + len) <= w) => IExp (BaseBVType w) -> NatRepr idx -> NatRepr len -> VerilogM sym n (IExp (BaseBVType len)) Source #

Extract a range of bits from a bit vector and bind the result to a new, returned name. The two NatRepr values are the starting index and the number of bits to extract, respectively.

concat2 :: (w ~ (w1 + w2), 1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> IExp (BaseBVType w1) -> IExp (BaseBVType w2) -> VerilogM sym n (IExp (BaseBVType w)) Source #

Concatenate two bit vectors and bind the result to a new, returned name.

data Item where Source #

A data type for items that may show up in a Verilog module.


Input :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> Identifier -> Item 
Output :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> Identifier -> Item 
Wire :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> Identifier -> Item 
Assign :: LHS -> Exp tp -> Item 

data ModuleState sym n Source #

Necessary monadic operations





Instances details
MonadState (ModuleState sym n) (VerilogM sym n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


get :: VerilogM sym n (ModuleState sym n) #

put :: ModuleState sym n -> VerilogM sym n () #

state :: (ModuleState sym n -> (a, ModuleState sym n)) -> VerilogM sym n a #

newtype VerilogM sym n a Source #


VerilogM (StateT (ModuleState sym n) (ExceptT String IO) a) 


Instances details
MonadError String (VerilogM sym n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


throwError :: String -> VerilogM sym n a #

catchError :: VerilogM sym n a -> (String -> VerilogM sym n a) -> VerilogM sym n a #

MonadIO (VerilogM sym n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


liftIO :: IO a -> VerilogM sym n a #

Applicative (VerilogM sym n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


pure :: a -> VerilogM sym n a #

(<*>) :: VerilogM sym n (a -> b) -> VerilogM sym n a -> VerilogM sym n b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> VerilogM sym n a -> VerilogM sym n b -> VerilogM sym n c #

(*>) :: VerilogM sym n a -> VerilogM sym n b -> VerilogM sym n b #

(<*) :: VerilogM sym n a -> VerilogM sym n b -> VerilogM sym n a #

Functor (VerilogM sym n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


fmap :: (a -> b) -> VerilogM sym n a -> VerilogM sym n b #

(<$) :: a -> VerilogM sym n b -> VerilogM sym n a #

Monad (VerilogM sym n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


(>>=) :: VerilogM sym n a -> (a -> VerilogM sym n b) -> VerilogM sym n b #

(>>) :: VerilogM sym n a -> VerilogM sym n b -> VerilogM sym n b #

return :: a -> VerilogM sym n a #

MonadState (ModuleState sym n) (VerilogM sym n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in What4.Protocol.VerilogWriter.AST


get :: VerilogM sym n (ModuleState sym n) #

put :: ModuleState sym n -> VerilogM sym n () #

state :: (ModuleState sym n -> (a, ModuleState sym n)) -> VerilogM sym n a #

newtype Module sym n Source #


Module (ModuleState sym n) 

mkModule :: sym -> [(Some (Expr n), Text)] -> [VerilogM sym n (Some IExp)] -> ExceptT String IO (Module sym n) Source #

Create a Verilog module in the context of a given What4 symbolic backend and a monadic computation that returns an expression name that corresponds to the module's output.

runVerilogM :: VerilogM sym n a -> ModuleState sym n -> ExceptT String IO (a, ModuleState sym n) Source #

execVerilogM :: sym -> VerilogM sym n a -> ExceptT String IO (ModuleState sym n) Source #

addFreshInput :: Some (Nonce n) -> Some BaseTypeRepr -> Identifier -> VerilogM sym n Identifier Source #

Returns and records a fresh input with the given type and with a name constructed from the given base.

addOutput :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> Identifier -> Exp tp -> VerilogM sym n () Source #

Add an output to the current Verilog module state, given a type, a name, and an initializer expression.

addWire :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> Bool -> Identifier -> Exp tp -> VerilogM sym n () Source #

Add a new wire to the current Verilog module state, given a type, a signedness flag, a name, and an initializer expression.

freshIdentifier :: Text -> VerilogM sym n Identifier Source #

Create a fresh identifier by concatenating the given base with the current fresh identifier counter.

addFreshWire :: BaseTypeRepr tp -> Bool -> Text -> Exp tp -> VerilogM sym n Identifier Source #

Add a new wire to the current Verilog module state, given a type, a signedness flag, the prefix of a name, and an initializer expression. The name prefix will be freshened by appending current value of the fresh variable counter.