opaleye- An SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data Returning fields haskells where Source #

Represents a RETURNING statement for a manipulation query.


Count :: Returning a Int64 
ReturningExplicit :: FromFields b c -> (a -> b) -> Returning a [c] 

arrangeInsertManyReturning :: Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored -> Table columnsW columnsR -> NonEmpty columnsW -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> Maybe OnConflict -> Returning SqlInsert Source #

arrangeInsertManyReturningSql :: Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored -> Table columnsW columnsR -> NonEmpty columnsW -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> Maybe OnConflict -> String Source #

arrangeInsertManySql :: Table columnsW columnsR -> NonEmpty columnsW -> Maybe OnConflict -> String Source #

runInsertManyReturningExplicit :: FromFields columnsReturned haskells -> Connection -> Table columnsW columnsR -> [columnsW] -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> Maybe OnConflict -> IO [haskells] Source #

newtype Updater a b Source #


Updater (a -> b) 


Instances details
ProductProfunctor Updater Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation


purePP :: b -> Updater a b #

(****) :: Updater a (b -> c) -> Updater a b -> Updater a c #

empty :: Updater () () #

(***!) :: Updater a b -> Updater a' b' -> Updater (a, a') (b, b') #

Profunctor Updater Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation


dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Updater b c -> Updater a d #

lmap :: (a -> b) -> Updater b c -> Updater a c #

rmap :: (b -> c) -> Updater a b -> Updater a c #

(#.) :: forall a b c q. Coercible c b => q b c -> Updater a b -> Updater a c #

(.#) :: forall a b c q. Coercible b a => Updater b c -> q a b -> Updater a c #

Default Updater (Field_ n a) (Maybe (Field_ n a)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation


def :: Updater (Field_ n a) (Maybe (Field_ n a)) #

Default Updater (Field_ n a) (Field_ n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation


def :: Updater (Field_ n a) (Field_ n a) #

Applicative (Updater a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation


pure :: a0 -> Updater a a0 #

(<*>) :: Updater a (a0 -> b) -> Updater a a0 -> Updater a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> Updater a a0 -> Updater a b -> Updater a c #

(*>) :: Updater a a0 -> Updater a b -> Updater a b #

(<*) :: Updater a a0 -> Updater a b -> Updater a a0 #

Functor (Updater a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Updater a a0 -> Updater a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Updater a b -> Updater a a0 #

arrangeDeleteReturning :: Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored -> Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> Returning SqlDelete Source #

arrangeDeleteReturningSql :: Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored -> Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> String Source #

runDeleteReturning Source #


:: Default FromFields columnsReturned haskells 
=> Connection 
-> Table a columnsR

Table to delete rows from

-> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool)

Predicate function f to choose which rows to delete. runDeleteReturning will delete rows for which f returns TRUE and leave unchanged rows for which f returns FALSE.

-> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) 
-> IO [haskells]

Returned rows which have been deleted

runDeleteReturningExplicit :: FromFields columnsReturned haskells -> Connection -> Table a columnsR -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> IO [haskells] Source #

arrangeDelete :: Table a columnsR -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> SqlDelete Source #

arrangeUpdate :: Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> SqlUpdate Source #

arrangeUpdateSql :: Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> String Source #

arrangeDeleteSql :: Table a columnsR -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> String Source #

arrangeUpdateReturning :: Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored -> Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> Returning SqlUpdate Source #

arrangeUpdateReturningSql :: Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored -> Table columnsW columnsR -> (columnsR -> columnsW) -> (columnsR -> Field SqlBool) -> (columnsR -> columnsReturned) -> String Source #