strongweak-0.7.0: Convert between strong and weak representations of types
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Main import module for basic use.

For defining Strengthen instances, import Strongweak.Strengthen.


Instance design

A given strong type a has exactly one associated weak type Weaken a. Multiple strong types may weaken to the same weak type.

The following laws must hold:

strongweak is largely a programmer convenience library. There is a lot of room to write instances which may seem useful on first glance, but are inconsistent with the overall design. Here is some relevant guidance.

  • Weak types should have _simpler invariants to manage_ than strong ones.
  • In general, weak types should be easier to use than strong ones.
  • Most (all?) instances should handle (relax or assert) a single invariant.
  • Most instances should not have a recursive context.

Some types may not have any invariants which may be usefully relaxed e.g. Either a b. For these, you may write a recursive instance that weakens/strengthens "through" the type e.g. (Weaken a, Weaken b) => Weak (Either a b)). Don't combine the two instance types.

An example is NonEmpty a. We could weaken this to [a], but also to [Weaken a]. However, the latter would mean decomposing and removing an invariant simultaneously. It would be two separate strengthens in one instance. And now, your a must be in the strongweak ecosystem, which isn't necessarily what you want - indeed, it appears this sort of design would require a Weaken a = a, weaken = id overlapping instance, which I do not want. On the other hand, [a] does weaken to [Weaken a], because there are no invariants present to remove, so decomposing is all the user could hope to do.


class Weaken a where Source #

Weaken some a, relaxing certain invariants.

See Strongweak for class design notes and laws.

Associated Types

type Weak a :: Type Source #

The weakened type for some type.


weaken :: a -> Weak a Source #

Weaken some a to its associated weak type Weaken a.


Instances details
Weaken Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Int16 Source #


weaken :: Int16 -> Weak Int16 Source #

Weaken Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Int32 Source #


weaken :: Int32 -> Weak Int32 Source #

Weaken Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Int64 Source #


weaken :: Int64 -> Weak Int64 Source #

Weaken Int8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Int8 Source #


weaken :: Int8 -> Weak Int8 Source #

Weaken Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Word16 Source #

Weaken Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Word32 Source #

Weaken Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Word64 Source #

Weaken Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak Word8 Source #


weaken :: Word8 -> Weak Word8 Source #

Weaken (Identity a) Source #

Strip wrapper.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (Identity a) Source #


weaken :: Identity a -> Weak (Identity a) Source #

Weaken (NonEmpty a) Source #

Weaken non-empty lists into plain lists.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (NonEmpty a) Source #


weaken :: NonEmpty a -> Weak (NonEmpty a) Source #

Weaken a => Weaken [a] Source #

Decomposer. Weaken every element in a list.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak [a] Source #


weaken :: [a] -> Weak [a] Source #

(Weaken a, Weaken b) => Weaken (Either a b) Source #

Decomposer. Weaken either side of an Either.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (Either a b) Source #


weaken :: Either a b -> Weak (Either a b) Source #

(Generic s, Generic w, GWeaken (Rep s) (Rep w)) => Weaken (GenericallySW s w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Generic

Associated Types

type Weak (GenericallySW s w) Source #

(Weaken a, Weaken b) => Weaken (a, b) Source #

Decomposer. Weaken both elements of a tuple.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (a, b) Source #


weaken :: (a, b) -> Weak (a, b) Source #

Weaken (Const a b) Source #

Strip wrapper.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (Const a b) Source #


weaken :: Const a b -> Weak (Const a b) Source #

Weaken (Refined p a) Source #

Strip refined type refinement.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (Refined p a) Source #


weaken :: Refined p a -> Weak (Refined p a) Source #

Vector v a => Weaken (Vector v n a) Source #

Weaken sized vectors into plain lists.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (Vector v n a) Source #


weaken :: Vector v n a -> Weak (Vector v n a) Source #

Weaken (Refined1 p f a) Source #

Strip refined functor type refinement.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Weaken

Associated Types

type Weak (Refined1 p f a) Source #


weaken :: Refined1 p f a -> Weak (Refined1 p f a) Source #

class Weaken a => Strengthen a where Source #

Attempt to strengthen some Weak a, asserting certain invariants.

We take Weaken as a superclass in order to maintain strong/weak type pair consistency. We choose this dependency direction because we treat the strong type as the "canonical" one, so Weaken is the more natural (and straightforward) class to define. That does mean the instances for this class are a little confusingly worded. Alas.

See Strongweak for class design notes and laws.


strengthen :: Weak a -> Result a Source #

Attempt to strengthen some Weak a to its associated strong type a.


Instances details
Strengthen Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen Int8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen (Identity a) Source #

Add wrapper.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen (NonEmpty a) Source #

Strengthen a plain list into a non-empty list by asserting non-emptiness.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen

Strengthen a => Strengthen [a] Source #

Decomposer. Strengthen every element in a list.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen


strengthen :: Weak [a] -> Result [a] Source #

(Strengthen a, Strengthen b) => Strengthen (Either a b) Source #

Decomposer. Strengthen either side of an Either.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen


strengthen :: Weak (Either a b) -> Result (Either a b) Source #

(Generic s, Generic w, GStrengthenD (Rep w) (Rep s), Weaken (GenericallySW s w)) => Strengthen (GenericallySW s w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Generic

(Strengthen l, Strengthen r) => Strengthen (l, r) Source #

Decomposer. Strengthen both elements of a tuple.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen


strengthen :: Weak (l, r) -> Result (l, r) Source #

Strengthen (Const a b) Source #

Add wrapper.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen


strengthen :: Weak (Const a b) -> Result (Const a b) Source #

Refine p a => Strengthen (Refined p a) Source #

Strengthen a type by refining it with a predicate.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen


strengthen :: Weak (Refined p a) -> Result (Refined p a) Source #

(Vector v a, KnownNat n) => Strengthen (Vector v n a) Source #

Strengthen a plain list into a sized vector by asserting length.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen


strengthen :: Weak (Vector v n a) -> Result (Vector v n a) Source #

Refine1 p f => Strengthen (Refined1 p f a) Source #

Strengthen a type by refining it with a functor predicate.

Instance details

Defined in Strongweak.Strengthen


strengthen :: Weak (Refined1 p f a) -> Result (Refined1 p f a) Source #

Other definitions

liftWeakF :: Weaken a => (Weak a -> b) -> a -> b Source #

Lift a function on a weak type to the associated strong type by weakening first.

Strength switch wrapper

data Strength Source #

Strength enumeration: is it strong, or weak?

Primarily interesting at the type level (using DataKinds).



type family SW (s :: Strength) a :: Type where ... Source #

Get either the strong or weak representation of a type, depending on the type-level "switch" provided.

This is intended to be used in data types that take a Strength type. Define your type using strong fields wrapped in SW s. You then get the weak representation for free, using the same definition.

data A (s :: Strength) = A
  { a1 :: SW s Word8
  , a2 :: String }


SW 'Strong a = a 
SW 'Weak a = Weak a