module ADP.Fusion.Core.Term.Test where import Data.Strict.Tuple import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG import Data.PrimitiveArray import ADP.Fusion.Core.Classes import ADP.Fusion.Core.Multi -- | 'Test' terminals return "strings", i.e. vectors of @Chr@s. They allow -- the user to specify @[ 0 .. ]@ atoms to be parsed at once. It is -- possible to both, limit the minimal and maximal number. -- -- NOTE gadt comments are not parsed by haddock? {- data Test v x where Test :: VG.Vector v x => (Int -> Int -> v x -> v x) -- @slice@ function -> Int -- minimal size -> Int -- maximal size (just use big if you don't want a limit) -> (v x) -- the actual vector -> Test v x manyS :: VG.Vector v x => v x -> Test v x manyS = \xs -> Test VG.unsafeSlice 0 (VG.length xs) xs {-# Inline manyS #-} someS :: VG.Vector v x => v x -> Test v x someS = \xs -> Test VG.unsafeSlice 1 (VG.length xs) xs {-# Inline someS #-} strng :: VG.Vector v x => Int -> Int -> v x -> Test v x strng = \minL maxL xs -> Test VG.unsafeSlice minL maxL xs {-# Inline strng #-} -} data Test v x where Test :: VG.Vector v x => v x -> Test v x instance Build (Test v x) instance ( Element ls i ) => Element (ls :!: Test v x) i where data Elm (ls :!: Test v x) i = ElmTest !(v x) !(RunningIndex i) !(Elm ls i) type Arg (ls :!: Test v x) = Arg ls :. v x getArg (ElmTest x _ ls) = getArg ls :. x getIdx (ElmTest _ i _ ) = i {-# Inline getArg #-} {-# Inline getIdx #-} deriving instance (Show i, Show (RunningIndex i), Show (v x), Show (Elm ls i)) => Show (Elm (ls :!: Test v x) i) type instance TermArg (Test v x) = v x