-- | Type-level indexing functionality

module ADP.Fusion.Core.TyLvlIx
  ( module ADP.Fusion.Core.TyLvlIx
  , module GHC.TypeLits
  ) where

import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits

import Data.PrimitiveArray.Index.Class hiding (map)

import ADP.Fusion.Core.Classes (RunningIndex (..))

-- | Given some complete index list @ixTy@ and some lower-dimensional
-- version @myTy@, walk down along @ixTy@ until we have @is:.i ~ ms:.m@ and
-- return @m@.

class GetIndexGo ixTy myTy (cmp :: Ordering) where
  type ResolvedIx ixTy myTy cmp :: *
  getIndexGo :: ixTy -> (Proxy myTy) -> (Proxy cmp) -> ResolvedIx ixTy myTy cmp

instance GetIndexGo (ix:.i) (my:.m) EQ where
  type ResolvedIx (ix:.i) (my:.m) EQ = i
  getIndexGo (ix:.i) _ _ = seq ix $ i
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

instance (GetIndexGo ix (my:.m) (CmpNat (ToNat ix) (ToNat (my:.m)))) => GetIndexGo (ix:.i) (my:.m) GT where
  type ResolvedIx (ix:.i) (my:.m) GT = ResolvedIx ix (my:.m) (CmpNat (ToNat ix) (ToNat (my:.m)))
  getIndexGo (ix:._) p _ = getIndexGo ix p (Proxy :: Proxy (CmpNat (ToNat ix) (ToNat (my:.m))))
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

instance (GetIndexGo ix Z (CmpNat (ToNat ix) (ToNat Z))) => GetIndexGo (ix:.i) Z GT where
  type ResolvedIx (ix:.i) Z GT = ResolvedIx ix Z (CmpNat (ToNat ix) (ToNat Z))
  getIndexGo (ix:._) p _ = getIndexGo ix p (Proxy :: Proxy (CmpNat (ToNat ix) (ToNat Z)))
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

instance GetIndexGo Z Z EQ where
  type ResolvedIx Z Z EQ = Z
  getIndexGo _ _ _ = Z
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

instance GetIndexGo (RunningIndex (ix:.i)) (RunningIndex (my:.m)) EQ where
  type ResolvedIx (RunningIndex (ix:.i)) (RunningIndex (my:.m)) EQ = RunningIndex i
  getIndexGo (ix:.:i) _ _ = seq ix i
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

  ( GetIndexGo (RunningIndex ix) (RunningIndex (my:.m)) (CmpNat (ToNat (RunningIndex ix)) (ToNat (RunningIndex (my:.m))))
  ) => GetIndexGo (RunningIndex (ix:.i)) (RunningIndex (my:.m)) GT where
  type ResolvedIx (RunningIndex (ix:.i)) (RunningIndex (my:.m)) GT = ResolvedIx (RunningIndex ix) (RunningIndex (my:.m)) (CmpNat (ToNat (RunningIndex ix)) (ToNat (RunningIndex (my:.m))))
  getIndexGo (ix:.:_) p _ = getIndexGo ix p (Proxy :: Proxy (CmpNat (ToNat (RunningIndex ix)) (ToNat (RunningIndex (my:.m)))))
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

  ( GetIndexGo (RunningIndex ix) (RunningIndex Z) (CmpNat (ToNat (RunningIndex ix)) (ToNat (RunningIndex Z)))
  ) => GetIndexGo (RunningIndex (ix:.i)) (RunningIndex Z) GT where
  type ResolvedIx (RunningIndex (ix:.i)) (RunningIndex Z) GT = ResolvedIx (RunningIndex ix) (RunningIndex Z) (CmpNat (ToNat (RunningIndex ix)) (ToNat (RunningIndex Z)))
  getIndexGo (ix:.:_) p _ = getIndexGo ix p (Proxy :: Proxy (CmpNat (ToNat (RunningIndex ix)) (ToNat (RunningIndex Z))))
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

instance GetIndexGo (RunningIndex Z) (RunningIndex Z) EQ where
  type ResolvedIx (RunningIndex Z) (RunningIndex Z) EQ = RunningIndex Z
  getIndexGo riz _ _ = riz
  {-# Inline [0] getIndexGo #-}

-- | Wrap @GetIndexGo@ and the type-level shenanigans.

type GetIndex l r = GetIndexGo l r (CmpNat (ToNat l) (ToNat r))

type GetIx l r = ResolvedIx l r (CmpNat (ToNat l) (ToNat r))

-- | Simplifying wrapper around @getIndexGo@.

  :: forall ixTy myTy
  .  GetIndex ixTy myTy
  => ixTy
  -> Proxy myTy
  -> GetIx ixTy myTy
getIndex ixTy myTy = getIndexGo ixTy (Proxy :: Proxy myTy) (Proxy :: Proxy (CmpNat (ToNat ixTy) (ToNat myTy)))
{-# Inline [0] getIndex #-}

-- | Given some index structure @x@, return the dimensional number in
-- @Nat@s.

type family ToNat x :: Nat

type instance ToNat Z       = 0
type instance ToNat (is:.i) = ToNat is + 1
type instance ToNat (RunningIndex Z) = 0
type instance ToNat (RunningIndex (is:.i)) = ToNat (RunningIndex is) + 1


testggg :: (Z:.Int:.Char) -> Int
testggg ab = getIndex ab (Proxy :: Proxy (Z:.Int)) --  (Z:.(3::Int))
{-# NoInline testggg #-}
