-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Domain.Math.Power.Rules
  ( -- * Power rules
    calcPower, calcPowerPlus, calcPowerMinus, addExponents, mulExponents
  , subExponents, distributePower, distributePowerDiv, reciprocal
  , reciprocalInv, reciprocalFrac, calcPowerRatio, simplifyPower
  , onePower, powerOne, zeroPower, powerZero, divBase, reciprocalVar
  , reciprocalPower, factorAsPower, calcPlainRoot, simpleAddExponents
    -- * Root rules
  , power2root, root2power
    -- * Log rules
  , logarithm
    -- * Common rules
  , myFractionTimes, pushNegOut
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Domain.Math.Data.Relation
import Domain.Math.Expr
import Domain.Math.Numeric.Views
import Domain.Math.Power.Utils
import Domain.Math.Power.Views
import Ideas.Common.Library hiding ((.*.), (./.))
import Prelude hiding ( (^) )
import qualified Domain.Math.Data.PrimeFactors as PF
import qualified Prelude

-- Identifier prefixes ------------------------------------------------------

power, logarithmic :: String
power       = "algebra.manipulation.exponents"
logarithmic = "algebra.manipulation.logarithmic"

-- Power rules --------------------------------------------------------------

-- | n  =>  a^e  (with e /= 1)
factorAsPower :: Rule Expr
factorAsPower = ruleList (power, "factor-as-power") $ \ expr -> do
  n      <- matchM myIntegerView expr
  (a, x) <- PF.allPowers $ toInteger n
  if n > 0
    then return $ fromInteger a .^. fromInteger x
    else if odd x
      then return $ fromInteger (negate a) .^. fromInteger x
      else fail "Could not factorise number."

-- | Calculate power, e.g., 2^2 => 4
calcPower :: Rule Expr
calcPower = makeRule "arithmetic.operation.rational.power" $ \ expr -> do
  (a, x) <- match (powerViewWith rationalView plainNatView) expr
  return $ fromRational $ a Prelude.^ x

-- | a^(x/y) => (a^x)^(1/y)
calcPowerRatio :: Rule Expr
calcPowerRatio = makeRule (power, "power-ratio") $ \ expr -> do
  let v = powerView >>> second (rationalView >>> plainRationalView)
  (a, (x, y)) <- match v expr
  guard $ x /= 1 && y /= 1
  return $ (a .^. fromInteger x) .^. (1 ./. fromInteger y)

-- | root n x
calcPlainRoot :: Rule Expr
calcPlainRoot = makeRule (power, "root") $ \expr -> do
   (n, x) <- matchM (rootView >>> (integerView *** integerView)) expr
   fmap fromInteger (takeRoot n x)

-- | [root n x, ... ]
-- BHR: not used. Better to turn this into OrList (Relation Expr)
calcRoot :: Rule (OrList Expr)
calcRoot = makeRule (power, "root") $
   oneDisjunct $ \expr -> do
      (n, x) <- match (rootView >>> (integerView *** integerView)) expr
      y      <- fmap fromInteger $ lookup n $ map swap $ PF.allPowers (abs x)
      let ys | x > 0 && even n = [y, negate y]
             | x > 0 && odd  n = [y]
             | x < 0 && odd  n = [negate y]
             | otherwise       = []
      roots  <- toMaybe (not. null) ys
      return $ toOrList roots

calcPowerPlus :: Rule Expr
calcPowerPlus =
  makeCommutative sumView (.+.) $ calcBinPowerRule "plus" (.+.) isPlus

calcPowerMinus :: Rule Expr
calcPowerMinus =
   makeCommutative sumView (.+.) $ calcBinPowerRule "minus" (.-.) isMinus

addExponents :: Rule Expr
addExponents = ruleList (power, "add-exponents") $ \ expr -> do
  (sign, fs)     <- matchM (powerFactorView isPow) expr
  ((x, y), fill) <- twoNonAdjacentHoles fs
  prod           <- applyM simpleAddExponents $ x * y
  return $ build productView (sign, fill prod)

isPow :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool
isPow x y = x `belongsTo` myIntegerView &&
             (y `belongsTo` variableView || y `belongsTo` powerView)

-- | a*x^y * b*x^q = a*b * x^(y+q)
simpleAddExponents :: Rule Expr
simpleAddExponents = makeRule (power, "simple-add-exponents") $ \expr -> do
  (e1, e2)     <- match timesView expr
  (a, (x,  y)) <- match unitPowerView e1
  (b, (x', q)) <- match unitPowerView e2
  guard $ x == x'
  return $ build unitPowerView (a .*. b, (x, y .+. q))

-- | a*x^y / b*x^q = a/b * x^(y-q)
subExponents :: Rule Expr
subExponents = makeRule (power, "sub-exponents") $ \ expr -> do
  (e1, e2)     <- match divView expr
  (a, (x,  y)) <- match unitPowerView e1
  (b, (x', q)) <- match unitPowerView e2
  guard $ x == x'
  return $ build unitPowerView (a ./. b, (x, y .-. q))

-- | (a^x)^y = a^(x*y)
mulExponents :: Rule Expr
mulExponents = makeRule (power, "mul-exponents") $ \ expr -> do
  ((a, x), y) <- match (strictPowerView >>> first powerView) expr
  return $ build powerView (a, x .*. y)

-- | (a0 * a1 ... * an)^x = a0^x * a1^x ... * an^x
distributePower :: Rule Expr
distributePower = makeRule (power, "distr-power") $ \ expr -> do
  ((sign, as), x) <- match (powerViewWith (toView productView) identity) expr
  guard $ length as > 1
  let y = build productView (False, map (\a -> build powerView (a, x)) as)
  return $
    maybe y (\n -> if odd n && sign then neg y else y) $ match integerView x

-- | (a/b)^y = (a^y / b^y)
distributePowerDiv :: Rule Expr
distributePowerDiv = makeRule (power, "distr-power-div") $ \ expr -> do
  ((a, b), y) <- match (powerViewWith divView identity) expr
  return $ build divView (build powerView (a, y), build powerView (b, y))

-- | a^0 = 1
zeroPower :: Rule Expr
zeroPower = makeRule (power, "power-zero") $ \ expr -> do
  (_, x) <- match powerView expr
  guard $ x == 0
  return 1

-- a ^ 1 = a
onePower :: Rule Expr
onePower = makeRule (power, "power-one") $ \ expr -> do
  (a, x) <- match powerView expr
  guard $ x == 1
  return a

-- 1 ^ x = 1
powerOne :: Rule Expr
powerOne = makeRule (power, "one-power") $ \ expr -> do
  (a, _) <- match powerView expr
  guard $ a == 1
  return a

-- 0 ^ x = 0 with x > 0
powerZero :: Rule Expr
powerZero = makeRule (power, "one-power") $ \ expr -> do
  (a, x) <- match (powerViewWith identity integerView) expr
  guard $ x > 0 && a == 0
  return 0

-- | all of the above simplification rules
simplifyPower :: Rule Expr
simplifyPower = ruleList (power, "simplify") $ \ expr ->
  mapMaybe (`apply` expr) [zeroPower, onePower, powerOne, powerZero]

-- | e/a = e*a^(-1)  where a is an variable
reciprocalVar :: Rule Expr
reciprocalVar = makeRule (power, "reciprocal-var") $ \ expr -> do
  (e, (c, (a, x))) <- match (divView >>> second unitPowerViewVar) expr
  return $ (e .*. build unitPowerViewVar (1, (a, neg x))) ./. c

-- | c/a^x = c*a^x^(-1)
reciprocalPower :: Rule Expr
reciprocalPower = makeRule (power, "reciprocal-power") $ \ expr -> do
  (e, (c, (a, x))) <- match (divView >>> second consPowerView) expr
  return $ (e .*. build consPowerView (1, (a, neg x))) ./. c

-- | Use with care, will match any fraction!
reciprocal :: Rule Expr
reciprocal = makeRule (power, "reciprocal") $ \expr -> do
  (a, b) <- match divView expr
  return $ a .*. build powerView (b, -1)

-- | a^x = 1/a^(-x)
reciprocalInv ::  Rule Expr
reciprocalInv = makeRule (power, "reciprocal-inverse") $ \ expr -> do
  guard $ hasNegExp expr
  (a, x) <- match strictPowerView expr
  return $ 1 ./. build strictPowerView (a, neg x)

-- | c / d*a^(-x)*b^(-y)...p^r... = c*a^x*b^y.../d*p^r...
reciprocalFrac :: Rule Expr
reciprocalFrac = makeRule (power, "reciprocal-frac") $ \ expr -> do
  (e1, e2) <- match divView expr
  (s, xs)  <- match productView e2
  let (ys, zs) = partition hasNegExp xs
  guard (not $ null ys)
  return $ e1 .*. build productView (s, map f ys) ./. build productView (False, zs)
      f e = case match consPowerView e of
              Just (c, (a, x)) -> build consPowerView (c, (a, neg x))
              Nothing          -> e

-- | a^x / b^x = (a/b)^x
divBase :: Rule Expr
divBase = describe "divide base of root" $
  makeRule (power, "divide-base") $ \ expr -> do
  (e1, e2)      <- match divView expr
  (c1, (a, x))  <- match consPowerView e1
  (c2, (b, x')) <- match consPowerView e2
  guard $ x == x' && b /= 0
  return $ build consPowerView (c1 .*. c2, (a ./. b, x))

-- | (-a)^x = -(a^x)
pushNegOut :: Rule Expr
pushNegOut = makeRule (power, "push-negation-out") $ \ expr -> do
  (a, x) <- match (powerViewWith identity integerView) expr
  a'     <- isNegate a
  return $ (if odd x then neg else id) $ build powerView (a', fromInteger x)

-- | Root rules ----------------------------------------------------------------

-- | a^(p/q) = root (a^p) q
power2root :: Rule Expr
power2root = makeRule (power, "write-as-root") $ \ expr -> do
  (a, (p, q)) <- match (strictPowerView >>> second divView) expr
  guard $ q /= 1
  return $ root (a .^. p) q

-- | root a q = a^(1/q)
root2power :: Rule Expr
root2power = makeRule (power, "write-as-power") $ \ expr -> do
  (a, q) <- match strictRootView expr
  return $ a .^. (1 ./. q)

-- | Logarithmic relation rules -----------------------------------------------

logarithm :: Rule (Equation Expr)
logarithm = makeRule (logarithmic, "logarithm") $ \(lhs :==: rhs) -> do
    (b, x) <- match logView lhs
    return $ x :==: build powerView (b, rhs)

-- | Common rules --------------------------------------------------------------

-- | a/b * c/d = a*c / b*d  (b or d may be one)
myFractionTimes :: Rule Expr
myFractionTimes = smartRule $ makeRule (power, "fraction-times") $ \ expr -> do
  (e1, e2) <- match timesView expr
  guard $ e1 `belongsTo` divView || e2 `belongsTo` divView
  let f e    = fromMaybe (e, 1) (match divView e)
      (a, b) = f e1
      (c, d) = f e2
  return $ build divView (a .*. c, b .*. d)

-- | Help functions -----------------------------------------------------------

calcBinPowerRule :: String -> (Expr -> Expr -> Expr) -> (Expr -> Maybe (Expr, Expr)) -> Rule Expr
calcBinPowerRule opName op m =
  makeRule (power, "calc-power", opName) $ \e -> do
    (e1, e2)     <- m e
    (c1, (a, x)) <- match unitPowerViewVar e1
    (c2, (b, y)) <- match unitPowerViewVar e2
    guard $ a == b && x == y
    return $ build unitPowerViewVar (op c1 c2, (a, x))

-- use twoNonAdHoles instead of split ???
makeCommutative :: IsView f => f Expr [Expr] -> (Expr -> Expr -> Expr) -> Rule Expr -> Rule Expr
makeCommutative view op r =
  ruleList (getId r) $ \ expr ->
    case match view expr of
      Just factors -> do
        (e, es) <- split op factors
        case apply r e of
          Just e' -> return $ build view (e' : es)
          Nothing -> []
      Nothing -> []

hasNegExp :: Expr -> Bool
hasNegExp = maybe False ((< 0) . snd . snd) . match consPowerView