Agda-2.4.2: A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant

Safe HaskellNone




Sparse matrices.

We assume the matrices to be very sparse, so we just implement them as sorted association lists.

Most operations are linear in the number of non-zero elements.

An exception is transposition, which needs to sort the association list again; it has the complexity of sorting: n log n where n is the number of non-zero elements.

Another exception is matrix multiplication, of course.


Basic data types

data Matrix i b Source

Type of matrices, parameterised on the type of values.

Sparse matrices are implemented as an ordered association list, mapping coordinates to values.


Functor (Matrix i) 
Foldable (Matrix i) 
Traversable (Matrix i) 
(Eq i, Eq b) => Eq (Matrix i b) 
(Ord i, Ord b) => Ord (Matrix i b) 
(Integral i, HasZero b, Show i, Show b) => Show (Matrix i b) 
(Arbitrary i, Num i, Integral i, Arbitrary b, HasZero b) => Arbitrary (Matrix i b)

Generate a matrix of arbitrary size.

(Show i, Ord i, Integral i, Enum i, Ix i, CoArbitrary b, HasZero b) => CoArbitrary (Matrix i b) 
(Ord i, PartialOrd a) => PartialOrd (Matrix i a)

Pointwise comparison. Only matrices with the same dimension are comparable.

(Integral i, HasZero b, Pretty b) => Pretty (Matrix i b) 
Ord i => NotWorse (Matrix i Order)

We assume the matrices have the same dimension.

(Integral i, HasZero b) => Diagonal (Matrix i b) b

Diagonal of sparse matrix.

O(n) where n is the number of non-zero elements in the matrix.

matrixInvariant :: (Num i, Ix i, HasZero b) => Matrix i b -> BoolSource

Matrix indices are lexicographically sorted with no duplicates. All indices must be within bounds.

data Size i Source

Size of a matrix.




rows :: i

Number of rows, >= 0.

cols :: i

Number of columns, >= 0.


Eq i => Eq (Size i) 
Ord i => Ord (Size i) 
Show i => Show (Size i) 
(Arbitrary i, Integral i) => Arbitrary (Size i) 
CoArbitrary i => CoArbitrary (Size i) 

sizeInvariant :: (Ord i, Num i) => Size i -> BoolSource

Size invariant: dimensions are non-negative.

data MIx i Source

Type of matrix indices (row, column).




row :: i

Row index, 1 <= row <= rows.

col :: i

Column index 1 <= col <= cols.


Eq i => Eq (MIx i) 
Ord i => Ord (MIx i) 
Show i => Show (MIx i) 
Ix i => Ix (MIx i) 
(Arbitrary i, Integral i) => Arbitrary (MIx i) 
CoArbitrary i => CoArbitrary (MIx i) 

mIxInvariant :: (Ord i, Num i) => MIx i -> BoolSource

Indices must be positive, >= 1.

Generating and creating matrices

fromLists :: (Ord i, Num i, Enum i, HasZero b) => Size i -> [[b]] -> Matrix i bSource

fromLists sz rs constructs a matrix from a list of lists of values (a list of rows). O(size) where size = rows × cols.

Precondition: length rs == rows sz and all ((cols sz ==) . length) rs.

fromIndexList :: (Ord i, HasZero b) => Size i -> [(MIx i, b)] -> Matrix i bSource

Constructs a matrix from a list of (index, value)-pairs. O(n) where n is size of the list.

Precondition: indices are unique.

toLists :: (Integral i, HasZero b) => Matrix i b -> [[b]]Source

Converts a matrix to a list of row lists. O(size) where size = rows × cols.

matrix :: (Arbitrary i, Integral i, Arbitrary b, HasZero b) => Size i -> Gen (Matrix i b)Source

Generates a matrix of the given size.



:: (Arbitrary i, Integral i, Arbitrary b, HasZero b) 
=> Size i 
-> (i -> Gen [b])

The generator is parameterised on the size of the row.

-> Gen (Matrix i b) 

Generates a matrix of the given size, using the given generator to generate the rows.

Combining and querying matrices

size :: Matrix i b -> Size iSource

Dimensions of the matrix.

square :: Ix i => Matrix i b -> BoolSource

True iff the matrix is square.

isEmpty :: (Num i, Ix i) => Matrix i b -> BoolSource

Returns True iff the matrix is empty.

isSingleton :: (Eq i, Num i, HasZero b) => Matrix i b -> Maybe bSource

Returns 'Just b' iff it is a 1x1 matrix with just one entry b. O(1).



:: forall a b c i . Ord i 
=> (a -> c)

Element only present in left matrix.

-> (b -> c)

Element only present in right matrix.

-> (a -> b -> c)

Element present in both matrices.

-> (c -> Bool)

Result counts as zero?

-> Matrix i a 
-> Matrix i b 
-> Matrix i c 

General pointwise combination function for sparse matrices. O(n1 + n2).

add :: (Ord i, HasZero a) => (a -> a -> a) -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i aSource

add (+) m1 m2 adds m1 and m2, using (+) to add values. O(n1 + n2).

Returns a matrix of size supSize m1 m2.

intersectWith :: Ord i => (a -> a -> a) -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i aSource

intersectWith f m1 m2 build the pointwise conjunction m1 and m2. Uses f to combine non-zero values. O(n1 + n2).

Returns a matrix of size infSize m1 m2.

mul :: (Enum i, Num i, Ix i, Eq a) => Semiring a -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i a -> Matrix i aSource

transpose :: Transpose a => a -> aSource

class Diagonal m e | m -> e whereSource

diagonal m extracts the diagonal of m.

For non-square matrices, the length of the diagonal is the minimum of the dimensions of the matrix.


diagonal :: m -> [e]Source


Diagonal (CallMatrixAug cinfo) Order 
HasZero a => Diagonal (CallMatrix' a) a 
(Integral i, HasZero b) => Diagonal (Matrix i b) b

Diagonal of sparse matrix.

O(n) where n is the number of non-zero elements in the matrix.

Modifying matrices

addRow :: (Num i, HasZero b) => b -> Matrix i b -> Matrix i bSource

addRow x m adds a new row to m, after the rows already existing in the matrix. All elements in the new row get set to x.

addColumn :: (Num i, HasZero b) => b -> Matrix i b -> Matrix i bSource

addColumn x m adds a new column to m, after the columns already existing in the matrix. All elements in the new column get set to x.


tests :: IO BoolSource