Agda-2.4.2: A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant

Safe HaskellNone





type Graph r f a = Graph (Node r f) (Node r f) aSource

type Edge' r f a = Edge (Node r f) (Node r f) aSource

type Key r f = Edge' r f ()Source

type Nodes r f = Nodes (Node r f)Source

src :: Edge s t e -> sSource

dest :: Edge s t e -> tSource

lookupEdge :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Graph s t e -> s -> t -> Maybe eSource

graphToList :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Graph s t e -> [Edge s t e]Source

graphFromList :: (Ord s, Ord t) => [Edge s t e] -> Graph s t eSource

insertEdge :: (Ord s, Ord t, MeetSemiLattice e, Top e) => Edge s t e -> Graph s t e -> Graph s t eSource

outgoing :: (Ord r, Ord f) => Graph r f a -> Node r f -> [Edge' r f a]Source

Compute list of edges that start in a given node.

incoming :: (Ord r, Ord f) => Graph r f a -> Node r f -> [Edge' r f a]Source

Compute list of edges that target a given node.

Note: expensive for unidirectional graph representations.

setFoldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Set a -> bSource

Set.foldl does not exist in legacy versions of the containers package.

transClos :: forall n a. (Ord n, Dioid a) => Graph n n a -> Graph n n aSource

Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

Edge weights

data Weight Source


Offset Int 

class Negative a whereSource

Test for negativity, used to detect negative cycles.


negative :: a -> BoolSource


Negative Int 
Negative Label 
Negative Weight 
(Ord r, Ord f, Negative a) => Negative (Graphs r f a) 
Negative a => Negative (Edge' r f a)

An edge is negative if its label is.

(Ord r, Ord f, Negative a) => Negative (Graph r f a)

A graph is negative if it contains a negative loop (diagonal edge). Makes sense on transitive graphs.

Edge labels

data Label Source

Going from Lt to Le is pred, going from Le to Lt is succ.

X --(R,n)--> Y means X (R) Y + n. [ ... if n positive and X + (-n) (R) Y if n negative. ]




lcmp :: Cmp
loffset :: Offset

Nodes not connected.

toWeight :: Label -> WeightSource

Convert a label to a weight, decrementing in case of Lt.

Semiring with idempotent + == dioid



data Node rigid flex Source


NodeRigid rigid 
NodeFlex flex 


(Ord r, Ord f) => SetToInfty f (ConGraph r f) 
Eq f => SetToInfty f (Node r f) 
Eq f => SetToInfty f (Edge' r f a) 
(Eq rigid, Eq flex) => Eq (Node rigid flex) 
(Ord rigid, Ord flex) => Ord (Node rigid flex) 
(Show rigid, Show flex) => Show (Node rigid flex) 
(Show r, Show f, Show a, Ord r, Ord f, Dioid a) => Dioid (Edge' r f a) 
(Show r, Show f, Show a, Ord r, Ord f, MeetSemiLattice a) => MeetSemiLattice (Edge' r f a) 
(Ord r, Ord f, Top a) => Top (Edge' r f a) 
(Ord r, Ord f, Negative a) => Negative (Graphs r f a) 
Negative a => Negative (Edge' r f a)

An edge is negative if its label is.

(Ord r, Ord f, Negative a) => Negative (Graph r f a)

A graph is negative if it contains a negative loop (diagonal edge). Makes sense on transitive graphs.

isFlexNode :: Node rigid flex -> Maybe flexSource

isZeroNode :: Node rigid flex -> BoolSource

isInftyNode :: Node rigid flex -> BoolSource

nodeToSizeExpr :: Node rigid flex -> SizeExpr' rigid flexSource



type Graphs r f a = [Graph r f a]Source

A graph forest.

mentions :: (Ord r, Ord f) => Node r f -> Graphs r f a -> (Graphs r f a, Graphs r f a)Source

Split a list of graphs gs into those that mention node n and those that do not. If n is zero or infinity, we regard it as not mentioned.

addEdge :: (Ord r, Ord f, MeetSemiLattice a, Top a) => Edge' r f a -> Graphs r f a -> Graphs r f aSource

Add an edge to a graph forest. Graphs that share a node with the edge are joined.

reflClos :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show a, Dioid a) => Set (Node r f) -> Graph r f a -> Graph r f aSource

Reflexive closure. Add edges 0 -> n -> n -> oo for all nodes n.

implies :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f, Show a, Top a, Ord a, Negative a) => Graph r f a -> Graph r f a -> BoolSource

h implies g if any edge in g between rigids and constants is implied by a corresponding edge in h, which means that the edge in g carries at most the information of the one in h.

Application: Constraint implication: Constraints are compatible with hypotheses.

nodeFromSizeExpr :: SizeExpr' rigid flex -> (Node rigid flex, Offset)Source

graphFromConstraints :: (Ord rigid, Ord flex) => [Constraint' rigid flex] -> Graph rigid flex LabelSource

Build a graph from list of simplified constraints.

graphsFromConstraints :: (Ord rigid, Ord flex) => [Constraint' rigid flex] -> Graphs rigid flex LabelSource

Build a graph from list of simplified constraints.

type HypGraph r f = Graph r f LabelSource

hypGraph :: (Ord rigid, Ord flex) => Set rigid -> [Hyp' rigid flex] -> Maybe (HypGraph rigid flex)Source

hypConn :: (Ord r, Ord f) => HypGraph r f -> Node r f -> Node r f -> LabelSource

simplifyWithHypotheses :: (Ord rigid, Ord flex) => HypGraph rigid flex -> [Constraint' rigid flex] -> Maybe [Constraint' rigid flex]Source

type ConGraph r f = Graph r f LabelSource

constraintGraph :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => [Constraint' r f] -> HypGraph r f -> Maybe (ConGraph r f)Source

constraintGraphs :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => [Constraint' r f] -> HypGraph r f -> Maybe ([f], ConGraphs r f)Source

infinityFlexs :: (Ord r, Ord f) => ConGraph r f -> ([f], ConGraph r f)Source

class SetToInfty f a whereSource


setToInfty :: [f] -> a -> aSource


(Ord r, Ord f) => SetToInfty f (ConGraph r f) 
Eq f => SetToInfty f (Node r f) 
Eq f => SetToInfty f (Edge' r f a) 

Compute solution from constraint graph.

type Bound r f = Map f (Set (SizeExpr' r f))Source

Lower or upper bound for a flexible variable

emptyBound :: Map k aSource

data Bounds r f Source




lowerBounds :: Bound r f
upperBounds :: Bound r f
mustBeFinite :: Set f

edgeToLowerBound :: (Ord r, Ord f) => LabelledEdge r f -> Maybe (f, SizeExpr' r f)Source

Compute a lower bound for a flexible from an edge.

edgeToUpperBound :: (Ord r, Ord f) => LabelledEdge r f -> Maybe (f, Cmp, SizeExpr' r f)Source

Compute an upper bound for a flexible from an edge.

graphToLowerBounds :: (Ord r, Ord f) => [LabelledEdge r f] -> Bound r fSource

Compute the lower bounds for all flexibles in a graph.

graphToUpperBounds :: (Ord r, Ord f) => [LabelledEdge r f] -> (Bound r f, Set f)Source

Compute the upper bounds for all flexibles in a graph.

bounds :: (Ord r, Ord f) => ConGraph r f -> Bounds r fSource

Compute the bounds for all flexibles in a graph.

smallest :: (Ord r, Ord f) => HypGraph r f -> [Node r f] -> [Node r f]Source

Compute the relative minima in a set of nodes (those that do not have a predecessor in the set).

largest :: (Ord r, Ord f) => HypGraph r f -> [Node r f] -> [Node r f]Source

Compute the relative maxima in a set of nodes (those that do not have a successor in the set).

commonSuccs :: (Ord r, Ord f, Dioid a) => Graph r f a -> [Node r f] -> Map (Node r f) [Edge' r f a]Source

Given source nodes n1,n2,... find all target nodes m1,m2, such that for all j, there are edges n_i --l_ij--> m_j for all i. Return these edges as a map from target notes to a list of edges. We assume the graph is reflexive-transitive.

commonPreds :: (Ord r, Ord f, Dioid a) => Graph r f a -> [Node r f] -> Map (Node r f) [Edge' r f a]Source

Given target nodes m1,m2,... find all source nodes n1,n2, such that for all j, there are edges n_i --l_ij--> m_j for all i. Return these edges as a map from target notes to a list of edges. We assume the graph is reflexive-transitive.

lub' :: forall r f. (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => HypGraph r f -> (Node r f, Offset) -> (Node r f, Offset) -> Maybe (SizeExpr' r f)Source

Compute the sup of two different rigids or a rigid and a constant.

glb' :: forall r f. (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => HypGraph r f -> (Node r f, Offset) -> (Node r f, Offset) -> Maybe (SizeExpr' r f)Source

Compute the inf of two different rigids or a rigid and a constant.

lub :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => HypGraph r f -> SizeExpr' r f -> SizeExpr' r f -> Maybe (SizeExpr' r f)Source

Compute the least upper bound (sup).

glb :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => HypGraph r f -> SizeExpr' r f -> SizeExpr' r f -> Maybe (SizeExpr' r f)Source

Compute the greatest lower bound (inf) of size expressions relative to a hypotheses graph.

findRigidBelow :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => HypGraph r f -> SizeExpr' r f -> Maybe (SizeExpr' r f)Source

solveGraph :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => Polarities f -> HypGraph r f -> ConGraph r f -> Either String (Solution r f)Source

solveGraphs :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => Polarities f -> HypGraph r f -> ConGraphs r f -> Either String (Solution r f)Source

Solve a forest of constraint graphs relative to a hypotheses graph. Concatenate individual solutions.

Verify solution

verifySolution :: (Ord r, Ord f, Show r, Show f) => HypGraph r f -> [Constraint' r f] -> Solution r f -> Either String ()Source

Check that after substitution of the solution, constraints are implied by hypotheses.


testSuccs :: Ord f => Map (Node [Char] f) [Edge' [Char] f Label]Source

testLub :: (Ord f, Show f) => Maybe (SizeExpr' [Char] f)Source