Agda-2.4.2: A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant

Safe HaskellNone



Construct a graph from constraints x + n y becomes x ---(-n)--- y x n + y becomes x ---(+n)--- y the default edge (= no edge) is labelled with infinity.

Building the graph involves keeping track of the node names. We do this in a finite map, assigning consecutive numbers to nodes.



type Matrix a = Array (Int, Int) aSource

type AdjList node edge = Map node [(node, edge)]Source

warshallG :: (SemiRing edge, Ord node) => AdjList node edge -> AdjList node edgeSource

Warshall's algorithm on a graph represented as an adjacency list.

data Weight Source

Edge weight in the graph, forming a semi ring.


Finite Int 


inc :: Weight -> Int -> WeightSource

data Node Source

Nodes of the graph are either - flexible variables (with identifiers drawn from Int), - rigid variables (also identified by Ints), or - constants (like 0, infinity, or anything between).


Rigid Rigid 
Flex FlexId 


Eq Node 
Ord Node 
Show Node 

data Rigid Source


RConst Weight 
RVar RigidId 


Eq Rigid 
Ord Rigid 
Show Rigid 

type NodeId = IntSource

type RigidId = IntSource

type FlexId = IntSource

type Scope = RigidId -> BoolSource

Which rigid variables a flex may be instatiated to.

isBelow :: Rigid -> Weight -> Rigid -> BoolSource

isBelow r w r' checks, if r and r' are connected by w (meaning w not infinite), whether r + w <= r'. Precondition: not the same rigid variable.

data Constraint Source

A constraint is an edge in the graph.


NewFlex FlexId Scope 
Arc Node Int Node

For Arc v1 k v2 at least one of v1 or v2 is a MetaV (Flex), the other a MetaV or a Var (Rigid). If k <= 0 this means suc^(-k) v1 <= v2 otherwise v1 <= suc^k v3.


Show Constraint 

data Graph Source




flexScope :: Map FlexId Scope

Scope for each flexible var.

nodeMap :: Map Node NodeId

Node labels to node numbers.

intMap :: Map NodeId Node

Node numbers to node labels.

nextNode :: NodeId

Number of nodes n.

graph :: NodeId -> NodeId -> Weight

The edges (restrict to [0..n[).

initGraph :: GraphSource

The empty graph: no nodes, edges are all undefined (infinity weight).

type GM = State GraphSource

The Graph Monad, for constructing a graph iteratively.

addFlex :: FlexId -> Scope -> GM ()Source

Add a size meta node.

addNode :: Node -> GM IntSource

Lookup identifier of a node. If not present, it is added first.

addEdge :: Node -> Int -> Node -> GM ()Source

addEdge n1 k n2 improves the weight of egde n1->n2 to be at most k. Also adds nodes if not yet present.

mkMatrix :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> Weight) -> Matrix WeightSource

data LegendMatrix a b c Source

A matrix with row descriptions in b and column descriptions in c.




matrix :: Matrix a
rowdescr :: Int -> b
coldescr :: Int -> c


(Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (LegendMatrix a b c) 

type Solution = Map Int SizeExprSource

A solution assigns to each flexible variable a size expression which is either a constant or a v + n for a rigid variable v.

extendSolution :: Ord k => Map k a -> k -> a -> Map k aSource

data SizeExpr Source


SizeVar RigidId Int

e.g. x + 5

SizeConst Weight

a number or infinity


Show SizeExpr 

sizeRigid :: Rigid -> Int -> SizeExprSource

sizeRigid r n returns the size expression corresponding to r + n

genGraph :: Ord node => Float -> Gen edge -> [node] -> Gen (AdjList node edge)Source

newtype Distance Source


Dist Nat 


Enum Distance 
Eq Distance 
Integral Distance 
Num Distance 
Ord Distance 
Real Distance 
Show Distance 
SemiRing Distance 

lookupEdge :: Ord n => n -> n -> AdjList n e -> Maybe eSource

edges :: Ord n => AdjList n e -> [(n, n, e)]Source

prop_smaller :: Nat -> PropertySource

Check that no edges get longer when completing a graph.

newEdge :: Ord k => k -> t -> t1 -> Map k [(t, t1)] -> Map k [(t, t1)]Source

prop_path :: Nat -> PropertySource

Check that all transitive edges are added.

mapNodes :: (Ord node, Ord node') => (node -> node') -> AdjList node edge -> AdjList node' edgeSource

prop_disjoint :: Nat -> PropertySource

Check that no edges are added between components.

tests :: IO BoolSource