Agda- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant

Safe HaskellNone



Functions for inserting implicit arguments at the right places.



implicitArgs :: Int -> (Hiding -> Bool) -> Type -> TCM (Args, Type) Source #

implicitArgs n expand eti t generates up to n implicit arguments metas (unbounded if n<0), as long as t is a function type and expand holds on the hiding info of its domain. If eti is ExplicitToInstance, then explicit arguments are considered as instance arguments.

implicitNamedArgs :: Int -> (Hiding -> ArgName -> Bool) -> Type -> TCM (NamedArgs, Type) Source #

implicitNamedArgs n expand eti t generates up to n named implicit arguments metas (unbounded if n<0), as long as t is a function type and expand holds on the hiding and name info of its domain. If eti is ExplicitToInstance, then explicit arguments are considered as instance arguments.

data ImplicitInsertion Source #


ImpInsert [Hiding]

this many implicits have to be inserted


hidden argument where there should have been a non-hidden arg

NoSuchName ArgName

bad named argument


insertImplicit :: NamedArg e -> [Arg ArgName] -> ImplicitInsertion Source #

The list should be non-empty.