module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options where

import Prelude hiding (mapM)

import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad.State  hiding (mapM)

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable

import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Errors
import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Interaction.FindFile
import Agda.Interaction.Options
import qualified Agda.Interaction.Options.Lenses as Lens
import Agda.Interaction.Response
import Agda.Interaction.Library

import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(catchError) )
import Agda.Utils.FileName
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Trie (Trie)
import qualified Agda.Utils.Trie as Trie
import Agda.Utils.Except
import Agda.Utils.Either

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Sets the pragma options.

setPragmaOptions :: PragmaOptions -> TCM ()
setPragmaOptions opts = do
  stPragmaOptions %= Lens.mapSafeMode (Lens.getSafeMode opts ||)
  clo <- commandLineOptions
  let unsafe = unsafePragmaOptions opts
  when (Lens.getSafeMode clo && not (null unsafe)) $ warning $ SafeFlagPragma unsafe
  ok <- liftIO $ runOptM $ checkOpts (clo { optPragmaOptions = opts })
  case ok of
    Left err   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Right opts -> do
      stPragmaOptions .= optPragmaOptions opts

-- | Sets the command line options (both persistent and pragma options
-- are updated).
-- Relative include directories are made absolute with respect to the
-- current working directory. If the include directories have changed
-- (thus, they are 'Left' now, and were previously @'Right' something@),
-- then the state is reset (completely, see setIncludeDirs) .
-- An empty list of relative include directories (@'Left' []@) is
-- interpreted as @["."]@.
setCommandLineOptions :: CommandLineOptions -> TCM ()
setCommandLineOptions = setCommandLineOptions' CurrentDir

setCommandLineOptions' :: RelativeTo -> CommandLineOptions -> TCM ()
setCommandLineOptions' relativeTo opts = do
  z <- liftIO $ runOptM $ checkOpts opts
  case z of
    Left err   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Right opts -> do
      incs <- case optAbsoluteIncludePaths opts of
        [] -> do
          opts' <- setLibraryPaths relativeTo opts
          let incs = optIncludePaths opts'
          setIncludeDirs incs relativeTo
        incs -> return incs
      modify $ Lens.setCommandLineOptions opts{ optAbsoluteIncludePaths = incs }
      setPragmaOptions (optPragmaOptions opts)

libToTCM :: LibM a -> TCM a
libToTCM m = do
  z <- liftIO $ runExceptT m
  case z of
    Left s  -> typeError $ GenericDocError s
    Right x -> return x

setLibraryPaths :: RelativeTo -> CommandLineOptions -> TCM CommandLineOptions
setLibraryPaths rel o = setLibraryIncludes =<< addDefaultLibraries rel o

setLibraryIncludes :: CommandLineOptions -> TCM CommandLineOptions
setLibraryIncludes o = do
    let libs = optLibraries o
    installed <- libToTCM $ getInstalledLibraries (optOverrideLibrariesFile o)
    paths     <- libToTCM $ libraryIncludePaths (optOverrideLibrariesFile o) installed libs
    return o{ optIncludePaths = paths ++ optIncludePaths o }

addDefaultLibraries :: RelativeTo -> CommandLineOptions -> TCM CommandLineOptions
addDefaultLibraries rel o
  | or [ not $ null $ optLibraries o
       , not $ optUseLibs o
       , optShowVersion o ] = pure o
  | otherwise = do
  root <- getProjectRoot rel
  (libs, incs) <- libToTCM $ getDefaultLibraries (filePath root) (optDefaultLibs o)
  return o{ optIncludePaths = incs ++ optIncludePaths o, optLibraries = libs }

setOptionsFromPragma :: OptionsPragma -> TCM ()
setOptionsFromPragma ps = do
    opts <- commandLineOptions
    z    <- liftIO $ runOptM (parsePragmaOptions ps opts)
    case z of
      Left err    -> typeError $ GenericError err
      Right opts' -> setPragmaOptions opts'

-- | Disable display forms.
enableDisplayForms :: TCM a -> TCM a
enableDisplayForms =
  local $ \e -> e { envDisplayFormsEnabled = True }

-- | Disable display forms.
disableDisplayForms :: TCM a -> TCM a
disableDisplayForms =
  local $ \e -> e { envDisplayFormsEnabled = False }

-- | Check if display forms are enabled.
displayFormsEnabled :: TCM Bool
displayFormsEnabled = asks envDisplayFormsEnabled

-- | Gets the include directories.
-- Precondition: 'optAbsoluteIncludePaths' must be nonempty (i.e.
-- 'setCommandLineOptions' must have run).

getIncludeDirs :: TCM [AbsolutePath]
getIncludeDirs = do
  incs <- optAbsoluteIncludePaths <$> commandLineOptions
  case incs of
    [] -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    _  -> return incs

-- | Which directory should form the base of relative include paths?

data RelativeTo
  = ProjectRoot AbsolutePath
    -- ^ The root directory of the \"project\" containing the given
    -- file. The file needs to be syntactically correct, with a module
    -- name matching the file name.
  | CurrentDir
    -- ^ The current working directory.

getProjectRoot :: RelativeTo -> TCM AbsolutePath
getProjectRoot CurrentDir = liftIO (absolute =<< getCurrentDirectory)
getProjectRoot (ProjectRoot f) = do
  m <- moduleName' f
  return (projectRoot f m)

-- | Makes the given directories absolute and stores them as include
-- directories.
-- If the include directories change, then the state is reset (completely,
-- except for the include directories and 'stInteractionOutputCallback').
-- An empty list is interpreted as @["."]@.

setIncludeDirs :: [FilePath] -- ^ New include directories.
               -> RelativeTo -- ^ How should relative paths be interpreted?
               -> TCM ()
setIncludeDirs incs relativeTo = do
  -- save the previous include dirs
  oldIncs <- gets Lens.getAbsoluteIncludePaths

  root <- getProjectRoot relativeTo

  -- Add the current dir if no include path is given
  incs <- return $ if null incs then ["."] else incs
  -- Make paths absolute
  incs <- return $  map (mkAbsolute . (filePath root </>)) incs

  -- Andreas, 2013-10-30  Add default include dir
  libdir <- liftIO $ defaultLibDir
      -- NB: This is an absolute file name, but
      -- Agda.Utils.FilePath wants to check absoluteness anyway.
  let primdir = mkAbsolute $ libdir </> "prim"
      -- We add the default dir at the end, since it is then
      -- printed last in error messages.
      -- Might also be useful to overwrite default imports...
  incs <- return $ incs ++ [primdir]

  reportSDoc "setIncludeDirs" 10 $ return $ vcat
    [ text "Old include directories:"
    , nest 2 $ vcat $ map pretty oldIncs
    , text "New include directories:"
    , nest 2 $ vcat $ map pretty incs

  -- Check whether the include dirs have changed.  If yes, reset state.
  -- Andreas, 2013-10-30 comments:
  -- The logic, namely using the include-dirs variable as a driver
  -- for the interaction, qualifies for a code-obfuscation contest.
  -- I guess one Boolean more in the state cost 10.000 EUR at the time
  -- of this implementation...
  -- Andreas, perhaps you have misunderstood something: If the include
  -- directories have changed and we do not reset the decoded modules,
  -- then we might (depending on how the rest of the code works) end
  -- up in a situation in which we use the contents of the file
  -- "old-path/M.agda", when the user actually meant
  -- "new-path/M.agda".
  when (oldIncs /= incs) $ do
    ho <- getInteractionOutputCallback
    setInteractionOutputCallback ho

  Lens.putAbsoluteIncludePaths incs

  -- Andreas, 2016-07-11 (reconstructing semantics):
  -- Check that the module name of the project root
  -- is still correct wrt. to the changed include path.
  -- E.g. if the include path was "/" and file "/A/B" was named "module A.B",
  -- and then the include path changes to "/A/", the module name
  -- becomes invalid; correct would then be "module B".

  case relativeTo of
    CurrentDir -> return ()
    ProjectRoot f -> void $ moduleName f
     -- Andreas, 2016-07-12 WAS:
     -- do
     --  m <- moduleName' f
     --  checkModuleName m f Nothing

setInputFile :: FilePath -> TCM ()
setInputFile file =
    do  opts <- commandLineOptions
        setCommandLineOptions $
          opts { optInputFile = Just file }

-- | Should only be run if 'hasInputFile'.
getInputFile :: TCM AbsolutePath
getInputFile = fromMaybeM __IMPOSSIBLE__ $

-- | Return the 'optInputFile' as 'AbsolutePath', if any.
getInputFile' :: TCM (Maybe AbsolutePath)
getInputFile' = mapM (liftIO . absolute) =<< do
  optInputFile <$> commandLineOptions

hasInputFile :: TCM Bool
hasInputFile = isJust <$> optInputFile <$> commandLineOptions

proofIrrelevance :: TCM Bool
proofIrrelevance = optProofIrrelevance <$> pragmaOptions

{-# SPECIALIZE hasUniversePolymorphism :: TCM Bool #-}
hasUniversePolymorphism :: HasOptions m => m Bool
hasUniversePolymorphism = optUniversePolymorphism <$> pragmaOptions

enableCaching :: TCM Bool
enableCaching = optCaching <$> pragmaOptions

showImplicitArguments :: TCM Bool
showImplicitArguments = optShowImplicit <$> pragmaOptions

showIrrelevantArguments :: TCM Bool
showIrrelevantArguments = optShowIrrelevant <$> pragmaOptions

-- | Switch on printing of implicit and irrelevant arguments.
--   E.g. for reification in with-function generation.
--   Restores all 'PragmaOptions' after completion.
--   Thus, do not attempt to make persistent 'PragmaOptions'
--   changes in a `withShowAllArguments` bracket.

withShowAllArguments :: TCM a -> TCM a
withShowAllArguments = withShowAllArguments' True

withShowAllArguments' :: Bool -> TCM a -> TCM a
withShowAllArguments' yes = withPragmaOptions $ \ opts ->
  opts { optShowImplicit = yes, optShowIrrelevant = yes }

-- | Change 'PragmaOptions' for a computation and restore afterwards.

withPragmaOptions :: (PragmaOptions -> PragmaOptions) -> TCM a -> TCM a
withPragmaOptions f cont = do
  opts <- pragmaOptions
  setPragmaOptions $ f opts
  x <- cont
  setPragmaOptions opts
  return x

ignoreInterfaces :: TCM Bool
ignoreInterfaces = optIgnoreInterfaces <$> commandLineOptions

positivityCheckEnabled :: TCM Bool
positivityCheckEnabled = not . optDisablePositivity <$> pragmaOptions

{-# SPECIALIZE typeInType :: TCM Bool #-}
typeInType :: HasOptions m => m Bool
typeInType = not . optUniverseCheck <$> pragmaOptions

etaEnabled :: TCM Bool
etaEnabled = optEta <$> pragmaOptions

maxInstanceSearchDepth :: TCM Int
maxInstanceSearchDepth = optInstanceSearchDepth <$> pragmaOptions

maxInversionDepth :: TCM Int
maxInversionDepth = optInversionMaxDepth <$> pragmaOptions

-- Verbosity

-- Invariant (which we may or may not currently break): Debug
-- printouts use one of the following functions:
--   reportS
--   reportSLn
--   reportSDoc

-- | Retrieve the current verbosity level.
{-# SPECIALIZE getVerbosity :: TCM (Trie String Int) #-}
getVerbosity :: HasOptions m => m (Trie String Int)
getVerbosity = optVerbose <$> pragmaOptions

type VerboseKey = String

parseVerboseKey :: VerboseKey -> [String]
parseVerboseKey = wordsBy (`elem` ".:")

-- | Check whether a certain verbosity level is activated.
--   Precondition: The level must be non-negative.
{-# SPECIALIZE hasVerbosity :: VerboseKey -> Int -> TCM Bool #-}
hasVerbosity :: HasOptions m => VerboseKey -> Int -> m Bool
hasVerbosity k n | n < 0     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                 | otherwise = do
    t <- getVerbosity
    let ks = parseVerboseKey k
        m  = last $ 0 : Trie.lookupPath ks t
    return (n <= m)

-- | Check whether a certain verbosity level is activated (exact match).

{-# SPECIALIZE hasExactVerbosity :: VerboseKey -> Int -> TCM Bool #-}
hasExactVerbosity :: HasOptions m => VerboseKey -> Int -> m Bool
hasExactVerbosity k n =
  (Just n ==) . Trie.lookup (parseVerboseKey k) <$> getVerbosity

-- | Run a computation if a certain verbosity level is activated (exact match).

{-# SPECIALIZE whenExactVerbosity :: VerboseKey -> Int -> TCM () -> TCM () #-}
whenExactVerbosity :: MonadTCM tcm => VerboseKey -> Int -> tcm () -> tcm ()
whenExactVerbosity k n = whenM $ liftTCM $ hasExactVerbosity k n

-- | Run a computation if a certain verbosity level is activated.
--   Precondition: The level must be non-negative.
{-# SPECIALIZE verboseS :: VerboseKey -> Int -> TCM () -> TCM () #-}
-- {-# SPECIALIZE verboseS :: MonadIO m => VerboseKey -> Int -> TCMT m () -> TCMT m () #-} -- RULE left-hand side too complicated to desugar
{-# SPECIALIZE verboseS :: MonadTCM tcm => VerboseKey -> Int -> tcm () -> tcm () #-}
verboseS :: (MonadReader TCEnv m, HasOptions m) => VerboseKey -> Int -> m () -> m ()
verboseS k n action = whenM (hasVerbosity k n) $ locally eIsDebugPrinting (const True) action

-- | Verbosity lens.
verbosity :: VerboseKey -> Lens' Int TCState
verbosity k = stPragmaOptions . verbOpt . Trie.valueAt (parseVerboseKey k) . defaultTo 0
    verbOpt :: Lens' (Trie String Int) PragmaOptions
    verbOpt f opts = f (optVerbose opts) <&> \ v -> opts { optVerbose = v }

    defaultTo :: Eq a => a -> Lens' a (Maybe a)
    defaultTo x f m = f (fromMaybe x m) <&> \ v -> if v == x then Nothing else Just v