{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

{-| Names in the concrete syntax are just strings (or lists of strings for
    qualified names).
module Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name where

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Prelude hiding ((<>))

import Control.DeepSeq

import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.List as List

import Data.Data (Data)

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import System.FilePath

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Position

import Agda.Utils.FileName
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Size

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

{-| A name is a non-empty list of alternating 'Id's and 'Hole's. A normal name
    is represented by a singleton list, and operators are represented by a list
    with 'Hole's where the arguments should go. For instance: @[Hole,Id "+",Hole]@
    is infix addition.

    Equality and ordering on @Name@s are defined to ignore range so same names
    in different locations are equal.
data Name
  = Name Range [NamePart]  -- ^ A (mixfix) identifier.
  | NoName Range NameId    -- ^ @_@.
  deriving Data

-- | An open mixfix identifier is either prefix, infix, or suffix.
--   That is to say: at least one of its extremities is a @Hole@

isOpenMixfix :: Name -> Bool
isOpenMixfix n = case n of
  Name _ (x : xs@(_:_)) -> x == Hole || last xs == Hole
  _                     -> False

instance Underscore Name where
  underscore = NoName noRange __IMPOSSIBLE__
  isUnderscore NoName{}        = True
  isUnderscore (Name _ [Id x]) = isUnderscore x
  isUnderscore _               = False

-- | Mixfix identifiers are composed of words and holes,
--   e.g. @_+_@ or @if_then_else_@ or @[_/_]@.
data NamePart
  = Hole       -- ^ @_@ part.
  | Id RawName  -- ^ Identifier part.
  deriving (Data, Generic)

-- | Define equality on @Name@ to ignore range so same names in different
--   locations are equal.
--   Is there a reason not to do this? -Jeff
--   No. But there are tons of reasons to do it. For instance, when using
--   names as keys in maps you really don't want to have to get the range
--   right to be able to do a lookup. -Ulf

instance Eq Name where
    Name _ xs  == Name _ ys  = xs == ys
    NoName _ i == NoName _ j = i == j
    _          == _          = False

instance Ord Name where
    compare (Name _ xs)  (Name _ ys)  = compare xs ys
    compare (NoName _ i) (NoName _ j) = compare i j
    compare (NoName {})  (Name {})    = LT
    compare (Name {})    (NoName {})  = GT

instance Eq NamePart where
  Hole  == Hole  = True
  Id s1 == Id s2 = s1 == s2
  _     == _     = False

instance Ord NamePart where
  compare Hole    Hole    = EQ
  compare Hole    (Id {}) = LT
  compare (Id {}) Hole    = GT
  compare (Id s1) (Id s2) = compare s1 s2

-- | @QName@ is a list of namespaces and the name of the constant.
--   For the moment assumes namespaces are just @Name@s and not
--     explicitly applied modules.
--   Also assumes namespaces are generative by just using derived
--     equality. We will have to define an equality instance to
--     non-generative namespaces (as well as having some sort of
--     lookup table for namespace names).
data QName
  = Qual  Name QName -- ^ @A.rest@.
  | QName Name       -- ^ @x@.
  deriving (Data, Eq, Ord)

instance Underscore QName where
  underscore = QName underscore
  isUnderscore (QName x) = isUnderscore x
  isUnderscore Qual{}    = False

-- | Top-level module names.  Used in connection with the file system.
--   Invariant: The list must not be empty.

data TopLevelModuleName = TopLevelModuleName
  { moduleNameRange :: Range
  , moduleNameParts :: [String]
  deriving (Show, Data)

instance Eq    TopLevelModuleName where (==)    = (==)    `on` moduleNameParts
instance Ord   TopLevelModuleName where compare = compare `on` moduleNameParts
instance Sized TopLevelModuleName where size    = size     .   moduleNameParts

-- * Operations on 'Name' and 'NamePart'

nameToRawName :: Name -> RawName
nameToRawName = prettyShow

nameParts :: Name -> [NamePart]
nameParts (Name _ ps)  = ps
nameParts (NoName _ _) = [Id "_"] -- To not return an empty list

nameStringParts :: Name -> [RawName]
nameStringParts n = [ s | Id s <- nameParts n ]

-- | Parse a string to parts of a concrete name.
--   Note: @stringNameParts "_" == [Id "_"] == nameParts NoName{}@

stringNameParts :: String -> [NamePart]
stringNameParts "_" = [Id "_"]   -- NoName
stringNameParts s = loop s where
  loop ""                              = []
  loop ('_':s)                         = Hole : loop s
  loop s | (x, s') <- break (== '_') s = Id (stringToRawName x) : loop s'

-- | Number of holes in a 'Name' (i.e., arity of a mixfix-operator).
class NumHoles a where
  numHoles :: a -> Int

instance NumHoles [NamePart] where
  numHoles = length . filter (== Hole)

instance NumHoles Name where
  numHoles NoName{}       = 0
  numHoles (Name _ parts) = numHoles parts

instance NumHoles QName where
  numHoles (QName x)  = numHoles x
  numHoles (Qual _ x) = numHoles x

-- | Is the name an operator?

isOperator :: Name -> Bool
isOperator (NoName {}) = False
isOperator (Name _ ps) = length ps > 1

isHole :: NamePart -> Bool
isHole Hole = True
isHole _    = False

isPrefix, isPostfix, isInfix, isNonfix :: Name -> Bool
isPrefix  x = not (isHole (head xs)) &&      isHole (last xs)  where xs = nameParts x
isPostfix x =      isHole (head xs)  && not (isHole (last xs)) where xs = nameParts x
isInfix   x =      isHole (head xs)  &&      isHole (last xs)  where xs = nameParts x
isNonfix  x = not (isHole (head xs)) && not (isHole (last xs)) where xs = nameParts x

-- * Operations on qualified names

-- | @qualify A.B x == A.B.x@
qualify :: QName -> Name -> QName
qualify (QName m) x     = Qual m (QName x)
qualify (Qual m m') x   = Qual m $ qualify m' x

-- | @unqualify A.B.x == x@
-- The range is preserved.
unqualify :: QName -> Name
unqualify q = unqualify' q `withRangeOf` q
  unqualify' (QName x)  = x
  unqualify' (Qual _ x) = unqualify' x

-- | @qnameParts A.B.x = [A, B, x]@
qnameParts :: QName -> [Name]
qnameParts (Qual x q) = x : qnameParts q
qnameParts (QName x)  = [x]

-- | Is the name qualified?

isQualified :: QName -> Bool
isQualified Qual{}  = True
isQualified QName{} = False

-- * Operations on 'TopLevelModuleName'

-- | Turns a qualified name into a 'TopLevelModuleName'. The qualified
-- name is assumed to represent a top-level module name.

toTopLevelModuleName :: QName -> TopLevelModuleName
toTopLevelModuleName q = TopLevelModuleName (getRange q) $ map prettyShow $ qnameParts q

-- -- | Turns a top level module into a qualified name with 'noRange'.

-- fromTopLevelModuleName :: TopLevelModuleName -> QName
-- fromTopLevelModuleName (TopLevelModuleName _ [])     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
-- fromTopLevelModuleName (TopLevelModuleName _ (x:xs)) = loop x xs
--   where
--   loop x []       = QName (mk x)
--   loop x (y : ys) = Qual  (mk x) $ loop y ys
--   mk :: String -> Name
--   mk x = Name noRange [Id x]

-- | Turns a top-level module name into a file name with the given
-- suffix.

moduleNameToFileName :: TopLevelModuleName -> String -> FilePath
moduleNameToFileName (TopLevelModuleName _ []) ext = __IMPOSSIBLE__
moduleNameToFileName (TopLevelModuleName _ ms) ext =
  joinPath (init ms) </> last ms <.> ext

-- | Finds the current project's \"root\" directory, given a project
-- file and the corresponding top-level module name.
-- Example: If the module \"A.B.C\" is located in the file
-- \"/foo/A/B/C.agda\", then the root is \"/foo/\".
-- Precondition: The module name must be well-formed.

projectRoot :: AbsolutePath -> TopLevelModuleName -> AbsolutePath
projectRoot file (TopLevelModuleName _ m) =
  mkAbsolute $
  foldr (.) id (replicate (length m - 1) takeDirectory) $
  takeDirectory $
  filePath file

-- * No name stuff

-- | @noName_ = 'noName' 'noRange'@
noName_ :: Name
noName_ = noName noRange

noName :: Range -> Name
noName r = NoName r (NameId 0 0)

-- | Check whether a name is the empty name "_".
class IsNoName a where
  isNoName :: a -> Bool

instance IsNoName String where
  isNoName = isUnderscore

instance IsNoName ByteString where
  isNoName = isUnderscore

instance IsNoName Name where
  isNoName (NoName _ _)    = True
  isNoName (Name _ [Hole]) = True   -- TODO: Track down where these come from
  isNoName (Name _ [])     = True
  isNoName (Name _ [Id x]) = isNoName x
  isNoName _               = False

instance IsNoName QName where
  isNoName (QName x) = isNoName x
  isNoName Qual{}    = False        -- M.A._ does not qualify as empty name

-- no instance for TopLevelModuleName

-- * Showing names

-- deriving instance Show Name
-- deriving instance Show NamePart
-- deriving instance Show QName

-- TODO: 'Show' should output Haskell-parseable representations.
-- The following instances are deprecated, and Pretty should be used
-- instead.  Later, simply derive Show for these types:

instance Show Name where
  show = prettyShow

instance Show NamePart where
  show = prettyShow

instance Show QName where
  show = prettyShow

-- * Printing names

instance Pretty Name where
  pretty (Name _ xs)  = hcat $ map pretty xs
  pretty (NoName _ _) = text $ "_"

instance Pretty NamePart where
  pretty Hole   = text $ "_"
  pretty (Id s) = text $ rawNameToString s

instance Pretty QName where
  pretty (Qual m x)
    | isUnderscore m = pretty x -- don't print anonymous modules
    | otherwise      = pretty m <> pretty "." <> pretty x
  pretty (QName x)  = pretty x

instance Pretty TopLevelModuleName where
  pretty (TopLevelModuleName _ ms) = text $ List.intercalate "." ms

-- * Range instances

instance HasRange Name where
    getRange (Name r ps)  = r
    getRange (NoName r _) = r

instance HasRange QName where
    getRange (QName  x) = getRange x
    getRange (Qual n x) = fuseRange n x

instance HasRange TopLevelModuleName where
  getRange = moduleNameRange

instance SetRange Name where
  setRange r (Name _ ps)  = Name r ps
  setRange r (NoName _ i) = NoName r i

instance SetRange QName where
  setRange r (QName x)  = QName (setRange r x)
  setRange r (Qual n x) = Qual (setRange r n) (setRange r x)

instance SetRange TopLevelModuleName where
  setRange r (TopLevelModuleName _ x) = TopLevelModuleName r x

instance KillRange QName where
  killRange (QName x) = QName $ killRange x
  killRange (Qual n x) = killRange n `Qual` killRange x

instance KillRange Name where
  killRange (Name r ps)  = Name (killRange r) ps
  killRange (NoName r i) = NoName (killRange r) i

instance KillRange TopLevelModuleName where
  killRange (TopLevelModuleName _ x) = TopLevelModuleName noRange x

-- * NFData instances

-- | Ranges are not forced.

instance NFData Name where
  rnf (Name _ ns)  = rnf ns
  rnf (NoName _ n) = rnf n

instance NFData NamePart where
  rnf Hole   = ()
  rnf (Id s) = rnf s

instance NFData QName where
  rnf (Qual a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
  rnf (QName a)  = rnf a