module Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Compiler where

import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM_, forM_, mapM, forM, sequence)

import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Numeric.IEEE

import qualified Agda.Utils.Haskell.Syntax as HS

import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.FilePath hiding (normalise)

import Agda.Compiler.CallCompiler
import Agda.Compiler.Common
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Coerce
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Misc
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Pretty
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Primitives
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.HaskellTypes
import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Pragmas
import Agda.Compiler.ToTreeless
import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Unused
import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Erase
import Agda.Compiler.Backend

import Agda.Interaction.Imports
import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Names (namesIn)
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Treeless as T
import Agda.Syntax.Literal

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive (getBuiltinName)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings

import Agda.Utils.Function
import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.IO.Directory
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow, Pretty)
import qualified Agda.Utils.IO.UTF8 as UTF8
import Agda.Utils.String

import Paths_Agda

import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- The backend callbacks --------------------------------------------------

ghcBackend :: Backend
ghcBackend = Backend ghcBackend'

ghcBackend' :: Backend' GHCOptions GHCOptions GHCModuleEnv IsMain [HS.Decl]
ghcBackend' = Backend'
  { backendName           = "GHC"
  , backendVersion        = Nothing
  , options               = defaultGHCOptions
  , commandLineFlags      = ghcCommandLineFlags
  , isEnabled             = optGhcCompile
  , preCompile            = ghcPreCompile
  , postCompile           = ghcPostCompile
  , preModule             = ghcPreModule
  , postModule            = ghcPostModule
  , compileDef            = ghcCompileDef
  , scopeCheckingSuffices = False
  , mayEraseType          = ghcMayEraseType

--- Options ---

data GHCOptions = GHCOptions
  { optGhcCompile :: Bool
  , optGhcCallGhc :: Bool
  , optGhcFlags   :: [String]

defaultGHCOptions :: GHCOptions
defaultGHCOptions = GHCOptions
  { optGhcCompile = False
  , optGhcCallGhc = True
  , optGhcFlags   = []

ghcCommandLineFlags :: [OptDescr (Flag GHCOptions)]
ghcCommandLineFlags =
    [ Option ['c']  ["compile", "ghc"] (NoArg enable)
                    "compile program using the GHC backend"
    , Option []     ["ghc-dont-call-ghc"] (NoArg dontCallGHC)
                    "don't call GHC, just write the GHC Haskell files."
    , Option []     ["ghc-flag"] (ReqArg ghcFlag "GHC-FLAG")
                    "give the flag GHC-FLAG to GHC"
    enable      o = pure o{ optGhcCompile = True }
    dontCallGHC o = pure o{ optGhcCallGhc = False }
    ghcFlag f   o = pure o{ optGhcFlags   = optGhcFlags o ++ [f] }

--- Top-level compilation ---

ghcPreCompile :: GHCOptions -> TCM GHCOptions
ghcPreCompile ghcOpts = do
  allowUnsolved <- optAllowUnsolved <$> pragmaOptions
  when allowUnsolved $ genericError $ "Unsolved meta variables are not allowed when compiling."
  return ghcOpts

ghcPostCompile :: GHCOptions -> IsMain -> Map ModuleName IsMain -> TCM ()
ghcPostCompile opts isMain mods = copyRTEModules >> callGHC opts isMain mods

--- Module compilation ---

-- | This environment is no longer used for anything.

type GHCModuleEnv = ()

  :: GHCOptions
  -> IsMain      -- ^ Are we looking at the main module?
  -> ModuleName
  -> FilePath    -- ^ Path to the @.agdai@ file.
  -> TCM (Recompile GHCModuleEnv IsMain)
                 -- ^ Could we confirm the existence of a main function?
ghcPreModule _ isMain m ifile = ifM uptodate noComp yesComp
    uptodate = liftIO =<< isNewerThan <$> outFile_ <*> pure ifile

    noComp = do
      reportSLn "compile.ghc" 2 . (++ " : no compilation is needed.") . show . A.mnameToConcrete =<< curMName
      Skip . hasMainFunction isMain <$> curIF

    yesComp = do
      m   <- show . A.mnameToConcrete <$> curMName
      out <- outFile_
      reportSLn "compile.ghc" 1 $ repl [m, ifile, out] "Compiling <<0>> in <<1>> to <<2>>"
      stImportedModules `setTCLens` Set.empty  -- we use stImportedModules to accumulate the required Haskell imports
      return (Recompile ())

  :: GHCOptions
  -> GHCModuleEnv
  -> IsMain        -- ^ Are we looking at the main module?
  -> ModuleName
  -> [[HS.Decl]]   -- ^ Compiled module content.
  -> TCM IsMain    -- ^ Could we confirm the existence of a main function?
ghcPostModule _ _ isMain _ defs = do
  m      <- curHsMod
  imps   <- imports
  -- Get content of FOREIGN pragmas.
  (headerPragmas, hsImps, code) <- foreignHaskell
  writeModule $ HS.Module m
    (map HS.OtherPragma headerPragmas)
    (map fakeDecl (hsImps ++ code) ++ concat defs)
  hasMainFunction isMain <$> curIF

ghcCompileDef :: GHCOptions -> GHCModuleEnv -> IsMain -> Definition -> TCM [HS.Decl]
ghcCompileDef _ env isMain def = definition env isMain def

-- | We do not erase types that have a 'HsData' pragma.
--   This is to ensure a stable interface to third-party code.
ghcMayEraseType :: QName -> TCM Bool
ghcMayEraseType q = getHaskellPragma q <&> \case
  -- Andreas, 2019-05-09, issue #3732.
  -- We restrict this to 'HsData' since types like @Size@, @Level@
  -- should be erased although they have a 'HsType' binding to the
  -- Haskell unit type.
  Just HsData{} -> False
  _ -> True

-- Compilation ------------------------------------------------------------

-- imported modules
--   I use stImportedModules in a non-standard way,
--   accumulating in it what are acutally used in Misc.xqual

imports :: TCM [HS.ImportDecl]
imports = (hsImps ++) <$> imps where
  hsImps :: [HS.ImportDecl]
  hsImps = [unqualRTE, decl mazRTE]

  unqualRTE :: HS.ImportDecl
  unqualRTE = HS.ImportDecl mazRTE False $ Just $
              (False, [ HS.IVar $ HS.Ident x
                      | x <- [mazCoerceName, mazErasedName, mazAnyTypeName] ++
                             map treelessPrimName rtePrims ])

  rtePrims = [T.PAdd, T.PSub, T.PMul, T.PQuot, T.PRem, T.PGeq, T.PLt, T.PEqI, T.PEqF,
              T.PAdd64, T.PSub64, T.PMul64, T.PQuot64, T.PRem64, T.PLt64, T.PEq64,
              T.PITo64, T.P64ToI]

  imps :: TCM [HS.ImportDecl]
  imps = decl . uniq <$>
           ((++) <$> importsForPrim <*> ( mazMod <$> mnames))

  decl :: HS.ModuleName -> HS.ImportDecl
  decl m = HS.ImportDecl m True Nothing

  mnames :: TCM [ModuleName]
  mnames = Set.elems <$> useTC stImportedModules

  uniq :: [HS.ModuleName] -> [HS.ModuleName]
  uniq = head . . List.sort

-- Main compiling clauses

definition :: GHCModuleEnv -> IsMain -> Definition -> TCM [HS.Decl]
-- ignore irrelevant definitions
{- Andreas, 2012-10-02: Invariant no longer holds
definition kit (Defn NonStrict _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
definition _env _isMain Defn{defArgInfo = info, defName = q} | not $ usableModality info = do
  reportSDoc "compile.ghc.definition" 10 $
    ("Not compiling" <+> prettyTCM q) <> "."
  return []
definition env isMain def@Defn{defName = q, defType = ty, theDef = d} = do
  reportSDoc "compile.ghc.definition" 10 $ vcat
    [ ("Compiling" <+> prettyTCM q) <> ":"
    , nest 2 $ text (show d)
  pragma <- getHaskellPragma q
  mbool  <- getBuiltinName builtinBool
  mlist  <- getBuiltinName builtinList
  minf   <- getBuiltinName builtinInf
  mflat  <- getBuiltinName builtinFlat
  checkTypeOfMain isMain q def $ do
    infodecl q <$> case d of

      _ | Just HsDefn{} <- pragma, Just q == mflat ->
          "\"COMPILE GHC\" pragmas are not allowed for the FLAT builtin."

      _ | Just (HsDefn r hs) <- pragma -> setCurrentRange r $ do
        -- Make sure we have imports for all names mentioned in the type.
        hsty <- haskellType q
        ty   <- normalise ty
        sequence_ [ xqual x (HS.Ident "_") | x <- Set.toList (namesIn ty) ]

        -- Check that the function isn't INLINE (since that will make this
        -- definition pointless).
        inline <- (^. funInline) . theDef <$> getConstInfo q
        when inline $ warning $ UselessInline q

        return $ fbWithType hsty (fakeExp hs)

      -- Compiling Bool
      Datatype{} | Just q == mbool -> do
        _ <- sequence_ [primTrue, primFalse] -- Just to get the proper error for missing TRUE/FALSE
        let d = unqhname "d" q
        Just true  <- getBuiltinName builtinTrue
        Just false <- getBuiltinName builtinFalse
        cs <- mapM compiledcondecl [false, true]
        return $ [ compiledTypeSynonym q "Bool" 0
                 , HS.FunBind [HS.Match d [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] ++

      -- Compiling List
      Datatype{ dataPars = np } | Just q == mlist -> do
        _ <- sequence_ [primNil, primCons] -- Just to get the proper error for missing NIL/CONS
        caseMaybe pragma (return ()) $ \ p -> setCurrentRange p $ warning . GenericWarning =<< do
          fsep $ pwords "Ignoring GHC pragma for builtin lists; they always compile to Haskell lists."
        let d = unqhname "d" q
            t = unqhname "T" q
        Just nil  <- getBuiltinName builtinNil
        Just cons <- getBuiltinName builtinCons
        let vars f n = map (f . ihname "a") [0 .. n - 1]
        cs <- mapM compiledcondecl [nil, cons]
        return $ [ HS.TypeDecl t (vars HS.UnkindedVar (np - 1)) (HS.FakeType "[]")
                 , HS.FunBind [HS.Match d (vars HS.PVar np) (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] ++

      -- Compiling Inf
      _ | Just q == minf -> do
        _ <- primSharp -- To get a proper error for missing SHARP.
        Just sharp <- getBuiltinName builtinSharp
        sharpC     <- compiledcondecl sharp
        let d   = unqhname "d" q
            err = "No term-level implementation of the INFINITY builtin."
        return $ [ compiledTypeSynonym q "MAlonzo.RTE.Infinity" 2
                 , HS.FunBind [HS.Match d [HS.PVar (ihname "a" 0)]
                     (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp ("error " ++ show err)))
                 , sharpC

      DataOrRecSig{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

      Axiom{} -> do
        ar <- typeArity ty
        return $ [ compiledTypeSynonym q ty ar | Just (HsType r ty) <- [pragma] ] ++
                 fb axiomErr
      Primitive{ primName = s } -> fb <$> primBody s

      Function{} -> function pragma $ functionViaTreeless q

      Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataIxs = ni, dataClause = cl, dataCons = cs }
        | Just hsdata@(HsData r ty hsCons) <- pragma -> setCurrentRange r $ do
        reportSDoc "compile.ghc.definition" 40 $ hsep $
          [ "Compiling data type with COMPILE pragma ...", pretty hsdata ]
        computeErasedConstructorArgs q
        ccscov <- constructorCoverageCode q (np + ni) cs ty hsCons
        cds <- mapM compiledcondecl cs
        let result = concat $
              [ tvaldecl q Inductive (np + ni) [] (Just __IMPOSSIBLE__)
              , [ compiledTypeSynonym q ty np ]
              , cds
              , ccscov
        return result
      Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataIxs = ni, dataClause = cl,
                dataCons = cs } -> do
        computeErasedConstructorArgs q
        cds <- mapM (flip condecl Inductive) cs
        return $ tvaldecl q Inductive (np + ni) cds cl
      Constructor{} -> return []
      GeneralizableVar{} -> return []
      Record{ recPars = np, recClause = cl, recConHead = con,
              recInduction = ind } ->
        let -- Non-recursive record types are treated as being
            -- inductive.
            inductionKind = fromMaybe Inductive ind
        in case pragma of
          Just (HsData r ty hsCons) -> setCurrentRange r $ do
            let cs = [conName con]
            computeErasedConstructorArgs q
            ccscov <- constructorCoverageCode q np cs ty hsCons
            cds <- mapM compiledcondecl cs
            return $
              tvaldecl q inductionKind np [] (Just __IMPOSSIBLE__) ++
              [compiledTypeSynonym q ty np] ++ cds ++ ccscov
          _ -> do
            computeErasedConstructorArgs q
            cd <- condecl (conName con) inductionKind
            return $ tvaldecl q inductionKind (I.arity ty) [cd] cl
      AbstractDefn{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  function :: Maybe HaskellPragma -> TCM [HS.Decl] -> TCM [HS.Decl]
  function mhe fun = do
    ccls  <- mkwhere <$> fun
    mflat <- getBuiltinName builtinFlat
    case mhe of
      Just HsExport{} | Just q == mflat ->
          "\"COMPILE GHC as\" pragmas are not allowed for the FLAT builtin."
      Just (HsExport r name) -> do
        t <- setCurrentRange r $ haskellType q
        let tsig :: HS.Decl
            tsig = HS.TypeSig [HS.Ident name] t

            def :: HS.Decl
            def = HS.FunBind [HS.Match (HS.Ident name) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (hsCoerce $ hsVarUQ $ dname q)) emptyBinds]
        return ([tsig,def] ++ ccls)
      _ -> return ccls

  functionViaTreeless :: QName -> TCM [HS.Decl]
  functionViaTreeless q = caseMaybeM (toTreeless LazyEvaluation q) (pure []) $ \ treeless -> do

    used <- getCompiledArgUse q
    let dostrip = any not used

    -- Compute the type approximation
    def <- getConstInfo q
    (argTypes0, resType) <- hsTelApproximation $ defType def
    let pars = case theDef def of
                 Function{ funProjection = Just Projection{ projIndex = i } } | i > 0 -> i - 1
                 _ -> 0
        argTypes  = drop pars argTypes0
        argTypesS = [ t | (t, True) <- zip argTypes (used ++ repeat True) ]

    e <- if dostrip then closedTerm (stripUnusedArguments used treeless)
                    else closedTerm treeless
    let (ps, b) = lamView e
        lamView e =
          case e of
            HS.Lambda ps b -> (ps, b)
            b              -> ([], b)

        tydecl  f ts t = HS.TypeSig [f] (foldr HS.TyFun t ts)
        funbind f ps b = HS.FunBind [HS.Match f ps (HS.UnGuardedRhs b) emptyBinds]
        tyfunbind f ts t ps b =
          let ts' = ts ++ (replicate (length ps - length ts) mazAnyType)
          in [tydecl f ts' t, funbind f ps b]

    -- The definition of the non-stripped function
    (ps0, _) <- lamView <$> closedTerm (foldr ($) T.TErased $ replicate (length used) T.TLam)
    let b0 = foldl HS.App (hsVarUQ $ duname q) [ hsVarUQ x | (~(HS.PVar x), True) <- zip ps0 used ]

    return $ if dostrip
      then tyfunbind (dname q) argTypes resType ps0 b0 ++
           tyfunbind (duname q) argTypesS resType ps b
      else tyfunbind (dname q) argTypes resType ps b

  mkwhere :: [HS.Decl] -> [HS.Decl]
  mkwhere (HS.FunBind [m0, HS.Match dn ps rhs emptyBinds] : fbs@(_:_)) =
          [HS.FunBind [m0, HS.Match dn ps rhs bindsAux]]
    bindsAux :: Maybe HS.Binds
    bindsAux = Just $ HS.BDecls fbs

  mkwhere fbs = fbs

  fbWithType :: HS.Type -> HS.Exp -> [HS.Decl]
  fbWithType ty e =
    [ HS.TypeSig [unqhname "d" q] ty ] ++ fb e

  fb :: HS.Exp -> [HS.Decl]
  fb e  = [HS.FunBind [HS.Match (unqhname "d" q) []
                                (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ e) emptyBinds]]

  axiomErr :: HS.Exp
  axiomErr = rtmError $ "postulate evaluated: " ++ prettyShow q

constructorCoverageCode :: QName -> Int -> [QName] -> HaskellType -> [HaskellCode] -> TCM [HS.Decl]
constructorCoverageCode q np cs hsTy hsCons = do
  checkConstructorCount q cs hsCons
  ifM (noCheckCover q) (return []) $ do
    ccs <- List.concat <$> zipWithM checkConstructorType cs hsCons
    cov <- checkCover q hsTy np cs hsCons
    return $ ccs ++ cov

-- | Environment for naming of local variables.
--   Invariant: @reverse ccCxt ++ ccNameSupply@
data CCEnv = CCEnv
  { _ccNameSupply :: NameSupply  -- ^ Supply of fresh names
  , _ccContext    :: CCContext   -- ^ Names currently in scope

type NameSupply = [HS.Name]
type CCContext  = [HS.Name]

ccNameSupply :: Lens' NameSupply CCEnv
ccNameSupply f e =  (\ ns' -> e { _ccNameSupply = ns' }) <$> f (_ccNameSupply e)

ccContext :: Lens' CCContext CCEnv
ccContext f e = (\ cxt -> e { _ccContext = cxt }) <$> f (_ccContext e)

-- | Initial environment for expression generation.
initCCEnv :: CCEnv
initCCEnv = CCEnv
  { _ccNameSupply = map (ihname "v") [0..]  -- DON'T CHANGE THESE NAMES!
  , _ccContext    = []

-- | Term variables are de Bruijn indices.
lookupIndex :: Int -> CCContext -> HS.Name
lookupIndex i xs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ xs !!! i

type CC = ReaderT CCEnv TCM

freshNames :: Int -> ([HS.Name] -> CC a) -> CC a
freshNames n _ | n < 0 = __IMPOSSIBLE__
freshNames n cont = do
  (xs, rest) <- splitAt n <$> view ccNameSupply
  local (over ccNameSupply (const rest)) $ cont xs

-- | Introduce n variables into the context.
intros :: Int -> ([HS.Name] -> CC a) -> CC a
intros n cont = freshNames n $ \xs ->
  local (over ccContext (reverse xs ++)) $ cont xs

checkConstructorType :: QName -> HaskellCode -> TCM [HS.Decl]
checkConstructorType q hs = do
  ty <- haskellType q
  return [ HS.TypeSig [unqhname "check" q] ty
         , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (unqhname "check" q) []
                                (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ fakeExp hs) emptyBinds]

checkCover :: QName -> HaskellType -> Nat -> [QName] -> [HaskellCode] -> TCM [HS.Decl]
checkCover q ty n cs hsCons = do
  let tvs = [ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1..n] ]
      makeClause c hsc = do
        a <- erasedArity c
        let pat = HS.PApp (HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident hsc) $ replicate a HS.PWildCard
        return $ HS.Alt pat (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ HS.unit_con) emptyBinds

  cs <- zipWithM makeClause cs hsCons
  let rhs = HS.Case (HS.Var $ HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident "x") cs

  return [ HS.TypeSig [unqhname "cover" q] $ fakeType $ unwords (ty : tvs) ++ " -> ()"
         , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (unqhname "cover" q) [HS.PVar $ HS.Ident "x"]
                                (HS.UnGuardedRhs rhs) emptyBinds]

closedTerm :: T.TTerm -> TCM HS.Exp
closedTerm v = do
  v <- addCoercions v
  term v `runReaderT` initCCEnv

-- Translate case on bool to if
mkIf :: T.TTerm -> CC T.TTerm
mkIf t@(TCase e _ d [TACon c1 0 b1, TACon c2 0 b2]) | T.isUnreachable d = do
  mTrue  <- lift $ getBuiltinName builtinTrue
  mFalse <- lift $ getBuiltinName builtinFalse
  let isTrue  c = Just c == mTrue
      isFalse c = Just c == mFalse
  if | isTrue c1, isFalse c2 -> return $ T.tIfThenElse (TCoerce $ TVar e) b1 b2
     | isTrue c2, isFalse c1 -> return $ T.tIfThenElse (TCoerce $ TVar e) b2 b1
     | otherwise             -> return t
mkIf t = return t

-- | Extract Agda term to Haskell expression.
--   Erased arguments are extracted as @()@.
--   Types are extracted as @()@.
term :: T.TTerm -> CC HS.Exp
term tm0 = mkIf tm0 >>= \ tm0 -> do
  let ((hasCoerce, t), ts) = coerceAppView tm0
  -- let (t0, ts)       = tAppView tm0
  -- let (hasCoerce, t) = coerceView t0
  let coe            = applyWhen hasCoerce hsCoerce
  case (t, ts) of
    (T.TPrim T.PIf, [c, x, y]) -> coe <$> do HS.If <$> term c <*> term x <*> term y

    (T.TDef f, ts) -> do
      used <- lift $ getCompiledArgUse f
      -- #2248: no unused argument pruning for COMPILE'd functions
      isCompiled <- lift $ isJust <$> getHaskellPragma f
      let given   = length ts
          needed  = length used
          missing = drop given used
          notUsed = not
      if not isCompiled && any not used
        then if any notUsed missing then term (etaExpand (needed - given) tm0) else do
          f <- lift $ HS.Var <$> xhqn "du" f  -- use stripped function
          -- Andreas, 2019-11-07, issue #4169.
          -- Insert coercion unconditionally as erasure of arguments
          -- that are matched upon might remove the unfolding of codomain types.
          -- (Hard to explain, see test/Compiler/simple/Issue4169.)
          hsCoerce f `apps` [ t | (t, True) <- zip ts $ used ++ repeat True ]
        else do
          f <- lift $ HS.Var <$> xhqn "d" f  -- use original (non-stripped) function
          coe f `apps` ts

    (T.TCon c, ts) -> do
      erased  <- lift $ getErasedConArgs c
      let missing = drop (length ts) erased
          notErased = not
      case all notErased missing of
        -- If the constructor is fully applied or all missing arguments are retained,
        -- we can drop the erased arguments here, doing a complete job of dropping erased arguments.
        True  -> do
          f <- lift $ HS.Con <$> conhqn c
          hsCoerce f `apps` [ t | (t, False) <- zip ts erased ]
        -- Otherwise, we translate the eta-expanded constructor application.
        False -> do
          let n = length missing
          unless (n >= 1) __IMPOSSIBLE__  -- We will add at least on TLam, not getting a busy loop here.
          term $ etaExpand (length missing) tm0

    -- Other kind of application: fall back to apps.
    (t, ts) -> noApplication t >>= \ t' -> coe t' `apps` ts
  apps = foldM (\ h a -> HS.App h <$> term a)
  etaExpand n t = mkTLam n $ raise n t `T.mkTApp` map T.TVar (downFrom n)

-- | Translate a non-application, non-coercion, non-constructor, non-definition term.
noApplication :: T.TTerm -> CC HS.Exp
noApplication = \case
  T.TApp{}    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  T.TCoerce{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  T.TCon{}    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  T.TDef{}    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

  T.TVar i    -> hsVarUQ . lookupIndex i <$> view ccContext
  T.TLam t    -> intros 1 $ \ [x] -> hsLambda [HS.PVar x] <$> term t

  T.TLet t1 t2 -> do
    t1' <- term t1
    intros 1 $ \[x] -> do
      hsLet x t1' <$> term t2

  T.TCase sc ct def alts -> do
    sc'   <- term $ T.TVar sc
    alts' <- traverse (alt sc) alts
    def'  <- term def
    let defAlt = HS.Alt HS.PWildCard (HS.UnGuardedRhs def') emptyBinds
    return $ HS.Case (hsCoerce sc') (alts' ++ [defAlt])

  T.TLit l    -> return $ literal l
  T.TPrim p   -> return $ compilePrim p
  T.TUnit     -> return $ HS.unit_con
  T.TSort     -> return $ HS.unit_con
  T.TErased   -> return $ hsVarUQ $ HS.Ident mazErasedName
  T.TError e  -> return $ case e of
    T.TUnreachable -> rtmUnreachableError

hsCoerce :: HS.Exp -> HS.Exp
hsCoerce t = HS.App mazCoerce t

compilePrim :: T.TPrim -> HS.Exp
compilePrim s = HS.Var $ hsName $ treelessPrimName s

alt :: Int -> T.TAlt -> CC HS.Alt
alt sc a = do
  case a of
    T.TACon {T.aCon = c} -> do
      intros (T.aArity a) $ \ xs -> do
        erased <- lift $ getErasedConArgs c
        nil  <- lift $ getBuiltinName builtinNil
        cons <- lift $ getBuiltinName builtinCons
        hConNm <-
          if | Just c == nil  -> return $ HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident "[]"
             | Just c == cons -> return $ HS.UnQual $ HS.Symbol ":"
             | otherwise      -> lift $ conhqn c
        mkAlt (HS.PApp hConNm $ map HS.PVar [ x | (x, False) <- zip xs erased ])
    T.TAGuard g b -> do
      g <- term g
      b <- term b
      return $ HS.Alt HS.PWildCard
                      (HS.GuardedRhss [HS.GuardedRhs [HS.Qualifier g] b])
    T.TALit { T.aLit = LitQName _ q } -> mkAlt (litqnamepat q)
    T.TALit { T.aLit = l@LitFloat{},   T.aBody = b } -> mkGuarded (treelessPrimName T.PEqF) (literal l) b
    T.TALit { T.aLit = LitString _ s , T.aBody = b } -> mkGuarded "(==)" (litString s) b
    T.TALit {} -> mkAlt (HS.PLit $ hslit $ T.aLit a)
    mkGuarded eq lit b = do
      b  <- term b
      let varName = HS.Ident "l" -- only used locally in the guard
          pv = HS.PVar varName
          v  = hsVarUQ varName
          guard =
            HS.Var (HS.UnQual (HS.Ident eq)) `HS.App`
              v `HS.App` lit
      return $ HS.Alt pv
                      (HS.GuardedRhss [HS.GuardedRhs [HS.Qualifier guard] b])

    mkAlt :: HS.Pat -> CC HS.Alt
    mkAlt pat = do
        body' <- term $ T.aBody a
        return $ HS.Alt pat (HS.UnGuardedRhs body') emptyBinds

literal :: Literal -> HS.Exp
literal l = case l of
  LitNat    _ _   -> typed "Integer"
  LitWord64 _ _   -> typed "MAlonzo.RTE.Word64"
  LitFloat  _ x   -> floatExp x "Double"
  LitQName  _ x   -> litqname x
  LitString _ s   -> litString s
  _               -> l'
    l'    = HS.Lit $ hslit l
    typed = HS.ExpTypeSig l' . HS.TyCon . rtmQual

    -- ASR (2016-09-14): See Issue #2169.
    -- Ulf, 2016-09-28: and #2218.
    floatExp :: Double -> String -> HS.Exp
    floatExp x s
      | isNegativeZero x = rte "negativeZero"
      | isNegativeInf  x = rte "negativeInfinity"
      | isInfinite x     = rte "positiveInfinity"
      | isNegativeNaN x  = rte "negativeNaN"
      | isNaN x          = rte "positiveNaN"
      | otherwise        = typed s

    rte = HS.Var . HS.Qual mazRTE . HS.Ident

    isNegativeInf x = isInfinite x && x < 0.0
    isNegativeNaN x = isNaN x && not (identicalIEEE x (0.0 / 0.0))

hslit :: Literal -> HS.Literal
hslit l = case l of LitNat    _ x -> HS.Int    x
                    LitWord64 _ x -> HS.Int    (fromIntegral x)
                    LitFloat  _ x -> HS.Frac   (toRational x)
                    LitChar   _ x -> HS.Char   x
                    LitQName  _ x -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    LitString _ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    LitMeta{}     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

litString :: String -> HS.Exp
litString s =
  HS.Var (HS.Qual (HS.ModuleName "Data.Text") (HS.Ident "pack")) `HS.App`
    (HS.Lit $ HS.String s)

litqname :: QName -> HS.Exp
litqname x =
  rteCon "QName" `apps`
  [ hsTypedInt n
  , hsTypedInt m
  , HS.Lit $ HS.String $ prettyShow x
  , rteCon "Fixity" `apps`
    [ litAssoc (fixityAssoc fx)
    , litPrec  (fixityLevel fx)
    apps = foldl HS.App
    rteCon name = HS.Con $ HS.Qual mazRTE $ HS.Ident name
    NameId n m = nameId $ qnameName x
    fx = theFixity $ nameFixity $ qnameName x

    litAssoc NonAssoc   = rteCon "NonAssoc"
    litAssoc LeftAssoc  = rteCon "LeftAssoc"
    litAssoc RightAssoc = rteCon "RightAssoc"

    litPrec Unrelated   = rteCon "Unrelated"
    litPrec (Related l) = rteCon "Related" `HS.App` hsTypedDouble l

litqnamepat :: QName -> HS.Pat
litqnamepat x =
  HS.PApp (HS.Qual mazRTE $ HS.Ident "QName")
          [ HS.PLit (HS.Int $ fromIntegral n)
          , HS.PLit (HS.Int $ fromIntegral m)
          , HS.PWildCard, HS.PWildCard ]
    NameId n m = nameId $ qnameName x

condecl :: QName -> Induction -> TCM HS.ConDecl
condecl q _ind = do
  def <- getConstInfo q
  let Constructor{ conPars = np, conErased = erased } = theDef def
  (argTypes0, _) <- hsTelApproximation (defType def)
  let argTypes   = [ (Just HS.Lazy, t)
                     -- Currently all constructors are lazy.
                   | (t, False) <- zip (drop np argTypes0)
                                       (fromMaybe [] erased ++ repeat False)
  return $ HS.ConDecl (unqhname "C" q) argTypes

compiledcondecl :: QName -> TCM HS.Decl
compiledcondecl q = do
  ar <- erasedArity q
  hsCon <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getHaskellConstructor q
  let patVars = map (HS.PVar . ihname "a") [0 .. ar - 1]
  return $ HS.PatSyn (HS.PApp (HS.UnQual $ unqhname "C" q) patVars) (HS.PApp (hsName hsCon) patVars)

compiledTypeSynonym :: QName -> String -> Nat -> HS.Decl
compiledTypeSynonym q hsT arity =
  HS.TypeDecl (unqhname "T" q) (map HS.UnkindedVar vs)
              (foldl HS.TyApp (HS.FakeType hsT) $ map HS.TyVar vs)
    vs = [ ihname "a" i | i <- [0 .. arity - 1]]

tvaldecl :: QName
         -> Induction
            -- ^ Is the type inductive or coinductive?
         -> Nat -> [HS.ConDecl] -> Maybe Clause -> [HS.Decl]
tvaldecl q ind npar cds cl =
  HS.FunBind [HS.Match vn pvs (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] :
  maybe [HS.DataDecl kind tn [] cds' []]
        (const []) cl
  (tn, vn) = (unqhname "T" q, unqhname "d" q)
  pvs = [ HS.PVar        $ ihname "a" i | i <- [0 .. npar - 1]]

  -- Inductive data types consisting of a single constructor with a
  -- single argument are translated into newtypes.
  (kind, cds') = case (ind, cds) of
    (Inductive, [HS.ConDecl c [(_, t)]]) ->
      (HS.NewType, [HS.ConDecl c [(Nothing, t)]])
      -- The strictness annotations are removed for newtype
      -- constructors.
    _ -> (HS.DataType, cds)

infodecl :: QName -> [HS.Decl] -> [HS.Decl]
infodecl _ [] = []
infodecl q ds =
  fakeD (unqhname "name" q) (haskellStringLiteral $ prettyShow q) : ds

-- Writing out a haskell module

copyRTEModules :: TCM ()
copyRTEModules = do
  dataDir <- lift getDataDir
  let srcDir = dataDir </> "MAlonzo" </> "src"
  (lift . copyDirContent srcDir) =<< compileDir

writeModule :: HS.Module -> TCM ()
writeModule (HS.Module m ps imp ds) = do
  -- Note that GHC assumes that sources use ASCII or UTF-8.
  out <- outFile m
  liftIO $ UTF8.writeFile out $ (++ "\n") $ prettyPrint $
    HS.Module m (p : ps) imp ds
  p = HS.LanguagePragma $ HS.Ident $
        [ "EmptyDataDecls"
        , "EmptyCase"
        , "ExistentialQuantification"
        , "ScopedTypeVariables"
        , "NoMonomorphismRestriction"
        , "RankNTypes"
        , "PatternSynonyms"

outFile' :: Pretty a => a -> TCM (FilePath, FilePath)
outFile' m = do
  mdir <- compileDir
  let (fdir, fn) = splitFileName $ repldot pathSeparator $
                   prettyPrint m
  let dir = mdir </> fdir
      fp  = dir </> replaceExtension fn "hs"
  liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
  return (mdir, fp)
  repldot c = $ \ c' -> if c' == '.' then c else c'

outFile :: HS.ModuleName -> TCM FilePath
outFile m = snd <$> outFile' m

outFile_ :: TCM FilePath
outFile_ = outFile =<< curHsMod

callGHC :: GHCOptions -> IsMain -> Map ModuleName IsMain -> TCM ()
callGHC opts modIsMain mods = do
  mdir    <- compileDir
  hsmod   <- prettyPrint <$> curHsMod
  agdaMod <- curMName
  let outputName = case mnameToList agdaMod of
        [] -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        ms -> last ms
  (mdir, fp) <- outFile' =<< curHsMod
  let ghcopts = optGhcFlags opts

  let modIsReallyMain = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ Map.lookup agdaMod mods
      isMain = mappend modIsMain modIsReallyMain  -- both need to be IsMain

  -- Warn if no main function and not --no-main
  when (modIsMain /= isMain) $
    genericWarning =<< fsep (pwords "No main function defined in" ++ [prettyTCM agdaMod <> "."] ++
                             pwords "Use --no-main to suppress this warning.")

  let overridableArgs =
        [ "-O"] ++
        (if isMain == IsMain then ["-o", mdir </> show (nameConcrete outputName)] else []) ++
        [ "-Werror"]
      otherArgs       =
        [ "-i" ++ mdir] ++
        (if isMain == IsMain then ["-main-is", hsmod] else []) ++
        [ fp
        , "--make"
        , "-fwarn-incomplete-patterns"
        , "-fno-warn-overlapping-patterns"
      args     = overridableArgs ++ ghcopts ++ otherArgs

  compiler <- fromMaybeM (pure "ghc") (optWithCompiler <$> commandLineOptions)

  -- Note: Some versions of GHC use stderr for progress reports. For
  -- those versions of GHC we don't print any progress information
  -- unless an error is encountered.
  let doCall = optGhcCallGhc opts
  callCompiler doCall compiler args