Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Injectivity, or more precisely, "constructor headedness", is a property of functions defined by pattern matching that helps us solve constraints involving blocked applications of such functions. Blocked shall mean here that pattern matching is blocked on a meta variable, and constructor headedness lets us learn more about that meta variable.
Consider the simple example:
isZero : Nat -> Bool
isZero zero = true
isZero (suc n) = false
This function is constructor-headed, meaning that all rhss are headed
by a distinct constructor. Thus, on a constraint like
isZero ?X = false : Bool
involving an application of isZero
that is blocked on meta variable ?X
we can exploit injectivity and learn that ?X = suc ?Y
for a new
meta-variable ?Y
Which functions qualify for injectivity?
- The function needs to have at least one non-absurd clause that has a proper match, meaning that the function can actually be blocked on a meta. Proper matches are these patterns:
- data constructor (
, but not record constructor) - literal (
) - HIT-patterns (
Projection patterns (ProjP
) are excluded because metas cannot occupy their place!
- All the clauses that satisfy (1.) need to be headed by a distinct constructor.
- headSymbol :: Term -> TCM (Maybe TermHead)
- headSymbol' :: (MonadReduce m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadDebug m, HasBuiltins m) => Term -> m (Maybe TermHead)
- topLevelArg :: Clause -> Int -> Maybe TermHead
- joinHeadMaps :: [InversionMap c] -> InversionMap c
- updateHeads :: Monad m => (TermHead -> [c] -> m TermHead) -> InversionMap c -> m (InversionMap c)
- checkInjectivity :: QName -> [Clause] -> TCM FunctionInverse
- checkInjectivity' :: QName -> [Clause] -> TCM FunctionInverse
- checkOverapplication :: forall m. HasConstInfo m => Elims -> InversionMap Clause -> m (InversionMap Clause)
- instantiateVarHeads :: forall m c. (MonadReduce m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadDebug m, HasBuiltins m) => QName -> Elims -> InversionMap c -> m (Maybe (InversionMap c))
- functionInverse :: (MonadReduce m, MonadError TCErr m, HasBuiltins m, HasConstInfo m) => Term -> m InvView
- data InvView
- useInjectivity :: MonadConversion m => CompareDirection -> CompareAs -> Term -> Term -> m ()
- invertFunction :: MonadConversion m => Comparison -> Term -> InvView -> TermHead -> m () -> m () -> (Term -> m ()) -> m ()
- forcePiUsingInjectivity :: Type -> TCM Type
headSymbol' :: (MonadReduce m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadDebug m, HasBuiltins m) => Term -> m (Maybe TermHead) Source #
Do a full whnf and treat neutral terms as rigid. Used on the arguments to an injective functions and to the right-hand side.
topLevelArg :: Clause -> Int -> Maybe TermHead Source #
Does deBruijn variable i correspond to a top-level argument, and if so which one (index from the left).
joinHeadMaps :: [InversionMap c] -> InversionMap c Source #
Join a list of inversion maps.
updateHeads :: Monad m => (TermHead -> [c] -> m TermHead) -> InversionMap c -> m (InversionMap c) Source #
Update the heads of an inversion map.
checkInjectivity :: QName -> [Clause] -> TCM FunctionInverse Source #
checkInjectivity' :: QName -> [Clause] -> TCM FunctionInverse Source #
Precondition: all the given clauses are non-absurd and contain a proper match.
checkOverapplication :: forall m. HasConstInfo m => Elims -> InversionMap Clause -> m (InversionMap Clause) Source #
If a clause is over-applied we can't trust the head (Issue 2944). For
instance, the clause might be `f ps = u , v` and the actual call `f vs
.fst`. In this case the head will be the head of u
rather than `_,_`.
instantiateVarHeads :: forall m c. (MonadReduce m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadDebug m, HasBuiltins m) => QName -> Elims -> InversionMap c -> m (Maybe (InversionMap c)) Source #
Turn variable heads, referring to top-level argument positions, into
proper heads. These might still be VarHead
, but in that case they refer to
deBruijn variables. Checks that the instantiated heads are still rigid and
functionInverse :: (MonadReduce m, MonadError TCErr m, HasBuiltins m, HasConstInfo m) => Term -> m InvView Source #
Argument should be in weak head normal form.
useInjectivity :: MonadConversion m => CompareDirection -> CompareAs -> Term -> Term -> m () Source #
Precondition: The first argument must be blocked and the second must be neutral.
invertFunction :: MonadConversion m => Comparison -> Term -> InvView -> TermHead -> m () -> m () -> (Term -> m ()) -> m () Source #
The second argument should be a blocked application and the third argument the inverse of the applied function.