{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

{-| Definitions for fixity, precedence levels, and declared syntax.
module Agda.Syntax.Fixity where

import Control.DeepSeq

import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe

import Data.Data (Data)

import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Notation

import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Pretty

import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- The Fixity data type is now defined in Agda.Syntax.Common.
-- Andreas, 2019-08-16, issue #1346

-- | Decorating something with @Fixity'@.
data ThingWithFixity x = ThingWithFixity x Fixity'
  deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Show)

instance LensFixity' (ThingWithFixity a) where
  lensFixity' f (ThingWithFixity a fix') = ThingWithFixity a <$> f fix'

instance LensFixity (ThingWithFixity a) where
  lensFixity = lensFixity' . lensFixity

-- | Do we prefer parens around arguments like @λ x → x@ or not?
--   See 'lamBrackets'.
data ParenPreference = PreferParen | PreferParenless
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data)

preferParen :: ParenPreference -> Bool
preferParen p = PreferParen == p

preferParenless :: ParenPreference -> Bool
preferParenless p = PreferParenless == p

-- * Precendence

-- | Precedence is associated with a context.
data Precedence = TopCtx | FunctionSpaceDomainCtx
                | LeftOperandCtx Fixity | RightOperandCtx Fixity ParenPreference
                | FunctionCtx | ArgumentCtx ParenPreference | InsideOperandCtx
                | WithFunCtx | WithArgCtx | DotPatternCtx
    deriving (Show, Data, Eq)

instance Pretty Precedence where
  pretty = text . show

-- | When printing we keep track of a stack of precedences in order to be able
--   to decide whether it's safe to leave out parens around lambdas. An empty
--   stack is equivalent to `TopCtx`. Invariant: `notElem TopCtx`.
type PrecedenceStack = [Precedence]

pushPrecedence :: Precedence -> PrecedenceStack -> PrecedenceStack
pushPrecedence TopCtx _  = []
pushPrecedence p      ps = p : ps

headPrecedence :: PrecedenceStack -> Precedence
headPrecedence []      = TopCtx
headPrecedence (p : _) = p

-- | Argument context preferring parens.
argumentCtx_ :: Precedence
argumentCtx_ = ArgumentCtx PreferParen

-- | Do we need to bracket an operator application of the given fixity
--   in a context with the given precedence.
opBrackets :: Fixity -> PrecedenceStack -> Bool
opBrackets = opBrackets' False

-- | Do we need to bracket an operator application of the given fixity
--   in a context with the given precedence.
opBrackets' :: Bool ->   -- Is the last argument a parenless lambda?
               Fixity -> PrecedenceStack -> Bool
opBrackets' isLam f ps = brack f (headPrecedence ps)
    false = isLam && lamBrackets ps -- require more parens for `e >>= λ x → e₁` than `e >>= e₁`
    brack                        (Fixity _ (Related n1) LeftAssoc)
               (LeftOperandCtx   (Fixity _ (Related n2) LeftAssoc))  | n1 >= n2 = false
    brack                        (Fixity _ (Related n1) RightAssoc)
               (RightOperandCtx  (Fixity _ (Related n2) RightAssoc) _) | n1 >= n2 = false
    brack f1   (LeftOperandCtx  f2) | Related f1 <- fixityLevel f1
                                    , Related f2 <- fixityLevel f2
                                    , f1 > f2 = false
    brack f1   (RightOperandCtx f2 _) | Related f1 <- fixityLevel f1
                                    , Related f2 <- fixityLevel f2
                                    , f1 > f2 = false
    brack _ TopCtx                 = false
    brack _ FunctionSpaceDomainCtx = false
    brack _ InsideOperandCtx       = false
    brack _ WithArgCtx             = false
    brack _ WithFunCtx             = false
    brack _ _                      = True

-- | Does a lambda-like thing (lambda, let or pi) need brackets in the
-- given context? A peculiar thing with lambdas is that they don't
-- need brackets in certain right operand contexts. To decide we need to look
-- at the stack of precedences and not just the current precedence.
-- Example: @m₁ >>= (λ x → x) >>= m₂@ (for @_>>=_@ left associative).
lamBrackets :: PrecedenceStack -> Bool
lamBrackets []       = False
lamBrackets (p : ps) = case p of
  TopCtx                 -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  ArgumentCtx pref       -> preferParen pref || lamBrackets ps
  RightOperandCtx _ pref -> preferParen pref || lamBrackets ps
  FunctionSpaceDomainCtx -> True
  LeftOperandCtx{}       -> True
  FunctionCtx            -> True
  InsideOperandCtx       -> True
  WithFunCtx             -> True
  WithArgCtx             -> True
  DotPatternCtx          -> True

-- | Does a function application need brackets?
appBrackets :: PrecedenceStack -> Bool
appBrackets = appBrackets' False

-- | Does a function application need brackets?
appBrackets' :: Bool ->   -- Is the argument of the application a parenless lambda?
                PrecedenceStack -> Bool
appBrackets' isLam ps = brack (headPrecedence ps)
    brack ArgumentCtx{} = True
    brack DotPatternCtx = True
    brack _             = isLam && lamBrackets ps -- allow e + e₁ λ x → e₂

-- | Does a with application need brackets?
withAppBrackets :: PrecedenceStack -> Bool
withAppBrackets = brack . headPrecedence
    brack TopCtx                 = False
    brack FunctionSpaceDomainCtx = False
    brack WithFunCtx             = False
    brack _                      = True

-- | Does a function space need brackets?
piBrackets :: PrecedenceStack -> Bool
piBrackets [] = False
piBrackets _  = True

roundFixBrackets :: PrecedenceStack -> Bool
roundFixBrackets ps = DotPatternCtx == headPrecedence ps

instance KillRange x => KillRange (ThingWithFixity x) where
  killRange (ThingWithFixity c f) = ThingWithFixity (killRange c) f