Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Constraint
- = ValueCmp Comparison CompareAs Term Term
- | ValueCmpOnFace Comparison Term Type Term Term
- | ElimCmp [Polarity] [IsForced] Type Term [Elim] [Elim]
- | SortCmp Comparison Sort Sort
- | LevelCmp Comparison Level Level
- | HasBiggerSort Sort
- | HasPTSRule (Dom Type) (Abs Sort)
- | CheckDataSort QName Sort
- | CheckMetaInst MetaId
- | CheckType Type
- | UnBlock MetaId
- | IsEmpty Range Type
- | CheckSizeLtSat Term
- | FindInstance MetaId (Maybe [Candidate])
- | ResolveInstanceHead QName
- | CheckFunDef DefInfo QName [Clause] TCErr
- | UnquoteTactic Term Term Type
- | CheckLockedVars Term Type (Arg Term) Type
- | UsableAtModality WhyCheckModality (Maybe Sort) Modality Term
- data TypeError
- = InternalError String
- | NotImplemented String
- | NotSupported String
- | CompilationError String
- | PropMustBeSingleton
- | DataMustEndInSort Term
- | ShouldEndInApplicationOfTheDatatype Type
- | ShouldBeAppliedToTheDatatypeParameters Term Term
- | ShouldBeApplicationOf Type QName
- | ConstructorPatternInWrongDatatype QName QName
- | CantResolveOverloadedConstructorsTargetingSameDatatype QName (List1 QName)
- | DoesNotConstructAnElementOf QName Type
- | WrongHidingInLHS
- | WrongHidingInLambda Type
- | WrongHidingInApplication Type
- | WrongHidingInProjection QName
- | IllegalHidingInPostfixProjection (NamedArg Expr)
- | WrongNamedArgument (NamedArg Expr) [NamedName]
- | WrongIrrelevanceInLambda
- | WrongQuantityInLambda
- | WrongCohesionInLambda
- | QuantityMismatch Quantity Quantity
- | HidingMismatch Hiding Hiding
- | RelevanceMismatch Relevance Relevance
- | UninstantiatedDotPattern Expr
- | ForcedConstructorNotInstantiated Pattern
- | IllformedProjectionPatternAbstract Pattern
- | IllformedProjectionPatternConcrete Pattern
- | CannotEliminateWithPattern (Maybe Blocker) (NamedArg Pattern) Type
- | CannotEliminateWithProjection (Arg Type) Bool QName
- | WrongNumberOfConstructorArguments QName Nat Nat
- | ShouldBeEmpty Type [DeBruijnPattern]
- | ShouldBeASort Type
- | ShouldBePi Type
- | ShouldBePath Type
- | ShouldBeRecordType Type
- | ShouldBeRecordPattern DeBruijnPattern
- | NotAProjectionPattern (NamedArg Pattern)
- | NotAProperTerm
- | InvalidTypeSort Sort
- | InvalidType Term
- | SplitOnCoinductive
- | SplitOnIrrelevant (Dom Type)
- | SplitOnUnusableCohesion (Dom Type)
- | SplitOnNonVariable Term Type
- | SplitOnNonEtaRecord QName
- | SplitOnAbstract QName
- | SplitOnUnchecked QName
- | SplitOnPartial (Dom Type)
- | SplitInProp DataOrRecordE
- | DefinitionIsIrrelevant QName
- | DefinitionIsErased QName
- | ProjectionIsIrrelevant QName
- | VariableIsIrrelevant Name
- | VariableIsErased Name
- | VariableIsOfUnusableCohesion Name Cohesion
- | UnequalLevel Comparison Level Level
- | UnequalTerms Comparison Term Term CompareAs
- | UnequalTypes Comparison Type Type
- | UnequalRelevance Comparison Term Term
- | UnequalQuantity Comparison Term Term
- | UnequalCohesion Comparison Term Term
- | UnequalFiniteness Comparison Term Term
- | UnequalHiding Term Term
- | UnequalSorts Sort Sort
- | UnequalBecauseOfUniverseConflict Comparison Term Term
- | NotLeqSort Sort Sort
- | MetaCannotDependOn MetaId Nat
- | MetaOccursInItself MetaId
- | MetaIrrelevantSolution MetaId Term
- | MetaErasedSolution MetaId Term
- | GenericError String
- | GenericDocError Doc
- | SortOfSplitVarError (Maybe Blocker) Doc
- | BuiltinMustBeConstructor BuiltinId Expr
- | NoSuchBuiltinName String
- | DuplicateBuiltinBinding BuiltinId Term Term
- | NoBindingForBuiltin BuiltinId
- | NoBindingForPrimitive PrimitiveId
- | NoSuchPrimitiveFunction String
- | DuplicatePrimitiveBinding PrimitiveId QName QName
- | WrongArgInfoForPrimitive PrimitiveId ArgInfo ArgInfo
- | ShadowedModule Name [ModuleName]
- | BuiltinInParameterisedModule BuiltinId
- | IllegalDeclarationInDataDefinition [Declaration]
- | IllegalLetInTelescope TypedBinding
- | IllegalPatternInTelescope Binder
- | NoRHSRequiresAbsurdPattern [NamedArg Pattern]
- | TooManyFields QName [Name] [Name]
- | DuplicateFields [Name]
- | DuplicateConstructors [Name]
- | DuplicateOverlapPragma QName OverlapMode OverlapMode
- | WithOnFreeVariable Expr Term
- | UnexpectedWithPatterns [Pattern]
- | WithClausePatternMismatch Pattern (NamedArg DeBruijnPattern)
- | IllTypedPatternAfterWithAbstraction Pattern
- | FieldOutsideRecord
- | ModuleArityMismatch ModuleName Telescope [NamedArg Expr]
- | GeneralizeCyclicDependency
- | GeneralizeUnsolvedMeta
- | ReferencesFutureVariables Term (NonEmpty Int) (Arg Term) Int
- | DoesNotMentionTicks Term Type (Arg Term)
- | MismatchedProjectionsError QName QName
- | AttributeKindNotEnabled String String String
- | InvalidProjectionParameter (NamedArg Expr)
- | TacticAttributeNotAllowed
- | CannotRewriteByNonEquation Type
- | MacroResultTypeMismatch Type
- | NamedWhereModuleInRefinedContext [Term] [String]
- | CubicalPrimitiveNotFullyApplied QName
- | TooManyArgumentsToLeveledSort QName
- | TooManyArgumentsToUnivOmega QName
- | ComatchingDisabledForRecord QName
- | BuiltinMustBeIsOne Term
- | IncorrectTypeForRewriteRelation Term IncorrectTypeForRewriteRelationReason
- | UnexpectedParameter LamBinding
- | NoParameterOfName ArgName
- | UnexpectedModalityAnnotationInParameter LamBinding
- | ExpectedBindingForParameter (Dom Type) (Abs Type)
- | UnexpectedTypeSignatureForParameter (List1 (NamedArg Binder))
- | SortDoesNotAdmitDataDefinitions QName Sort
- | SortCannotDependOnItsIndex QName Type
- | UnusableAtModality WhyCheckModality Modality Term
- | SplitError SplitError
- | ImpossibleConstructor QName NegativeUnification
- | TooManyPolarities QName Int
- | RecursiveRecordNeedsInductivity QName
- | CannotSolveSizeConstraints (List1 (ProblemConstraint, HypSizeConstraint)) Doc
- | ContradictorySizeConstraint (ProblemConstraint, HypSizeConstraint)
- | EmptyTypeOfSizes Term
- | FunctionTypeInSizeUniv Term
- | LibraryError LibErrors
- | LocalVsImportedModuleClash ModuleName
- | SolvedButOpenHoles
- | CyclicModuleDependency [TopLevelModuleName]
- | FileNotFound TopLevelModuleName [AbsolutePath]
- | OverlappingProjects AbsolutePath TopLevelModuleName TopLevelModuleName
- | AmbiguousTopLevelModuleName TopLevelModuleName [AbsolutePath]
- | ModuleNameUnexpected TopLevelModuleName TopLevelModuleName
- | ModuleNameDoesntMatchFileName TopLevelModuleName [AbsolutePath]
- | ClashingFileNamesFor ModuleName [AbsolutePath]
- | ModuleDefinedInOtherFile TopLevelModuleName AbsolutePath AbsolutePath
- | InvalidFileName AbsolutePath InvalidFileNameReason
- | BothWithAndRHS
- | AbstractConstructorNotInScope QName
- | NotInScope [QName]
- | NoSuchModule QName
- | AmbiguousName QName AmbiguousNameReason
- | AmbiguousModule QName (List1 ModuleName)
- | AmbiguousField Name [ModuleName]
- | AmbiguousConstructor QName [QName]
- | ClashingDefinition QName QName (Maybe NiceDeclaration)
- | ClashingModule ModuleName ModuleName
- | ClashingImport Name QName
- | ClashingModuleImport Name ModuleName
- | DefinitionInDifferentModule QName
- | DuplicateImports QName [ImportedName]
- | InvalidPattern Pattern
- | RepeatedVariablesInPattern [Name]
- | GeneralizeNotSupportedHere QName
- | GeneralizedVarInLetOpenedModule QName
- | MultipleFixityDecls [(Name, [Fixity'])]
- | MultiplePolarityPragmas [Name]
- | NotAModuleExpr Expr
- | NotAnExpression Expr
- | NotAValidLetBinding NiceDeclaration
- | NotValidBeforeField NiceDeclaration
- | NothingAppliedToHiddenArg Expr
- | NothingAppliedToInstanceArg Expr
- | AsPatternInPatternSynonym
- | DotPatternInPatternSynonym
- | BadArgumentsToPatternSynonym AmbiguousQName
- | TooFewArgumentsToPatternSynonym AmbiguousQName
- | CannotResolveAmbiguousPatternSynonym (List1 (QName, PatternSynDefn))
- | IllegalInstanceVariableInPatternSynonym Name
- | PatternSynonymArgumentShadowsConstructorOrPatternSynonym LHSOrPatSyn Name (List1 AbstractName)
- | UnusedVariableInPatternSynonym Name
- | UnboundVariablesInPatternSynonym [Name]
- | NoParseForApplication (List2 Expr)
- | AmbiguousParseForApplication (List2 Expr) (List1 Expr)
- | NoParseForLHS LHSOrPatSyn [Pattern] Pattern
- | AmbiguousParseForLHS LHSOrPatSyn Pattern [Pattern]
- | AmbiguousProjection QName [QName]
- | AmbiguousOverloadedProjection (List1 QName) Doc
- | OperatorInformation [NotationSection] TypeError
- | InstanceNoCandidate Type [(Term, TCErr)]
- | UnquoteFailed UnquoteError
- | DeBruijnIndexOutOfScope Nat Telescope [Name]
- | NeedOptionCopatterns
- | NeedOptionRewriting
- | NeedOptionProp
- | NeedOptionTwoLevel
- | NonFatalErrors [TCWarning]
- | InstanceSearchDepthExhausted Term Type Int
- | TriedToCopyConstrainedPrim QName
- | CustomBackendError String Doc
- data Comparison
- data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo {}
- data Definition = Defn {
- defArgInfo :: ArgInfo
- defName :: QName
- defType :: Type
- defPolarity :: [Polarity]
- defArgOccurrences :: [Occurrence]
- defArgGeneralizable :: NumGeneralizableArgs
- defGeneralizedParams :: [Maybe Name]
- defDisplay :: [LocalDisplayForm]
- defMutual :: MutualId
- defCompiledRep :: CompiledRepresentation
- defInstance :: Maybe InstanceInfo
- defCopy :: Bool
- defMatchable :: Set QName
- defNoCompilation :: Bool
- defInjective :: Bool
- defCopatternLHS :: Bool
- defBlocked :: Blocked_
- defLanguage :: !Language
- theDef :: Defn
- data Builtin pf
- data System = System {
- systemTel :: Telescope
- systemClauses :: [(Face, Term)]
- type TCM = TCMT IO
- newtype ReduceM a = ReduceM {}
- data HighlightingLevel
- data HighlightingMethod
- data Polarity
- data Open a = OpenThing {}
- data MetaInfo = MetaInfo {}
- type Constraints = [ProblemConstraint]
- data WarningsAndNonFatalErrors = WarningsAndNonFatalErrors {
- tcWarnings :: [TCWarning]
- nonFatalErrors :: [TCWarning]
- data Signature = Sig {}
- data Warning
- = NicifierIssue DeclarationWarning
- | TerminationIssue [TerminationError]
- | UnreachableClauses QName [Range]
- | CoverageIssue QName [(Telescope, [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern])]
- | CoverageNoExactSplit QName [Clause]
- | InlineNoExactSplit QName Clause
- | NotStrictlyPositive QName (Seq OccursWhere)
- | ConstructorDoesNotFitInData QName Sort Sort TCErr
- | CoinductiveEtaRecord QName
- | UnsolvedMetaVariables [Range]
- | UnsolvedInteractionMetas [Range]
- | UnsolvedConstraints Constraints
- | InteractionMetaBoundaries [Range]
- | CantGeneralizeOverSorts [MetaId]
- | AbsurdPatternRequiresNoRHS [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
- | OldBuiltin BuiltinId BuiltinId
- | BuiltinDeclaresIdentifier BuiltinId
- | DuplicateRecordDirective RecordDirective
- | EmptyRewritePragma
- | EmptyWhere
- | IllformedAsClause String
- | InvalidCharacterLiteral Char
- | ClashesViaRenaming NameOrModule [Name]
- | UselessPatternDeclarationForRecord String
- | UselessPragma Range Doc
- | UselessPublic
- | UselessHiding [ImportedName]
- | UselessInline QName
- | WrongInstanceDeclaration
- | InstanceWithExplicitArg QName
- | InstanceNoOutputTypeName Doc
- | InstanceArgWithExplicitArg Doc
- | InversionDepthReached QName
- | NoGuardednessFlag QName
- | SafeFlagPostulate Name
- | SafeFlagPragma [String]
- | SafeFlagWithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality
- | WithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality
- | ConflictingPragmaOptions String String
- | OptionWarning OptionWarning
- | ParseWarning ParseWarning
- | LibraryWarning LibWarning
- | DeprecationWarning String String String
- | UserWarning Text
- | DuplicateUsing (List1 ImportedName)
- | FixityInRenamingModule (List1 Range)
- | ModuleDoesntExport QName [Name] [Name] [ImportedName]
- | InfectiveImport Doc
- | CoInfectiveImport Doc
- | ConfluenceCheckingIncompleteBecauseOfMeta QName
- | ConfluenceForCubicalNotSupported
- | IllegalRewriteRule QName IllegalRewriteRuleReason
- | RewriteNonConfluent Term Term Term Doc
- | RewriteMaybeNonConfluent Term Term [Doc]
- | RewriteAmbiguousRules Term Term Term
- | RewriteMissingRule Term Term Term
- | PragmaCompileErased BackendName QName
- | PragmaCompileList
- | PragmaCompileMaybe
- | NoMain TopLevelModuleName
- | NotInScopeW [QName]
- | UnsupportedIndexedMatch Doc
- | AsPatternShadowsConstructorOrPatternSynonym LHSOrPatSyn
- | PatternShadowsConstructor Name QName
- | PlentyInHardCompileTimeMode QωOrigin
- | RecordFieldWarning RecordFieldWarning
- | MissingTypeSignatureForOpaque QName IsOpaque
- | NotAffectedByOpaque
- | UnfoldTransparentName QName
- | UselessOpaque
- | FaceConstraintCannotBeHidden ArgInfo
- | FaceConstraintCannotBeNamed NamedName
- | DuplicateInterfaceFiles AbsolutePath AbsolutePath
- | CustomBackendWarning String Doc
- data TCErr
- data TCWarning = TCWarning {}
- data NamedMeta = NamedMeta {}
- type ModuleToSource = Map TopLevelModuleName AbsolutePath
- type Definitions = HashMap QName Definition
- type InteractionOutputCallback = Response_boot TCErr TCWarning WarningsAndNonFatalErrors -> TCM ()
- data IPFace' t = IPFace' {}
- class Monad m => MonadTCEnv m where
- class (Applicative tcm, MonadIO tcm, MonadTCEnv tcm, MonadTCState tcm, HasOptions tcm) => MonadTCM tcm where
- class Monad m => MonadTCState m where
- class Monad m => ReadTCState m where
- getTCState :: m TCState
- locallyTCState :: Lens' TCState a -> (a -> a) -> m b -> m b
- withTCState :: (TCState -> TCState) -> m a -> m a
- newtype TCMT m a = TCM {}
- data LHSOrPatSyn
- data DisplayForm = Display {
- dfPatternVars :: Nat
- dfPats :: Elims
- dfRHS :: DisplayTerm
- data Call
- = CheckClause Type SpineClause
- | CheckLHS SpineLHS
- | CheckPattern Pattern Telescope Type
- | CheckPatternLinearityType Name
- | CheckPatternLinearityValue Name
- | CheckLetBinding LetBinding
- | InferExpr Expr
- | CheckExprCall Comparison Expr Type
- | CheckDotPattern Expr Term
- | CheckProjection Range QName Type
- | IsTypeCall Comparison Expr Sort
- | IsType_ Expr
- | InferVar Name
- | InferDef QName
- | CheckArguments Range [NamedArg Expr] Type (Maybe Type)
- | CheckMetaSolution Range MetaId Type Term
- | CheckTargetType Range Type Type
- | CheckDataDef Range QName [LamBinding] [Constructor]
- | CheckRecDef Range QName [LamBinding] [Constructor]
- | CheckConstructor QName Telescope Sort Constructor
- | CheckConArgFitsIn QName Bool Type Sort
- | CheckFunDefCall Range QName [Clause] Bool
- | CheckPragma Range Pragma
- | CheckPrimitive Range QName Expr
- | CheckIsEmpty Range Type
- | CheckConfluence QName QName
- | CheckModuleParameters ModuleName Telescope
- | CheckWithFunctionType Type
- | CheckSectionApplication Range Erased ModuleName ModuleApplication
- | CheckNamedWhere ModuleName
- | CheckIApplyConfluence Range QName Term Term Term Type
- | ScopeCheckExpr Expr
- | ScopeCheckDeclaration NiceDeclaration
- | ScopeCheckLHS QName Pattern
- | NoHighlighting
- | ModuleContents
- | SetRange Range
- data Closure a = Closure {}
- class (Applicative m, MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m, HasOptions m) => MonadReduce m where
- liftReduce :: ReduceM a -> m a
- type Statistics = Map String Integer
- data CompilerPragma = CompilerPragma Range String
- data TCEnv = TCEnv {
- envContext :: Context
- envLetBindings :: LetBindings
- envCurrentModule :: ModuleName
- envCurrentPath :: Maybe AbsolutePath
- envAnonymousModules :: [(ModuleName, Nat)]
- envImportPath :: [TopLevelModuleName]
- envMutualBlock :: Maybe MutualId
- envTerminationCheck :: TerminationCheck ()
- envCoverageCheck :: CoverageCheck
- envMakeCase :: Bool
- envSolvingConstraints :: Bool
- envCheckingWhere :: Bool
- envWorkingOnTypes :: Bool
- envAssignMetas :: Bool
- envActiveProblems :: Set ProblemId
- envUnquoteProblem :: Maybe ProblemId
- envAbstractMode :: AbstractMode
- envRelevance :: Relevance
- envQuantity :: Quantity
- envHardCompileTimeMode :: Bool
- envSplitOnStrict :: Bool
- envDisplayFormsEnabled :: Bool
- envFoldLetBindings :: Bool
- envRange :: Range
- envHighlightingRange :: Range
- envClause :: IPClause
- envCall :: Maybe (Closure Call)
- envHighlightingLevel :: HighlightingLevel
- envHighlightingMethod :: HighlightingMethod
- envExpandLast :: ExpandHidden
- envAppDef :: Maybe QName
- envSimplification :: Simplification
- envAllowedReductions :: AllowedReductions
- envReduceDefs :: ReduceDefs
- envReconstructed :: Bool
- envInjectivityDepth :: Int
- envCompareBlocked :: Bool
- envPrintDomainFreePi :: Bool
- envPrintMetasBare :: Bool
- envInsideDotPattern :: Bool
- envUnquoteFlags :: UnquoteFlags
- envInstanceDepth :: !Int
- envIsDebugPrinting :: Bool
- envPrintingPatternLambdas :: [QName]
- envCallByNeed :: Bool
- envCurrentCheckpoint :: CheckpointId
- envCheckpoints :: Map CheckpointId Substitution
- envGeneralizeMetas :: DoGeneralize
- envGeneralizedVars :: Map QName GeneralizedValue
- envActiveBackendName :: Maybe BackendName
- envConflComputingOverlap :: Bool
- envCurrentlyElaborating :: Bool
- envSyntacticEqualityFuel :: !(Maybe Int)
- envCurrentOpaqueId :: !(Maybe OpaqueId)
- data Interface = Interface {
- iSourceHash :: !Hash
- iSource :: Text
- iFileType :: FileType
- iImportedModules :: [(TopLevelModuleName, Hash)]
- iModuleName :: ModuleName
- iTopLevelModuleName :: TopLevelModuleName
- iScope :: Map ModuleName Scope
- iInsideScope :: ScopeInfo
- iSignature :: Signature
- iMetaBindings :: RemoteMetaStore
- iDisplayForms :: DisplayForms
- iUserWarnings :: Map QName Text
- iImportWarning :: Maybe Text
- iBuiltin :: BuiltinThings (PrimitiveId, QName)
- iForeignCode :: Map BackendName ForeignCodeStack
- iHighlighting :: HighlightingInfo
- iDefaultPragmaOptions :: [OptionsPragma]
- iFilePragmaOptions :: [OptionsPragma]
- iOptionsUsed :: PragmaOptions
- iPatternSyns :: PatternSynDefns
- iWarnings :: [TCWarning]
- iPartialDefs :: Set QName
- iOpaqueBlocks :: Map OpaqueId OpaqueBlock
- iOpaqueNames :: Map QName OpaqueId
- type MonadTCError m = (MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m, MonadError TCErr m)
- type BackendName = String
- data TCState = TCSt {}
- type RewriteRules = [RewriteRule]
- data PrimFun = PrimFun {
- primFunName :: QName
- primFunArity :: Arity
- primFunArgOccurrences :: [Occurrence]
- primFunImplementation :: [Arg Term] -> Int -> ReduceM (Reduced MaybeReducedArgs Term)
- data RunMetaOccursCheck
- data CompareAs
- data CompareDirection
- data MetaVariable = MetaVar {}
- data InstanceInfo = InstanceInfo {}
- class Monad m => MonadBlock m where
- patternViolation :: Blocker -> m a
- catchPatternErr :: (Blocker -> m a) -> m a -> m a
- data Reduced no yes
- = NoReduction no
- | YesReduction Simplification yes
- data ProblemConstraint = PConstr {}
- newtype Fields = Fields [(Name, Type)]
- data ForeignCode = ForeignCode Range String
- data LetBinding = LetBinding {}
- newtype Section = Section {}
- data PreScopeState = PreScopeState {
- stPreTokens :: !HighlightingInfo
- stPreImports :: !Signature
- stPreImportedModules :: !(Set TopLevelModuleName)
- stPreModuleToSource :: !ModuleToSource
- stPreVisitedModules :: !VisitedModules
- stPreScope :: !ScopeInfo
- stPrePatternSyns :: !PatternSynDefns
- stPrePatternSynImports :: !PatternSynDefns
- stPreGeneralizedVars :: !(Maybe (Set QName))
- stPrePragmaOptions :: !PragmaOptions
- stPreImportedBuiltins :: !(BuiltinThings PrimFun)
- stPreImportedDisplayForms :: !DisplayForms
- stPreFreshInteractionId :: !InteractionId
- stPreImportedUserWarnings :: !(Map QName Text)
- stPreLocalUserWarnings :: !(Map QName Text)
- stPreWarningOnImport :: !(Maybe Text)
- stPreImportedPartialDefs :: !(Set QName)
- stPreProjectConfigs :: !(Map FilePath ProjectConfig)
- stPreAgdaLibFiles :: !(Map FilePath AgdaLibFile)
- stPreImportedMetaStore :: !RemoteMetaStore
- stPreCopiedNames :: !(HashMap QName QName)
- stPreNameCopies :: !(HashMap QName (HashSet QName))
- data PostScopeState = PostScopeState {
- stPostSyntaxInfo :: !HighlightingInfo
- stPostDisambiguatedNames :: !DisambiguatedNames
- stPostOpenMetaStore :: !LocalMetaStore
- stPostSolvedMetaStore :: !LocalMetaStore
- stPostInteractionPoints :: !InteractionPoints
- stPostAwakeConstraints :: !Constraints
- stPostSleepingConstraints :: !Constraints
- stPostDirty :: !Bool
- stPostOccursCheckDefs :: !(Set QName)
- stPostSignature :: !Signature
- stPostModuleCheckpoints :: !(Map ModuleName CheckpointId)
- stPostImportsDisplayForms :: !DisplayForms
- stPostForeignCode :: !(Map BackendName ForeignCodeStack)
- stPostCurrentModule :: !(Maybe (ModuleName, TopLevelModuleName))
- stPostPendingInstances :: !(Set QName)
- stPostTemporaryInstances :: !(Set QName)
- stPostConcreteNames :: !ConcreteNames
- stPostUsedNames :: !(Map RawName (DList RawName))
- stPostShadowingNames :: !(Map Name (DList RawName))
- stPostStatistics :: !Statistics
- stPostTCWarnings :: ![TCWarning]
- stPostMutualBlocks :: !(Map MutualId MutualBlock)
- stPostLocalBuiltins :: !(BuiltinThings PrimFun)
- stPostFreshMetaId :: !MetaId
- stPostFreshMutualId :: !MutualId
- stPostFreshProblemId :: !ProblemId
- stPostFreshCheckpointId :: !CheckpointId
- stPostFreshInt :: !Int
- stPostFreshNameId :: !NameId
- stPostFreshOpaqueId :: !OpaqueId
- stPostAreWeCaching :: !Bool
- stPostPostponeInstanceSearch :: !Bool
- stPostConsideringInstance :: !Bool
- stPostInstantiateBlocking :: !Bool
- stPostLocalPartialDefs :: !(Set QName)
- stPostOpaqueBlocks :: Map OpaqueId OpaqueBlock
- stPostOpaqueIds :: Map QName OpaqueId
- data PersistentTCState = PersistentTCSt {
- stDecodedModules :: !DecodedModules
- stPersistentTopLevelModuleNames :: !(BiMap RawTopLevelModuleName ModuleNameHash)
- stPersistentOptions :: CommandLineOptions
- stInteractionOutputCallback :: InteractionOutputCallback
- stBenchmark :: !Benchmark
- stAccumStatistics :: !Statistics
- stPersistLoadedFileCache :: !(Maybe LoadedFileCache)
- stPersistBackends :: [Backend_boot TCM]
- type VisitedModules = Map TopLevelModuleName ModuleInfo
- type BuiltinThings pf = Map SomeBuiltin (Builtin pf)
- type DisplayForms = HashMap QName [LocalDisplayForm]
- type RemoteMetaStore = HashMap MetaId RemoteMetaVariable
- data DisambiguatedName = DisambiguatedName NameKind QName
- type DisambiguatedNames = IntMap DisambiguatedName
- type ConcreteNames = Map Name [Name]
- type LocalMetaStore = Map MetaId MetaVariable
- type InteractionPoints = BiMap InteractionId InteractionPoint
- newtype CheckpointId = CheckpointId Int
- newtype ForeignCodeStack = ForeignCodeStack {}
- newtype MutualId = MutId Int32
- data MutualBlock = MutualBlock {}
- data OpaqueBlock = OpaqueBlock {}
- type DecodedModules = Map TopLevelModuleName ModuleInfo
- data LoadedFileCache = LoadedFileCache {}
- type CachedTypeCheckLog = [(TypeCheckAction, PostScopeState)]
- type CurrentTypeCheckLog = [(TypeCheckAction, PostScopeState)]
- data TypeCheckAction
- type TempInstanceTable = (InstanceTable, Set QName)
- class Enum i => HasFresh i where
- freshLens :: Lens' TCState i
- nextFresh' :: i -> i
- class Monad m => MonadFresh i m where
- fresh :: m i
- class FreshName a where
- freshName_ :: MonadFresh NameId m => a -> m Name
- class Monad m => MonadStConcreteNames m where
- runStConcreteNames :: StateT ConcreteNames m a -> m a
- useConcreteNames :: m ConcreteNames
- modifyConcreteNames :: (ConcreteNames -> ConcreteNames) -> m ()
- data ModuleCheckMode
- class LensClosure b a | b -> a where
- lensClosure :: Lens' b (Closure a)
- class LensTCEnv a where
- data WhyCheckModality
- data IsForced
- data Candidate = Candidate {}
- data Judgement a
- = HasType {
- jMetaId :: a
- jComparison :: Comparison
- jMetaType :: Type
- | IsSort { }
- = HasType {
- data DoGeneralize
- data GeneralizedValue = GeneralizedValue {}
- newtype MetaPriority = MetaPriority Int
- data MetaInstantiation
- data Listener
- data Frozen
- data Instantiation = Instantiation {}
- data TypeCheckingProblem
- = CheckExpr Comparison Expr Type
- | CheckArgs Comparison ExpandHidden Range [NamedArg Expr] Type Type (ArgsCheckState CheckedTarget -> TCM Term)
- | CheckProjAppToKnownPrincipalArg Comparison Expr ProjOrigin (List1 QName) Args Type Int Term Type PrincipalArgTypeMetas
- | CheckLambda Comparison (Arg (List1 (WithHiding Name), Maybe Type)) Expr Type
- | DoQuoteTerm Comparison Term Type
- data RemoteMetaVariable = RemoteMetaVariable {}
- data CheckedTarget
- data PrincipalArgTypeMetas = PrincipalArgTypeMetas {
- patmMetas :: Args
- patmRemainder :: Type
- data ExpandHidden
- data ArgsCheckState a = ACState {}
- data InteractionPoint = InteractionPoint {}
- data IPClause
- = IPClause {
- ipcQName :: QName
- ipcClauseNo :: Int
- ipcType :: Type
- ipcWithSub :: Maybe Substitution
- ipcClause :: SpineClause
- ipcClosure :: Closure ()
- | IPNoClause
- = IPClause {
- type IPBoundary = IPBoundary' Term
- data Overapplied
- newtype IPBoundary' t = IPBoundary {
- getBoundary :: Map (IntMap Bool) t
- type Sections = Map ModuleName Section
- type RewriteRuleMap = HashMap QName RewriteRules
- data InstanceTable = InstanceTable {}
- type LocalDisplayForm = Open DisplayForm
- data DisplayTerm
- data NLPat
- type PElims = [Elim' NLPat]
- data NLPType = NLPType {}
- data NLPSort
- data RewriteRule = RewriteRule {}
- data Defn
- data NumGeneralizableArgs
- type CompiledRepresentation = Map BackendName [CompilerPragma]
- type Face = [(Term, Bool)]
- data ExtLamInfo = ExtLamInfo {
- extLamModule :: ModuleName
- extLamAbsurd :: Bool
- extLamSys :: !(Maybe System)
- data Projection = Projection {}
- newtype ProjLams = ProjLams {
- getProjLams :: [Arg ArgName]
- data EtaEquality
- = Specified {
- theEtaEquality :: !HasEta
- | Inferred {
- theEtaEquality :: !HasEta
- = Specified {
- data FunctionFlag
- data CompKit = CompKit {}
- data AxiomData = AxiomData {}
- data DataOrRecSigData = DataOrRecSigData {
- _datarecPars :: Int
- data FunctionData = FunctionData {
- _funClauses :: [Clause]
- _funCompiled :: Maybe CompiledClauses
- _funSplitTree :: Maybe SplitTree
- _funTreeless :: Maybe Compiled
- _funCovering :: [Clause]
- _funInv :: FunctionInverse
- _funMutual :: Maybe [QName]
- _funProjection :: Either ProjectionLikenessMissing Projection
- _funFlags :: SmallSet FunctionFlag
- _funTerminates :: Maybe Bool
- _funExtLam :: Maybe ExtLamInfo
- _funWith :: Maybe QName
- _funIsKanOp :: Maybe QName
- _funOpaque :: IsOpaque
- data DatatypeData = DatatypeData {
- _dataPars :: Nat
- _dataIxs :: Nat
- _dataClause :: Maybe Clause
- _dataCons :: [QName]
- _dataSort :: Sort
- _dataMutual :: Maybe [QName]
- _dataAbstr :: IsAbstract
- _dataPathCons :: [QName]
- _dataTranspIx :: Maybe QName
- _dataTransp :: Maybe QName
- data RecordData = RecordData {
- _recPars :: Nat
- _recClause :: Maybe Clause
- _recConHead :: ConHead
- _recNamedCon :: Bool
- _recFields :: [Dom QName]
- _recTel :: Telescope
- _recMutual :: Maybe [QName]
- _recEtaEquality' :: EtaEquality
- _recPatternMatching :: PatternOrCopattern
- _recInduction :: Maybe Induction
- _recTerminates :: Maybe Bool
- _recAbstr :: IsAbstract
- _recComp :: CompKit
- data ConstructorData = ConstructorData {
- _conPars :: Int
- _conArity :: Int
- _conSrcCon :: ConHead
- _conData :: QName
- _conAbstr :: IsAbstract
- _conComp :: CompKit
- _conProj :: Maybe [QName]
- _conForced :: [IsForced]
- _conErased :: Maybe [Bool]
- _conErasure :: !Bool
- _conInline :: !Bool
- data PrimitiveData = PrimitiveData {}
- data PrimitiveSortData = PrimitiveSortData {}
- data ProjectionLikenessMissing
- type FunctionInverse = FunctionInverse' Clause
- data BuiltinSort
- data FunctionInverse' c
- = NotInjective
- | Inverse (InversionMap c)
- data Simplification
- data IsReduced
- = NotReduced
- | Reduced (Blocked ())
- data MaybeReduced a = MaybeRed {
- isReduced :: IsReduced
- ignoreReduced :: a
- type MaybeReducedArgs = [MaybeReduced (Arg Term)]
- type MaybeReducedElims = [MaybeReduced Elim]
- data AllowedReduction
- type AllowedReductions = SmallSet AllowedReduction
- data ReduceDefs
- = OnlyReduceDefs (Set QName)
- | DontReduceDefs (Set QName)
- data PrimitiveImpl = PrimImpl Type PrimFun
- type InversionMap c = Map TermHead [c]
- data TermHead
- data BuiltinDescriptor
- = BuiltinData (TCM Type) [BuiltinId]
- | BuiltinDataCons (TCM Type)
- | BuiltinPrim PrimitiveId (Term -> TCM ())
- | BuiltinSort BuiltinSort
- | BuiltinPostulate Relevance (TCM Type)
- | BuiltinUnknown (Maybe (TCM Type)) (Term -> Type -> TCM ())
- data BuiltinInfo = BuiltinInfo {}
- type LetBindings = Map Name (Open LetBinding)
- data AbstractMode
- data UnquoteFlags = UnquoteFlags {}
- data CandidateKind
- data TerminationError = TerminationError {
- termErrFunctions :: [QName]
- termErrCalls :: [CallInfo]
- data IllegalRewriteRuleReason
- = LHSNotDefinitionOrConstructor
- | VariablesNotBoundByLHS IntSet
- | VariablesBoundMoreThanOnce IntSet
- | LHSReduces Term Term
- | HeadSymbolIsProjection QName
- | HeadSymbolIsProjectionLikeFunction QName
- | HeadSymbolIsTypeConstructor QName
- | HeadSymbolContainsMetas QName
- | ConstructorParametersNotGeneral ConHead Args
- | ContainsUnsolvedMetaVariables (Set MetaId)
- | BlockedOnProblems (Set ProblemId)
- | RequiresDefinitions (Set QName)
- | DoesNotTargetRewriteRelation
- | BeforeFunctionDefinition
- | BeforeMutualFunctionDefinition QName
- | DuplicateRewriteRule
- data CallInfo = CallInfo {}
- data ErasedDatatypeReason
- data SplitError
- = NotADatatype (Closure Type)
- | BlockedType Blocker (Closure Type)
- | ErasedDatatype ErasedDatatypeReason (Closure Type)
- | CoinductiveDatatype (Closure Type)
- | UnificationStuck { }
- | CosplitCatchall
- | CosplitNoTarget
- | CosplitNoRecordType (Closure Type)
- | CannotCreateMissingClause QName (Telescope, [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]) Doc (Closure (Abs Type))
- | GenericSplitError String
- data UnificationFailure
- data NegativeUnification
- data UnquoteError
- type DataOrRecordE = DataOrRecord' InductionAndEta
- data IncorrectTypeForRewriteRelationReason
- data InvalidFileNameReason
- data InductionAndEta = InductionAndEta {}
- data ReduceEnv = ReduceEnv {}
- newtype BlockT m a = BlockT {}
- pattern Function :: [Clause] -> Maybe CompiledClauses -> Maybe SplitTree -> Maybe Compiled -> [Clause] -> FunctionInverse -> Maybe [QName] -> Either ProjectionLikenessMissing Projection -> SmallSet FunctionFlag -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe ExtLamInfo -> Maybe QName -> Maybe QName -> IsOpaque -> Defn
- pattern Constructor :: Int -> Int -> ConHead -> QName -> IsAbstract -> CompKit -> Maybe [QName] -> [IsForced] -> Maybe [Bool] -> Bool -> Bool -> Defn
- pattern Datatype :: Nat -> Nat -> Maybe Clause -> [QName] -> Sort -> Maybe [QName] -> IsAbstract -> [QName] -> Maybe QName -> Maybe QName -> Defn
- pattern Primitive :: IsAbstract -> PrimitiveId -> [Clause] -> FunctionInverse -> Maybe CompiledClauses -> IsOpaque -> Defn
- pattern Record :: Nat -> Maybe Clause -> ConHead -> Bool -> [Dom QName] -> Telescope -> Maybe [QName] -> EtaEquality -> PatternOrCopattern -> Maybe Induction -> Maybe Bool -> IsAbstract -> CompKit -> Defn
- pattern Axiom :: Bool -> Defn
- pattern DDot :: Term -> DisplayTerm
- pattern DTerm :: Term -> DisplayTerm
- pattern PType :: NLPat -> NLPSort
- pattern PProp :: NLPat -> NLPSort
- pattern PSSet :: NLPat -> NLPSort
- pattern DataOrRecSig :: Int -> Defn
- pattern PrimitiveSort :: BuiltinSort -> Sort -> Defn
- pattern SortProp :: BuiltinSort
- pattern SortSet :: BuiltinSort
- pattern SortStrictSet :: BuiltinSort
- pattern SortPropOmega :: BuiltinSort
- pattern SortSetOmega :: BuiltinSort
- pattern SortStrictSetOmega :: BuiltinSort
- typeError :: (HasCallStack, MonadTCError m) => TypeError -> m a
- internalError :: (HasCallStack, MonadTCM tcm) => String -> tcm a
- runReduceM :: ReduceM a -> TCM a
- initState :: TCState
- defaultInteractionOutputCallback :: InteractionOutputCallback
- mapTCMT :: (forall a. m a -> n a) -> TCMT m a -> TCMT n a
- askR :: ReduceM ReduceEnv
- defAbstract :: Definition -> IsAbstract
- genericError :: (HasCallStack, MonadTCError m) => String -> m a
- stModuleToSource :: Lens' TCState ModuleToSource
- useTC :: ReadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> m a
- defOpaque :: Definition -> IsOpaque
- initPersistentState :: PersistentTCState
- initialMetaId :: MetaId
- initPreScopeState :: PreScopeState
- emptySignature :: Signature
- initPostScopeState :: PostScopeState
- stTokens :: Lens' TCState HighlightingInfo
- stImports :: Lens' TCState Signature
- stImportedModules :: Lens' TCState (Set TopLevelModuleName)
- stVisitedModules :: Lens' TCState VisitedModules
- stScope :: Lens' TCState ScopeInfo
- stPatternSyns :: Lens' TCState PatternSynDefns
- stPatternSynImports :: Lens' TCState PatternSynDefns
- stGeneralizedVars :: Lens' TCState (Maybe (Set QName))
- stPragmaOptions :: Lens' TCState PragmaOptions
- stImportedBuiltins :: Lens' TCState (BuiltinThings PrimFun)
- stForeignCode :: Lens' TCState (Map BackendName ForeignCodeStack)
- stFreshInteractionId :: Lens' TCState InteractionId
- stImportedUserWarnings :: Lens' TCState (Map QName Text)
- stLocalUserWarnings :: Lens' TCState (Map QName Text)
- getUserWarnings :: ReadTCState m => m (Map QName Text)
- useR :: ReadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> m a
- stWarningOnImport :: Lens' TCState (Maybe Text)
- stImportedPartialDefs :: Lens' TCState (Set QName)
- stLocalPartialDefs :: Lens' TCState (Set QName)
- getPartialDefs :: ReadTCState m => m (Set QName)
- stLoadedFileCache :: Lens' TCState (Maybe LoadedFileCache)
- stBackends :: Lens' TCState [Backend_boot TCM]
- stProjectConfigs :: Lens' TCState (Map FilePath ProjectConfig)
- stAgdaLibFiles :: Lens' TCState (Map FilePath AgdaLibFile)
- stTopLevelModuleNames :: Lens' TCState (BiMap RawTopLevelModuleName ModuleNameHash)
- stImportedMetaStore :: Lens' TCState RemoteMetaStore
- stCopiedNames :: Lens' TCState (HashMap QName QName)
- stNameCopies :: Lens' TCState (HashMap QName (HashSet QName))
- stFreshNameId :: Lens' TCState NameId
- stFreshOpaqueId :: Lens' TCState OpaqueId
- stOpaqueBlocks :: Lens' TCState (Map OpaqueId OpaqueBlock)
- stOpaqueIds :: Lens' TCState (Map QName OpaqueId)
- stSyntaxInfo :: Lens' TCState HighlightingInfo
- stDisambiguatedNames :: Lens' TCState DisambiguatedNames
- stOpenMetaStore :: Lens' TCState LocalMetaStore
- stSolvedMetaStore :: Lens' TCState LocalMetaStore
- stInteractionPoints :: Lens' TCState InteractionPoints
- stAwakeConstraints :: Lens' TCState Constraints
- stSleepingConstraints :: Lens' TCState Constraints
- stDirty :: Lens' TCState Bool
- stOccursCheckDefs :: Lens' TCState (Set QName)
- stSignature :: Lens' TCState Signature
- stModuleCheckpoints :: Lens' TCState (Map ModuleName CheckpointId)
- stImportsDisplayForms :: Lens' TCState DisplayForms
- stImportedDisplayForms :: Lens' TCState DisplayForms
- stCurrentModule :: Lens' TCState (Maybe (ModuleName, TopLevelModuleName))
- stInstanceDefs :: Lens' TCState TempInstanceTable
- sigInstances :: Lens' Signature InstanceTable
- stTemporaryInstances :: Lens' TCState (Set QName)
- stInstanceTree :: Lens' TCState (DiscrimTree QName)
- itableTree :: Lens' InstanceTable (DiscrimTree QName)
- stConcreteNames :: Lens' TCState ConcreteNames
- stUsedNames :: Lens' TCState (Map RawName (DList RawName))
- stShadowingNames :: Lens' TCState (Map Name (DList RawName))
- stStatistics :: Lens' TCState Statistics
- stTCWarnings :: Lens' TCState [TCWarning]
- stMutualBlocks :: Lens' TCState (Map MutualId MutualBlock)
- stLocalBuiltins :: Lens' TCState (BuiltinThings PrimFun)
- stFreshMetaId :: Lens' TCState MetaId
- stFreshMutualId :: Lens' TCState MutualId
- stFreshProblemId :: Lens' TCState ProblemId
- stFreshCheckpointId :: Lens' TCState CheckpointId
- stFreshInt :: Lens' TCState Int
- stAreWeCaching :: Lens' TCState Bool
- stPostponeInstanceSearch :: Lens' TCState Bool
- stConsideringInstance :: Lens' TCState Bool
- stInstantiateBlocking :: Lens' TCState Bool
- stBuiltinThings :: TCState -> BuiltinThings PrimFun
- unionBuiltin :: Builtin a -> Builtin a -> Builtin a
- nextFresh :: HasFresh i => TCState -> (i, TCState)
- freshName :: MonadFresh NameId m => Range -> String -> m Name
- freshNoName :: MonadFresh NameId m => Range -> m Name
- freshNoName_ :: MonadFresh NameId m => m Name
- freshRecordName :: MonadFresh NameId m => m Name
- stateTCLensM :: MonadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> (a -> m (r, a)) -> m r
- iFullHash :: Interface -> Hash
- intSignature :: Lens' Interface Signature
- buildClosure :: (MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m) => a -> m (Closure a)
- fromCmp :: Comparison -> CompareDirection
- flipCmp :: CompareDirection -> CompareDirection
- dirToCmp :: (Comparison -> a -> a -> c) -> CompareDirection -> a -> a -> c
- suffixNameSuggestion :: MetaNameSuggestion -> ArgName -> MetaNameSuggestion
- getMetaInfo :: MetaVariable -> Closure Range
- normalMetaPriority :: MetaPriority
- lowMetaPriority :: MetaPriority
- highMetaPriority :: MetaPriority
- getMetaScope :: MetaVariable -> ScopeInfo
- getMetaEnv :: MetaVariable -> TCEnv
- getMetaSig :: MetaVariable -> Signature
- metaFrozen :: Lens' MetaVariable Frozen
- _mvInfo :: Lens' MetaVariable MetaInfo
- aModeToDef :: AbstractMode -> Maybe IsAbstract
- aDefToMode :: IsAbstract -> AbstractMode
- sigSections :: Lens' Signature Sections
- sigDefinitions :: Lens' Signature Definitions
- sigRewriteRules :: Lens' Signature RewriteRuleMap
- secTelescope :: Lens' Section Telescope
- defaultDisplayForm :: QName -> [LocalDisplayForm]
- lensTheDef :: Lens' Definition Defn
- defaultDefn :: ArgInfo -> QName -> Type -> Language -> Defn -> Definition
- noCompiledRep :: CompiledRepresentation
- jsBackendName :: BackendName
- ghcBackendName :: BackendName
- modifySystem :: (System -> System) -> ExtLamInfo -> ExtLamInfo
- projDropPars :: Projection -> ProjOrigin -> Term
- projArgInfo :: Projection -> ArgInfo
- setEtaEquality :: EtaEquality -> HasEta -> EtaEquality
- emptyCompKit :: CompKit
- defaultAxiom :: Defn
- constTranspAxiom :: Defn
- axiomConstTransp :: Defn -> Bool
- datarecPars :: Defn -> Int
- funClauses :: Defn -> [Clause]
- funCompiled :: Defn -> Maybe CompiledClauses
- funSplitTree :: Defn -> Maybe SplitTree
- funTreeless :: Defn -> Maybe Compiled
- funCovering :: Defn -> [Clause]
- funInv :: Defn -> FunctionInverse
- funMutual :: Defn -> Maybe [QName]
- funProjection :: Defn -> Either ProjectionLikenessMissing Projection
- funFlags :: Defn -> SmallSet FunctionFlag
- funTerminates :: Defn -> Maybe Bool
- funExtLam :: Defn -> Maybe ExtLamInfo
- funWith :: Defn -> Maybe QName
- funIsKanOp :: Defn -> Maybe QName
- funOpaque :: Defn -> IsOpaque
- dataPars :: Defn -> Nat
- dataIxs :: Defn -> Nat
- dataClause :: Defn -> Maybe Clause
- dataCons :: Defn -> [QName]
- dataSort :: Defn -> Sort
- dataMutual :: Defn -> Maybe [QName]
- dataAbstr :: Defn -> IsAbstract
- dataPathCons :: Defn -> [QName]
- dataTranspIx :: Defn -> Maybe QName
- dataTransp :: Defn -> Maybe QName
- recPars :: Defn -> Nat
- recClause :: Defn -> Maybe Clause
- recConHead :: Defn -> ConHead
- recNamedCon :: Defn -> Bool
- recFields :: Defn -> [Dom QName]
- recTel :: Defn -> Telescope
- recMutual :: Defn -> Maybe [QName]
- recEtaEquality' :: Defn -> EtaEquality
- recPatternMatching :: Defn -> PatternOrCopattern
- recInduction :: Defn -> Maybe Induction
- recTerminates :: Defn -> Maybe Bool
- recAbstr :: Defn -> IsAbstract
- recComp :: Defn -> CompKit
- conPars :: Defn -> Int
- conArity :: Defn -> Int
- conSrcCon :: Defn -> ConHead
- conData :: Defn -> QName
- conAbstr :: Defn -> IsAbstract
- conComp :: Defn -> CompKit
- conProj :: Defn -> Maybe [QName]
- conForced :: Defn -> [IsForced]
- conErased :: Defn -> Maybe [Bool]
- conErasure :: Defn -> Bool
- conInline :: Defn -> Bool
- primAbstr :: Defn -> IsAbstract
- primName :: Defn -> PrimitiveId
- primClauses :: Defn -> [Clause]
- primInv :: Defn -> FunctionInverse
- primCompiled :: Defn -> Maybe CompiledClauses
- primOpaque :: Defn -> IsOpaque
- primSortName :: Defn -> BuiltinSort
- primSortSort :: Defn -> Sort
- lensFunction :: Lens' Defn FunctionData
- lensConstructor :: Lens' Defn ConstructorData
- lensRecord :: Lens' Defn RecordData
- lensRecTel :: Lens' RecordData Telescope
- lensRecEta :: Lens' RecordData EtaEquality
- recRecursive :: Defn -> Bool
- recRecursive_ :: RecordData -> Bool
- recEtaEquality :: Defn -> HasEta
- _recEtaEquality :: RecordData -> HasEta
- emptyFunctionData :: HasOptions m => m FunctionData
- emptyFunctionData_ :: Bool -> FunctionData
- emptyFunction :: HasOptions m => m Defn
- emptyFunction_ :: Bool -> Defn
- funFlag_ :: FunctionFlag -> Lens' FunctionData Bool
- funFlag :: FunctionFlag -> Lens' Defn Bool
- funStatic :: Lens' Defn Bool
- funInline :: Lens' Defn Bool
- funMacro :: Lens' Defn Bool
- funMacro_ :: Lens' FunctionData Bool
- funFirstOrder :: Lens' Defn Bool
- funErasure :: Lens' Defn Bool
- funAbstract :: Lens' Defn Bool
- funAbstr :: Lens' Defn IsAbstract
- funAbstract_ :: Lens' FunctionData Bool
- funAbstr_ :: Lens' FunctionData IsAbstract
- funProj :: Lens' Defn Bool
- funProj_ :: Lens' FunctionData Bool
- isMacro :: Defn -> Bool
- isEmptyFunction :: Defn -> Bool
- isExtendedLambda :: Defn -> Bool
- isWithFunction :: Defn -> Bool
- isCopatternLHS :: [Clause] -> Bool
- recCon :: Defn -> QName
- defIsRecord :: Defn -> Bool
- defIsDataOrRecord :: Defn -> Bool
- defConstructors :: Defn -> [QName]
- redReturn :: a -> ReduceM (Reduced a' a)
- redBind :: ReduceM (Reduced a a') -> (a -> b) -> (a' -> ReduceM (Reduced b b')) -> ReduceM (Reduced b b')
- notReduced :: a -> MaybeReduced a
- reduced :: Blocked (Arg Term) -> MaybeReduced (Arg Term)
- allReductions :: AllowedReductions
- reallyAllReductions :: AllowedReductions
- reduceAllDefs :: ReduceDefs
- locallyReduceDefs :: MonadTCEnv m => ReduceDefs -> m a -> m a
- locallyTC :: MonadTCEnv m => Lens' TCEnv a -> (a -> a) -> m b -> m b
- eReduceDefs :: Lens' TCEnv ReduceDefs
- locallyReduceAllDefs :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a
- shouldReduceDef :: MonadTCEnv m => QName -> m Bool
- asksTC :: MonadTCEnv m => (TCEnv -> a) -> m a
- toReduceDefs :: (Bool, [QName]) -> ReduceDefs
- fromReduceDefs :: ReduceDefs -> (Bool, [QName])
- locallyReconstructed :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a
- eReconstructed :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- isReconstructed :: MonadTCEnv m => m Bool
- primFun :: QName -> Arity -> ([Arg Term] -> ReduceM (Reduced MaybeReducedArgs Term)) -> PrimFun
- defClauses :: Definition -> [Clause]
- defCompiled :: Definition -> Maybe CompiledClauses
- defParameters :: Definition -> Maybe Nat
- defInverse :: Definition -> FunctionInverse
- defCompilerPragmas :: BackendName -> Definition -> [CompilerPragma]
- defNonterminating :: Definition -> Bool
- defTerminationUnconfirmed :: Definition -> Bool
- defForced :: Definition -> [IsForced]
- itableCounts :: Lens' InstanceTable (Map QName Int)
- ifTopLevelAndHighlightingLevelIsOr :: MonadTCEnv tcm => HighlightingLevel -> Bool -> tcm () -> tcm ()
- ifTopLevelAndHighlightingLevelIs :: MonadTCEnv tcm => HighlightingLevel -> tcm () -> tcm ()
- initEnv :: TCEnv
- defaultUnquoteFlags :: UnquoteFlags
- unquoteNormalise :: Lens' UnquoteFlags Bool
- eUnquoteNormalise :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eUnquoteFlags :: Lens' TCEnv UnquoteFlags
- eContext :: Lens' TCEnv Context
- eLetBindings :: Lens' TCEnv LetBindings
- eCurrentModule :: Lens' TCEnv ModuleName
- eCurrentPath :: Lens' TCEnv (Maybe AbsolutePath)
- eAnonymousModules :: Lens' TCEnv [(ModuleName, Nat)]
- eImportPath :: Lens' TCEnv [TopLevelModuleName]
- eMutualBlock :: Lens' TCEnv (Maybe MutualId)
- eTerminationCheck :: Lens' TCEnv (TerminationCheck ())
- eCoverageCheck :: Lens' TCEnv CoverageCheck
- eMakeCase :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eSolvingConstraints :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eCheckingWhere :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eWorkingOnTypes :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eAssignMetas :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eActiveProblems :: Lens' TCEnv (Set ProblemId)
- eAbstractMode :: Lens' TCEnv AbstractMode
- eRelevance :: Lens' TCEnv Relevance
- eQuantity :: Lens' TCEnv Quantity
- eHardCompileTimeMode :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eSplitOnStrict :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eDisplayFormsEnabled :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eFoldLetBindings :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eRange :: Lens' TCEnv Range
- eHighlightingRange :: Lens' TCEnv Range
- eCall :: Lens' TCEnv (Maybe (Closure Call))
- eHighlightingLevel :: Lens' TCEnv HighlightingLevel
- eHighlightingMethod :: Lens' TCEnv HighlightingMethod
- eExpandLast :: Lens' TCEnv ExpandHidden
- eExpandLastBool :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- isExpandLast :: ExpandHidden -> Bool
- toExpandLast :: Bool -> ExpandHidden
- eAppDef :: Lens' TCEnv (Maybe QName)
- eSimplification :: Lens' TCEnv Simplification
- eAllowedReductions :: Lens' TCEnv AllowedReductions
- eReduceDefsPair :: Lens' TCEnv (Bool, [QName])
- eInjectivityDepth :: Lens' TCEnv Int
- eCompareBlocked :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- ePrintDomainFreePi :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- ePrintMetasBare :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eInsideDotPattern :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eInstanceDepth :: Lens' TCEnv Int
- eIsDebugPrinting :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- ePrintingPatternLambdas :: Lens' TCEnv [QName]
- eCallByNeed :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eCurrentCheckpoint :: Lens' TCEnv CheckpointId
- eCheckpoints :: Lens' TCEnv (Map CheckpointId Substitution)
- eGeneralizeMetas :: Lens' TCEnv DoGeneralize
- eGeneralizedVars :: Lens' TCEnv (Map QName GeneralizedValue)
- eActiveBackendName :: Lens' TCEnv (Maybe BackendName)
- eConflComputingOverlap :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- eCurrentlyElaborating :: Lens' TCEnv Bool
- currentModality :: MonadTCEnv m => m Modality
- viewTC :: MonadTCEnv m => Lens' TCEnv a -> m a
- onLetBindingType :: (Dom Type -> Dom Type) -> LetBinding -> LetBinding
- isDontExpandLast :: ExpandHidden -> Bool
- recordFieldWarningToError :: RecordFieldWarning -> TypeError
- warningName :: Warning -> WarningName
- illegalRewriteWarningName :: IllegalRewriteRuleReason -> WarningName
- isSourceCodeWarning :: WarningName -> Bool
- tcWarningOrigin :: TCWarning -> SrcFile
- sizedTypesOption :: HasOptions m => m Bool
- guardednessOption :: HasOptions m => m Bool
- withoutKOption :: HasOptions m => m Bool
- cubicalOption :: HasOptions m => m (Maybe Cubical)
- cubicalCompatibleOption :: HasOptions m => m Bool
- enableCaching :: HasOptions m => m Bool
- mapRedEnv :: (TCEnv -> TCEnv) -> ReduceEnv -> ReduceEnv
- mapRedSt :: (TCState -> TCState) -> ReduceEnv -> ReduceEnv
- mapRedEnvSt :: (TCEnv -> TCEnv) -> (TCState -> TCState) -> ReduceEnv -> ReduceEnv
- reduceEnv :: Lens' ReduceEnv TCEnv
- reduceSt :: Lens' ReduceEnv TCState
- unKleisli :: (a -> ReduceM b) -> ReduceM (a -> b)
- onReduceEnv :: (ReduceEnv -> ReduceEnv) -> ReduceM a -> ReduceM a
- fmapReduce :: (a -> b) -> ReduceM a -> ReduceM b
- apReduce :: ReduceM (a -> b) -> ReduceM a -> ReduceM b
- thenReduce :: ReduceM a -> ReduceM b -> ReduceM b
- beforeReduce :: ReduceM a -> ReduceM b -> ReduceM a
- bindReduce :: ReduceM a -> (a -> ReduceM b) -> ReduceM b
- runReduceF :: (a -> ReduceM b) -> TCM (a -> b)
- localR :: (ReduceEnv -> ReduceEnv) -> ReduceM a -> ReduceM a
- getsTC :: ReadTCState m => (TCState -> a) -> m a
- modifyTC' :: MonadTCState m => (TCState -> TCState) -> m ()
- setTCLens :: MonadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> a -> m ()
- setTCLens' :: MonadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> a -> m ()
- modifyTCLens :: MonadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> (a -> a) -> m ()
- modifyTCLens' :: MonadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> (a -> a) -> m ()
- modifyTCLensM :: MonadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> (a -> m a) -> m ()
- stateTCLens :: MonadTCState m => Lens' TCState a -> (a -> (r, a)) -> m r
- runBlocked :: Monad m => BlockT m a -> m (Either Blocker a)
- pureTCM :: MonadIO m => (TCState -> TCEnv -> a) -> TCMT m a
- returnTCMT :: Applicative m => a -> TCMT m a
- bindTCMT :: Monad m => TCMT m a -> (a -> TCMT m b) -> TCMT m b
- thenTCMT :: Applicative m => TCMT m a -> TCMT m b -> TCMT m b
- fmapTCMT :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> TCMT m a -> TCMT m b
- apTCMT :: Applicative m => TCMT m (a -> b) -> TCMT m a -> TCMT m b
- catchError_ :: TCM a -> (TCErr -> TCM a) -> TCM a
- finally_ :: TCM a -> TCM b -> TCM a
- typeError' :: MonadTCError m => CallStack -> TypeError -> m a
- locatedTypeError :: MonadTCError m => (a -> TypeError) -> HasCallStack => a -> m b
- genericDocError :: (HasCallStack, MonadTCError m) => Doc -> m a
- typeError'_ :: (MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m) => CallStack -> TypeError -> m TCErr
- typeError_ :: (HasCallStack, MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m) => TypeError -> m TCErr
- runTCM :: MonadIO m => TCEnv -> TCState -> TCMT m a -> m (a, TCState)
- runTCMTop :: TCM a -> IO (Either TCErr a)
- runTCMTop' :: MonadIO m => TCMT m a -> m a
- runSafeTCM :: TCM a -> TCState -> IO (a, TCState)
- forkTCM :: TCM a -> TCM ()
- patternInTeleName :: String
- extendedLambdaName :: String
- isExtendedLambdaName :: QName -> Bool
- absurdLambdaName :: String
- isAbsurdLambdaName :: QName -> Bool
- generalizedFieldName :: String
- getGeneralizedFieldName :: QName -> Maybe String
- module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base.Types
- class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m) => HasOptions m where
- data RecordFieldWarning
data Constraint Source #
ValueCmp Comparison CompareAs Term Term | |
ValueCmpOnFace Comparison Term Type Term Term | |
ElimCmp [Polarity] [IsForced] Type Term [Elim] [Elim] | |
SortCmp Comparison Sort Sort | |
LevelCmp Comparison Level Level | |
HasBiggerSort Sort | |
HasPTSRule (Dom Type) (Abs Sort) | |
CheckDataSort QName Sort | Check that the sort |
CheckMetaInst MetaId | |
CheckType Type | |
UnBlock MetaId | Meta created for a term blocked by a postponed type checking problem or unsolved
constraints. The |
IsEmpty Range Type | The range is the one of the absurd pattern. |
CheckSizeLtSat Term | Check that the |
FindInstance MetaId (Maybe [Candidate]) | the first argument is the instance argument and the second one is the list of candidates (or Nothing if we haven’t determined the list of candidates yet) |
ResolveInstanceHead QName | Resolve the head symbol of the type that the given instance targets |
CheckFunDef DefInfo QName [Clause] TCErr | Last argument is the error causing us to postpone. |
UnquoteTactic Term Term Type | First argument is computation and the others are hole and goal type |
CheckLockedVars Term Type (Arg Term) Type |
UsableAtModality WhyCheckModality (Maybe Sort) Modality Term | Is the term usable at the given modality?
This check should run if the |
data Comparison Source #
Pretty Comparison Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base pretty :: Comparison -> Doc Source # prettyPrec :: Int -> Comparison -> Doc Source # prettyList :: [Comparison] -> Doc Source # | |
PrettyTCM Comparison Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty prettyTCM :: MonadPretty m => Comparison -> m Doc Source # | |
EmbPrj Comparison Source # | |
Generic Comparison Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base type Rep Comparison :: Type -> Type # from :: Comparison -> Rep Comparison x # to :: Rep Comparison x -> Comparison # | |
Show Comparison Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base showsPrec :: Int -> Comparison -> ShowS # show :: Comparison -> String # showList :: [Comparison] -> ShowS # | |
NFData Comparison Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base rnf :: Comparison -> () # | |
Eq Comparison Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base (==) :: Comparison -> Comparison -> Bool # (/=) :: Comparison -> Comparison -> Bool # | |
type Rep Comparison Source # | |
data ModuleInfo Source #
ModuleInfo | |
Generic ModuleInfo Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base type Rep ModuleInfo :: Type -> Type # from :: ModuleInfo -> Rep ModuleInfo x # to :: Rep ModuleInfo x -> ModuleInfo # | |
NFData ModuleInfo Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base rnf :: ModuleInfo -> () # | |
type Rep ModuleInfo Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base type Rep ModuleInfo = D1 ('MetaData "ModuleInfo" "Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base" "Agda-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "ModuleInfo" 'PrefixI 'True) ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "miInterface") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Interface) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "miWarnings") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [TCWarning])) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "miPrimitive") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Bool) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "miMode") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 ModuleCheckMode)))) |
data Definition Source #
Defn | |
Builtin Term | |
Prim pf | |
BuiltinRewriteRelations (Set QName) |
Foldable Builtin Source # | |
Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base fold :: Monoid m => Builtin m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Builtin a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Builtin a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Builtin a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Builtin a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Builtin a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Builtin a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Builtin a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Builtin a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Builtin a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Builtin a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => Builtin a -> a # | |
Traversable Builtin Source # | |
Functor Builtin Source # | |
NamesIn a => NamesIn (Builtin a) Source # |