module Content.TileKind
( content
) where
import Prelude ()
import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Color
import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Defs
content :: [TileKind]
content =
[unknown, unknownOuterFence, basicOuterFence, bedrock, wall, wallSuspect, wallObscured, wallObscuredDefaced, wallObscuredFrescoed, pillar, pillarCache, lampPost, signboardUnread, signboardRead, tree, treeBurnt, treeBurning, rubble, rubbleSpice, doorTrapped, doorClosed, stairsUp, stairsTrappedUp, stairsOutdoorUp, stairsGatedUp, stairsDown, stairsTrappedDown, stairsOutdoorDown, stairsGatedDown, escapeUp, escapeDown, escapeOutdoorDown, wallGlass, wallGlassSpice, pillarIce, pulpit, bush, bushBurnt, bushBurning, fog, fogDark, smoke, smokeDark, doorOpen, floorCorridor, floorArena, floorDamp, floorDirt, floorDirtSpice, floorActor, floorActorItem, floorAshes, shallowWater, shallowWaterSpice, shallowWater2, floorRed, floorBlue, floorGreen, floorBrown, floorArenaShade ]
++ map makeDarkColor ldarkColorable
++ [oriel, outerHullWall, rubbleBurning, rubbleBurningSpice, wallOpenable, wallObscuredSafety, wallObscured3dBillboard, liftShaft, rock, pillarCache2, pillarCache3, stairsDecontaminatingUp, stairsWelded, stairsLiftUp, stairsLiftTrappedUp, stairsLiftGatedUp, stairsLiftDecontaminatingUp, stairsLiftWelded, stairsDecontaminatingDown, stairsLiftDown, stairsLiftTrappedDown, stairsLiftGatedDown, stairsLiftDecontaminatingDown, escapeSpaceshipDown, emptyAirlock, reinforcedWall, reinforcedWallSpice, wallShuttle, wallShuttleSpice, machineWall, machineWallSpice, floorOily, oilSpill, oilSpillSpice, floorWindow]
unknown, unknownOuterFence, basicOuterFence, bedrock, wall, wallSuspect, wallObscured, wallObscuredDefaced, wallObscuredFrescoed, pillar, pillarCache, lampPost, signboardUnread, signboardRead, tree, treeBurnt, treeBurning, rubble, rubbleSpice, doorTrapped, doorClosed, stairsUp, stairsTrappedUp, stairsOutdoorUp, stairsGatedUp, stairsDown, stairsTrappedDown, stairsOutdoorDown, stairsGatedDown, escapeUp, escapeDown, escapeOutdoorDown, wallGlass, wallGlassSpice, pillarIce, pulpit, bush, bushBurnt, bushBurning, fog, fogDark, smoke, smokeDark, doorOpen, floorCorridor, floorArena, floorDamp, floorDirt, floorDirtSpice, floorActor, floorActorItem, floorAshes, shallowWater, shallowWaterSpice, shallowWater2, floorRed, floorBlue, floorGreen, floorBrown, floorArenaShade :: TileKind
oriel, outerHullWall, rubbleBurning, rubbleBurningSpice, wallOpenable, wallObscuredSafety, wallObscured3dBillboard, liftShaft, rock, pillarCache2, pillarCache3, stairsDecontaminatingUp, stairsWelded, stairsLiftUp, stairsLiftTrappedUp, stairsLiftGatedUp, stairsLiftDecontaminatingUp, stairsLiftWelded, stairsDecontaminatingDown, stairsLiftDown, stairsLiftTrappedDown, stairsLiftGatedDown, stairsLiftDecontaminatingDown, escapeSpaceshipDown, emptyAirlock, reinforcedWall, reinforcedWallSpice, wallShuttle, wallShuttleSpice, machineWall, machineWallSpice, floorOily, oilSpill, oilSpillSpice, floorWindow :: TileKind
ldarkColorable :: [TileKind]
ldarkColorable = [tree, bush, floorCorridor, floorArena, floorDamp, floorDirt, floorDirtSpice, floorActor, floorActorItem, shallowWater, shallowWaterSpice, shallowWater2, floorOily]
unknown = TileKind
{ tsymbol = ' '
, tname = "unknown space"
, tfreq = [("unknown space", 1)]
, tcolor = defFG
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 1
, tfeature = [Dark]
unknownOuterFence = TileKind
{ tsymbol = ' '
, tname = "unknown space"
, tfreq = [("unknown outer fence", 1)]
, tcolor = defFG
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = maxBound
, tfeature = [Dark]
basicOuterFence = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "habitat containment wall"
, tfreq = [("habitat containment wall", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlack
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, talter = maxBound
, tfeature = []
bedrock = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "wall"
, tfreq = [ ("fillerWall", 1), ("legendLit", 100), ("legendDark", 100)
, ("rogueSet", 60), ("museumSetDark", 4), ("noiseSetLit", 450)
, ("powerSetDark", 450), ("battleSetDark", 250)
, ("escapeSetDark", 4)
, ("stair terminal Lit", 100), ("stair terminal Dark", 100)
, ("doorlessWallOver_#", 80), ("doorlessMachineryOver_#", 1) ]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 100
, tfeature = []
wall = bedrock
{ tfreq = [("trappableWall", 1), ("rectWindowsOver_%", 80)]
, tfeature = [BuildAs "suspect wall"]
wallSuspect = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "suspect wall"
, tfreq = [("suspect wall", 1)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 2
, tfeature = [ RevealAs "trapped door"
, ObscureAs "obscured wall"
wallObscured = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "scratched wall"
, tfreq = [("obscured wall", 70)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [ Embed "scratch on wall"
, HideAs "suspect wall"
wallObscuredDefaced = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "defaced wall"
, tfreq = [ ("obscured wall", 45), ("escapeSetDark", 2)
, ("museumSetDark", 2) ]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [ Embed "obscene pictogram"
, HideAs "suspect wall"
wallObscuredFrescoed = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "subtle mural"
, tfreq = [("obscured wall", 5), ("museumSetDark", 2)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [ Embed "subtle fresco"
, HideAs "suspect wall"
pillar = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '0'
, tname = "construction beam"
, tfreq = [ ("legendLit", 100), ("legendDark", 100)
, ("museumSetDark", 20), ("emptySetLit", 20) ]
, tcolor = BrCyan
, tcolor2 = Cyan
, talter = 100
, tfeature = []
pillarCache = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "abandoned stash"
, tfreq = [ ("cachable abandoned", 20)
, ("cache maze", 33), ("cache shuttle", 25) ]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [ Embed "abandoned cache"
, ChangeTo "cachable abandoned", ConsideredByAI ]
lampPost = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '0'
, tname = "lamp post"
, tfreq = [("lampPostOver_0", 1)]
, tcolor = BrYellow
, tcolor2 = Brown
, talter = 100
, tfeature = []
signboardUnread = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '0'
, tname = "signboard"
, tfreq = [("signboard unread", 1)]
, tcolor = BrCyan
, tcolor2 = Cyan
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [ ConsideredByAI
, RevealAs "signboard"
signboardRead = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '0'
, tname = "signboard"
, tfreq = [ ("signboard", 1), ("emptySetLit", 1)
, ("arenaSetLit", 1), ("arenaSetDark", 1), ("museumSetDark", 1)
, ("escapeSetDark", 1) ]
, tcolor = BrCyan
, tcolor2 = Cyan
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [Embed "signboard", HideAs "signboard unread"]
tree = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '0'
, tname = "tree"
, tfreq = [ ("brawlSetLit", 140), ("shootoutSetLit", 10)
, ("huntSetLit", 10), ("escapeSetLit", 35), ("zooSetDark", 20)
, ("treeShadeOver_0_Lit", 1) ]
, tcolor = BrGreen
, tcolor2 = Green
, talter = 50
, tfeature = []
treeBurnt = tree
{ tname = "burnt tree"
, tfreq = [("zooSetDark", 10), ("tree with fire", 30)]
, tcolor = BrBlack
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, tfeature = Dark : tfeature tree
treeBurning = tree
{ tname = "burning tree"
, tfreq = [("zooSetDark", 60), ("tree with fire", 70)]
, tcolor = BrRed
, tcolor2 = Red
, talter = 5
, tfeature = Embed "big fire" : ChangeTo "tree with fire" : tfeature tree
rubble = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '&'
, tname = "rubble pile"
, tfreq = [ ("rubble", 1), ("legendLit", 1), ("legendDark", 1)
, ("stair terminal Lit", 6), ("stair terminal Dark", 6)
, ("lift terminal Lit", 6), ("lift terminal Dark", 6)
, ("emptySetLit", 4), ("exitSetLit", 8)
, ("noiseSetLit", 50), ("powerSetDark", 150)
, ("zooSetDark", 100), ("ambushSetDark", 3) ]
, tcolor = BrYellow
, tcolor2 = Brown
, talter = 4
, tfeature = [OpenTo "floorAshesLit", Embed "rubble"]
rubbleSpice = rubble
{ tfreq = [ ("smokeClumpOver_f_Lit", 1), ("smokeClumpOver_f_Dark", 1)
, ("rubbleOrWaste_Lit", 1), ("rubbleOrWaste_Dark", 1)
, ("cache deposit", 33), ("cachable deposit", 80) ]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature rubble
doorTrapped = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '+'
, tname = "trapped door"
, tfreq = [("trapped door", 1)]
, tcolor = BrRed
, tcolor2 = Red
, talter = 2
, tfeature = [ Embed "doorway trap"
, OpenTo "open door"
, HideAs "suspect wall"
doorClosed = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '+'
, tname = "closed door"
, tfreq = [("legendLit", 100), ("legendDark", 100), ("closed door", 1)]
, tcolor = Brown
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, talter = 2
, tfeature = [OpenTo "open door"]
stairsUp = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '<'
, tname = "staircase up"
, tfreq = [("staircase up", 9), ("ordinary staircase up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 0
, tfeature = [Embed "staircase up", ConsideredByAI]
stairsTrappedUp = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '<'
, tname = "windy staircase up"
, tfreq = [("staircase up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrRed
, tcolor2 = Red
, talter = talterForStairs
, tfeature = [ Embed "staircase up", Embed "staircase trap up"
, ConsideredByAI, ChangeTo "ordinary staircase up" ]
stairsOutdoorUp = stairsUp
{ tname = "signpost pointing backward"
, tfreq = [("staircase outdoor up", 1)]
, talter = talterForStairs
stairsGatedUp = stairsUp
{ tname = "gated staircase up"
, tfreq = [("gated staircase up", 1)]
, talter = talterForStairs + 2
stairsDown = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '>'
, tname = "staircase down"
, tfreq = [("staircase down", 9), ("ordinary staircase down", 1)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 0
, tfeature = [Embed "staircase down", ConsideredByAI]
stairsTrappedDown = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '>'
, tname = "crooked staircase down"
, tfreq = [("staircase down", 1)]
, tcolor = BrRed
, tcolor2 = Red
, talter = talterForStairs
, tfeature = [ Embed "staircase down", Embed "staircase trap down"
, ConsideredByAI, ChangeTo "ordinary staircase down" ]
stairsOutdoorDown = stairsDown
{ tname = "signpost pointing forward"
, tfreq = [("staircase outdoor down", 1)]
, talter = talterForStairs
stairsGatedDown = stairsDown
{ tname = "gated staircase down"
, tfreq = [("gated staircase down", 1)]
, talter = talterForStairs + 2
escapeUp = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '<'
, tname = "exit hatch up"
, tfreq = [("legendLit", 1), ("legendDark", 1), ("escape up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrYellow
, tcolor2 = BrYellow
, talter = 0
, tfeature = [Embed "escape", ConsideredByAI]
escapeDown = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '>'
, tname = "exit trapdoor down"
, tfreq = [("legendLit", 1), ("legendDark", 1), ("escape down", 1)]
, tcolor = BrYellow
, tcolor2 = BrYellow
, talter = 0
, tfeature = [Embed "escape", ConsideredByAI]
escapeOutdoorDown = escapeDown
{ tname = "exit back to town"
, tfreq = [("escape outdoor down", 1)]
wallGlass = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '%'
, tname = "transparent polymer wall"
, tfreq = [("legendLit", 1), ("legendDark", 1), ("museumSetDark", 8)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, talter = 10
, tfeature = [BuildAs "closed door", Clear]
wallGlassSpice = wallGlass
{ tfreq = [ ("rectWindowsOver_%", 20)
, ("cache jewelry", 66), ("cachable jewelry", 80) ]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature wallGlass
pillarIce = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '^'
, tname = "ice buildup"
, tfreq = [ ("legendLit", 1), ("legendDark", 1), ("noiseSetLit", 300)
, ("brawlSetLit", 20), ("lift terminal Dark", 4) ]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, talter = 4
, tfeature = [Clear, Embed "frost", OpenTo "shallow water Lit"]
pulpit = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '%'
, tname = "VR booth"
, tfreq = [("pulpit", 1)]
, tcolor = BrYellow
, tcolor2 = Brown
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [Clear, Embed "pulpit"]
bush = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '%'
, tname = "bush"
, tfreq = [ ("bush Lit", 1), ("arenaSetLit", 10), ("shootoutSetLit", 30)
, ("huntSetLit", 30), ("escapeSetLit", 40), ("zooSetDark", 100)
, ("bushClumpOver_f_Lit", 1), ("pumpsOver_f_Lit", 1)
, ("lift terminal Lit", 4) ]
, tcolor = BrGreen
, tcolor2 = Green
, talter = 10
, tfeature = [Clear]
bushBurnt = bush
{ tname = "burnt bush"
, tfreq = [ ("battleSetDark", 30), ("ambushSetDark", 3), ("zooSetDark", 50)
, ("bush with fire", 70) ]
, tcolor = BrBlack
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, tfeature = Dark : tfeature bush
bushBurning = bush
{ tname = "burning bush"
, tfreq = [ ("ambushSetDark", 10), ("zooSetDark", 300)
, ("bush with fire", 30) ]
, tcolor = BrRed
, tcolor2 = Red
, talter = 5
, tfeature = Embed "small fire" : ChangeTo "bush with fire" : tfeature bush
fog = TileKind
{ tsymbol = ';'
, tname = "faint fog"
, tfreq = [ ("fog Lit", 1), ("emptySetLit", 50), ("noiseSetLit", 120)
, ("shootoutSetLit", 30), ("huntSetLit", 30)
, ("fogClumpOver_f_Lit", 60), ("fogClumpOver_f_Dark", 60)
, ("lift terminal Lit", 40) ]
, tcolor = BrCyan
, tcolor2 = Cyan
, talter = 0
, tfeature = [Walkable, NoItem, OftenActor]
fogDark = fog
{ tname = "thick fog"
, tfreq = [("escapeSetDark", 50), ("lift terminal Dark", 40)]
, tfeature = Dark : tfeature fog
smoke = TileKind
{ tsymbol = ';'
, tname = "billowing smoke"
, tfreq = [ ("smoke Lit", 1), ("labTrailLit", 1)
, ("stair terminal Lit", 2), ("lift terminal Lit", 6)
, ("smokeClumpOver_f_Lit", 3), ("smokeClumpOver_f_Dark", 3)
, ("exitSetLit", 20), ("ambushSetDark", 20) ]
, tcolor = Brown
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, talter = 0
, tfeature = [Walkable, NoItem]
smokeDark = smoke
{ tname = "lingering smoke"
, tfreq = [ ("powerSetDark", 100)
, ("zooSetDark", 20), ("ambushSetDark", 40), ("battleSetDark", 5)
, ("stair terminal Dark", 2), ("lift terminal Dark", 6) ]
, tfeature = Dark : tfeature smoke
doorOpen = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '\''
, tname = "open door"
, tfreq = [("legendLit", 100), ("legendDark", 100), ("open door", 1)]
, tcolor = Brown
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, talter = 4
, tfeature = [ Walkable, Clear, NoItem, NoActor
, CloseTo "closed door"
floorCorridor = TileKind
{ tsymbol = floorSymbol
, tname = "floor"
, tfreq = [("floorCorridorLit", 1)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 0
, tfeature = [Walkable, Clear]
floorArena = floorCorridor
{ tfreq = [ ("floorArenaLit", 1), ("arenaSetLit", 200)
, ("museumSetLit", 400), ("zooSetLit", 600) ]
floorDamp = floorArena
{ tname = "damp floor"
, tfreq = [ ("noiseSetLit", 600), ("emptySetLit", 900)
, ("damp floor Lit", 1)
, ("stair terminal Lit", 20), ("lift terminal Lit", 6) ]
floorDirt = floorArena
{ tname = "dirt"
, tfreq = [ ("brawlSetLit", 1000), ("shootoutSetLit", 1000)
, ("huntSetLit", 1000), ("escapeSetLit", 1000)
, ("ambushSetLit", 1000), ("battleSetLit", 1000)
, ("dirt Lit", 1) ]
floorDirtSpice = floorDirt
{ tfreq = [ ("treeShadeOver_s_Lit", 1), ("bushClumpOver_f_Lit", 1)
, ("pumpsOver_f_Lit", 3) ]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature floorDirt
floorActor = floorArena
{ tfreq = [("floorActorLit", 1)]
, tfeature = OftenActor : tfeature floorArena
floorActorItem = floorActor
{ tfreq = [("floorActorItem", 1), ("legendLit", 100)]
, tfeature = VeryOftenItem : tfeature floorActor
floorAshes = floorActor
{ tfreq = [ ("smokeClumpOver_f_Lit", 2), ("smokeClumpOver_f_Dark", 2)
, ("floorAshesLit", 1), ("floorAshesDark", 1) ]
, tname = "dirt and ash pile"
, tcolor = Brown
, tcolor2 = Brown
shallowWater = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '~'
, tname = "water puddle"
, tfreq = [ ("aquatic", 1), ("shallow water Lit", 1), ("legendLit", 100)
, ("emptySetLit", 5), ("noiseSetLit", 30), ("shootoutSetLit", 5)
, ("huntSetLit", 250), ("lift terminal Lit", 4) ]
, tcolor = BrCyan
, tcolor2 = Cyan
, talter = 0
, tfeature = Embed "shallow water" : tfeature floorActor
shallowWaterSpice = shallowWater
{ tfreq = [ ("fogClumpOver_f_Lit", 40), ("pumpsOver_f_Lit", 3)
, ("rubbleOrWaste_Lit", 1) ]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature shallowWater
shallowWater2 = shallowWater
{ tname = "water pool"
, tfreq = [("poolOver_~_Lit", 1)]
floorRed = floorCorridor
{ tname = "emergency walkway"
, tfreq = [ ("trailLit", 70), ("safeTrailLit", 70)
, ("lift terminal Lit", 6), ("lift terminal Dark", 6) ]
, tcolor = BrRed
, tcolor2 = Red
, tfeature = [Embed "straight path", Trail, Walkable, Clear]
floorBlue = floorRed
{ tname = "frozen path"
, tfreq = [("trailLit", 100), ("frozen path", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, tfeature = [Embed "frozen ground", Trail, Walkable, Clear]
floorGreen = floorRed
{ tname = "greenery trail"
, tfreq = [("trailLit", 70), ("safeTrailLit", 70)]
, tcolor = BrGreen
, tcolor2 = Green
floorBrown = floorRed
{ tname = "transport route"
, tfreq = [ ("trailLit", 50), ("safeTrailLit", 50)
, ("transport route", 1) ]
, tcolor = BrMagenta
, tcolor2 = Magenta
floorArenaShade = floorActor
{ tname = "shaded ground"
, tfreq = [("shaded ground", 1), ("treeShadeOver_s_Lit", 2)]
, tcolor = BrYellow
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, tfeature = Dark : NoItem : tfeature floorActor
oriel = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '%'
, tname = "oriel"
, tfreq = [ ("oriels fence", 15)
, ("airlock fence", 5), ("empty airlock fence", 5) ]
, tcolor = White
, tcolor2 = Black
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [Embed "black starry sky", Dark]
outerHullWall = basicOuterFence
{ tname = "outer hull wall"
, tfreq = [ ("basic outer fence", 1), ("oriels fence", 85)
, ("airlock fence", 40), ("empty airlock fence", 40) ]
rubbleBurning = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '&'
, tname = "burning installation"
, tfreq = [ ("emptySetLit", 2), ("powerSetDark", 20)
, ("ambushSetDark", 15), ("zooSetDark", 30)
, ("stair terminal Lit", 4), ("stair terminal Dark", 4)
, ("lift terminal Lit", 4), ("lift terminal Dark", 4) ]
, tcolor = BrRed
, tcolor2 = Red
, talter = 4
, tfeature = [ChangeTo "rubble", Embed "big fire"]
rubbleBurningSpice = rubbleBurning
{ tfreq = [ ("smokeClumpOver_f_Lit", 1), ("smokeClumpOver_f_Dark", 1)
, ("cache deposit", 33) ]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature rubbleBurning
wallOpenable = bedrock
{ tfreq = [("openableWall", 1)]
, tfeature = [BuildAs "closed door"]
wallObscuredSafety = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "safety procedures board"
, tfreq = [("obscured wall", 5), ("exitSetLit", 1)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [ Embed "ruined first aid kit"
, HideAs "suspect wall"
wallObscured3dBillboard = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "3D billboard"
, tfreq = [("obscured wall", 25)]
, tcolor = BrWhite
, tcolor2 = defFG
, talter = 5
, tfeature = [ Embed "3D display"
, HideAs "suspect wall"
liftShaft = pillar
{ tname = "lift shaft"
, tfreq = [("lift shaft", 1)]
rock = pillar
{ tname = "rock"
, tfreq = [("arenaSetLit", 4), ("arenaSetDark", 4), ("brawlSetLit", 30)]
pillarCache2 = pillarCache
{ tname = "rack of deposit boxes"
, tfreq = [ ("cachable deposit", 20), ("cache deposit", 33)
, ("stair terminal Lit", 1), ("stair terminal Dark", 1) ]
, tfeature = [ Embed "deposit box"
, ChangeTo "cachable deposit", ConsideredByAI ]
pillarCache3 = pillarCache
{ tname = "jewelry display"
, tfreq = [ ("cachable jewelry", 20), ("cache jewelry", 33)
, ("museumSetDark", 2) ]
, tfeature = [ Embed "jewelry case", Embed "jewelry display trap"
, ChangeTo "cachable jewelry", ConsideredByAI ]
stairsDecontaminatingUp = stairsUp
{ tname = "decontaminating staircase up"
, tfreq = [("decontaminating staircase up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, talter = talterForStairs
, tfeature = Embed "decontamination chamber" : tfeature stairsUp
stairsWelded = stairsUp
{ tname = "staircase up welded shut"
, tfreq = [("welded staircase up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrMagenta
, tcolor2 = Magenta
, talter = talterForStairs + 3
, tfeature = [ ConsideredByAI, ChangeTo "ordinary staircase up"
, Embed "crude weld" ]
stairsLiftUp = stairsUp
{ tname = "lift up"
, tfreq = [("staircase lift up", 9), ("ordinary lift up", 1)]
, talter = talterForStairs
, tcolor = BrCyan
, tcolor2 = Cyan
, tfeature = [Embed "lift up", ConsideredByAI]
stairsLiftTrappedUp = stairsTrappedUp
{ tname = "corroded lift up"
, tfreq = [("staircase lift up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, tfeature = [ Embed "lift up", Embed "lift trap"
, ConsideredByAI, ChangeTo "ordinary lift up" ]
stairsLiftGatedUp = stairsLiftUp
{ tname = "manually opened lift up"
, tfreq = [("gated lift up", 1)]
, talter = talterForStairs + 2
stairsLiftDecontaminatingUp = stairsLiftUp
{ tname = "decontaminating lift up"
, tfreq = [("decontaminating lift up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, tfeature = Embed "decontamination chamber" : tfeature stairsLiftUp
stairsLiftWelded = stairsLiftUp
{ tname = "lift up welded shut"
, tfreq = [("welded lift up", 1)]
, tcolor = BrMagenta
, tcolor2 = Magenta
, talter = talterForStairs + 3
, tfeature = [ ConsideredByAI, ChangeTo "ordinary lift up"
, Embed "crude weld" ]
stairsDecontaminatingDown = stairsDown
{ tname = "decontaminating staircase down"
, tfreq = [("decontaminating staircase down", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, talter = talterForStairs
, tfeature = Embed "decontamination chamber" : tfeature stairsDown
stairsLiftDown = stairsDown
{ tname = "lift down"
, tfreq = [("staircase lift down", 9), ("ordinary lift down", 1)]
, tcolor = BrCyan
, tcolor2 = Cyan
, talter = talterForStairs
, tfeature = [Embed "lift down", ConsideredByAI]
stairsLiftTrappedDown = stairsTrappedDown
{ tname = "corroded lift down"
, tfreq = [("staircase lift down", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, tfeature = [ Embed "lift down", Embed "lift trap"
, ConsideredByAI, ChangeTo "ordinary lift down" ]
stairsLiftGatedDown = stairsLiftDown
{ tname = "manually opened lift down"
, tfreq = [("gated lift down", 1)]
, talter = talterForStairs + 2
stairsLiftDecontaminatingDown = stairsLiftDown
{ tname = "decontaminating lift down"
, tfreq = [("decontaminating lift down", 1)]
, tcolor = BrBlue
, tcolor2 = Blue
, tfeature = Embed "decontamination chamber" : tfeature stairsLiftDown
escapeSpaceshipDown = escapeDown
{ tname = "airlock to a shuttle"
, tfreq = [("escape spaceship down", 1), ("airlock fence", 3)]
emptyAirlock = escapeUp
{ tname = "empty airlock"
, tfreq = [ ("airlock fence", 2), ("empty airlock fence", 7)
, ("emptySetLit", 2), ("ambushSetDark", 7) ]
, tcolor = BrBlack
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, tfeature = [Embed "disengaged docking"]
reinforcedWall = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '#'
, tname = "reinforced wall"
, tfreq = [("reinforced wall", 1), ("rogueSet", 15), ("exitSetLit", 20)]
, tcolor = White
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, talter = 100
, tfeature = []
reinforcedWallSpice = reinforcedWall
{ tfreq = [ ("doorlessWallOver_#", 20)
, ("cache maze", 66), ("cachable abandoned", 80) ]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature reinforcedWall
wallShuttle = bedrock
{ tname = "shuttle hull"
, tfreq = [("shuttle hull", 1)]
, tfeature = [Embed "shuttle hardware"]
wallShuttleSpice = wallShuttle
{ tfreq = [("cache shuttle", 75)]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature wallShuttle
machineWall = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '%'
, tname = "hardware rack"
, tfreq = [ ("hardware rack", 1)
, ("rogueSet", 25), ("noiseSetLit", 250), ("powerSetDark", 250)
, ("exitSetLit", 30)
, ("lift terminal Lit", 40), ("lift terminal Dark", 40) ]
, tcolor = White
, tcolor2 = BrBlack
, talter = 100
, tfeature = [Clear]
machineWallSpice = machineWall
{ tfreq = [("doorlessMachineryOver_#", 1)]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature machineWall
floorOily = floorArena
{ tname = "oily floor"
, tfreq = [ ("powerSetLit", 600), ("exitSetLit", 900)
, ("oily floor Lit", 1), ("rubbleOrWaste_Lit", 1)
, ("oilOver_o_Lit", 4) ]
oilSpill = TileKind
{ tsymbol = '~'
, tname = "oil spill"
, tfreq = [ ("powerSetDark", 35), ("exitSetLit", 1)
, ("ambushSetDark", 20), ("oil spill", 1) ]
, tcolor = BrYellow
, tcolor2 = BrGreen
, talter = 0
, tfeature = Embed "machine oil" : tfeature floorActor
oilSpillSpice = oilSpill
{ tfreq = [ ("rubbleOrWaste_Lit", 1), ("rubbleOrWaste_Dark", 1)
, ("oilOver_o_Lit", 1), ("oilOver_o_Dark", 1) ]
, tfeature = Spice : tfeature oilSpill
floorWindow = floorArena
{ tsymbol = ' '
, tname = "floor window"
, tfreq = [("emptySetLit", 6)]
, tcolor = defFG
, tcolor2 = defFG
, tfeature = Embed "black starry sky" : tfeature floorCorridor
makeDark :: TileKind -> TileKind
makeDark k = let darkText :: GroupName TileKind -> GroupName TileKind
darkText t = maybe t (toGroupName . (<> "Dark"))
$ T.stripSuffix "Lit" $ fromGroupName t
darkFrequency = map (first darkText) $ tfreq k
darkFeat (OpenTo t) = Just $ OpenTo $ darkText t
darkFeat (CloseTo t) = Just $ CloseTo $ darkText t
darkFeat (ChangeTo t) = Just $ ChangeTo $ darkText t
darkFeat (HideAs t) = Just $ HideAs $ darkText t
darkFeat (BuildAs t) = Just $ BuildAs $ darkText t
darkFeat (RevealAs t) = Just $ RevealAs $ darkText t
darkFeat (ObscureAs t) = Just $ ObscureAs $ darkText t
darkFeat VeryOftenItem = Just OftenItem
darkFeat OftenItem = Nothing
darkFeat feat = Just feat
in k { tfreq = darkFrequency
, tfeature = Dark : mapMaybe darkFeat (tfeature k)
makeDarkColor :: TileKind -> TileKind
makeDarkColor k = (makeDark k) { tcolor = if tsymbol k == floorSymbol
&& tcolor k == BrWhite
then BrYellow
else tcolor k
, tcolor2 = BrBlack