BPS- Translations of classic Truth Maintenance Systems
Copyright(c) John Maraist 2022
Safe HaskellNone



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Mutable lists (cons cells) in STT

data MList s a Source #

Singly linked lists! But with mutable CARs and CDRs à la Common Lisp.


MCons (STRef s a) (STRef s (MList s a))

A cons cell with mutable fields.


Regular old nil.

toMList :: Monad m => [a] -> STT s m (MList s a) Source #

Convert a pure list into a mutable list.

showM :: (Show a, Monad m) => MList s a -> STT s m String Source #

Convert an MList to a String.

mnull :: MList s a -> Bool Source #

Returns True for an empty list.

getMnull :: Monad m => STRef s (MList s a) -> STT s m Bool Source #

Returns True from an STT monad for a reference to an empty list.

mcar :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s a. Applicative m => MList s a -> STT s m a Source #

Returns the CAR (element) of the first CONS cell of a non-empty mutable list.

mcdr :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s a. Applicative m => MList s a -> STT s m (MList s a) Source #

Returns the CDR (next cell) of the first CONS cell of a non-empty mutable list.

mlength :: Monad m => MList s a -> STT s m Int Source #

Convert a traditional Haskell list into a mutable MList list.

fromList :: Monad m => [a] -> STT s m (MList s a) Source #

Convert a traditional Haskell list into a mutable MList list.

fromListMap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> [a] -> STT s m (MList s b) Source #

Convert a traditional Haskell list into a mutable MList list, applying the given function to each element.

toList :: Monad m => MList s a -> STT s m [a] Source #

Convert a mutable MList list into a traditional Haskell list.

toUnmaybeList :: Monad m => MList s (Maybe a) -> STT s m [a] Source #

Convert a mutable MList list of Maybe values into a traditional Haskell list containing only the values under a Just constructor.

mlistMap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> MList s a -> STT s m (MList s b) Source #

A version of map for MLists.

mlistFilter :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> MList s a -> STT s m (MList s a) Source #

A version of filter for MLists.

mlistUnmaybe :: Monad m => MList s (Maybe a) -> STT s m (MList s a) Source #

Return a new MList which strips off the Just constructor from its elements, dropping and elements which are Nothing.

mlistStripNothing :: Monad m => MList s (Maybe a) -> STT s m (MList s (Maybe a)) Source #

Return a new MList which drops elements which are Nothing.

getMlistStripNothing :: Monad m => STRef s (MList s (Maybe a)) -> STT s m (MList s (Maybe a)) Source #

Return a new MList which drops elements which are Nothing from the MList under the reference argument.

mlistPush :: Monad m => a -> MList s a -> STT s m (MList s a) Source #

Treating an MList as a stack, add a new element at the top of the stack, and return the new stack top.

mlistRefPush :: Monad m => a -> STRef s (MList s a) -> STT s m () Source #

Treating an MList as a stack, add a new element at the top of the stack, and return the new stack top.

mlistFor_ :: (Monad m0, Monad m) => (forall r. STT s m0 r -> m r) -> MList s a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () Source #

Iterate over the elements of a MList. The body does not necessarily need operate in the same monad as where the references originate; the lifter parameter brings the latter into the former.

mlistForCons_ :: (Monad m0, Monad m) => (forall r. STT s m0 r -> m r) -> MList s a -> (MList s a -> m ()) -> m () Source #

Like mlistFor_, but the body expects an MCons cell instead of the list element itself. Useful for mutating the list along the way.

mlistForConsWhile_ :: (Monad m0, Monad m) => (forall r. STT s m0 r -> m r) -> MList s a -> m Bool -> (MList s a -> m ()) -> m () Source #

A combination of mlistForCons_ and forMwhile_: iterate over the MCons cell of a list, with a trigger for an early exit. Note that the monad for the continuation condition is over the overall monad m, not the STT wrapped monad m0.

rplaca :: Monad m => MList s a -> a -> STT s m () Source #

Overwrite the car slot of the given MCons with the given value. Named after the Common Lisp function with the same behavior.