{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
module Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar (
    ) where

import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import Distribution.Backpack
import Distribution.Compat.Lens               (Lens', (&), (.~))
import Distribution.Compat.Newtype
import Distribution.FieldGrammar
import Distribution.FieldGrammar.FieldDescrs
import Distribution.License
import Distribution.ModuleName
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Parsec.Class
import Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes
import Distribution.Pretty
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
import Distribution.Version

import qualified Data.Char                       as Char
import qualified Data.Map                        as Map
import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
import qualified Distribution.SPDX               as SPDX
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint                as Disp

import Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo

import qualified Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.Lens as L
import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageId.Lens            as L

-- Note: GHC goes nuts and inlines everything,
-- One can see e.g. in -ddump-simpl-stats:
-- 34886 KnownBranch
--  8197 wild1_ixF0
-- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13253 might be the cause.
-- The workaround is to prevent GHC optimising the code:
infixl 4 <+>
(<+>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
f <+> x = f <*> x
{-# NOINLINE (<+>) #-}

    :: (FieldGrammar g, Applicative (g InstalledPackageInfo), Applicative (g Basic))
    => g InstalledPackageInfo InstalledPackageInfo
ipiFieldGrammar = mkInstalledPackageInfo
    -- Deprecated fields
    <$> monoidalFieldAla    "hugs-options"         (alaList' FSep Token)         unitedList
        ^^^ deprecatedField' "hugs isn't supported anymore"
    -- Very basic fields: name, version, package-name and lib-name
    <+> blurFieldGrammar basic basicFieldGrammar
    -- Basic fields
    <+> optionalFieldDef    "id"                                                 L.installedUnitId (mkUnitId "")
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "instantiated-with"    InstWith                      L.instantiatedWith []
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "key"                  CompatPackageKey              L.compatPackageKey ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "license"              SpecLicenseLenient            L.license (Left SPDX.NONE)
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "copyright"            FreeText                      L.copyright ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "maintainer"           FreeText                      L.maintainer ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "author"               FreeText                      L.author ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "stability"            FreeText                      L.stability ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "homepage"             FreeText                      L.homepage ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "package-url"          FreeText                      L.pkgUrl ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "synopsis"             FreeText                      L.synopsis ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "description"          FreeText                      L.description ""
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "category"             FreeText                      L.category ""
    -- Installed fields
    <+> optionalFieldDef    "abi"                                                L.abiHash (mkAbiHash "")
    <+> booleanFieldDef     "indefinite"                                         L.indefinite False
    <+> booleanFieldDef     "exposed"                                            L.exposed False
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "exposed-modules"      ExposedModules                L.exposedModules
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "hidden-modules"       (alaList' FSep MQuoted)       L.hiddenModules
    <+> booleanFieldDef     "trusted"                                            L.trusted False
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "import-dirs"          (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.importDirs
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "library-dirs"         (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.libraryDirs
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "dynamic-library-dirs" (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.libraryDynDirs
    <+> optionalFieldDefAla "data-dir"             FilePathNT                    L.dataDir ""
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "hs-libraries"         (alaList' FSep Token)         L.hsLibraries
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "extra-libraries"      (alaList' FSep Token)         L.extraLibraries
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "extra-ghci-libraries" (alaList' FSep Token)         L.extraGHCiLibraries
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "include-dirs"         (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.includeDirs
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "includes"             (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.includes
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "depends"              (alaList FSep)                L.depends
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "abi-depends"          (alaList FSep)                L.abiDepends
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "cc-options"           (alaList' FSep Token)         L.ccOptions
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "cxx-options"          (alaList' FSep Token)         L.cxxOptions
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "ld-options"           (alaList' FSep Token)         L.ldOptions
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "framework-dirs"       (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.frameworkDirs
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "frameworks"           (alaList' FSep Token)         L.frameworks
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "haddock-interfaces"   (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.haddockInterfaces
    <+> monoidalFieldAla    "haddock-html"         (alaList' FSep FilePathNT)    L.haddockHTMLs
    <+> optionalFieldAla    "pkgroot"              FilePathNT                    L.pkgRoot
    mkInstalledPackageInfo _ Basic {..} = InstalledPackageInfo
        -- _basicPkgName is not used
        -- setMaybePackageId says it can be no-op.
        (PackageIdentifier pn _basicVersion)
        (mb_uqn <|> _basicLibName)
        (mkComponentId "") -- installedComponentId_, not in use
        (pn, mb_uqn) = decodeCompatPackageName _basicName
{-# SPECIALIZE ipiFieldGrammar :: FieldDescrs InstalledPackageInfo InstalledPackageInfo #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE ipiFieldGrammar :: ParsecFieldGrammar InstalledPackageInfo InstalledPackageInfo #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE ipiFieldGrammar :: PrettyFieldGrammar InstalledPackageInfo InstalledPackageInfo #-}

-- (forall b. [b]) ~ ()
unitedList :: Lens' a [b]
unitedList f s = s <$ f []

-- Helper functions

-- To maintain backwards-compatibility, we accept both comma/non-comma
-- separated variants of this field.  You SHOULD use the comma syntax if you
-- use any new functions, although actually it's unambiguous due to a quirk
-- of the fact that modules must start with capital letters.

showExposedModules :: [ExposedModule] -> Disp.Doc
showExposedModules xs
    | all isExposedModule xs = Disp.fsep (map disp xs)
    | otherwise = Disp.fsep (Disp.punctuate Disp.comma (map disp xs))
    where isExposedModule (ExposedModule _ Nothing) = True
          isExposedModule _ = False

-- | Returns @Just@ if the @name@ field of the IPI record would not contain
-- the package name verbatim.  This helps us avoid writing @package-name@
-- when it's redundant.
maybePackageName :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Maybe PackageName
maybePackageName ipi =
    case sourceLibName ipi of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just _ -> Just (packageName ipi)

-- | Setter for the @package-name@ field.  It should be acceptable for this
-- to be a no-op.
setMaybePackageName :: Maybe PackageName -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
setMaybePackageName Nothing ipi = ipi
setMaybePackageName (Just pn) ipi = ipi {
        sourcePackageId=(sourcePackageId ipi){pkgName=pn}

setMungedPackageName :: MungedPackageName -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
setMungedPackageName mpn ipi =
    let (pn, mb_uqn) = decodeCompatPackageName mpn
    in ipi {
            sourcePackageId = (sourcePackageId ipi) {pkgName=pn},
            sourceLibName   = mb_uqn

-- Auxiliary types

newtype ExposedModules = ExposedModules { getExposedModules :: [ExposedModule] }

instance Newtype ExposedModules [ExposedModule] where
    pack   = ExposedModules
    unpack = getExposedModules

instance Parsec ExposedModules where
    parsec = ExposedModules <$> parsecOptCommaList parsec

instance Pretty ExposedModules where
    pretty = showExposedModules . getExposedModules

newtype CompatPackageKey = CompatPackageKey { getCompatPackageKey :: String }

instance Newtype CompatPackageKey String where
    pack = CompatPackageKey
    unpack = getCompatPackageKey

instance Pretty CompatPackageKey where
    pretty = Disp.text . getCompatPackageKey

instance Parsec CompatPackageKey where
    parsec = CompatPackageKey <$> P.munch1 uid_char where
        uid_char c = Char.isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ("-_.=[],:<>+" :: String)

newtype InstWith = InstWith { getInstWith :: [(ModuleName,OpenModule)] }

instance Newtype InstWith [(ModuleName, OpenModule)] where
    pack = InstWith
    unpack = getInstWith

instance Pretty InstWith where
    pretty = dispOpenModuleSubst . Map.fromList . getInstWith

instance Parsec InstWith where
    parsec = InstWith . Map.toList <$> parsecOpenModuleSubst

-- | SPDX License expression or legacy license. Lenient parser, accepts either.
newtype SpecLicenseLenient = SpecLicenseLenient { getSpecLicenseLenient :: Either SPDX.License License }

instance Newtype SpecLicenseLenient (Either SPDX.License License) where
    pack = SpecLicenseLenient
    unpack = getSpecLicenseLenient

instance Parsec SpecLicenseLenient where
    parsec = fmap SpecLicenseLenient $ Left <$> P.try parsec <|> Right <$> parsec

instance Pretty SpecLicenseLenient where
    pretty = either pretty pretty . unpack

data Basic = Basic
    { _basicName    :: MungedPackageName
    , _basicVersion :: Version
    , _basicPkgName :: Maybe PackageName
    , _basicLibName :: Maybe UnqualComponentName

basic :: Lens' InstalledPackageInfo Basic
basic f ipi = g <$> f b
    b = Basic
        (mungedPackageName ipi)
        (packageVersion ipi)
        (maybePackageName ipi)
        (sourceLibName ipi)

    g (Basic n v pn ln) = ipi
        & setMungedPackageName n
        & L.sourcePackageId . L.pkgVersion .~ v
        & setMaybePackageName pn
        & L.sourceLibName .~ ln

basicName :: Lens' Basic MungedPackageName
basicName f b = (\x -> b { _basicName = x }) <$> f (_basicName b)
{-# INLINE basicName #-}

basicVersion :: Lens' Basic Version
basicVersion f b = (\x -> b { _basicVersion = x }) <$> f (_basicVersion b)
{-# INLINE basicVersion #-}

basicPkgName :: Lens' Basic (Maybe PackageName)
basicPkgName f b = (\x -> b { _basicPkgName = x }) <$> f (_basicPkgName b)
{-# INLINE basicPkgName #-}

basicLibName :: Lens' Basic (Maybe UnqualComponentName)
basicLibName f b = (\x -> b { _basicLibName = x }) <$> f (_basicLibName b)
{-# INLINE basicLibName #-}

    :: (FieldGrammar g, Applicative (g Basic))
    => g Basic Basic
basicFieldGrammar = Basic
    <$> optionalFieldDefAla "name"          MQuoted  basicName (mungedPackageName emptyInstalledPackageInfo)
    <*> optionalFieldDefAla "version"       MQuoted  basicVersion nullVersion
    <*> optionalField       "package-name"           basicPkgName
    <*> optionalField       "lib-name"               basicLibName