Chart-1.8.3: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots

Copyright(c) Malcolm Wallace 2009
LicenseBSD-style (see COPYRIGHT file)
Safe HaskellNone



Area spots are a collection of unconnected filled circles, with x,y position, and an independent z value to be represented by the relative area of the spots.



data AreaSpots z x y Source #

A collection of unconnected spots, with x,y position, and an independent z value to be represented by the area of the spot.


PlotValue z => ToPlot (AreaSpots z) Source # 


toPlot :: AreaSpots z x y -> Plot x y Source #

Default (AreaSpots z x y) Source # 


def :: AreaSpots z x y #

area_spots_title :: forall z x y. Lens' (AreaSpots z x y) String Source #

area_spots_opacity :: forall z x y. Lens' (AreaSpots z x y) Double Source #

area_spots_values :: forall z x y z x y. Lens (AreaSpots z x y) (AreaSpots z x y) [(x, y, z)] [(x, y, z)] Source #

data AreaSpots4D z t x y Source #

A collection of unconnected spots, with x,y position, an independent z value to be represented by the area of the spot, and in addition, a fourth variable t to be represented by a colour from a given palette. (A linear transfer function from t to palette is assumed.)


(PlotValue z, PlotValue t, Show t) => ToPlot (AreaSpots4D z t) Source # 


toPlot :: AreaSpots4D z t x y -> Plot x y Source #

Default (AreaSpots4D z t x y) Source # 


def :: AreaSpots4D z t x y #

area_spots_4d_title :: forall z t x y. Lens' (AreaSpots4D z t x y) String Source #

area_spots_4d_opacity :: forall z t x y. Lens' (AreaSpots4D z t x y) Double Source #

area_spots_4d_values :: forall z t x y z t x y. Lens (AreaSpots4D z t x y) (AreaSpots4D z t x y) [(x, y, z, t)] [(x, y, z, t)] Source #