Module      : Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.FLTKHS
Description : Provides a backend for the Chart library using a FLTKHS widget for rendering
Copyright   : (c) Michael Oswald, 2019
License     : BSD-3
Maintainer  : michael.oswald@onikudaki.net
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

To render a Chart to a widget, it is best to create a custom widget and override it's draw method.

An example:

widget' <- widgetCustom
    (FL.Rectangle (Position (X 0) (Y 0)) (Size (Width width) (Height height)))

Here, 'drawChart' is the provided draw method for the widget. A possible implementation
could be this:

-- The char itself, to be used here with "Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy"
signal :: [Double] -> [(Double,Double)]
signal xs = [ (x,(sin (x*3.14159/45) + 1) / 2 * sin (x*3.14159/5)) | x <- xs ]

-- the overloaded drawing function
drawChart :: Ref Widget -> IO ()
drawChart widget = do
    -- determine a clipping area for the whole widget first
    rectangle' <- getRectangle widget

    -- with this clipping area, we draw the graph. This graph is taken from Example 1 <https://github.com/timbod7/haskell-chart/wiki/example-1>
    -- from the Chart library
    withFlClip rectangle' $
        renderToWidgetEC widget $ do
            layout_title .= "Amplitude Modulation"
            setColors [opaque blue, opaque red]
            plot (line "am" [signal [0,(0.5)..400]])
            plot (points "am points" (signal [0,7..400]))

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings
    , BangPatterns
    , BinaryLiterals
    , NumericUnderscores
    , FlexibleInstances
    , GADTs
    , ExistentialQuantification
module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.FLTKHS
  ( renderToWidget
  , renderToWidgetOffscreen
  , renderToWidgetEC
  , renderToWidgetOffscreenEC
  , runBackend
  , defaultEnv
  , withFlClip

import           Control.Monad.Operational
import           Control.Monad                  ( void )
import           Control.Exception              ( bracket
                                                , bracket_

import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import           Data.Char                      ( chr )
import           Data.Colour
import           Data.Colour.SRGB
import           Data.Bits
import           Data.Default.Class

import           Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Fl_Types
import           Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.FLTKHS
                                               as FL
import           Graphics.UI.FLTK.LowLevel.Fl_Enumerations

import           Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend
                                               as G
import           Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Impl
import           Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry
                                               as G
import           Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable
import           Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import           Graphics.Rendering.Chart.State ( EC
                                                , execEC

-- | The environment internally used for drawing
data FLTKHSEnv = FLTKHSEnv {
    flAlignmentFns :: AlignmentFns
    , flFontColor :: Color
    , flPathColor :: Color
    , flFillColor :: Color
    , flCurrentMatrix :: Matrix

-- | Provide a default environment. The 'AlignmentFns' used should be 'bitmapAlignmentFns'
-- from the Chart library
defaultEnv :: AlignmentFns -> FLTKHSEnv
defaultEnv alignFns = FLTKHSEnv
  { flAlignmentFns  = alignFns
  , flFontColor     = blackColor
  , flPathColor     = blackColor
  , flFillColor     = whiteColor
  , flCurrentMatrix = Matrix 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0

-- | Render a 'Renderable' to a widget. It renders to the full widget (it gets the rectangle
-- of the widgets area) and uses that as the sizes for rendering.
{-# INLINABLE renderToWidget #-}
renderToWidget :: Ref Widget -> Renderable a -> IO (PickFn a)
renderToWidget widget r = do
  rectangle' <- getRectangle widget
  let (x, y, w', h') = fromRectangle rectangle'
      cr             = render r (fromIntegral w', fromIntegral h')
  runBackend (defaultEnv bitmapAlignmentFns)
             (withTranslation (Point (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)) cr)

-- | Render a 'Renderable' to a widget, using an 'FlOffscreen' buffer for double buffering. 
-- It renders to the full widget (it gets the rectangle
-- of the widgets area) and uses that as the sizes for rendering. The offscreen
-- buffer needs to be allocated beforehand and needs to have the necessary size
-- (see FLTKs documentation for using the offscreen rendering)
{-# INLINABLE renderToWidgetOffscreen #-}
renderToWidgetOffscreen :: Ref Widget -> FlOffscreen -> Renderable a -> IO (PickFn a)
renderToWidgetOffscreen widget offscreen r = do
  rectangle'@(FL.Rectangle pos size) <- getRectangle widget
  let (x, y, w', h') = fromRectangle rectangle'
      cr             = render r (fromIntegral w', fromIntegral h')
  flcBeginOffscreen offscreen
  fun <- runBackend (defaultEnv bitmapAlignmentFns)
             (withTranslation (Point (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)) cr)
  flcCopyOffscreen pos size offscreen pos
  return fun

-- | Render a Chart created with the statefull "Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy" API.
-- Calls 'renderToWidget' internally
{-# INLINABLE renderToWidgetEC #-}
  :: (Default r, ToRenderable r) => Ref Widget -> EC r () -> IO ()
renderToWidgetEC widget ec =
  void $ renderToWidget widget (toRenderable (execEC ec))

-- | Render a Chart created with the statefull "Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy" API.
-- Calls 'renderToWidgetOffscreen' internally, so it also needs a 'FlOffscreen'
-- buffer as argument
{-# INLINABLE renderToWidgetOffscreenEC #-}
  :: (Default r, ToRenderable r) => Ref Widget -> FlOffscreen -> EC r () -> IO ()
renderToWidgetOffscreenEC widget offscreen ec =
  void $ renderToWidgetOffscreen widget offscreen (toRenderable (execEC ec))

-- | Run this backends renderer
{-# INLINABLE runBackend #-}
runBackend :: FLTKHSEnv -> BackendProgram a -> IO a
runBackend env' m' = eval env' (view m')
  eval :: FLTKHSEnv -> ProgramView ChartBackendInstr a -> IO a
  eval _   (Return v                ) = return v
  eval env (StrokePath  p     :>>= f) = flStrokePath env p >>= step env f
  eval env (FillPath    p     :>>= f) = flFillPath env p >>= step env f
  eval env (GetTextSize s     :>>= f) = flTextSize s >>= step env f
  eval env (DrawText p s      :>>= f) = flDrawText env p s >>= step env f
  eval env (GetAlignments     :>>= f) = step env f (flAlignmentFns env)
  eval env (WithTransform m p :>>= f) = flWithTransform env m p >>= step env f
  eval env (WithFontStyle font p :>>= f) =
    flWithFontStyle env font p >>= step env f
  eval env (WithFillStyle fs p :>>= f) =
    flWithFillStyle env fs p >>= step env f
  eval env (WithLineStyle ls p :>>= f) =
    flWithLineStyle env ls p >>= step env f
  eval env (WithClipRegion r p :>>= f) =
    flWithClipRegion env r p >>= step env f

  step :: FLTKHSEnv -> (v -> BackendProgram a) -> v -> IO a
  step env f v = runBackend env (f v)

{-# INLINABLE withColor #-}
withColor :: IO a -> IO a
withColor action = bracket flcColor flcSetColor (const action)

{-# INLINABLE isClosed #-}
isClosed :: Path -> Bool
isClosed G.Close            = True
isClosed End                = False
isClosed (MoveTo _ p      ) = isClosed p
isClosed (LineTo _ p      ) = isClosed p
isClosed (Arc    _ _ _ _ p) = isClosed p
isClosed (ArcNeg _ _ _ _ p) = isClosed p

{-# INLINABLE radToDegree #-}
radToDegree :: Double -> Double
radToDegree !theta = theta * 180 / pi

{-# INLINABLE pointToPrecisePosition #-}
pointToPrecisePosition :: Point -> PrecisePosition
pointToPrecisePosition p =
  PrecisePosition (PreciseX (p_x p)) (PreciseY (p_y p))

{-# INLINABLE pointToPosition #-}
pointToPosition :: Point -> Position
pointToPosition p = Position (X x) (Y y)
  x = Prelude.round (p_x p)
  y = Prelude.round (p_y p)

-- instance Show Path where
--     show (MoveTo p path) = "MoveTo " <> show p <> " " <> show path
--     show (LineTo p path) = "LineTo " <> show p <> " " <> show path
--     show (Arc p rad a1 a2 path) = "Arc " <> show p <> " " <> show rad <> " " <> show a1 <> " " <> show a2 <> " " <> show path
--     show (ArcNeg p rad a1 a2 path) = "ArcNeg " <> show p <> " " <> show rad <> " " <> show a1 <> " " <> show a2 <> " " <> show path
--     show End = "End"
--     show G.Close = "Close"

{-# INLINABLE checkDouble #-}
checkDouble :: Double -> Double
checkDouble d = if isNaN d then 0 else d

flStrokePath :: FLTKHSEnv -> Path -> IO ()
flStrokePath env p' = withColor $ do
  flcSetColor (flPathColor env)
  let closed = isClosed p'
  if closed then flcBeginLoop else flcBeginLine
  go p' closed
  go (MoveTo p path) closed = do
    if closed
      then do
      else do
    flcVertex (PrecisePosition (PreciseX (p_x p)) (PreciseY (p_y p)))
    go path closed
  go (LineTo p path) closed = do
    flcVertex (PrecisePosition (PreciseX (p_x p)) (PreciseY (p_y p)))
    go path closed
  go (Arc p r a1 a2 path) closed = do
    flcArcByRadius pt (checkDouble r) a1t a2t
    go path closed
    pt   = pointToPrecisePosition p
    !a1t = PreciseAngle (360 - radToDegree a1)
    !a2t = PreciseAngle (360 - radToDegree a2)
  go (ArcNeg p r a1 a2 path) closed = do
    flcArcByRadius pt (checkDouble r) a1t a2t
    go path closed
    pt   = pointToPrecisePosition p
    !a1t = PreciseAngle (radToDegree a1)
    !a2t = PreciseAngle (radToDegree a2)
  go End     closed = if closed then flcEndLoop else flcEndLine
  go G.Close closed = if closed then flcEndLoop else flcEndLine

flFillPath :: FLTKHSEnv -> Path -> IO ()
flFillPath env p' = withColor $ do
  flcSetColor (flFillColor env)
  go p'
  go (MoveTo p path) = do
    flcVertex (PrecisePosition (PreciseX (p_x p)) (PreciseY (p_y p)))
    go path
  go (LineTo p path) = do
    flcVertex (PrecisePosition (PreciseX (p_x p)) (PreciseY (p_y p)))
    go path
  go (Arc p r a1 a2 path) = do
    flcArcByRadius pt (checkDouble r) a1t a2t
    go path
    pt   = pointToPrecisePosition p
    !a1t = PreciseAngle (360 - radToDegree a1)
    !a2t = PreciseAngle (360 - radToDegree a2)
  go (ArcNeg p r a1 a2 path) = do
    flcArcByRadius pt (checkDouble r) a1t a2t
    go path
    pt   = pointToPrecisePosition p
    !a1t = PreciseAngle (radToDegree a1)
    !a2t = PreciseAngle (radToDegree a2)
  go End     = flcEndComplexPolygon
  go G.Close = flcEndComplexPolygon

flTextSize :: String -> IO TextSize
flTextSize text = do
  FL.Rectangle (Position _ _) (Size (Width w) (Height h)) <- flcTextExtents
    (T.pack text)
  descent <- flcDescent
  let res = TextSize { textSizeWidth    = fromIntegral w
                     , textSizeHeight   = fromIntegral h
                     , textSizeDescent  = fromIntegral descent
                     , textSizeAscent   = fromIntegral (h - descent)
                     , textSizeYBearing = 0
  pure res

{-# INLINABLE apply #-}
apply :: Matrix -> Point -> Point
apply (Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2) (Point x y) =
  let new_x = a1 * x + b1 * y + c1
      new_y = a2 * x + b2 * y + c2
  in  Point new_x new_y

{-# INLINABLE flDrawText #-}
flDrawText :: FLTKHSEnv -> Point -> String -> IO ()
flDrawText env p text = withColor $ do
  flcSetColor (flFontColor env)
  flcDraw (T.pack text) (pointToPosition (apply (flCurrentMatrix env) p))

withSavedLineStyle :: IO a -> IO a
withSavedLineStyle action = bracket flcColor reset (const action)
  reset col = do
    flcLineStyle (LineDrawStyle Nothing Nothing Nothing) Nothing Nothing
    flcSetColor col

{-# INLINABLE clampI #-}
clampI :: Int -> Int
clampI x | x < 0     = 0
         | x > 255   = 255
         | otherwise = x

flWithLineStyle :: FLTKHSEnv -> G.LineStyle -> BackendProgram a -> IO a
flWithLineStyle env ls p = withSavedLineStyle $ do
  let width     = Prelude.round (_line_width ls)
      capStyle  = convCapStyle (_line_cap ls)
      joinStyle = convJoinStyle (_line_join ls)
      style     = LineDrawStyle Nothing (Just capStyle) (Just joinStyle)

      dashes    = T.pack . map conv $ _line_dashes ls

      conv :: Double -> Char
      conv = chr . clampI . Prelude.round

      col  = convColor (_line_color ls)

  flcLineStyle style (Just (Width width)) (Just dashes)
  runBackend env { flPathColor = col } p

flWithFillStyle :: FLTKHSEnv -> FillStyle -> BackendProgram a -> IO a
flWithFillStyle env fs =
  runBackend env { flFillColor = convColor (_fill_color fs) }

-- | Performs a drawing action in a widget within a defined clipping rectangle. This
-- is a convenience function, as FLTKHS is quite statefull and a 'flcPushClip' must
-- be closed by a 'flcPopClip'. So this function exactly provides this, while
-- executing the given drawing action in between push and pop
{-# INLINABLE withFlClip #-}
withFlClip :: FL.Rectangle -> IO a -> IO a
withFlClip rect = bracket_ (flcPushClip rect) flcPopClip

{-# INLINABLE flWithClipRegion #-}
flWithClipRegion :: FLTKHSEnv -> Rect -> BackendProgram a -> IO a
flWithClipRegion env (Rect p1@(Point _ _) p2@(Point _ _)) p = do
  let mat         = flCurrentMatrix env
      Point x1 y1 = apply mat p1
      Point x2 y2 = apply mat p2

      !rect       = FL.Rectangle
        (Position (X (Prelude.round minx)) (Y (Prelude.round miny)))
        (Size (Width (Prelude.round w)) (Height (Prelude.round h)))
      !minx = min x1 x2
      !miny = min y1 y2
      !maxx = max x1 x2
      !maxy = max y1 y2
      !w    = maxx - minx
      !h    = maxy - miny
  withFlClip rect (runBackend env p)

{-# INLINABLE withMatrix #-}
withMatrix :: IO a -> IO a
withMatrix = bracket_ flcPushMatrix flcPopMatrix

flWithTransform :: FLTKHSEnv -> Matrix -> BackendProgram a -> IO a
flWithTransform env mat@(Matrix xx' yx' xy' yy' x0' y0') p = withMatrix $ do
  flcMultMatrix xx' yx' xy' yy' (ByXY (ByX x0') (ByY y0'))
  runBackend env { flCurrentMatrix = flCurrentMatrix env * mat } p

{-# INLINABLE withFlFont #-}
withFlFont :: IO a -> IO a
withFlFont action = bracket acquire release (const action)
  acquire = (,) <$> flcFont <*> flcSize
  release (font, size) = flcSetFont font size

{-# INLINABLE flWithFontStyle #-}
flWithFontStyle :: FLTKHSEnv -> FontStyle -> BackendProgram a -> IO a
flWithFontStyle env font p = withFlFont $ do
  let fontSize = FontSize (Prelude.round (_font_size font))
      flfont   = selectFont font
  flcSetFont flfont fontSize
  runBackend env { flFontColor = convColor (_font_color font) } p

{-# INLINABLE selectFont #-}
selectFont :: FontStyle -> Font
selectFont fs = case (_font_name fs, _font_slant fs, _font_weight fs) of
  ("serif"     , FontSlantNormal , FontWeightNormal) -> times
  ("serif"     , FontSlantNormal , FontWeightBold  ) -> timesBold
  ("serif"     , FontSlantItalic , FontWeightNormal) -> timesItalic
  ("serif"     , FontSlantOblique, FontWeightNormal) -> timesItalic
  ("serif"     , FontSlantItalic , FontWeightBold  ) -> timesBoldItalic
  ("serif"     , FontSlantOblique, FontWeightBold  ) -> timesBoldItalic

  ("sans-serif", FontSlantNormal , FontWeightNormal) -> helvetica
  ("sans-serif", FontSlantNormal , FontWeightBold  ) -> helveticaBold
  ("sans-serif", FontSlantItalic , FontWeightNormal) -> helveticaItalic
  ("sans-serif", FontSlantOblique, FontWeightNormal) -> helveticaItalic
  ("sans-serif", FontSlantItalic , FontWeightBold  ) -> helveticaBoldItalic
  ("sans-serif", FontSlantOblique, FontWeightBold  ) -> helveticaBoldItalic

  ("monospace" , FontSlantNormal , FontWeightNormal) -> courier
  ("monospace" , FontSlantNormal , FontWeightBold  ) -> courierBold
  ("monospace" , FontSlantItalic , FontWeightNormal) -> courierItalic
  ("monospace" , FontSlantOblique, FontWeightNormal) -> courierItalic
  ("monospace" , FontSlantItalic , FontWeightBold  ) -> courierBoldItalic
  ("monospace" , FontSlantOblique, FontWeightBold  ) -> courierBoldItalic

  (_           , FontSlantNormal , FontWeightNormal) -> helvetica
  (_           , FontSlantNormal , FontWeightBold  ) -> helveticaBold
  (_           , FontSlantItalic , FontWeightNormal) -> helveticaItalic
  (_           , FontSlantOblique, FontWeightNormal) -> helveticaItalic
  (_           , FontSlantItalic , FontWeightBold  ) -> helveticaBoldItalic
  (_           , FontSlantOblique, FontWeightBold  ) -> helveticaBoldItalic

{-# INLINABLE convCapStyle #-}
convCapStyle :: LineCap -> CapStyle
convCapStyle LineCapButt   = CapStyleFlat
convCapStyle LineCapRound  = CapStyleRound
convCapStyle LineCapSquare = CapStyleSquare

{-# INLINABLE convJoinStyle #-}
convJoinStyle :: LineJoin -> JoinStyle
convJoinStyle LineJoinMiter = JoinStyleMiter
convJoinStyle LineJoinRound = JoinStyleRound
convJoinStyle LineJoinBevel = JoinStyleBevel

{-# INLINABLE pureColour #-}
pureColour :: AlphaColour Double -> Colour Double
pureColour ac = darken (recip a) (ac `over` black) where a = alphaChannel ac

{-# INLINABLE convColor #-}
convColor :: AlphaColour Double -> Color
convColor color =
  let (RGB r g b) = toSRGB24 (pureColour color)
      !col        = Color
        (        fromIntegral r
        `shiftL` 24
        .|.      fromIntegral g
        `shiftL` 16
        .|.      fromIntegral b
        `shiftL` 8
  in  col