{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Graphics.Color.Space.Internal
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2018-2019
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <lehins@yandex.ru>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Graphics.Color.Space.Internal
  ( Color(Luminance, XYZ, CIExyY)
  , ColorSpace(..)
  , Chromaticity(..)
  , Primary(.., Primary)
  , xPrimary
  , yPrimary
  , zPrimary
  , primaryXZ
  , primaryTristimulus
  , Illuminant(..)
  , WhitePoint(.., WhitePoint)
  , xWhitePoint
  , yWhitePoint
  , zWhitePoint
  , whitePointXZ
  , whitePointTristimulus
  , CCT(..)
  , Y
  , pattern Y
  , pattern YA
  , XYZ
  , pattern ColorXYZ
  , pattern ColorXYZA
  , CIExyY
  , pattern ColorCIExy
  , pattern ColorCIExyY
  , module GHC.TypeNats
  , module Graphics.Color.Algebra
  , module Graphics.Color.Model.Internal
  ) where

import Foreign.Storable
import Graphics.Color.Model.Internal
import qualified Graphics.Color.Model.Y as CM
import Graphics.Color.Algebra
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.TypeNats
import Data.Kind

class (Illuminant i, ColorModel (BaseModel cs) e, ColorModel cs e) =>
  ColorSpace cs (i :: k) e | cs -> i where

  type BaseModel cs :: Type

  type BaseSpace cs :: Type
  type BaseSpace cs = cs

  -- | Drop color space down to the base color model
  toBaseModel :: Color cs e -> Color (BaseModel cs) e
  default toBaseModel ::
    Coercible (Color cs e) (Color (BaseModel cs) e) => Color cs e -> Color (BaseModel cs) e
  toBaseModel = coerce

  -- | Promote color model to a color space
  fromBaseModel :: Color (BaseModel cs) e -> Color cs e
  default fromBaseModel ::
    Coercible (Color (BaseModel cs) e) (Color cs e) => Color (BaseModel cs) e -> Color cs e
  fromBaseModel = coerce

  toBaseSpace :: ColorSpace (BaseSpace cs) i e => Color cs e -> Color (BaseSpace cs) e
  fromBaseSpace :: ColorSpace (BaseSpace cs) i e => Color (BaseSpace cs) e -> Color cs e

  -- | Get the relative luminance of a color
  -- @since 0.1.0
  luminance :: (Elevator a, RealFloat a) => Color cs e -> Color (Y i) a

  toColorXYZ :: (Elevator a, RealFloat a) => Color cs e -> Color (XYZ i) a
  default toColorXYZ ::
    (ColorSpace (BaseSpace cs) i e, Elevator a, RealFloat a) => Color cs e -> Color (XYZ i) a
  toColorXYZ = toColorXYZ . toBaseSpace
  {-# INLINE toColorXYZ #-}

  fromColorXYZ :: (Elevator a, RealFloat a) => Color (XYZ i) a -> Color cs e
  default fromColorXYZ ::
    (ColorSpace (BaseSpace cs) i e, Elevator a, RealFloat a) => Color (XYZ i) a -> Color cs e
  fromColorXYZ = fromBaseSpace . fromColorXYZ
  {-# INLINE fromColorXYZ #-}

instance ( ColorSpace cs i e
         , ColorSpace (BaseSpace cs) i e
         , ColorSpace (Alpha (BaseSpace cs)) i e
         , cs ~ Opaque (Alpha cs)
         , BaseModel cs ~ Opaque (Alpha (BaseModel cs))
         ) =>
         ColorSpace (Alpha cs) i e where
  type BaseModel (Alpha cs) = Alpha (BaseModel cs)
  type BaseSpace (Alpha cs) = Alpha (BaseSpace cs)
  toBaseModel = modifyOpaque toBaseModel
  {-# INLINE toBaseModel #-}
  fromBaseModel = modifyOpaque fromBaseModel
  {-# INLINE fromBaseModel #-}
  toColorXYZ = toColorXYZ . dropAlpha
  {-# INLINE toColorXYZ #-}
  fromColorXYZ = (`addAlpha` maxValue) . fromColorXYZ
  {-# INLINE fromColorXYZ #-}
  luminance = luminance . dropAlpha
  {-# INLINE luminance #-}
  toBaseSpace = modifyOpaque toBaseSpace
  {-# INLINE toBaseSpace #-}
  fromBaseSpace = modifyOpaque fromBaseSpace
  {-# INLINE fromBaseSpace #-}

-- | This is a data type that encodes a data point on the chromaticity diagram
newtype Chromaticity i e =
  Chromaticity (Color (CIExyY i) e)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- WhitePoint --

-- | Correlated color temperature (CCT) of a white point in Kelvin
newtype CCT (i :: k) = CCT
  { unCCT :: Double
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

class (Typeable i, Typeable k, KnownNat (Temperature i)) => Illuminant (i :: k) where
  type Temperature i :: n
  whitePoint :: RealFloat e => WhitePoint i e

  colorTemperature :: CCT i
  colorTemperature = CCT (fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Temperature i))))

newtype WhitePoint (i :: k) e =
  WhitePointChromaticity (Chromaticity i e)
  deriving (Eq)

instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => Show (WhitePoint (i :: k) e) where
  showsPrec n (WhitePointChromaticity wp)
    | n == 0 = inner
    | otherwise = ('(' :) . inner . (')' :)
      inner = ("WhitePoint (" ++) . shows wp . (')' :)

-- | Constructor for the most common @XYZ@ color space
pattern WhitePoint :: e -> e -> WhitePoint i e
pattern WhitePoint x y <- (coerce -> (V2 x y)) where
  WhitePoint x y = coerce (V2 x y)
{-# COMPLETE WhitePoint #-}

-- | @x@ value of a `WhitePoint`
-- @since 0.1.0
xWhitePoint :: WhitePoint i e -> e
xWhitePoint (coerce -> V2 x _) = x
{-# INLINE xWhitePoint #-}

-- | @y@ value of a `WhitePoint`
-- @since 0.1.0
yWhitePoint :: WhitePoint i e -> e
yWhitePoint (coerce -> V2 _ y) = y
{-# INLINE yWhitePoint #-}

-- | Compute @z@ value of a `WhitePoint`: @z = 1 - x - y@
-- @since 0.1.0
zWhitePoint :: Num e => WhitePoint i e -> e
zWhitePoint wp = 1 - xWhitePoint wp - yWhitePoint wp
{-# INLINE zWhitePoint #-}

-- | Compute a normalized @XYZ@ tristimulus of a white point, where @Y = 1@
-- @since 0.1.0
whitePointTristimulus ::
     forall i e. (Illuminant i, RealFloat e, Elevator e)
  => Color (XYZ i) e
whitePointTristimulus = toColorXYZ (coerce (whitePoint :: WhitePoint i e) :: Color (CIExyY i) e)
{-# INLINE whitePointTristimulus #-}

-- | Compute @XYZ@ tristimulus of a white point.
-- @since 0.1.0
whitePointXZ ::
     Fractional e
  => e
     -- ^ @Y@ value, which is usually set to @1@
  -> WhitePoint i e
     -- ^ White point that specifies @x@ and @y@
  -> Color (XYZ i) e
whitePointXZ vY (coerce -> V2 x y) = ColorXYZ (vYy * x) vY (vYy * (1 - x - y))
  where !vYy = vY / y
{-# INLINE whitePointXZ #-}

-- Primary --

newtype Primary (i :: k) e = PrimaryChromaticity (Chromaticity i e)
 deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Constructor for the most common @XYZ@ color space
pattern Primary :: e -> e -> Primary i e
pattern Primary x y <- (coerce -> V2 x y) where
  Primary x y = coerce (V2 x y)
{-# COMPLETE Primary #-}

xPrimary :: Primary i e -> e
xPrimary (coerce -> V2 x _) = x
{-# INLINE xPrimary #-}

yPrimary :: Primary i e -> e
yPrimary (coerce -> V2 _ y) = y
{-# INLINE yPrimary #-}

-- | Compute @z = 1 - x - y@ of a `Primary`.
zPrimary :: Num e => Primary i e -> e
zPrimary p = 1 - xPrimary p - yPrimary p
{-# INLINE zPrimary #-}

-- | Compute normalized `XYZ` tristimulus of a `Primary`, where @Y = 1@
-- @since 0.1.0
primaryTristimulus ::
     forall i e. (Illuminant i, RealFloat e, Elevator e)
  => Primary i e
     -- ^ Primary that specifies @x@ and @y@
  -> Color (XYZ i) e
primaryTristimulus xy = toColorXYZ (coerce xy :: Color (CIExyY i) e)
{-# INLINE primaryTristimulus #-}

-- | Compute `XYZ` tristimulus of a `Primary`.
-- @since 0.1.0
primaryXZ ::
     Fractional e =>
     -- ^ @Y@ value, which is usually set to @1@
  -> Primary i e
     -- ^ Primary that specifies @x@ and @y@
  -> Color (XYZ i) e
primaryXZ vY (Primary x y) = ColorXYZ (vYy * x) vY (vYy * (1 - x - y))
  where !vYy = vY / y
{-# INLINE primaryXZ #-}

--- XYZ ---

-- | The original color space CIE 1931 XYZ color space
data XYZ i

-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
newtype instance Color (XYZ i) e = XYZ (V3 e)

-- | Constructor for the most common @XYZ@ color space
pattern ColorXYZ :: e -> e -> e -> Color (XYZ i) e
pattern ColorXYZ x y z = XYZ (V3 x y z)
{-# COMPLETE ColorXYZ #-}

-- | Constructor for @XYZ@ with alpha channel.
pattern ColorXYZA :: e -> e -> e -> e -> Color (Alpha (XYZ i)) e
pattern ColorXYZA x y z a = Alpha (XYZ (V3 x y z)) a
{-# COMPLETE ColorXYZA #-}

-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
deriving instance Eq e => Eq (Color (XYZ i) e)
-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
deriving instance Ord e => Ord (Color (XYZ i) e)
-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
deriving instance Functor (Color (XYZ i))
-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
deriving instance Applicative (Color (XYZ i))
-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
deriving instance Foldable (Color (XYZ i))
-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
deriving instance Traversable (Color (XYZ i))
-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
deriving instance Storable e => Storable (Color (XYZ i) e)

-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => Show (Color (XYZ (i :: k)) e) where
  showsPrec _ = showsColorModel

-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => ColorModel (XYZ (i :: k)) e where
  type Components (XYZ i) e = (e, e, e)
  toComponents (ColorXYZ x y z) = (x, y, z)
  {-# INLINE toComponents #-}
  fromComponents (x, y, z) = ColorXYZ x y z
  {-# INLINE fromComponents #-}

-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => ColorSpace (XYZ i) i e where
  type BaseModel (XYZ i) = XYZ i
  toBaseModel = id
  fromBaseModel = id
  toBaseSpace = id
  fromBaseSpace = id
  luminance (ColorXYZ _ y _) = Y (toRealFloat y)
  {-# INLINE luminance #-}
  toColorXYZ (ColorXYZ x y z) = ColorXYZ (toRealFloat x) (toRealFloat y) (toRealFloat z)
  {-# INLINE toColorXYZ #-}
  fromColorXYZ (ColorXYZ x y z) = ColorXYZ (fromRealFloat x) (fromRealFloat y) (fromRealFloat z)
  {-# INLINE fromColorXYZ #-}

"toColorXYZ   :: Color (XYZ i) a -> Color (XYZ i) a"   toColorXYZ = id
"fromColorXYZ :: Color (XYZ i) a -> Color (XYZ i) a" fromColorXYZ = id

--- CIE xyY ---

-- | Alternative representation of the CIE 1931 XYZ color space
data CIExyY (i :: k)

-- | CIE1931 `CIExyY` color space
newtype instance Color (CIExyY i) e = CIExyY (V2 e)

-- | Constructor @CIE xyY@ color space. It only requires @x@ and @y@, then @Y@ part will
-- always be equal to 1.
pattern ColorCIExy :: e -> e -> Color (CIExyY i) e
pattern ColorCIExy x y = CIExyY (V2 x y)
{-# COMPLETE ColorCIExy #-}

-- | Patttern match on the @CIE xyY@, 3rd argument @Y@ is always set to @1@
pattern ColorCIExyY :: Num e => e -> e -> e -> Color (CIExyY i) e
pattern ColorCIExyY x y y' <- (addY -> V3 x y y')
{-# COMPLETE ColorCIExyY #-}

addY :: Num e => Color (CIExyY i) e -> V3 e
addY (CIExyY (V2 x y)) = V3 x y 1
{-# INLINE addY #-}

-- | CIE xyY color space
deriving instance Eq e => Eq (Color (CIExyY i) e)
-- | CIE xyY color space
deriving instance Ord e => Ord (Color (CIExyY i) e)
-- | CIE xyY color space
deriving instance Functor (Color (CIExyY i))
-- | CIE xyY color space
deriving instance Applicative (Color (CIExyY i))
-- | CIE xyY color space
deriving instance Foldable (Color (CIExyY i))
-- | CIE xyY color space
deriving instance Traversable (Color (CIExyY i))
-- | CIE xyY color space
deriving instance Storable e => Storable (Color (CIExyY i) e)

-- | CIE xyY color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => Show (Color (CIExyY (i :: k)) e) where
  showsPrec _ = showsColorModel

-- | CIE xyY color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => ColorModel (CIExyY (i :: k)) e where
  type Components (CIExyY i) e = (e, e)
  toComponents (CIExyY (V2 x y)) = (x, y)
  {-# INLINE toComponents #-}
  fromComponents (x, y) = CIExyY (V2 x y)
  {-# INLINE fromComponents #-}
  showsColorModelName _ = showsType (Proxy :: Proxy (CIExyY i))

-- | CIE xyY color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => ColorSpace (CIExyY (i :: k)) i e where
  type BaseModel (CIExyY i) = CIExyY i
  toBaseModel = id
  fromBaseModel = id
  toBaseSpace = id
  fromBaseSpace = id
  luminance _ = Y 1
  {-# INLINE luminance #-}
  toColorXYZ xy = ColorXYZ (x / y) 1 ((1 - x - y) / y)
    where ColorCIExy x y = toRealFloat <$> xy
  {-# INLINE toColorXYZ #-}
  fromColorXYZ xyz = fromRealFloat <$> ColorCIExy (x / s) (y / s)
      ColorXYZ x y z = xyz
      !s = x + y + z
  {-# INLINE fromColorXYZ #-}

--- Y ---

-- | [Relative Luminance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_luminance) of a color
data Y (i :: k)

-- | Luminance `Y`
newtype instance Color (Y i) e = Luminance (CM.Color CM.Y e)

-- | Constructor for @Y@ with alpha channel.
pattern Y :: e -> Color (Y i) e
pattern Y y = Luminance (CM.Y y)
{-# COMPLETE Y #-}

-- | Constructor for @Y@ with alpha channel.
pattern YA :: e -> e -> Color (Alpha (Y i)) e
pattern YA y a = Alpha (Luminance (CM.Y y)) a

-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
deriving instance Eq e => Eq (Color (Y i) e)
-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
deriving instance Ord e => Ord (Color (Y i) e)
-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
deriving instance Functor (Color (Y i))
-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
deriving instance Applicative (Color (Y i))
-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
deriving instance Foldable (Color (Y i))
-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
deriving instance Traversable (Color (Y i))
-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
deriving instance Storable e => Storable (Color (Y i) e)

-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => Show (Color (Y i) e) where
  showsPrec _ = showsColorModel

-- | `Y` - relative luminance of a color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => ColorModel (Y i) e where
  type Components (Y i) e = e
  toComponents = coerce
  {-# INLINE toComponents #-}
  fromComponents = coerce
  {-# INLINE fromComponents #-}

-- | CIE1931 `XYZ` color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => ColorSpace (Y i) i e where
  type BaseModel (Y i) = CM.Y
  toBaseSpace = id
  fromBaseSpace = id
  luminance = fmap toRealFloat
  {-# INLINE luminance #-}
  toColorXYZ (Y y) = ColorXYZ 0 (toRealFloat y) 0
  {-# INLINE toColorXYZ #-}
  fromColorXYZ (ColorXYZ _ y _) = Y (fromRealFloat y)
  {-# INLINE fromColorXYZ #-}

"luminance   :: RealFloat a => Color Y a -> Color Y a" luminance = id