Module      : ETL
Description : Implements ETL operations over RTables.
Copyright   : (c) Nikos Karagiannidis, 2018
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : nkarag@gmail.com
Stability   : stable
Portability : POSIX

This is an internal module (i.e., not to be imported directly) that implements the core ETL functionality 
that is exposed via the __Julius__ EDSL for ETL/ELT found in the "Etl.Julius" module)

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- :set -XOverloadedStrings
--{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordFields #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE  DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Etl.Internal.Core
        -- * Basic Data Types
        RColMapping (..)
        ,ETLOperation (..)
        ,ETLMapping (..)
        ,YesNo (..)
        -- * Execution of an ETL Mapping
        -- * Functions for \"Building\" an ETL Mapping
        -- * Various ETL Operations
    ) where

-- Data.RTable
import RTable.Core

-- Text
import Data.Text as T

-- HashMap                          -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/unordered-containers-
import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM

-- Data.List
import Data.List (notElem, map, zip)

-- Data.Vector
import Data.Vector as V

data YesNo = Yes | No deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | This is the basic data type to define the column-to-column mapping from a source 'RTable' to a target 'RTable'.
--   Essentially, an 'RColMapping' represents the column-level transformations of an 'RTuple' that will yield a target 'RTuple'. 
--   A mapping is simply a triple of the form ( Source-Column(s), Target-Column(s), Transformation, RTuple-Filter), where we define the source columns
--   over which a transformation (i.e. a function) will be applied in order to yield the target columns. Also, an 'RPredicate' (i.e. a filter) might be applied on the source 'RTuple'.
--   Remember that an 'RTuple' is essentially a mapping between a key (the Column Name) and a value (the 'RDataType' value). So the various 'RColMapping'
--   data constructors below simply describe the possible modifications of an 'RTuple' orginating from its own columns.
--   So, we can have the following mapping types:
--          a) single-source column to single-target column mapping (1 to 1), 
--                  the source column will be removed or not based on the 'removeSrcCol' flag (dublicate column names are not allowed in an 'RTuple')
--          b) multiple-source columns to single-target column mapping (N to 1),
--                  The N columns will be merged  to the single target column based on the transformation.
--                  The N columns will be removed from the RTuple or not based on the 'removeSrcCol' flag (dublicate column names are not allowed in an 'RTuple')
--          c) single-source column to multiple-target columns mapping  (1 to M)
--                  the source column will be "expanded" to M target columns based ont he transformation.
--                  the source column will be removed or not based on the 'removeSrcCol' flag (dublicate column names are not allowed in an 'RTuple')                  
--          d) multiple-source column to multiple target columns mapping (N to M)
--                  The N source columns will be mapped to M target columns based on the transformation.
--                  The N columns will be removed from the RTuple or not based on the 'removeSrcCol' flag (dublicate column names are not allow in an 'RTuple')
--   Some examples of mapping are the following:
--   @
--      ("Start_Date", No, "StartDate", \t -> True)  --  copy the source value to target and dont remove the source column, so the target RTuple will have both columns "Start_Date" and "StartDate"
--                                           --  with the exactly the same value)
--      (["Amount", "Discount"], Yes, "FinalAmount", (\[a, d] -> a * d) ) -- "FinalAmount" is a derived column based on a function applied to the two source columns. 
--                                                                        --  In the final RTuple we remove the two source columns.
--   @
--  An 'RColMapping' can be applied with the 'runCM' (runColMapping) operator
data RColMapping =
    |   RMap1x1 { srcCol :: ColumnName,         removeSrcCol :: YesNo,  trgCol :: ColumnName,       transform1x1 :: RDataType    -> RDataType,   srcRTupleFilter:: RPredicate   }   -- ^ single-source column to single-target column mapping (1 to 1).
    |   RMapNx1 { srcColGrp :: [ColumnName],    removeSrcCol :: YesNo,  trgCol :: ColumnName,       transformNx1 :: [RDataType]  -> RDataType,   srcRTupleFilter:: RPredicate   }      -- ^ multiple-source columns to single-target column mapping (N to 1)
    |   RMap1xN { srcCol :: ColumnName,         removeSrcCol :: YesNo,  trgColGrp :: [ColumnName],  transform1xN :: RDataType    -> [RDataType], srcRTupleFilter:: RPredicate }    -- ^ single-source column to multiple-target columns mapping (1 to N)
    |   RMapNxM { srcColGrp :: [ColumnName],    removeSrcCol :: YesNo,  trgColGrp :: [ColumnName],  transformNxM :: [RDataType]  -> [RDataType], srcRTupleFilter:: RPredicate }    -- ^ multiple-source column to multiple target columns mapping (N to M)                                                 

-- | A Column Transformation function data type.
-- It is used in order to define an arbitrary column-level transformation (i.e., from a list of N input Column-Values we produce a list of M derived (output) Column-Values).
-- A Column value is represented with the 'RDataType'.
type ColXForm = [RDataType]  -> [RDataType]

-- | Constructs an RColMapping.
-- This is the suggested method for creating a column mapping and not by calling the data constructors directly.
createColMapping ::
       [ColumnName]  -- ^ List of source column names
    -> [ColumnName]  -- ^ List of target column names
    -> ColXForm      -- ^ Column Transformation function
    -> YesNo         -- ^ Remove source column option
    -> RPredicate    -- ^ Filtering predicate
    -> RColMapping   -- ^ Output Column Mapping
createColMapping (src:[]) (trg:[]) xForm remove fPred = RMap1x1 {srcCol = src, removeSrcCol = remove, trgCol = trg, transform1x1 = \x -> unlist $ xForm (x:[]), srcRTupleFilter = fPred}
                                                            where unlist :: [a] -> a
                                                                  unlist (x:[]) = x  -- since this is a 1x1 col mapping, we are sure that xForm will return a single element list
createColMapping srcCols (trg:[]) xForm remove fPred =  RMapNx1 {srcColGrp = srcCols, removeSrcCol = remove, trgCol = trg, transformNx1 = \x -> unlist $ xForm (x), srcRTupleFilter = fPred}
                                                            where unlist :: [a] -> a
                                                                  unlist (x:[]) = x  -- since this is a Nx1 col mapping, we are sure that xForm will return a single element list
createColMapping (src:[]) trgCols xForm remove fPred =  RMap1xN {srcCol = src, removeSrcCol = remove, trgColGrp = trgCols, transform1xN = \x -> xForm (x:[]), srcRTupleFilter = fPred}
createColMapping srcCols trgCols xForm remove fPred =  RMapNxM {srcColGrp = srcCols, removeSrcCol = remove, trgColGrp = trgCols, transformNxM = xForm, srcRTupleFilter = fPred}

-- | runCM operator executes an RColMapping
-- If a target-column has the same name with a source-column and a DontRemoveSrc (i.e., removeSrcCol == No) has been specified, then the (target-column, target-value) key-value pair,
-- overwrites the corresponding (source-column, source-value) key-value pair
runCM = runColMapping

-- | Apply an RColMapping to a source RTable and produce a new RTable.
-- If a target-column has the same name with a source-column and a DontRemoveSrc (i.e., removeSrcCol == No) has been specified, then the (target-column, target-value) key-value pair,
-- overwrites the corresponding (source-column, source-value) key-value pair.
-- If a filter is embedded in the 'RColMapping', then the returned 'RTable' will include only the 'RTuple's that satisfy the filter predicate.
runColMapping :: RColMapping -> RTable -> RTable
runColMapping ColMapEmpty rtabS = rtabS
runColMapping rmap rtabS =
    if isRTabEmpty rtabS
        then emptyRTable
            case rmap of
                RMap1x1 {srcCol = src, trgCol = trg, removeSrcCol = rmvFlag, transform1x1 = xform, srcRTupleFilter = pred} -> do  -- an RTable is a Monad just like a list is a Monad, representing a non-deterministic value
                        srcRtuple <- f pred rtabS
                            -- 1. get original column value 
                            srcValue = getRTupColValue src srcRtuple
                            -- srcValue = HM.lookupDefault    Null -- return Null if value cannot be found based on column name 
                            --                                src   -- column name to look for (source) - i.e., the key in the HashMap
                            --                                srcRtuple  -- source RTuple (i.e., a HashMap ColumnName RDataType)

                            -- 2. apply transformation to retrieve new column value
                            trgValue = xform srcValue

                            -- 3. remove the original ColumnName, Value mapping from the RTuple
                            rtupleTemp =
                                case rmvFlag of
                                    Yes -> HM.delete src srcRtuple
                                    No  -> srcRtuple

                            -- 4. insert new (ColumnName, Value) pair and thus create the target RTuple
                            trgRtuple = HM.insert trg trgValue rtupleTemp

                        -- return new RTable
                        return trgRtuple

                RMapNx1 {srcColGrp = srcL, trgCol = trg, removeSrcCol = rmvFlag, transformNx1 = xform, srcRTupleFilter = pred} -> do  -- an RTable is a Monad just like a list is a Monad, representing a non-deterministic value
                        srcRtuple <- f pred rtabS
                            -- 1. get original column value (in this case it is a list of values)
                            srcValueL = Data.List.map ( \src ->  getRTupColValue src srcRtuple

                                            -- \src -> HM.lookupDefault       Null -- return Null if value cannot be found based on column name 
                                            --                                 src   -- column name to look for (source) - i.e., the key in the HashMap
                                            --                                 srcRtuple  -- source RTuple (i.e., a HashMap ColumnName RDataType)
                                            ) srcL

                            -- 2. apply transformation to retrieve new column value
                            trgValue = xform srcValueL

                            -- 3. remove the original (ColumnName, Value) mappings from the RTuple (i.e., remove ColumnNames mentioned in the RColMapping from source RTuple)
                            rtupleTemp =
                                case rmvFlag of
                                    Yes -> HM.filterWithKey (\colName _ -> Data.List.notElem colName srcL) srcRtuple
                                    No  -> srcRtuple

                            -- 4. insert new ColumnName, Value mapping as the target RTuple must be
                            trgRtuple = HM.insert trg trgValue rtupleTemp
                        -- return new RTable
                        return trgRtuple

                RMap1xN {srcCol = src, trgColGrp = trgL, removeSrcCol = rmvFlag, transform1xN = xform, srcRTupleFilter = pred} -> do  -- an RTable is a Monad just like a list is a Monad, representing a non-deterministic value
                        srcRtuple <- f pred rtabS
                            -- 1. get original column value 
                            srcValue = getRTupColValue src srcRtuple

                            -- srcValue = HM.lookupDefault    Null -- return Null if value cannot be found based on column name 
                            --                                src   -- column name to look for (source) - i.e., the key in the HashMap
                            --                                srcRtuple  -- source RTuple (i.e., a HashMap ColumnName RDataType)

                            -- 2. apply transformation to retrieve new column value list
                            trgValueL = xform srcValue

                            -- 3. remove the original ColumnName, Value mapping from the RTuple
                            rtupleTemp =
                                case rmvFlag of
                                    Yes -> HM.delete src srcRtuple
                                    No  -> srcRtuple

                            -- 4. insert new (ColumnName, Value) pairs to the target RTuple
                            tempL = Data.List.zip trgL trgValueL
                            trgRtuple = HM.union (HM.fromList tempL) rtupleTemp  -- implement as a hashmap union between new (columnName,value) pairs and source tuple

                        -- return new RTable
                        return trgRtuple

                RMapNxM {srcColGrp = srcL, trgColGrp = trgL, removeSrcCol = rmvFlag, transformNxM = xform, srcRTupleFilter = pred} -> do  -- an RTable is a Monad just like a list is a Monad, representing a non-deterministic value
                        srcRtuple <- f pred rtabS
                            -- 1. get original column value (in this case it is a list of values)
                            srcValueL = Data.List.map (  \src ->  getRTupColValue src srcRtuple

                                            -- \src -> HM.lookupDefault       Null -- return Null if value cannot be found based on column name 
                                            --                                 src   -- column name to look for (source) - i.e., the key in the HashMap
                                            --                                 srcRtuple  -- source RTuple (i.e., a HashMap ColumnName RDataType)
                                            ) srcL

                            -- 2. apply transformation to retrieve new column value
                            trgValueL = xform srcValueL

                            -- 3. remove the original ColumnName, Value mapping from the RTuple
                            rtupleTemp =
                                case rmvFlag of
                                    Yes -> HM.filterWithKey (\colName _ -> Data.List.notElem colName srcL) srcRtuple
                                    No  -> srcRtuple

                            -- 4. insert new (ColumnName, Value) pairs to the target RTuple
                            tempL = Data.List.zip trgL trgValueL
                            trgRtuple = HM.union (HM.fromList tempL) rtupleTemp  -- implement as a hashmap union between new (columnName,value) pairs and source tuple

                        -- return new RTable
                        return trgRtuple

-- | An ETL operation applied to an RTable can be either an 'ROperation' (a relational agebra operation like join, filter etc.) defined in "RTable.Core" module,
--   or an 'RColMapping' applied to an 'RTable'
data ETLOperation =
            ETLrOp { rop  :: ROperation   }
        |   ETLcOp { cmap :: RColMapping }

-- | executes a Unary ETL Operation
etlOpU = runUnaryETLOperation

-- | executes an ETL Operation
runUnaryETLOperation ::
    -> RTable  -- ^ input RTable
    -> RTable  -- ^ output RTable
runUnaryETLOperation op inpRtab =
    case op of
        ETLrOp { rop  = relOp  } -> ropU relOp inpRtab
        ETLcOp { cmap = colMap } -> runCM colMap inpRtab

-- | executes a Binary ETL Operation
etlOpB = runBinaryETLOperation

-- | executes an ETL Operation
runBinaryETLOperation ::
    -> RTable  -- ^ input RTable1
    -> RTable  -- ^ input RTable2    
    -> RTable  -- ^ output RTable
runBinaryETLOperation ETLrOp {rop  = relOp} inpT1 inpT2 = ropB relOp inpT1 inpT2

-- | ETLmapping : it is the equivalent of a mapping in an ETL tool and consists of a series of ETLOperations that are applied, one-by-one,
--   to some initial input RTable, but if binary ETLOperations are included in the ETLMapping, then there will be more than one input RTables that
--   the ETLOperations of the ETLMapping will be applied to. When we apply (i.e., run) an ETLOperation of the ETLMapping we get a new RTable,
--   which is then inputed to the next ETLOperation, until we finally run all ETLOperations. The purpose of the execution of an ETLMapping is     
--   to produce a single new RTable as the result of the execution of all the ETLOperations of the ETLMapping.
--   In terms of database operations an ETLMapping is the equivalent of an CREATE AS SELECT (CTAS) operation in an RDBMS. This means that
--   anything that can be done in the SELECT part (i.e., column projection, row filtering, grouping and join operations, etc.)
--   in order to produce a new table, can be included in an ETLMapping.
--   An ETLMapping is executed with the etl (runETLmapping) operator
--   Implementation: 
--   An ETLMapping is implemented as a binary tree where the node represents the ETLOperation to be executed and the left branch is another 
--   ETLMapping, while the right branch is an RTable (that might be empty in the case of a Unary ETLOperation). 
--   Execution proceeds from bottom-left to top-right.
--   This is similar in concept to a left-deep join tree. In a Left-Deep ETLOperation tree the "pipe" of ETLOperations comes from 
--   the left branches always.
--   The leaf node is always an ETLMapping with an ETLMapEmpty in the left branch and an RTable  in the right branch (the initial RTable inputed
--   to the ETLMapping).
--   In this way, the result of the execution of each ETLOperation (which is an RTable) is passed on to the next ETLOperation. Here is an example:
-- @
--     A Left-Deep ETLOperation Tree
--                              final RTable result
--                                    / 
--                                 etlOp3 
--                              /       \ 
--                           etlOp2     rtab2
--                          /      \ 
-- A leaf-node -->    etlOp1    emptyRTab
--                    /       \
--              ETLMapEmpty   rtab1
-- @
--  You see that always on the left branch we have an ETLMapping data type (i.e., a left-deep ETLOperation tree). 
--  So how do we implement the following case?
-- @
--                     final RTable result
--                             / 
--  A leaf-node -->         etlOp1 
--                          /       \
--                         rtab1   rtab2
-- @
-- The answer is that we "model" the left RTable (rtab1 in our example) as an ETLMapping of the form:
-- @
--  ETLMapLD { etlOp = ETLcOp{cmap = ColMapEmpty}, tabL = ETLMapEmpty, tabR = rtab1 }
-- @
-- So we embed the rtab1 in a ETLMapping, which is a leaf (i.e., it has an empty prevMap), the rtab1 is in 
-- the right branch (tabR) and the ETLOperation is the EmptyColMapping, which returns its input RTable when executed.
-- We can use function 'rtabToETLMapping' for this job. So it becomes
-- @
-- A leaf-node -->    etlOp1    
--                    /     \
--   rtabToETLMapping rtab1  rtab2
-- @
-- In this manner, a leaf-node can also be implemented like this:
-- @
--                              final RTable result
--                                    / 
--                                 etlOp3 
--                              /       \ 
--                           etlOp2     rtab2
--                          /      \ 
-- A leaf-node -->    etlOp1    emptyRTab
--                    /     \
--   rtabToETLMapping rtab1  emptyRTable
-- @
data ETLMapping =
        ETLMapEmpty -- ^ an empty node
    |   ETLMapLD
        {           etlOp     :: ETLOperation -- ^ the ETLOperation to be executed    
                    ,tabL     :: ETLMapping   -- ^ the left-branch corresponding to the previous ETLOperation, which is input to this one.
                    ,tabR     :: RTable       -- ^ the right branch corresponds to another RTable (for binary ETL operations). 
                                               --  If this is a Unary ETLOperation then this field must be an empty RTable.
        } -- ^ a Left-Deep node
    |   ETLMapRD
        {           etlOp     :: ETLOperation -- ^ the ETLOperation to be executed    
                    ,tabLrd     :: RTable       -- ^ the left-branch corresponds to another RTable (for binary ETL operations). 
                                              --   If this is a Unary ETLOperation then this field must be an empty RTable.                                                                                             
                    ,tabRrd     :: ETLMapping   -- ^ the right branch corresponding to the previous ETLOperation, which is input to this one.
        } -- ^ a Right-Deep node
    |   ETLMapBal
        {           etlOp     :: ETLOperation -- ^ the ETLOperation to be executed    
                    ,tabLbal     :: ETLMapping   -- ^ the left-branch corresponding to the previous ETLOperation, which is input to this one. 
                                              --   If this is a Unary ETLOperation then this field might be an empty ETLMapping.                                                                                             
                    ,tabRbal     :: ETLMapping   -- ^ the right branch corresponding corresponding to the previous ETLOperation, which is input to this one.                                               --   If this is a Unary ETLOperation then this field might be an empty ETLMapping.
        } -- ^ a Balanced node

instance Eq ETLMapping where
    etlMap1 == etlMap2 =
            (etl etlMap1) == (etl etlMap2)  -- two ETLMappings are equal if the RTables resulting from their execution are equal

-- | Creates a left-deep leaf ETL Mapping, of the following form:
-- @
--     A Left-Deep ETLOperation Tree
--                              final RTable result
--                                    / 
--                                 etlOp3 
--                              /       \ 
--                           etlOp2     rtab2
--                          /      \ 
-- A leaf-node -->    etlOp1    emptyRTab
--                    /       \
--              ETLMapEmpty   rtab1
-- @
createLeafETLMapLD ::
       ETLOperation -- ^ ETL operation of this ETL mapping
    -> RTable       -- ^ input RTable
    -> ETLMapping   -- ^ output ETLMapping
createLeafETLMapLD etlop rt = ETLMapLD { etlOp = etlop, tabL = ETLMapEmpty, tabR = rt}

-- | creates a Binary operation leaf node of the form:
-- @
-- A leaf-node -->    etlOp1    
--                    /     \
--   rtabToETLMapping rtab1  rtab2
-- @
createLeafBinETLMapLD ::
       ETLOperation -- ^ ETL operation of this ETL mapping
    -> RTable       -- ^ input RTable1
    -> RTable       -- ^ input RTable2
    -> ETLMapping   -- ^ output ETLMapping
createLeafBinETLMapLD etlop rt1 rt2 = ETLMapLD { etlOp = etlop, tabL = rtabToETLMapping rt1, tabR = rt2}

-- | Connects an ETL Mapping to a left-deep ETL Mapping tree, of the form
-- @
--     A Left-Deep ETLOperation Tree
--                              final RTable result
--                                    / 
--                                 etlOp3 
--                              /       \ 
--                           etlOp2     rtab2
--                          /      \ 
-- A leaf-node -->    etlOp1    emptyRTab
--                    /       \
--              ETLMapEmpty   rtab1
-- @
-- Example:
-- @
--   -- connect a Unary ETL mapping (etlOp2)
--                           etlOp2    
--                          /      \ 
--                       etlOp1    emptyRTab
--   => connectETLMapLD etlOp2 emptyRTable prevMap
--   -- connect a Binary ETL Mapping (etlOp3)
--                                 etlOp3 
--                              /       \ 
--                           etlOp2     rtab2
--   => connectETLMapLD etlOp3 rtab2 prevMap
-- @
-- Note that the right branch (RTable) appears first in the list of input arguments of this function and 
-- the left branch (ETLMapping) appears second. This is strange, and one could thought that it is a mistake
-- (i.e., the left branch should appear first and the right branch second) since we are reading from left to right.
-- However this was a deliberate choice, so that we leave the left branch (which is the connection point with the
-- previous ETLMapping) as the last argument, and thus we can partially apply the argumenets and get a new function
-- with input parameter only the previous mapping. This is very helpfull in function composition
connectETLMapLD ::
        ETLOperation  -- ^ ETL operation of this ETL Mapping
     -> RTable        -- ^ Right RTable (right branch) (if this is a Unary ETL mapping this should be an emptyRTable) 
     -> ETLMapping    -- ^ Previous ETL mapping (left branch)        
     -> ETLMapping    -- ^ New ETL Mapping, which has added at the end the new node
connectETLMapLD etlop rt prevMap = ETLMapLD { etlOp = etlop, tabL = prevMap, tabR = rt}

-- | This operator executes an 'ETLMapping'
etl = runETLmapping

-- | Executes an 'ETLMapping'
runETLmapping ::
    ETLMapping  -- ^ input ETLMapping
    -> RTable   -- ^ output RTable
-- empty ETL mapping
runETLmapping ETLMapEmpty = emptyRTable
--  ETL mapping with an empty ETLOperation, which is just modelling an RTable
runETLmapping ETLMapLD { etlOp = ETLcOp{cmap = ColMapEmpty}, tabL = ETLMapEmpty, tabR = rtab } = rtab
-- leaf node --> unary ETLOperation on RTable
runETLmapping ETLMapLD { etlOp = runMe, tabL = ETLMapEmpty, tabR = rtab } = etlOpU runMe rtab {--   if (isRTabEmpty rtab) 
                                                                                                    then emptyRTable  
                                                                                                    else etlOpU runMe rtab    --}
runETLmapping ETLMapLD { etlOp = runMe, tabL = prevmap, tabR = rtab } =
        if (isRTabEmpty rtab)
        then let
                prevRtab = runETLmapping prevmap -- execute previous ETLMapping to get the resulting RTable
             in etlOpU runMe prevRtab
        else let
                prevRtab = runETLmapping prevmap -- execute previous ETLMapping to get the resulting RTable
             in etlOpB runMe prevRtab rtab

-- | This operator executes an 'ETLMapping' and returns the 'RTabResult'  'Writer' Monad
-- that embedds apart from the resulting RTable, also the number of 'RTuple's returned
etlRes ::
       ETLMapping  -- ^ input ETLMapping
    -> RTabResult   -- ^ output RTabResult
etlRes etlm =
    let resultRtab = etl etlm
        returnedRtups = rtuplesRet $ V.length resultRtab
    in rtabResult (resultRtab, returnedRtups)

-- | Model an 'RTable' as an 'ETLMapping' which when executed will return the input 'RTable'
rtabToETLMapping ::
    -> ETLMapping
rtabToETLMapping rt =   if (isRTabEmpty rt)
                        then ETLMapEmpty
                        else ETLMapLD { etlOp = ETLcOp {cmap = ColMapEmpty}, tabL = ETLMapEmpty, tabR = rt }

--   An ETLMapping is implemented as a series of ETLOperations conected with the :=> operator which is right associative
--  i.e., ETLOp3 :=> ETLOp2 :=> ETLOp1 RTable is  (ETLOp3 :=> (ETLOp2 :=> (ETLOp1 RTable))
--  infixr 9 :=> 
-- data ETLMapping = EmptyETLop RTable | ETLMapping :=> ETLOperation

-- | Executes an ETL mapping 
--   Note htat the source RTables are "embedded" in the data constructors of the ETLMapping data type.
runETLmapping ::
    ETLMapping   -- ^ input ETLMapping
    -> RTable    -- output RTable
runETLmapping EmptyETLop rtab = rtab
runETLmapping etlMap :=> etlOp = runETLmapping etlMap 
    case etlOp of
        ETLrOp {rop = relOp} -> runROperation relOp

-- Example of an ETLMapping((<T> TabColTransformation).(<F> RPredicate).(<T> TabTransformation) rtable1) `(<EJ> RJoinPredicate)` rtable2

-- ##################################################
-- *  Various useful RDataType Transformations 
-- *  and pre-cooked Column Mappings
-- ##################################################

-- | Returns an ETL Operation that adds a surrogate key column to an RTable
-- The first argument is the initial value of the surrogate key. If Nothing is given, then
-- the initial value will be 0.    
-- addSurrogateKey_old :: Integral a =>    
--        Maybe a       -- ^ The initial value of the Surrogate Key will be the value of this parameter + 1
--     -> a            -- ^  Number of rows that the Surrogate Key will be assigned
--     -> ColumnName    -- ^ The name of the surrogate key column
--     -> ETLOperation  -- ^ Output ETL operation which encapsulates the add surrogate key column mapping
-- addSurrogateKey_old init 0 cname = 
--     let initVal = case init of 
--             Just x -> x
--             Nothing -> 0
--         cmap = RMap1x1 {   
--                                 srcCol = "", removeSrcCol = No   -- the source column can be any column in this mapping, even ""
--                                 ,trgCol = cname
--                                 ,transform1x1 = \_ -> RInt (fromIntegral initVal)
--                                 ,srcRTupleFilter = \_ -> True   
--                        }
--     in ETLcOp cmap
-- addSurrogateKey_old init numRows cname = 
--     let initVal = case init of 
--             Just x -> x
--             Nothing -> 0
--         cmap = RMap1x1 {   
--                                 srcCol = "", removeSrcCol = No   -- the source column can be any column in this mapping, even ""
--                                 ,trgCol = cname
--                                 ,transform1x1 = \_ -> RInt (fromIntegral initVal + 1)
--                                 ,srcRTupleFilter = \_ -> True   
--                        }
--     in addSurrogateKey_old (Just (initVal + 1)) (numRows - 1) cname