DOM- DOM Level 2 bindings for the WebBits package.





This module will most likely be imported by any Haskell program that uses DOM. Other modules from Data.DOM namespace are to be imported as needed, sometimes qualified because there are some name clashes in attributes and methods across the DOM interfaces.

Below is an example of Haskell code which generates Javascript to display traditional Hello World. This example shows that even a simplest Control.Monad.Identity will do. Of course, a more sofisticated Monad might provide more benefits, such as assigning some of expressions to Javascript variables to share and prevent repeated evaluation, automatic declaration of functions, etc.

 module Main where
 import WebBits.JavaScript
 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Monad.Identity
 import Data.DOM
 import Data.DOM.Dom
 import Data.DOM.Node
 import Data.DOM.HTMLDocument
 main = putStrLn $ show $ pp $ 
   FunctionStmt undefined (Id undefined "main") [] 
     (ExprStmt undefined $ runIdentity q)
 q = do
   d <- htmlDocument
   t <- mkText (string "Hello World") d
   b <- getm'body d
   addChild t b

Below is Javascript generated by this example. All expressions just nest where necessary, and method calls may be chained.

 function main()
 window.document.body.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode("Hello World"));


Module Data.DOM.WBTypes re-exported for convenience

Additional DOM support functions

window :: Monad m => m (Expression TWindow)Source

Access the global Window object.

document :: Monad m => m (Expression TDocument)Source

Access the current document. This indeed should be made through the Window interface, but current (incomplete) specification does not provide an easy way for that.

htmlDocument :: Monad m => m (Expression THTMLDocument)Source

Same as above, using the HTMLDocument interface.

documentBody :: (Monad mn, CHTMLDocument this) => Expression this -> mn (Expression THTMLBodyElement)Source

Access the BODY node of the current HTML document. Same as 'get\'body', but with proper type of the returned value.

documentHead :: (Monad mn, CHTMLDocument this) => Expression this -> mn (Expression THTMLHeadElement)Source

Access the HEAD node of the current HTML document.

inlineStyle :: (Monad mn, CHTMLElement this) => Expression this -> mn (Expression TCSS2Properties)Source

Obtain an inline style (TCSS2Properties) interface of an object

inlineStyleDecl :: (Monad mn, CHTMLElement this) => Expression this -> mn (Expression TCSSStyleDeclaration)Source

Obtain an inline style (TCSSStyleDeclaration) interface of an object

mkText :: (Monad mn, CDocument this) => Expression String -> Expression this -> mn (Expression TText)Source

A maker function for a TEXT element.

addChild :: (Monad m, CNode c, CNode p) => Expression c -> Expression p -> m (Expression c)Source

Same as appendChild, but with type signature reflecting that returned value is the node added.

Functions to construct Javascript values

string :: String -> Expression StringSource

Create a Javascript string literal out of a string.

number :: Integral n => n -> Expression DoubleSource

Create a Javascript numeric literal out of a numeric value.

bool :: Bool -> Expression BoolSource

Create a Javascript boolean literal out of a Boolean.

true :: Expression BoolSource

Javascript True value

false :: Expression BoolSource

Javascript False value