DTC: Data To Class transformation.
Transform data declarations to class definitions.
The way is explained in Data Declarations to Class Definitions. You can find more information in the homepage of the package.
Changes from last version:
Modified some documentation.
Fixed a non-exhaustive pattern matching error in
- DTC-1.0.1.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, |
Dependencies | base (>=4 && <5), haskell-src [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Author | Daniel Diaz |
Maintainer | Daniel Diaz <danieldiaz@asofilak.es> |
Category | Language |
Home page | http://ddiaz.asofilak.es/packages/DTC |
Uploaded | by DanielDiaz at 2010-10-15T09:23:46Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Downloads | 3743 total (17 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs uploaded by user Build status unknown [no reports yet] |