Flint2- Haskell bindings for the flint library for number theory
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Univariate polynomials over integers mod n (word-size n)


data NModPoly Source #


NModPoly !(ForeignPtr CNModPoly) 


Instances details
UFD NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Storable CNModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Types.FFI

Semigroup NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Enum NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Num NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Integral NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Real NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Show NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Eq NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Ord NModPoly Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly.Instances

Helper functions

signed_mpn_sub_n :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

signed_mpn_sub_n res op1 op2 n

If op1 >= op2 return 0 and set res to op1 - op2 else return 1 and set res to op2 - op1.

Memory management

nmod_poly_init :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_init poly n

Initialises poly. It will have coefficients modulo~`n`.

nmod_poly_init_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_init_preinv poly n ninv

Initialises poly. It will have coefficients modulo~`n`. The caller supplies a precomputed inverse limb generated by n_preinvert_limb.

nmod_poly_init_mod :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_init_mod poly mod

Initialises poly using an already initialised modulus mod.

nmod_poly_init2 :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_init2 poly n alloc

Initialises poly. It will have coefficients modulo~`n`. Up to alloc coefficients may be stored in poly.

nmod_poly_init2_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> CMpLimb -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_init2_preinv poly n ninv alloc

Initialises poly. It will have coefficients modulo~`n`. The caller supplies a precomputed inverse limb generated by n_preinvert_limb. Up to alloc coefficients may be stored in poly.

nmod_poly_realloc :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_realloc poly alloc

Reallocates poly to the given length. If the current length is less than alloc, the polynomial is truncated and normalised. If alloc is zero, the polynomial is cleared.

nmod_poly_clear :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_clear poly

Clears the polynomial and releases any memory it used. The polynomial cannot be used again until it is initialised.

nmod_poly_fit_length :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_fit_length poly alloc

Ensures poly has space for at least alloc coefficients. This function only ever grows the allocated space, so no data loss can occur.

_nmod_poly_normalise :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_normalise poly

Internal function for normalising a polynomial so that the top coefficient, if there is one at all, is not zero.

Polynomial properties

nmod_poly_length :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CLong Source #

nmod_poly_length poly

Returns the length of the polynomial poly. The zero polynomial has length zero.

nmod_poly_degree :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CLong Source #

nmod_poly_degree poly

Returns the degree of the polynomial poly. The zero polynomial is deemed to have degree~`-1`.

nmod_poly_modulus :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CMpLimb Source #

nmod_poly_modulus poly

Returns the modulus of the polynomial poly. This will be a positive integer.

nmod_poly_max_bits :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CFBitCnt Source #

nmod_poly_max_bits poly

Returns the maximum number of bits of any coefficient of poly.

Assignment and basic manipulation

nmod_poly_set :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_set a b

Sets a to a copy of b.

nmod_poly_swap :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_swap poly1 poly2

Efficiently swaps poly1 and poly2 by swapping pointers internally.

nmod_poly_zero :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_zero res

Sets res to the zero polynomial.

nmod_poly_truncate :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_truncate poly len

Truncates poly to the given length and normalises it. If len is greater than the current length of poly, then nothing happens.

nmod_poly_set_trunc :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_set_trunc res poly n

Notionally truncate poly to length \(n\) and set res to the result. The result is normalised.

_nmod_poly_reverse :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_reverse output input len m

Sets output to the reverse of input, which is of length len, but thinking of it as a polynomial of length~m, notionally zero-padded if necessary. The length~m must be non-negative, but there are no other restrictions. The polynomial output must have space for m coefficients. Supports aliasing of output and input, but the behaviour is undefined in case of partial overlap.

nmod_poly_reverse :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_reverse output input m

Sets output to the reverse of input, thinking of it as a polynomial of length~m, notionally zero-padded if necessary). The length~m must be non-negative, but there are no other restrictions. The output polynomial will be set to length~m and then normalised.


nmod_poly_randtest :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest poly state len

Generates a random polynomial with length up to len.

nmod_poly_randtest_irreducible :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_irreducible poly state len

Generates a random irreducible polynomial with length up to len.

nmod_poly_randtest_monic :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_monic poly state len

Generates a random monic polynomial with length len.

nmod_poly_randtest_monic_irreducible :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_monic_irreducible poly state len

Generates a random monic irreducible polynomial with length len.

nmod_poly_randtest_monic_primitive :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_monic_primitive poly state len

Generates a random monic irreducible primitive polynomial with length len.

nmod_poly_randtest_trinomial :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_trinomial poly state len

Generates a random monic trinomial of length len.

nmod_poly_randtest_trinomial_irreducible :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_trinomial_irreducible poly state len max_attempts

Attempts to set poly to a monic irreducible trinomial of length len. It will generate up to max_attempts trinomials in attempt to find an irreducible one. If max_attempts is 0, then it will keep generating trinomials until an irreducible one is found. Returns \(1\) if one is found and \(0\) otherwise.

nmod_poly_randtest_pentomial :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_pentomial poly state len

Generates a random monic pentomial of length len.

nmod_poly_randtest_pentomial_irreducible :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_pentomial_irreducible poly state len max_attempts

Attempts to set poly to a monic irreducible pentomial of length len. It will generate up to max_attempts pentomials in attempt to find an irreducible one. If max_attempts is 0, then it will keep generating pentomials until an irreducible one is found. Returns \(1\) if one is found and \(0\) otherwise.

nmod_poly_randtest_sparse_irreducible :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_randtest_sparse_irreducible poly state len

Attempts to set poly to a sparse, monic irreducible polynomial with length len. It attempts to find an irreducible trinomial. If that does not succeed, it attempts to find a irreducible pentomial. If that fails, then poly is just set to a random monic irreducible polynomial.

Getting and setting coefficients

nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO CULong Source #

nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui poly j

Returns the coefficient of poly at index~j, where coefficients are numbered with zero being the constant coefficient, and returns it as an ulong. If j refers to a coefficient beyond the end of poly, zero is returned.

nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui poly j c

Sets the coefficient of poly at index j, where coefficients are numbered with zero being the constant coefficient, to the value c reduced modulo the modulus of poly. If j refers to a coefficient beyond the current end of poly, the polynomial is first resized, with intervening coefficients being set to zero.

Input and output

nmod_poly_get_str :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CString Source #

nmod_poly_get_str poly

Writes poly to a string representation. The format is as described for nmod_poly_print. The string must be freed by the user when finished. For this it is sufficient to call flint_free.

nmod_poly_get_str_pretty :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CString -> IO CString Source #

nmod_poly_get_str_pretty poly x

Writes poly to a pretty string representation. The format is as described for nmod_poly_print_pretty. The string must be freed by the user when finished. For this it is sufficient to call flint_free.

It is assumed that the top coefficient is non-zero.

nmod_poly_set_str :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CString -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_set_str poly s

Reads poly from a string s. The format is as described for nmod_poly_print. If a polynomial in the correct format is read, a positive value is returned, otherwise a non-positive value is returned.

nmod_poly_print :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_print a

Prints the polynomial to stdout. The length is printed, followed by a space, then the modulus. If the length is zero this is all that is printed, otherwise two spaces followed by a space separated list of coefficients is printed, beginning with the constant coefficient.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

nmod_poly_print_pretty :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CString -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_print_pretty a x

Prints the polynomial to stdout using the string x to represent the indeterminate.

It is assumed that the top coefficient is non-zero.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

nmod_poly_fread :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_fread f poly

Reads poly from the file stream f. If this is a file that has just been written, the file should be closed then opened again. The format is as described for nmod_poly_print. If a polynomial in the correct format is read, a positive value is returned, otherwise a non-positive value is returned.

nmod_poly_fprint :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_fprint f poly

Writes a polynomial to the file stream f. If this is a file then the file should be closed and reopened before being read. The format is as described for nmod_poly_print. If the polynomial is written correctly, a positive value is returned, otherwise a non-positive value is returned.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

nmod_poly_fprint_pretty :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CString -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_fprint_pretty f poly x

Writes a polynomial to the file stream f. If this is a file then the file should be closed and reopened before being read. The format is as described for nmod_poly_print_pretty. If the polynomial is written correctly, a positive value is returned, otherwise a non-positive value is returned.

It is assumed that the top coefficient is non-zero.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

nmod_poly_read :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_read poly

Read poly from stdin. The format is as described for nmod_poly_print. If a polynomial in the correct format is read, a positive value is returned, otherwise a non-positive value is returned.


nmod_poly_equal :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_equal a b

Returns~`1` if the polynomials are equal, otherwise~`0`.

nmod_poly_equal_trunc :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_equal_trunc poly1 poly2 n

Notionally truncate poly1 and poly2 to length \(n\) and return \(1\) if the truncations are equal, otherwise return \(0\).

nmod_poly_is_zero :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_is_zero poly

Returns~`1` if the polynomial poly is the zero polynomial, otherwise returns~`0`.

nmod_poly_is_one :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_is_one poly

Returns~`1` if the polynomial poly is the constant polynomial 1, otherwise returns~`0`.


_nmod_poly_shift_left :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_shift_left res poly len k

Sets (res, len + k) to (poly, len) shifted left by k coefficients. Assumes that res has space for len + k coefficients.

nmod_poly_shift_left :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_shift_left res poly k

Sets res to poly shifted left by k coefficients, i.e.multiplied by \(x^k\).

_nmod_poly_shift_right :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_shift_right res poly len k

Sets (res, len - k) to (poly, len) shifted left by k coefficients. It is assumed that k <= len and that res has space for at least len - k coefficients.

nmod_poly_shift_right :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_shift_right res poly k

Sets res to poly shifted right by k coefficients, i.e.divide by \(x^k\) and throws away the remainder. If k is greater than or equal to the length of poly, the result is the zero polynomial.

Addition and subtraction

_nmod_poly_add :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_add res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Sets res to the sum of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2). There are no restrictions on the lengths.

nmod_poly_add :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_add res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the sum of poly1 and poly2.

nmod_poly_add_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_add_series res poly1 poly2 n

Notionally truncate poly1 and poly2 to length \(n\) and set res to the sum.

_nmod_poly_sub :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_sub res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Sets res to the difference of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2). There are no restrictions on the lengths.

nmod_poly_sub :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_sub res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the difference of poly1 and poly2.

nmod_poly_sub_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_sub_series res poly1 poly2 n

Notionally truncate poly1 and poly2 to length \(n\) and set res to the difference.

nmod_poly_neg :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_neg res poly

Sets res to the negation of poly.

Scalar multiplication and division

nmod_poly_scalar_mul_nmod :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_scalar_mul_nmod res poly c

Sets res to (poly, len) multiplied by~`c`, where~`c` is reduced modulo the modulus of poly.

_nmod_poly_make_monic :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_make_monic output input len mod

Sets output to be the scalar multiple of input of length len > 0 that has leading coefficient one, if such a polynomial exists. If the leading coefficient of input is not invertible, output is set to the multiple of input whose leading coefficient is the greatest common divisor of the leading coefficient and the modulus of input.

nmod_poly_make_monic :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_make_monic output input

Sets output to be the scalar multiple of input with leading coefficient one, if such a polynomial exists. If input is zero an exception is raised. If the leading coefficient of input is not invertible, output is set to the multiple of input whose leading coefficient is the greatest common divisor of the leading coefficient and the modulus of input.

Bit packing and unpacking

_nmod_poly_bit_pack :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CFBitCnt -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_bit_pack res poly len bits

Packs len coefficients of poly into fields of the given number of bits in the large integer res, i.e.evaluates poly at 2^bits and store the result in res. Assumes len > 0 and bits > 0. Also assumes that no coefficient of poly is bigger than bits/2 bits. We also assume bits < 3 * FLINT_BITS.

_nmod_poly_bit_unpack :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_bit_unpack res len mpn bits mod

Unpacks len coefficients stored in the big integer mpn in bit fields of the given number of bits, reduces them modulo the given modulus, then stores them in the polynomial res. We assume len > 0 and 3 * FLINT_BITS > bits > 0. There are no restrictions on the size of the actual coefficients as stored within the bitfields.

nmod_poly_bit_pack :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CFBitCnt -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_bit_pack f poly bit_size

Packs poly into bitfields of size bit_size, writing the result to f.

nmod_poly_bit_unpack :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> CFBitCnt -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_bit_unpack poly f bit_size

Unpacks the polynomial from fields of size bit_size as represented by the integer f.

_nmod_poly_KS2_pack1 :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> CULong -> CULong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_pack1 res op n s b k r

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_pack, but requires b <= FLINT_BITS.

_nmod_poly_KS2_pack :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> CULong -> CULong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_pack res op n s b k r

Bit packing routine used by KS2 and KS4 multiplication.

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack1 :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack1 res op n b k

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_unpack, but requires b <= FLINT_BITS (i.e. writes one word per coefficient).

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack2 :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack2 res op n b k

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_unpack, but requires FLINT_BITS < b <= 2 * FLINT_BITS (i.e. writes two words per coefficient).

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack3 :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack3 res op n b k

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_unpack, but requires 2 * FLINT_BITS < b < 3 * FLINT_BITS (i.e. writes three words per coefficient).

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_unpack res op n b k

Bit unpacking code used by KS2 and KS4 multiplication.

KS2/KS4 Reduction

_nmod_poly_KS2_reduce :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_reduce res s op n w mod

Reduction code used by KS2 and KS4 multiplication.

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce1 :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce1 res s op1 op2 n b mod

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce, but requires 0 < 2 * b <= FLINT_BITS.

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce2 :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce2 res s op1 op2 n b mod

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce, but requires FLINT_BITS < 2 * b < 2*FLINT_BITS.

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce2b :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce2b res s op1 op2 n b mod

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce, but requires b == FLINT_BITS.

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce3 :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce3 res s op1 op2 n b mod

Same as _nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce, but requires 2 * FLINT_BITS < 2 * b <= 3 * FLINT_BITS.

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_KS2_recover_reduce res s op1 op2 n b mod

Reduction code used by KS4 multiplication.


_nmod_poly_mul_classical :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mul_classical res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Sets (res, len1 + len2 - 1) to the product of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2). Assumes len1 >= len2 > 0. Aliasing of inputs and output is not permitted.

nmod_poly_mul_classical :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mul_classical res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the product of poly1 and poly2.

_nmod_poly_mullow_classical :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mullow_classical res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 trunc mod

Sets res to the lower trunc coefficients of the product of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2). Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0 and trunc > 0. Aliasing of inputs and output is not permitted.

nmod_poly_mullow_classical :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mullow_classical res poly1 poly2 trunc

Sets res to the lower trunc coefficients of the product of poly1 and poly2.

_nmod_poly_mulhigh_classical :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mulhigh_classical res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 start mod

Computes the product of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2) and writes the coefficients from start onwards into the high coefficients of res, the remaining coefficients being arbitrary but reduced. Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0. Aliasing of inputs and output is not permitted.

nmod_poly_mulhigh_classical :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mulhigh_classical res poly1 poly2 start

Computes the product of poly1 and poly2 and writes the coefficients from start onwards into the high coefficients of res, the remaining coefficients being arbitrary but reduced.

_nmod_poly_mul_KS :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CFBitCnt -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mul_KS out in1 len1 in2 len2 bits mod

Sets res to the product of in1 and in2 assuming the output coefficients are at most the given number of bits wide. If bits is set to \(0\) an appropriate value is computed automatically. Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0.

nmod_poly_mul_KS :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CFBitCnt -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mul_KS res poly1 poly2 bits

Sets res to the product of poly1 and poly2 assuming the output coefficients are at most the given number of bits wide. If bits is set to \(0\) an appropriate value is computed automatically.

_nmod_poly_mul_KS2 :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mul_KS2 res op1 n1 op2 n2 mod

Sets res to the product of op1 and op2. Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0.

nmod_poly_mul_KS2 :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mul_KS2 res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the product of poly1 and poly2.

_nmod_poly_mul_KS4 :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mul_KS4 res op1 n1 op2 n2 mod

Sets res to the product of op1 and op2. Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0.

nmod_poly_mul_KS4 :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mul_KS4 res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the product of poly1 and poly2.

_nmod_poly_mullow_KS :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CFBitCnt -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mullow_KS out in1 len1 in2 len2 bits n mod

Sets out to the low \(n\) coefficients of in1 of length len1 times in2 of length len2. The output must have space for n coefficients. We assume that len1 >= len2 > 0 and that 0 < n <= len1 + len2 - 1.

nmod_poly_mullow_KS :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CFBitCnt -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mullow_KS res poly1 poly2 bits n

Set res to the low \(n\) coefficients of in1 of length len1 times in2 of length len2.

_nmod_poly_mul :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mul res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Sets res to the product of poly1 of length len1 and poly2 of length len2. Assumes len1 >= len2 > 0. No aliasing is permitted between the inputs and the output.

nmod_poly_mul :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mul res poly poly2

Sets res to the product of poly1 and poly2.

_nmod_poly_mullow :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mullow res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 n mod

Sets res to the first n coefficients of the product of poly1 of length len1 and poly2 of length len2. It is assumed that 0 < n <= len1 + len2 - 1 and that len1 >= len2 > 0. No aliasing of inputs and output is permitted.

nmod_poly_mullow :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mullow res poly1 poly2 trunc

Sets res to the first trunc coefficients of the product of poly1 and poly2.

_nmod_poly_mulhigh :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mulhigh res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 n mod

Sets all but the low \(n\) coefficients of res to the corresponding coefficients of the product of poly1 of length len1 and poly2 of length len2, the other coefficients being arbitrary. It is assumed that len1 >= len2 > 0 and that 0 < n <= len1 + len2 - 1. Aliasing of inputs and output is not permitted.

nmod_poly_mulhigh :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mulhigh res poly1 poly2 n

Sets all but the low \(n\) coefficients of res to the corresponding coefficients of the product of poly1 and poly2, the remaining coefficients being arbitrary.

_nmod_poly_mulmod :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mulmod res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 f lenf mod

Sets res to the remainder of the product of poly1 and poly2 upon polynomial division by f.

It is required that len1 + len2 - lenf > 0, which is equivalent to requiring that the result will actually be reduced. Otherwise, simply use _nmod_poly_mul instead.

Aliasing of f and res is not permitted.

nmod_poly_mulmod :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mulmod res poly1 poly2 f

Sets res to the remainder of the product of poly1 and poly2 upon polynomial division by f.

_nmod_poly_mulmod_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_mulmod_preinv res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 f lenf finv lenfinv mod

Sets res to the remainder of the product of poly1 and poly2 upon polynomial division by f.

It is required that finv is the inverse of the reverse of f mod x^lenf. It is required that len1 + len2 - lenf > 0, which is equivalent to requiring that the result will actually be reduced. It is required that len1 < lenf and len2 < lenf. Otherwise, simply use _nmod_poly_mul instead.

Aliasing of `res with any of the inputs is not permitted.

nmod_poly_mulmod_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_mulmod_preinv res poly1 poly2 f finv

Sets res to the remainder of the product of poly1 and poly2 upon polynomial division by f. finv is the inverse of the reverse of f. It is required that poly1 and poly2 are reduced modulo f.


_nmod_poly_pow_binexp :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_pow_binexp res poly len e mod

Raises poly of length len to the power e and sets res to the result. We require that res has enough space for (len - 1)*e + 1 coefficients. Assumes that len > 0, e > 1. Aliasing is not permitted. Uses the binary exponentiation method.

nmod_poly_pow_binexp :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_pow_binexp res poly e

Raises poly to the power e and sets res to the result. Uses the binary exponentiation method.

_nmod_poly_pow :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CULong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_pow res poly len e mod

Raises poly of length len to the power e and sets res to the result. We require that res has enough space for (len - 1)*e + 1 coefficients. Assumes that len > 0, e > 1. Aliasing is not permitted.

nmod_poly_pow :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_pow res poly e

Raises poly to the power e and sets res to the result.

_nmod_poly_pow_trunc_binexp :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CULong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_pow_trunc_binexp res poly e trunc mod

Sets res to the low trunc coefficients of poly (assumed to be zero padded if necessary to length trunc) to the power e. This is equivalent to doing a powering followed by a truncation. We require that res has enough space for trunc coefficients, that trunc > 0 and that e > 1. Aliasing is not permitted. Uses the binary exponentiation method.

nmod_poly_pow_trunc_binexp :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_pow_trunc_binexp res poly e trunc

Sets res to the low trunc coefficients of poly to the power e. This is equivalent to doing a powering followed by a truncation. Uses the binary exponentiation method.

_nmod_poly_pow_trunc :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CULong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_pow_trunc res poly e trunc mod

Sets res to the low trunc coefficients of poly (assumed to be zero padded if necessary to length trunc) to the power e. This is equivalent to doing a powering followed by a truncation. We require that res has enough space for trunc coefficients, that trunc > 0 and that e > 1. Aliasing is not permitted.

nmod_poly_pow_trunc :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_pow_trunc res poly e trunc

Sets res to the low trunc coefficients of poly to the power e. This is equivalent to doing a powering followed by a truncation.

_nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CULong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp res poly e f lenf mod

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e > 0.

We require lenf > 1. It is assumed that poly is already reduced modulo f and zero-padded as necessary to have length exactly lenf - 1. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp res poly e f

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e >= 0.

_nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMpz -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp res poly e f lenf mod

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e > 0.

We require lenf > 1. It is assumed that poly is already reduced modulo f and zero-padded as necessary to have length exactly lenf - 1. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMpz -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp res poly e f

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e >= 0.

_nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp res poly e f lenf mod

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e > 0.

We require lenf > 1. It is assumed that poly is already reduced modulo f and zero-padded as necessary to have length exactly lenf - 1. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp res poly e f

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e >= 0.

_nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CULong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp_preinv res poly e f lenf finv lenfinv mod

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e > 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

We require lenf > 1. It is assumed that poly is already reduced modulo f and zero-padded as necessary to have length exactly lenf - 1. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_ui_binexp_preinv res poly e f finv

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e >= 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

_nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMpz -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp_preinv res poly e f lenf finv lenfinv mod

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e > 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f. We require lenf > 1. It is assumed that poly is already reduced modulo f and zero-padded as necessary to have length exactly lenf - 1. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMpz -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_mpz_binexp_preinv res poly e f finv

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e >= 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

_nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp_preinv res poly e f lenf finv lenfinv mod

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e > 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

We require lenf > 1. It is assumed that poly is already reduced modulo f and zero-padded as necessary to have length exactly lenf - 1. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_fmpz_binexp_preinv res poly e f finv

Sets res to poly raised to the power e modulo f, using binary exponentiation. We require e >= 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

_nmod_poly_powmod_x_ui_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> CULong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_x_ui_preinv res e f lenf finv lenfinv mod

Sets res to x raised to the power e modulo f, using sliding window exponentiation. We require e > 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

We require lenf > 2. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_x_ui_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_x_ui_preinv res e f finv

Sets res to x raised to the power e modulo f, using sliding window exponentiation. We require e >= 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

_nmod_poly_powmod_x_fmpz_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powmod_x_fmpz_preinv res e f lenf finv lenfinv mod

Sets res to x raised to the power e modulo f, using sliding window exponentiation. We require e > 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

We require lenf > 2. The output res must have room for lenf - 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_powmod_x_fmpz_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powmod_x_fmpz_preinv res e f finv

Sets res to x raised to the power e modulo f, using sliding window exponentiation. We require e >= 0. We require finv to be the inverse of the reverse of f.

_nmod_poly_powers_mod_preinv_naive :: Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powers_mod_preinv_naive res f flen n g glen ginv ginvlen mod

Compute f^0, f^1, ..., f^(n-1) mod g, where g has length glen and f is reduced mod g and has length flen (possibly zero spaced). Assumes res is an array of n arrays each with space for at least glen - 1 coefficients and that flen > 0. We require that ginv of length ginvlen is set to the power series inverse of the reverse of g.

nmod_poly_powers_mod_naive :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powers_mod_naive res f n g

Set the entries of the array res to f^0, f^1, ..., f^(n-1) mod g. No aliasing is permitted between the entries of res and either of the inputs.

_nmod_poly_powers_mod_preinv_threaded_pool :: Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> Ptr CThreadPoolHandle -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powers_mod_preinv_threaded_pool res f flen n g glen ginv ginvlen mod threads num_threads

Compute f^0, f^1, ..., f^(n-1) mod g, where g has length glen and f is reduced mod g and has length flen (possibly zero spaced). Assumes res is an array of n arrays each with space for at least glen - 1 coefficients and that flen > 0. We require that ginv of length ginvlen is set to the power series inverse of the reverse of g.

_nmod_poly_powers_mod_preinv_threaded :: Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_powers_mod_preinv_threaded res f flen n g glen ginv ginvlen mod

Compute f^0, f^1, ..., f^(n-1) mod g, where g has length glen and f is reduced mod g and has length flen (possibly zero spaced). Assumes res is an array of n arrays each with space for at least glen - 1 coefficients and that flen > 0. We require that ginv of length ginvlen is set to the power series inverse of the reverse of g.

nmod_poly_powers_mod_bsgs :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_powers_mod_bsgs res f n g

Set the entries of the array res to f^0, f^1, ..., f^(n-1) mod g. No aliasing is permitted between the entries of res and either of the inputs.


_nmod_poly_divrem_basecase :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_divrem_basecase Q R W A A_len B B_len mod

Finds \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = B Q + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R) < \operatorname{len}(B)\). If \(\operatorname{len}(B) = 0\) an exception is raised. We require that W is temporary space of NMOD_DIVREM_BC_ITCH(A_len, B_len, mod) coefficients.

nmod_poly_divrem_basecase :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_divrem_basecase Q R A B

Finds \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = B Q + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R) < \operatorname{len}(B)\). If \(\operatorname{len}(B) = 0\) an exception is raised.

_nmod_poly_divrem :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_divrem Q R A lenA B lenB mod

Computes \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = BQ + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R)\) less than lenB, where A is of length lenA and B is of length lenB. We require that Q have space for lenA - lenB + 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_divrem :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_divrem Q R A B

Computes \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = BQ + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R) < \operatorname{len}(B)\).

_nmod_poly_div :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_div Q A lenA B lenB mod

Notionally computes polynomials \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = BQ + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R)\) less than lenB, where A is of length lenA and B is of length lenB, but returns only Q. We require that Q have space for lenA - lenB + 1 coefficients.

nmod_poly_div :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_div Q A B

Computes the quotient \(Q\) on polynomial division of \(A\) and \(B\).

_nmod_poly_rem :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_rem R A lenA B lenB mod

Computes the remainder \(R\) on polynomial division of \(A\) by \(B\).

nmod_poly_rem :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_rem R A B

Computes the remainder \(R\) on polynomial division of \(A\) by \(B\).

_nmod_poly_inv_series_basecase :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_inv_series_basecase Qinv Q Qlen n mod

Given Q of length Qlen whose leading coefficient is invertible modulo the given modulus, finds a polynomial Qinv of length n such that the top n coefficients of the product Q * Qinv is \(x^{n - 1}\). Requires that n > 0. This function can be viewed as inverting a power series.

nmod_poly_inv_series_basecase :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_inv_series_basecase Qinv Q n

Given Q of length at least n find Qinv of length n such that the top n coefficients of the product Q * Qinv is \(x^{n - 1}\). An exception is raised if n = 0 or if the length of Q is less than n. The leading coefficient of Q must be invertible modulo the modulus of Q. This function can be viewed as inverting a power series.

_nmod_poly_inv_series_newton :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_inv_series_newton Qinv Q Qlen n mod

Given Q of length Qlen whose constant coefficient is invertible modulo the given modulus, find a polynomial Qinv of length n such that Q * Qinv is 1 modulo \(x^n\). Requires n > 0. This function can be viewed as inverting a power series via Newton iteration.

nmod_poly_inv_series_newton :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_inv_series_newton Qinv Q n

Given Q find Qinv such that Q * Qinv is 1 modulo \(x^n\). The constant coefficient of Q must be invertible modulo the modulus of Q. An exception is raised if this is not the case or if n = 0. This function can be viewed as inverting a power series via Newton iteration.

_nmod_poly_inv_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_inv_series Qinv Q Qlen n mod

Given Q of length Qlenn whose constant coefficient is invertible modulo the given modulus, find a polynomial Qinv of length n such that Q * Qinv is 1 modulo \(x^n\). Requires n > 0. This function can be viewed as inverting a power series.

nmod_poly_inv_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_inv_series Qinv Q n

Given Q find Qinv such that Q * Qinv is 1 modulo \(x^n\). The constant coefficient of Q must be invertible modulo the modulus of Q. An exception is raised if this is not the case or if n = 0. This function can be viewed as inverting a power series.

_nmod_poly_div_series_basecase :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_div_series_basecase Q A Alen B Blen n mod

Given polynomials A and B of length Alen and Blen, finds the polynomial Q of length n such that Q * B = A modulo \(x^n\). We assume n > 0 and that the constant coefficient of B is invertible modulo the given modulus. The polynomial Q must have space for n coefficients.

nmod_poly_div_series_basecase :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_div_series_basecase Q A B n

Given polynomials A and B considered modulo n, finds the polynomial Q of length at most n such that Q * B = A modulo \(x^n\). We assume n > 0 and that the constant coefficient of B is invertible modulo the modulus. An exception is raised if n == 0 or the constant coefficient of B is zero.

_nmod_poly_div_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_div_series Q A Alen B Blen n mod

Given polynomials A and B of length Alen and Blen, finds the polynomial Q of length n such that Q * B = A modulo \(x^n\). We assume n > 0 and that the constant coefficient of B is invertible modulo the given modulus. The polynomial Q must have space for n coefficients.

nmod_poly_div_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_div_series Q A B n

Given polynomials A and B considered modulo n, finds the polynomial Q of length at most n such that Q * B = A modulo \(x^n\). We assume n > 0 and that the constant coefficient of B is invertible modulo the modulus. An exception is raised if n == 0 or the constant coefficient of B is zero.

_nmod_poly_div_newton_n_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_div_newton_n_preinv Q A lenA B lenB Binv lenBinv mod

Notionally computes polynomials \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = BQ + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R)\) less than lenB, where A is of length lenA and B is of length lenB, but return only \(Q\).

We require that \(Q\) have space for lenA - lenB + 1 coefficients and assume that the leading coefficient of \(B\) is a unit. Furthermore, we assume that \(Binv\) is the inverse of the reverse of \(B\) mod \(x^{\operatorname{len}(B)}\).

The algorithm used is to reverse the polynomials and divide the resulting power series, then reverse the result.

nmod_poly_div_newton_n_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_div_newton_n_preinv Q A B Binv

Notionally computes \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = BQ + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R) < \operatorname{len}(B)\), but returns only \(Q\).

We assume that the leading coefficient of \(B\) is a unit and that \(Binv\) is the inverse of the reverse of \(B\) mod \(x^{\operatorname{len}(B)}\).

It is required that the length of \(A\) is less than or equal to 2*the length of \(B\) - 2.

The algorithm used is to reverse the polynomials and divide the resulting power series, then reverse the result.

_nmod_poly_divrem_newton_n_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_divrem_newton_n_preinv Q R A lenA B lenB Binv lenBinv mod

Computes \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = BQ + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R)\) less than lenB, where \(A\) is of length lenA and \(B\) is of length lenB. We require that \(Q\) have space for lenA - lenB + 1 coefficients. Furthermore, we assume that \(Binv\) is the inverse of the reverse of \(B\) mod \(x^{\operatorname{len}(B)}\). The algorithm used is to call div_newton_n_preinv and then multiply out and compute the remainder.

nmod_poly_divrem_newton_n_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_divrem_newton_n_preinv Q R A B Binv

Computes \(Q\) and \(R\) such that \(A = BQ + R\) with \(\operatorname{len}(R) < \operatorname{len}(B)\). We assume \(Binv\) is the inverse of the reverse of \(B\) mod \(x^{\operatorname{len}(B)}\).

It is required that the length of \(A\) is less than or equal to 2*the length of \(B\) - 2.

The algorithm used is to call div_newton_n and then multiply out and compute the remainder.

_nmod_poly_div_root :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CMpLimb -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_poly_div_root Q A len c mod

Sets (Q, len-1) to the quotient of (A, len) on division by \((x - c)\), and returns the remainder, equal to the value of \(A\) evaluated at \(c\). \(A\) and \(Q\) are allowed to be the same, but may not overlap partially in any other way.

nmod_poly_div_root :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> IO CMpLimb Source #

nmod_poly_div_root Q A c

Sets \(Q\) to the quotient of \(A\) on division by \((x - c)\), and returns the remainder, equal to the value of \(A\) evaluated at \(c\).

Divisibility testing

_nmod_poly_divides_classical :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CInt Source #

_nmod_poly_divides_classical Q A lenA B lenB mod

Returns \(1\) if \((B, lenB)\) divides \((A, lenA)\) and sets \((Q, lenA - lenB + 1)\) to the quotient. Otherwise, returns \(0\) and sets \((Q, lenA - lenB + 1)\) to zero. We require that \(lenA >= lenB > 0\).

nmod_poly_divides_classical :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_divides_classical Q A B

Returns \(1\) if \(B\) divides \(A\) and sets \(Q\) to the quotient. Otherwise returns \(0\) and sets \(Q\) to zero.

_nmod_poly_divides :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CInt Source #

_nmod_poly_divides Q A lenA B lenB mod

Returns \(1\) if \((B, lenB)\) divides \((A, lenA)\) and sets \((Q, lenA - lenB + 1)\) to the quotient. Otherwise, returns \(0\) and sets \((Q, lenA - lenB + 1)\) to zero. We require that \(lenA >= lenB > 0\).

nmod_poly_divides :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_divides Q A B

Returns \(1\) if \(B\) divides \(A\) and sets \(Q\) to the quotient. Otherwise returns \(0\) and sets \(Q\) to zero.

Derivative and integral

_nmod_poly_derivative :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_derivative x_prime x len mod

Sets the first len - 1 coefficients of x_prime to the derivative of x which is assumed to be of length len. It is assumed that len > 0.

nmod_poly_derivative :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_derivative x_prime x

Sets x_prime to the derivative of x.

_nmod_poly_integral :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_integral x_int x len mod

Set the first len coefficients of x_int to the integral of x which is assumed to be of length len - 1. The constant term of x_int is set to zero. It is assumed that len > 0. The result is only well-defined if the modulus is a prime number strictly larger than the degree of x. Supports aliasing between the two polynomials.

nmod_poly_integral :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_integral x_int x

Set x_int to the indefinite integral of x with constant term zero. The result is only well-defined if the modulus is a prime number strictly larger than the degree of x.


_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CMpLimb -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod poly len c mod

Evaluates poly at the value~c and reduces modulo the given modulus of poly. The value~c should be reduced modulo the modulus. The algorithm used is Horner's method.

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod :: Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> IO CMpLimb Source #

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod poly c

Evaluates poly at the value~c and reduces modulo the modulus of poly. The value~c should be reduced modulo the modulus. The algorithm used is Horner's method.

nmod_poly_evaluate_mat_horner :: Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModMat -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_evaluate_mat_horner dest poly c

Evaluates poly with matrix as an argument at the value c and stores the result in dest. The dimension and modulus of dest is assumed to be same as that of c. dest and c may be aliased. Horner's Method is used to compute the result.

nmod_poly_evaluate_mat_paterson_stockmeyer :: Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModMat -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_evaluate_mat_paterson_stockmeyer dest poly c

Evaluates poly with matrix as an argument at the value c and stores the result in dest. The dimension and modulus of dest is assumed to be same as that of c. dest and c may be aliased. Paterson-Stockmeyer algorithm is used to compute the result. The algorithm is described in [Paterson1973].

nmod_poly_evaluate_mat :: Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModMat -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_evaluate_mat dest poly c

Evaluates poly with matrix as an argument at the value c and stores the result in dest. The dimension and modulus of dest is assumed to be same as that of c. dest and c may be aliased. This function automatically switches between Horner's method and the Paterson-Stockmeyer algorithm.

Multipoint evaluation

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_iter :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_iter ys poly len xs n mod

Evaluates (coeffs, len) at the n values given in the vector xs, writing the output values to ys. The values in xs should be reduced modulo the modulus.

Uses Horner's method iteratively.

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_iter :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_iter ys poly xs n

Evaluates poly at the n values given in the vector xs, writing the output values to ys. The values in xs should be reduced modulo the modulus.

Uses Horner's method iteratively.

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_fast_precomp :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_fast_precomp vs poly plen tree len mod

Evaluates (poly, plen) at the len values given by the precomputed subproduct tree tree.

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_fast :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_fast ys poly len xs n mod

Evaluates (coeffs, len) at the n values given in the vector xs, writing the output values to ys. The values in xs should be reduced modulo the modulus.

Uses fast multipoint evaluation, building a temporary subproduct tree.

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_fast :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec_fast ys poly xs n

Evaluates poly at the n values given in the vector xs, writing the output values to ys. The values in xs should be reduced modulo the modulus.

Uses fast multipoint evaluation, building a temporary subproduct tree.

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec ys poly len xs n mod

Evaluates (poly, len) at the n values given in the vector xs, writing the output values to ys. The values in xs should be reduced modulo the modulus.

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod_vec ys poly xs n

Evaluates poly at the n values given in the vector xs, writing the output values to ys. The values in xs should be reduced modulo the modulus.


_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec poly xs ys n mod

Sets poly to the unique polynomial of length at most n that interpolates the n given evaluation points xs and values ys. If the interpolating polynomial is shorter than length n, the leading coefficients are set to zero.

The values in xs and ys should be reduced modulo the modulus, and all xs must be distinct. Aliasing between poly and xs or ys is not allowed.

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec poly xs ys n

Sets poly to the unique polynomial of length n that interpolates the n given evaluation points xs and values ys. The values in xs and ys should be reduced modulo the modulus, and all xs must be distinct.

_nmod_poly_interpolation_weights :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_interpolation_weights w tree len mod

Sets w to the barycentric interpolation weights for fast Lagrange interpolation with respect to a given subproduct tree.

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_fast_precomp :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_fast_precomp poly ys tree weights len mod

Performs interpolation using the fast Lagrange interpolation algorithm, generating a temporary subproduct tree.

The function values are given as ys. The function takes a precomputed subproduct tree tree and barycentric interpolation weights weights corresponding to the roots.

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_fast :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_fast poly xs ys n mod

Performs interpolation using the fast Lagrange interpolation algorithm, generating a temporary subproduct tree.

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_fast :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_fast poly xs ys n

Performs interpolation using the fast Lagrange interpolation algorithm, generating a temporary subproduct tree.

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_newton :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_newton poly xs ys n mod

Forms the interpolating polynomial in the Newton basis using the method of divided differences and then converts it to monomial form.

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_newton :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_newton poly xs ys n

Forms the interpolating polynomial in the Newton basis using the method of divided differences and then converts it to monomial form.

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_barycentric :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_barycentric poly xs ys n mod

Forms the interpolating polynomial using a naive implementation of the barycentric form of Lagrange interpolation.

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_barycentric :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_interpolate_nmod_vec_barycentric poly xs ys n

Forms the interpolating polynomial using a naive implementation of the barycentric form of Lagrange interpolation.


_nmod_poly_compose_horner :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_horner res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Composes poly1 of length len1 with poly2 of length len2 and sets res to the result, i.e.evaluates poly1 at poly2. The algorithm used is Horner's algorithm. We require that res have space for (len1 - 1)*(len2 - 1) + 1 coefficients. It is assumed that len1 > 0 and len2 > 0.

nmod_poly_compose_horner :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_horner res poly1 poly2

Composes poly1 with poly2 and sets res to the result, i.e.evaluates poly1 at poly2. The algorithm used is Horner's algorithm.

_nmod_poly_compose :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Composes poly1 of length len1 with poly2 of length len2 and sets res to the result, i.e.evaluates poly1 at poly2. We require that res have space for (len1 - 1)*(len2 - 1) + 1 coefficients. It is assumed that len1 > 0 and len2 > 0.

nmod_poly_compose :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose res poly1 poly2

Composes poly1 with poly2 and sets res to the result, that is, evaluates poly1 at poly2.

Taylor shift

_nmod_poly_taylor_shift_horner :: Ptr CMp -> CMpLimb -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_taylor_shift_horner poly c len mod

Performs the Taylor shift composing poly by \(x+c\) in-place. Uses an efficient version Horner's rule.

nmod_poly_taylor_shift_horner :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_taylor_shift_horner g f c

Performs the Taylor shift composing f by \(x+c\).

_nmod_poly_taylor_shift_convolution :: Ptr CMp -> CMpLimb -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_taylor_shift_convolution poly c len mod

Performs the Taylor shift composing poly by \(x+c\) in-place. Writes the composition as a single convolution with cost \(O(M(n))\). We require that the modulus is a prime at least as large as the length.

nmod_poly_taylor_shift_convolution :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_taylor_shift_convolution g f c

Performs the Taylor shift composing f by \(x+c\). Writes the composition as a single convolution with cost \(O(M(n))\). We require that the modulus is a prime at least as large as the length.

_nmod_poly_taylor_shift :: Ptr CMp -> CMpLimb -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_taylor_shift poly c len mod

Performs the Taylor shift composing poly by \(x+c\) in-place. We require that the modulus is a prime.

nmod_poly_taylor_shift :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_taylor_shift g f c

Performs the Taylor shift composing f by \(x+c\). We require that the modulus is a prime.

Modular composition

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_horner :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_horner res f lenf g h lenh mod

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that the length of \(g\) is one less than the length of \(h\) (possibly with zero padding). The output is not allowed to be aliased with any of the inputs.

The algorithm used is Horner's rule.

nmod_poly_compose_mod_horner :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod_horner res f g h

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero. The algorithm used is Horner's rule.

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung res f lenf g h lenh mod

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that the length of \(g\) is one less than the length of \(h\) (possibly with zero padding). We also require that the length of \(f\) is less than the length of \(h\). The output is not allowed to be aliased with any of the inputs.

The algorithm used is the Brent-Kung matrix algorithm.

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung res f g h

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that \(f\) has smaller degree than \(h\). The algorithm used is the Brent-Kung matrix algorithm.

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_preinv res f lenf g h lenh hinv lenhinv mod

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that the length of \(g\) is one less than the length of \(h\) (possibly with zero padding). We also require that the length of \(f\) is less than the length of \(h\). Furthermore, we require hinv to be the inverse of the reverse of h. The output is not allowed to be aliased with any of the inputs.

The algorithm used is the Brent-Kung matrix algorithm.

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_preinv res f g h hinv

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that \(f\) has smaller degree than \(h\). Furthermore, we require hinv to be the inverse of the reverse of h. The algorithm used is the Brent-Kung matrix algorithm.

_nmod_poly_reduce_matrix_mod_poly :: Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_reduce_matrix_mod_poly A B f

Sets the ith row of A to the reduction of the ith row of \(B\) modulo \(f\) for \(i=1,\ldots,\sqrt{\deg(f)}\). We require \(B\) to be at least a \(\sqrt{\deg(f)}\times \deg(f)\) matrix and \(f\) to be nonzero.

_nmod_poly_precompute_matrix_worker :: Ptr () -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_precompute_matrix_worker arg_ptr

Worker function version of _nmod_poly_precompute_matrix. Input/output is stored in nmod_poly_matrix_precompute_arg_t.

_nmod_poly_precompute_matrix :: Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_precompute_matrix A f g leng ginv lenginv mod

Sets the ith row of A to \(f^i\) modulo \(g\) for \(i=1,\ldots,\sqrt{\deg(g)}\). We require \(A\) to be a \(\sqrt{\deg(g)}\times \deg(g)\) matrix. We require ginv to be the inverse of the reverse of g and \(g\) to be nonzero. f has to be reduced modulo g and of length one less than leng (possibly with zero padding).

nmod_poly_precompute_matrix :: Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_precompute_matrix A f g ginv

Sets the ith row of A to \(f^i\) modulo \(g\) for \(i=1,\ldots,\sqrt{\deg(g)}\). We require \(A\) to be a \(\sqrt{\deg(g)}\times \deg(g)\) matrix. We require ginv to be the inverse of the reverse of g.

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv_worker :: Ptr () -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv_worker arg_ptr

Worker function version of _nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv. Input/output is stored in nmod_poly_compose_mod_precomp_preinv_arg_t.

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv res f lenf A h lenh hinv lenhinv mod

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero. We require that the ith row of \(A\) contains \(g^i\) for \(i=1,\ldots,\sqrt{\deg(h)}\), i.e. \(A\) is a \(\sqrt{\deg(h)}\times \deg(h)\) matrix. We also require that the length of \(f\) is less than the length of \(h\). Furthermore, we require hinv to be the inverse of the reverse of h. The output is not allowed to be aliased with any of the inputs.

The algorithm used is the Brent-Kung matrix algorithm.

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModMat -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv res f A h hinv

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that the ith row of \(A\) contains \(g^i\) for \(i=1,\ldots,\sqrt{\deg(h)}\), i.e. \(A\) is a \(\sqrt{\deg(h)}\times \deg(h)\) matrix. We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that \(f\) has smaller degree than \(h\). Furthermore, we require hinv to be the inverse of the reverse of h. This version of Brent-Kung modular composition is particularly useful if one has to perform several modular composition of the form \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\) for fixed \(g\) and \(h\).

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv res polys len1 l g leng h lenh hinv lenhinv mod

Sets res to the composition \(f_i(g)\) modulo \(h\) for \(1\leq i \leq l\), where \(f_i\) are the first l elements of polys. We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that the length of \(g\) is less than the length of \(h\). We also require that the length of \(f_i\) is less than the length of \(h\). We require res to have enough memory allocated to hold l nmod_poly_struct's. The entries of res need to be initialised and l needs to be less than len1 Furthermore, we require hinv to be the inverse of the reverse of h. The output is not allowed to be aliased with any of the inputs.

The algorithm used is the Brent-Kung matrix algorithm.

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv res polys len1 n g h hinv

Sets res to the composition \(f_i(g)\) modulo \(h\) for \(1\leq i \leq n\) where \(f_i\) are the first n elements of polys. We require res to have enough memory allocated to hold n nmod_poly_struct. The entries of res need to be initialised and n needs to be less than len1. We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that \(f_i\) and \(g\) have smaller degree than \(h\). Furthermore, we require hinv to be the inverse of the reverse of h. No aliasing of res and polys is allowed. The algorithm used is the Brent-Kung matrix algorithm.

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded_pool :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> Ptr CThreadPoolHandle -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded_pool res polys lenpolys l g glen poly len polyinv leninv mod threads num_threads

Multithreaded version of _nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv. Distributing the Horner evaluations across flint_get_num_threads threads.

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded_pool :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CThreadPoolHandle -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded_pool res polys len1 n g poly polyinv threads num_threads

Multithreaded version of nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv. Distributing the Horner evaluations across flint_get_num_threads threads.

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded res polys len1 n g poly polyinv

Multithreaded version of nmod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv. Distributing the Horner evaluations across flint_get_num_threads threads.

_nmod_poly_compose_mod :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_mod res f lenf g h lenh mod

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero and that the length of \(g\) is one less than the length of \(h\) (possibly with zero padding). The output is not allowed to be aliased with any of the inputs.

nmod_poly_compose_mod :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_mod res f g h

Sets res to the composition \(f(g)\) modulo \(h\). We require that \(h\) is nonzero.

Greatest common divisor

_nmod_poly_gcd_euclidean :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_gcd_euclidean G A lenA B lenB mod

Computes the GCD of \(A\) of length lenA and \(B\) of length lenB, where lenA >= lenB > 0. The length of the GCD \(G\) is returned by the function. No attempt is made to make the GCD monic. It is required that \(G\) have space for lenB coefficients.

nmod_poly_gcd_euclidean :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_gcd_euclidean G A B

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\). The GCD of zero polynomials is defined to be zero, whereas the GCD of the zero polynomial and some other polynomial \(P\) is defined to be \(P\). Except in the case where the GCD is zero, the GCD \(G\) is made monic.

_nmod_poly_hgcd :: Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> Ptr CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CLong -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_hgcd M lenM A lenA B lenB a lena b lenb mod

Computes the HGCD of \(a\) and \(b\), that is, a matrix~`M`, a sign~`sigma` and two polynomials \(A\) and \(B\) such that

\[`\] \[(A,B)^t = M^{-1} (a,b)^t, \sigma = \det(M),\]

and \(A\) and \(B\) are consecutive remainders in the Euclidean remainder sequence for the division of \(a\) by \(b\) satisfying deg(A) ge frac{deg(a)}{2} > deg(B). Furthermore, \(M\) will be the product of [[q 1][1 0]] for the quotients q generated by such a remainder sequence. Assumes that \(\operatorname{len}(a) > \operatorname{len}(b) > 0\), i.e. \(\deg(a) > :math:`deg(b) > 1\).

Assumes that \(A\) and \(B\) have space of size at least \(\operatorname{len}(a)\) and \(\operatorname{len}(b)\), respectively. On exit, *lenA and *lenB will contain the correct lengths of \(A\) and \(B\).

Assumes that M[0], M[1], M[2], and M[3] each point to a vector of size at least \(\operatorname{len}(a)\).

_nmod_poly_gcd_hgcd :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_gcd_hgcd G A lenA B lenB mod

Computes the monic GCD of \(A\) and \(B\), assuming that \(\operatorname{len}(A) \geq \operatorname{len}(B) > 0\).

Assumes that \(G\) has space for \(\operatorname{len}(B)\) coefficients and returns the length of \(G\) on output.

nmod_poly_gcd_hgcd :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_gcd_hgcd G A B

Computes the monic GCD of \(A\) and \(B\) using the HGCD algorithm.

As a special case, the GCD of two zero polynomials is defined to be the zero polynomial.

The time complexity of the algorithm is \(\mathcal{O}(n \log^2 n)\). For further details, see~[ThullYap1990].

_nmod_poly_gcd :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_gcd G A lenA B lenB mod

Computes the GCD of \(A\) of length lenA and \(B\) of length lenB, where lenA >= lenB > 0. The length of the GCD \(G\) is returned by the function. No attempt is made to make the GCD monic. It is required that \(G\) have space for lenB coefficients.

nmod_poly_gcd :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_gcd G A B

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\). The GCD of zero polynomials is defined to be zero, whereas the GCD of the zero polynomial and some other polynomial \(P\) is defined to be \(P\). Except in the case where the GCD is zero, the GCD \(G\) is made monic.

_nmod_poly_xgcd_euclidean :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_xgcd_euclidean G S T A A_len B B_len mod

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\) together with cofactors \(S\) and \(T\) such that \(S A + T B = G\). Returns the length of \(G\).

Assumes that \(\operatorname{len}(A) \geq \operatorname{len}(B) \geq 1\) and \((\operatorname{len}(A),\operatorname{len}(B)) \neq (1,1)\).

No attempt is made to make the GCD monic.

Requires that \(G\) have space for \(\operatorname{len}(B)\) coefficients. Writes \(\operatorname{len}(B)-1\) and \(\operatorname{len}(A)-1\) coefficients to \(S\) and \(T\), respectively. Note that, in fact, \(\operatorname{len}(S) \leq \max(\operatorname{len}(B) - \operatorname{len}(G), 1)\) and \(\operatorname{len}(T) \leq \max(\operatorname{len}(A) - \operatorname{len}(G), 1)\).

No aliasing of input and output operands is permitted.

nmod_poly_xgcd_euclidean :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_xgcd_euclidean G S T A B

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\). The GCD of zero polynomials is defined to be zero, whereas the GCD of the zero polynomial and some other polynomial \(P\) is defined to be \(P\). Except in the case where the GCD is zero, the GCD \(G\) is made monic.

Polynomials S and T are computed such that S*A + T*B = G. The length of S will be at most lenB and the length of T will be at most lenA.

_nmod_poly_xgcd_hgcd :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_xgcd_hgcd G S T A A_len B B_len mod

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\), where \(\operatorname{len}(A) \geq \operatorname{len}(B) > 0\), together with cofactors \(S\) and \(T\) such that \(S A + T B = G\). Returns the length of \(G\).

No attempt is made to make the GCD monic.

Requires that \(G\) have space for \(\operatorname{len}(B)\) coefficients. Writes \(\operatorname{len}(B) - 1\) and \(\operatorname{len}(A) - 1\) coefficients to \(S\) and \(T\), respectively. Note that, in fact, \(\operatorname{len}(S) \leq \operatorname{len}(B) - \operatorname{len}(G)\) and \(\operatorname{len}(T) \leq \operatorname{len}(A) - \operatorname{len}(G)\).

Both \(S\) and \(T\) must have space for at least \(2\) coefficients.

No aliasing of input and output operands is permitted.

nmod_poly_xgcd_hgcd :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_xgcd_hgcd G S T A B

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\). The GCD of zero polynomials is defined to be zero, whereas the GCD of the zero polynomial and some other polynomial \(P\) is defined to be \(P\). Except in the case where the GCD is zero, the GCD \(G\) is made monic.

Polynomials S and T are computed such that S*A + T*B = G. The length of S will be at most lenB and the length of T will be at most lenA.

_nmod_poly_xgcd :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_xgcd G S T A lenA B lenB mod

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\), where \(\operatorname{len}(A) \geq \operatorname{len}(B) > 0\), together with cofactors \(S\) and \(T\) such that \(S A + T B = G\). Returns the length of \(G\).

No attempt is made to make the GCD monic.

Requires that \(G\) have space for \(\operatorname{len}(B)\) coefficients. Writes \(\operatorname{len}(B) - 1\) and \(\operatorname{len}(A) - 1\) coefficients to \(S\) and \(T\), respectively. Note that, in fact, \(\operatorname{len}(S) \leq \operatorname{len}(B) - \operatorname{len}(G)\) and \(\operatorname{len}(T) \leq \operatorname{len}(A) - \operatorname{len}(G)\).

No aliasing of input and output operands is permitted.

nmod_poly_xgcd :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_xgcd G S T A B

Computes the GCD of \(A\) and \(B\). The GCD of zero polynomials is defined to be zero, whereas the GCD of the zero polynomial and some other polynomial \(P\) is defined to be \(P\). Except in the case where the GCD is zero, the GCD \(G\) is made monic.

The polynomials S and T are set such that S*A + T*B = G. The length of S will be at most lenB and the length of T will be at most lenA.

_nmod_poly_resultant_euclidean :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_poly_resultant_euclidean poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Returns the resultant of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2) using the Euclidean algorithm.

Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0.

Assumes that the modulus is prime.

nmod_poly_resultant_euclidean :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CMpLimb Source #

nmod_poly_resultant_euclidean f g

Computes the resultant of \(f\) and \(g\) using the Euclidean algorithm.

For two non-zero polynomials \(f(x) = a_m x^m + \dotsb + a_0\) and \(g(x) = b_n x^n + \dotsb + b_0\) of degrees \(m\) and \(n\), the resultant is defined to be

\[` a_m^n b_n^m \prod_{(x, y) : f(x) = g(y) = 0} (x - y).\]

For convenience, we define the resultant to be equal to zero if either of the two polynomials is zero.

_nmod_poly_resultant_hgcd :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_poly_resultant_hgcd poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Returns the resultant of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2) using the half-gcd algorithm.

This algorithm computes the half-gcd as per _nmod_poly_gcd_hgcd but additionally updates the resultant every time a division occurs. The half-gcd algorithm computes the GCD recursively. Given inputs \(a\) and \(b\) it lets m = len(a)/2 and (recursively) performs all quotients in the Euclidean algorithm which do not require the low \(m\) coefficients of \(a\) and \(b\).

This performs quotients in exactly the same order as the ordinary Euclidean algorithm except that the low \(m\) coefficients of the polynomials in the remainder sequence are not computed. A correction step after hgcd has been called computes these low \(m\) coefficients (by matrix multiplication by a transformation matrix also computed by hgcd).

This means that from the point of view of the resultant, all but the last quotient performed by a recursive call to hgcd is an ordinary quotient as per the usual Euclidean algorithm. However, the final quotient may give a remainder of less than \(m + 1\) coefficients, which won't be corrected until the hgcd correction step is performed afterwards.

To compute the adjustments to the resultant coming from this corrected quotient, we save the relevant information in an nmod_poly_res_t struct at the time the quotient is performed so that when the correction step is performed later, the adjustments to the resultant can be computed at that time also.

The only time an adjustment to the resultant is not required after a call to hgcd is if hgcd does nothing (the remainder may already have had less than \(m + 1\) coefficients when hgcd was called).

Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0.

Assumes that the modulus is prime.

nmod_poly_resultant_hgcd :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CMpLimb Source #

nmod_poly_resultant_hgcd f g

Computes the resultant of \(f\) and \(g\) using the half-gcd algorithm.

For two non-zero polynomials \(f(x) = a_m x^m + \dotsb + a_0\) and \(g(x) = b_n x^n + \dotsb + b_0\) of degrees \(m\) and \(n\), the resultant is defined to be

\[`\] \[a_m^n b_n^m \prod_{(x, y) : f(x) = g(y) = 0} (x - y).\]

For convenience, we define the resultant to be equal to zero if either of the two polynomials is zero.

_nmod_poly_resultant :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_poly_resultant poly1 len1 poly2 len2 mod

Returns the resultant of (poly1, len1) and (poly2, len2).

Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0.

Assumes that the modulus is prime.

nmod_poly_resultant :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CMpLimb Source #

nmod_poly_resultant f g

Computes the resultant of \(f\) and \(g\).

For two non-zero polynomials \(f(x) = a_m x^m + \dotsb + a_0\) and \(g(x) = b_n x^n + \dotsb + b_0\) of degrees \(m\) and \(n\), the resultant is defined to be

\[`\] \[a_m^n b_n^m \prod_{(x, y) : f(x) = g(y) = 0} (x - y).\]

For convenience, we define the resultant to be equal to zero if either of the two polynomials is zero.

_nmod_poly_gcdinv :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_gcdinv G S A lenA B lenB mod

Computes (G, lenA), (S, lenB-1) such that \(G \cong S A \pmod{B}\), returning the actual length of \(G\).

Assumes that \(0 < \operatorname{len}(A) < \operatorname{len}(B)\).

nmod_poly_gcdinv :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_gcdinv G S A B

Computes polynomials \(G\) and \(S\), both reduced modulo~`B`, such that \(G \cong S A \pmod{B}\), where \(B\) is assumed to have \(\operatorname{len}(B) \geq 2\).

In the case that \(A = 0 \pmod{B}\), returns \(G = S = 0\).

_nmod_poly_invmod :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CInt Source #

_nmod_poly_invmod A B lenB P lenP mod

Attempts to set (A, lenP-1) to the inverse of (B, lenB) modulo the polynomial (P, lenP). Returns \(1\) if (B, lenB) is invertible and \(0\) otherwise.

Assumes that \(0 < \operatorname{len}(B) < \operatorname{len}(P)\), and hence also \(\operatorname{len}(P) \geq 2\), but supports zero-padding in (B, lenB).

Does not support aliasing.

Assumes that \(mod\) is a prime number.

nmod_poly_invmod :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_invmod A B P

Attempts to set \(A\) to the inverse of \(B\) modulo \(P\) in the polynomial ring \((\mathbf{Z}/p\mathbf{Z})[X]\), where we assume that \(p\) is a prime number.

If \(\operatorname{len}(P) < 2\), raises an exception.

If the greatest common divisor of \(B\) and \(P\) is~`1`, returns~`1` and sets \(A\) to the inverse of \(B\). Otherwise, returns~`0` and the value of \(A\) on exit is undefined.

Power series composition

_nmod_poly_discriminant :: Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CMpLimb Source #

_nmod_poly_discriminant poly len mod

Return the discriminant of (poly, len). Assumes len > 1.

nmod_poly_discriminant :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CMpLimb Source #

nmod_poly_discriminant f

Return the discriminant of \(f\). We normalise the discriminant so that (operatorname{disc}(f) = (-1)^(n(n-1)2) operatorname{res}(f, f') operatorname{lc}(f)^(n - m - 2)), where n = len(f) and m = len(f'). Thus (operatorname{disc}(f) = operatorname{lc}(f)^(2n - 2) prod_{i < j} (r_i - r_j)^2), where \(\operatorname{lc}(f)\) is the leading coefficient of \(f\) and \(r_i\) are the roots of \(f\).

Power series composition

_nmod_poly_compose_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_compose_series res poly1 len1 poly2 len2 n

Sets res to the composition of poly1 and poly2 modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

Assumes that len1, len2, n > 0, that len1, len2 <= n, and that\ (len1-1) * (len2-1) + 1 <= n, and that res has space for n coefficients. Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

Wraps _gr_poly_compose_series which chooses automatically between various algorithms.

nmod_poly_compose_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_compose_series res poly1 poly2 n

Sets res to the composition of poly1 and poly2 modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

Power series reversion

_nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange Qinv Q n mod

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\). The arguments must both have length n and may not be aliased.

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation uses the Lagrange inversion formula.

nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange Qinv Q n

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\).

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation uses the Lagrange inversion formula.

_nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast Qinv Q n mod

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\). The arguments must both have length n and may not be aliased.

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation uses a reduced-complexity implementation of the Lagrange inversion formula.

nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast Qinv Q n

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\).

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation uses a reduced-complexity implementation of the Lagrange inversion formula.

_nmod_poly_revert_series_newton :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_revert_series_newton Qinv Q n mod

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\). The arguments must both have length n and may not be aliased.

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation uses Newton iteration [BrentKung1978].

nmod_poly_revert_series_newton :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_revert_series_newton Qinv Q n

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\).

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation uses Newton iteration [BrentKung1978].

_nmod_poly_revert_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_revert_series Qinv Q n mod

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\). The arguments must both have length n and may not be aliased.

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation automatically chooses between the Lagrange inversion formula and Newton iteration based on the size of the input.

nmod_poly_revert_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_revert_series Qinv Q n

Sets Qinv to the compositional inverse or reversion of Q as a power series, i.e. computes \(Q^{-1}\) such that \(Q(Q^{-1}(x)) = Q^{-1}(Q(x)) = x \bmod x^n\).

It is required that \(Q_0 = 0\) and that \(Q_1\) as well as the integers \(1, 2, \ldots, n-1\) are invertible modulo the modulus.

This implementation automatically chooses between the Lagrange inversion formula and Newton iteration based on the size of the input.

Square roots

_nmod_poly_invsqrt_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_invsqrt_series g h hlen n mod

Set the first \(n\) terms of \(g\) to the series expansion of \(1/\sqrt{h}\). It is assumed that \(n > 0\), that \(h\) has constant term 1. Aliasing is not permitted.

nmod_poly_invsqrt_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_invsqrt_series g h n

Set \(g\) to the series expansion of \(1/\sqrt{h}\) to order \(O(x^n)\). It is assumed that \(h\) has constant term 1.

_nmod_poly_sqrt_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_sqrt_series g h hlen n mod

Set the first \(n\) terms of \(g\) to the series expansion of \(\sqrt{h}\). It is assumed that \(n > 0\), that \(h\) has constant term 1. Aliasing is not permitted.

nmod_poly_sqrt_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_sqrt_series g h n

Set \(g\) to the series expansion of \(\sqrt{h}\) to order \(O(x^n)\). It is assumed that \(h\) has constant term 1.

_nmod_poly_sqrt :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO CInt Source #

_nmod_poly_sqrt s p n mod

If (p, n) is a perfect square, sets (s, n / 2 + 1) to a square root of \(p\) and returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.

nmod_poly_sqrt :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_sqrt s p

If \(p\) is a perfect square, sets \(s\) to a square root of \(p\) and returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.

Power sums

_nmod_poly_power_sums_naive :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_power_sums_naive res poly len n mod

Compute the (truncated) power sums series of the polynomial (poly,len) up to length \(n\) using Newton identities.

nmod_poly_power_sums_naive :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_power_sums_naive res poly n

Compute the (truncated) power sum series of the polynomial poly up to length \(n\) using Newton identities.

_nmod_poly_power_sums_schoenhage :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_power_sums_schoenhage res poly len n mod

Compute the (truncated) power sums series of the polynomial (poly,len) up to length \(n\) using a series expansion (a formula due to Schoenhage).

nmod_poly_power_sums_schoenhage :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_power_sums_schoenhage res poly n

Compute the (truncated) power sums series of the polynomial poly up to length \(n\) using a series expansion (a formula due to Schoenhage).

_nmod_poly_power_sums :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_power_sums res poly len n mod

Compute the (truncated) power sums series of the polynomial (poly,len) up to length \(n\).

nmod_poly_power_sums :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_power_sums res poly n

Compute the (truncated) power sums series of the polynomial poly up to length \(n\).

_nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_naive :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_naive res poly len mod

Compute the (monic) polynomial given by its power sums series (poly,len) using Newton identities.

nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_naive :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_naive res Q

Compute the (monic) polynomial given by its power sums series Q using Newton identities.

_nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_schoenhage :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_schoenhage res poly len mod

Compute the (monic) polynomial given by its power sums series (poly,len) using series expansion (a formula due to Schoenhage).

nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_schoenhage :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly_schoenhage res Q

Compute the (monic) polynomial given by its power sums series Q using series expansion (a formula due to Schoenhage).

_nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly res poly len mod

Compute the (monic) polynomial given by its power sums series (poly,len).

nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_power_sums_to_poly res Q

Compute the (monic) polynomial given by its power sums series Q.

Transcendental functions

_nmod_poly_log_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_log_series g h hlen n mod

Set \(g = \log(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and hlen > 0. Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is allowed.

nmod_poly_log_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_log_series g h n

Set \(g = \log(h) + O(x^n)\). The case \(h = 1+cx^r\) is automatically detected and handled efficiently.

_nmod_poly_exp_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_exp_series f h hlen n mod

Set \(f = \exp(h) + O(x^n)\) where h is a polynomial. Assume \(n > 0\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is not allowed.

Uses Newton iteration (an improved version of the algorithm in [HanZim2004]). For small \(n\), falls back to the basecase algorithm.

_nmod_poly_exp_expinv_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_exp_expinv_series f g h n mod

Set \(f = \exp(h) + O(x^n)\) and \(g = \exp(-h) + O(x^n)\), more efficiently for large \(n\) than performing a separate inversion to obtain \(g\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and that \(h\) is zero-padded as necessary to length \(n\). Aliasing is not allowed.

Uses Newton iteration (the version given in [HanZim2004]). For small \(n\), falls back to the basecase algorithm.

nmod_poly_exp_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_exp_series g h n

Set \(g = \exp(h) + O(x^n)\). The case \(h = cx^r\) is automatically detected and handled efficiently. Otherwise this function automatically uses the basecase algorithm for small \(n\) and Newton iteration otherwise.

_nmod_poly_atan_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_atan_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{atan}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is allowed.

nmod_poly_atan_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_atan_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{atan}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_atanh_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_atanh_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{atanh}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is allowed.

nmod_poly_atanh_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_atanh_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{atanh}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_asin_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_asin_series g h hlen n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{asin}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is allowed.

nmod_poly_asin_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_asin_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{asin}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_asinh_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_asinh_series g h hlen n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{asinh}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is allowed.

nmod_poly_asinh_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_asinh_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{asinh}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_sin_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_sin_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{sin}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and that \(h\) is zero-padded as necessary to length \(n\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is allowed. The value is computed using the identity \(\sin(x) = 2 \tan(x/2)) / (1 + \tan^2(x/2)).\)

nmod_poly_sin_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_sin_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{sin}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_cos_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_cos_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{cos}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and that \(h\) is zero-padded as necessary to length \(n\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is allowed. The value is computed using the identity \(\cos(x) = (1-\tan^2(x/2)) / (1 + \tan^2(x/2)).\)

nmod_poly_cos_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_cos_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{cos}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_tan_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_tan_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{tan}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and that \(h\) is zero-padded as necessary to length \(n\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is not allowed. Uses Newton iteration to invert the atan function.

nmod_poly_tan_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_tan_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{tan}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_sinh_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_sinh_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{sinh}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and that \(h\) is zero-padded as necessary to length \(n\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is not allowed. Uses the identity \(\sinh(x) = (e^x - e^{-x})/2\).

nmod_poly_sinh_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_sinh_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{sinh}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_cosh_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_cosh_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{cos}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and that \(h\) is zero-padded as necessary to length \(n\). Aliasing of \(g\) and \(h\) is not allowed. Uses the identity \(\cosh(x) = (e^x + e^{-x})/2\).

nmod_poly_cosh_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_cosh_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{cosh}(h) + O(x^n)\).

_nmod_poly_tanh_series :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_tanh_series g h n mod

Set \(g = \operatorname{tanh}(h) + O(x^n)\). Assumes \(n > 0\) and that \(h\) is zero-padded as necessary to length \(n\). Uses the identity \(\tanh(x) = (e^{2x}-1)/(e^{2x}+1)\).

nmod_poly_tanh_series :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_tanh_series g h n

Set \(g = \operatorname{tanh}(h) + O(x^n)\).


_nmod_poly_product_roots_nmod_vec :: Ptr CMp -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_product_roots_nmod_vec poly xs n mod

Sets (poly, n + 1) to the monic polynomial which is the product of \((x - x_0)(x - x_1) \cdots (x - x_{n-1})\), the roots \(x_i\) being given by xs.

Aliasing of the input and output is not allowed.

nmod_poly_product_roots_nmod_vec :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_product_roots_nmod_vec poly xs n

Sets poly to the monic polynomial which is the product of \((x - x_0)(x - x_1) \cdots (x - x_{n-1})\), the roots \(x_i\) being given by xs.

nmod_poly_find_distinct_nonzero_roots :: Ptr CMpLimb -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_find_distinct_nonzero_roots roots A

If A has \(\deg(A)\) distinct nonzero roots in \(\mathbb{F}_p\), write these roots out to roots[0] to roots[deg(A) - 1] and return 1. Otherwise, return 0. It is assumed that A is nonzero and that the modulus of A is prime. This function uses Rabin's probabilistic method via gcd's with \((x + \delta)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} - 1\).

Subproduct trees

_nmod_poly_tree_alloc :: CLong -> IO (Ptr (Ptr CMp)) Source #

_nmod_poly_tree_alloc len

Allocates space for a subproduct tree of the given length, having linear factors at the lowest level.

Entry \(i\) in the tree is a pointer to a single array of limbs, capable of storing \(\lfloor n / 2^i \rfloor\) subproducts of degree \(2^i\) adjacently, plus a trailing entry if \(n / 2^i\) is not an integer.

For example, a tree of length 7 built from monic linear factors has the following structure, where spaces have been inserted for illustrative purposes:

X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1
XX1   XX1   XX1   X1
XXXX1       XX1   X1

_nmod_poly_tree_free :: Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_tree_free tree len

Free the allocated space for the subproduct.

_nmod_poly_tree_build :: Ptr (Ptr CMp) -> Ptr CMp -> CLong -> Ptr CNMod -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_tree_build tree roots len mod

Builds a subproduct tree in the preallocated space from the len monic linear factors \((x-r_i)\). The top level product is not computed.

Inflation and deflation

nmod_poly_inflate :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_inflate result input inflation

Sets result to the inflated polynomial \(p(x^n)\) where \(p\) is given by input and \(n\) is given by deflation.

nmod_poly_deflate :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_deflate result input deflation

Sets result to the deflated polynomial \(p(x^{1/n})\) where \(p\) is given by input and \(n\) is given by deflation. Requires \(n > 0\).

nmod_poly_deflation :: Ptr CNModPoly -> IO CULong Source #

nmod_poly_deflation input

Returns the largest integer by which input can be deflated. As special cases, returns 0 if input is the zero polynomial and 1 of input is a constant polynomial.

Chinese Remaindering

nmod_poly_multi_crt_init :: Ptr CNModPolyMultiCRT -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_multi_crt_init CRT

Initialize CRT for Chinese remaindering.

nmod_poly_multi_crt_precompute :: Ptr CNModPolyMultiCRT -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_multi_crt_precompute CRT moduli len

Configure CRT for repeated Chinese remaindering of moduli. The number of moduli, len, should be positive. A return of 0 indicates that the compilation failed and future calls to nmod_poly_multi_crt_precomp will leave the output undefined. A return of 1 indicates that the compilation was successful, which occurs if and only if either (1) len == 1 and modulus + 0 is nonzero, or (2) all of the moduli have positive degree and are pairwise relatively prime.

nmod_poly_multi_crt_precomp :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CNModPolyMultiCRT -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_multi_crt_precomp output CRT values

Set output to the polynomial of lowest possible degree that is congruent to values + i modulo the moduli + i in nmod_poly_multi_crt_precompute. The inputs values + 0, ..., values + len - 1 where len was used in nmod_poly_multi_crt_precompute are expected to be valid and have modulus matching the modulus of the moduli used in nmod_poly_multi_crt_precompute.

nmod_poly_multi_crt :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_poly_multi_crt output moduli values len

Perform the same operation as nmod_poly_multi_crt_precomp while internally constructing and destroying the precomputed data. All of the remarks in nmod_poly_multi_crt_precompute apply.

nmod_poly_multi_crt_clear :: Ptr CNModPolyMultiCRT -> IO () Source #

nmod_poly_multi_crt_clear CRT

Free all space used by CRT.

_nmod_poly_multi_crt_local_size :: Ptr CNModPolyMultiCRT -> IO CLong Source #

_nmod_poly_multi_crt_local_size CRT

Return the required length of the output for _nmod_poly_multi_crt_run.

_nmod_poly_multi_crt_run :: Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> Ptr CNModPolyMultiCRT -> Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly) -> IO () Source #

_nmod_poly_multi_crt_run outputs CRT inputs

Perform the same operation as nmod_poly_multi_crt_precomp using supplied temporary space. The actual output is placed in outputs + 0, and outputs should contain space for all temporaries and should be at least as long as _nmod_poly_multi_crt_local_size(CRT). Of course the moduli of these temporaries should match the modulus of the inputs.

Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm

nmod_berlekamp_massey_init :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_init B p

Initialize B in characteristic p with an empty stream.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_clear :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> IO () Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_clear B

Free any space used by B.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_start_over :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> IO () Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_start_over B

Empty the stream of points in B.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_set_prime :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_set_prime B p

Set the characteristic of the field and empty the stream of points in B.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_add_points :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> Ptr CMpLimb -> CLong -> IO () Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_add_points B a count

Add point(s) to the stream processed by B. The addition of any number of points will not update the \(V\) and \(R\) polynomial.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_reduce :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> IO CInt Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_reduce B

Ensure that the polynomials \(V\) and \(R\) are up to date. The return value is 1 if this function changed \(V\) and 0 otherwise. For example, if this function is called twice in a row without adding any points in between, the return of the second call should be 0. As another example, suppose the object is emptied, the points \(1, 1, 2, 3\) are added, then reduce is called. This reduce should return 1 with \(\deg(R) < \deg(V) = 2\) because the Fibonacci sequence has been recognized. The further addition of the two points \(5, 8\) and a reduce will result in a return value of 0.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_point_count :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> IO CLong Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_point_count B

Return the number of points stored in B.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_points :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> IO (Ptr CMpLimb) Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_points B

Return a pointer to the array of points stored in B. This may be NULL if nmod_berlekamp_massey_point_count returns 0.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_V_poly :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> IO (Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly)) Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_V_poly B

Return the polynomial \(V\) in B.

nmod_berlekamp_massey_R_poly :: Ptr CNModBerlekampMassey -> IO (Ptr (Ptr CNModPoly)) Source #

nmod_berlekamp_massey_R_poly B

Return the polynomial \(R\) in B.