Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Qs = Qs !(ForeignPtr CQs)
- type CQs = CFlint Qs
- newQs :: Fmpz -> IO Qs
- withQs :: Qs -> (Ptr CQs -> IO a) -> IO (Qs, a)
- qsieve_knuth_schroeppel :: Ptr CQs -> IO CMpLimb
- qsieve_primes_init :: Ptr CQs -> IO CMpLimb
- qsieve_primes_increment :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> IO CMpLimb
- qsieve_init_A :: Ptr CQs -> IO ()
- qsieve_next_A :: Ptr CQs -> IO ()
- qsieve_init_poly_first :: Ptr CQs -> IO ()
- qsieve_init_poly_next :: Ptr CQs -> IO ()
- qsieve_compute_C :: Ptr CQs -> IO ()
- qsieve_do_sieving :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO ()
- qsieve_do_sieving2 :: Ptr CQs -> IO ()
- qsieve_evaluate_candidate :: Ptr CQs -> CLong -> CString -> IO CLong
- qsieve_evaluate_sieve :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO CLong
- qsieve_collect_relations :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO CLong
- qsieve_write_to_file :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qsieve_get_table_entry :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> IO (Ptr (Ptr CHash))
- qsieve_add_to_hashtable :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> IO ()
- qsieve_parse_relation :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO (Ptr CRelation)
- qsieve_merge_relation :: Ptr CQs -> Ptr CRelation -> Ptr CRelation -> IO (Ptr CRelation)
- qsieve_compare_relation :: Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- qsieve_remove_duplicates :: Ptr (Ptr CRelation) -> CLong -> IO CInt
- qsieve_process_relation :: Ptr CQs -> IO ()
- qsieve_factor :: Ptr CFmpzFactor -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
Quadratic sieve
Qs !(ForeignPtr CQs) |
Storable CQs Source # | |
Defined in Data.Number.Flint.QSieve.FFI |
qsieve_knuth_schroeppel :: Ptr CQs -> IO CMpLimb Source #
qsieve_knuth_schroeppel qs_inf
Return the Knuth-Schroeppel multiplier for the \(n\), integer to be factored based upon the Knuth-Schroeppel function.
qsieve_primes_init :: Ptr CQs -> IO CMpLimb Source #
qsieve_primes_init qs_inf
Compute the factor base prime along with there inverse for \(kn\), where \(k\) is Knuth-Schroeppel multiplier and \(n\) is the integer to be factored. It also computes the square root of \(kn\) modulo factor base primes.
qsieve_primes_increment :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> IO CMpLimb Source #
qsieve_primes_increment qs_inf delta
It increase the number of factor base primes by amount 'delta' and calculate inverse of those primes along with the square root of \(kn\) modulo those primes.
qsieve_init_A :: Ptr CQs -> IO () Source #
qsieve_init_A0 qs_inf
First it chooses the possible range of factor of \(A _0\), based on the number of bits in optimal value of \(A _0\). It tries to select range such that we have plenty of primes to choose from as well as number of factor in \(A _0\) are sufficient. For input of size less than 130 bit, this selection method doesn't work therefore we randomly generate 2 or 3-subset of all the factor base prime as the factor of \(A _0\). Otherwise, if we have to select \(s\) factor for \(A _0\), we generate \(s - 1\)-subset from odd indices of the possible range of factor and then search last factor using binary search from the even indices of possible range of factor such that value of \(A _0\) is close to it's optimal value.
qsieve_next_A :: Ptr CQs -> IO () Source #
qsieve_next_A0 qs_inf
Find next candidate for \(A _0\) as follows: generate next lexicographic \(s - 1\)-subset from the odd indices of possible range of factor base and choose the last factor from even indices using binary search so that value \(A _0\) is close to it's optimal value.
qsieve_init_poly_first :: Ptr CQs -> IO () Source #
qsieve_init_poly_first qs_inf
Initializes the value of \(A = q _0 * A _0\), where \(q _0\) is non-factor base prime. precompute the data necessary for generating different \(B\) value using grey code formula. Combine the data calculated for the factor of \(A _0\) along with the parameter \(q _0\) to obtain data as for factor of \(A\). It also calculates the sieve offset for all the factor base prime, for first polynomial.
qsieve_init_poly_next :: Ptr CQs -> IO () Source #
qsieve_init_poly_next qs_inf
Generate next polynomial or next \(B\) value for particular \(A\) and also updates the sieve offsets for all the factor base prime, for this \(B\) value.
qsieve_compute_C :: Ptr CQs -> IO () Source #
qsieve_compute_C qs_inf
Given \(A\) and \(B\), calculate \(C = (B ^2 - A) / N\).
qsieve_do_sieving :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO () Source #
qsieve_do_sieving qs_inf sieve
First initialize the sieve array to zero, then for each \(p \in\)
factor base
, add \(\log_2(p)\) to the locations
\(\operatorname{soln1} _p + i * p\) and
\(\operatorname{soln2} _p + i * p\) for \(i = 0, 1, 2,\dots\), where
\(\operatorname{soln1} _p\) and \(\operatorname{soln2} _p\) are the
sieve offsets calculated for \(p\).
qsieve_do_sieving2 :: Ptr CQs -> IO () Source #
qsieve_do_sieving2 qs_inf
Perform the same task as above but instead of sieving over whole array at once divide the array in blocks and then sieve over each block for all the primes in factor base.
qsieve_evaluate_candidate :: Ptr CQs -> CLong -> CString -> IO CLong Source #
qsieve_evaluate_candidate qs_inf i sieve
For location \(i\) in sieve array value at which, is greater than sieve threshold, check the value of \(Q(x)\) at position \(i\) for smoothness. If value is found to be smooth then store it for later processing, else check the residue for the partial if it is found to be partial then store it for late processing.
qsieve_evaluate_sieve :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO CLong Source #
qsieve_evaluate_sieve qs_inf sieve
Scan the sieve array for location at, which accumulated value is greater than sieve threshold.
qsieve_collect_relations :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO CLong Source #
qsieve_collect_relations qs_inf sieve
Call for initialization of polynomial, sieving, and scanning of sieve for all the possible polynomials for particular hypercube i.e. \(A\).
qsieve_write_to_file :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
qsieve_write_to_file qs_inf prime Y
Write a relation to the file. Format is as follows, first write large prime, in case of full relation it is 1, then write exponent of small primes, then write number of factor followed by offset of factor in factor base and their exponent and at last value of \(Q(x)\) for particular relation. each relation is written in new line.
qsieve_get_table_entry :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> IO (Ptr (Ptr CHash)) Source #
qsieve_get_table_entry qs_inf prime
Return the pointer to the location of 'prime' is hash table if it exist, else create and entry for it in hash table and return pointer to that.
qsieve_add_to_hashtable :: Ptr CQs -> CMpLimb -> IO () Source #
qsieve_add_to_hashtable qs_inf prime
Add 'prime' to the hast table.
qsieve_parse_relation :: Ptr CQs -> CString -> IO (Ptr CRelation) Source #
qsieve_parse_relation qs_inf str
Given a string representation of relation from the file, parse it to obtain all the parameters of relation.
qsieve_merge_relation :: Ptr CQs -> Ptr CRelation -> Ptr CRelation -> IO (Ptr CRelation) Source #
qsieve_merge_relation qs_inf a b
Given two partial relation having same large prime, merge them to obtain a full relation.
qsieve_compare_relation :: Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO CInt Source #
qsieve_compare_relation a b
Compare two relation based on, first large prime, then number of factor and then offsets of factor in factor base.
qsieve_remove_duplicates :: Ptr (Ptr CRelation) -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #
qsieve_remove_duplicates rel_list num_relations
Remove duplicate from given list of relations by sorting relations in the list.
qsieve_process_relation :: Ptr CQs -> IO () Source #
qsieve_process_relation qs_inf
After we have accumulated required number of relations, first process the file by reading all the relations, removes singleton. Then merge all the possible partial to obtain full relations.
qsieve_factor :: Ptr CFmpzFactor -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
qsieve_factor factors n
Factor \(n\) using the quadratic sieve method. It is required that \(n\) is not a prime and not a perfect power. There is no guarantee that the factors found will be prime, or distinct.