Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Unramified extensions over p-adic numbers
A Qadic
represents an element
of \(\mathbb{Q}_q \cong \mathbb{Q}_p[X] / (f(X))\).
This module implements operations on q-adic numbers.
Calculate a root of the
polynomial \(x^{10}+10x^9+9x^8+8x^7+8x^6+2x^4+9x^3+x^2+3x+1\)
over \(K=\mathbb{Q}_{{11}^4} \cong \mathbb{Q}_{11}[X] /(X^4+8X^2+10X+2)\) to
standard padic precision using
Newton iteration. The iteration starts with \(x=8a^3+4a^2+3\) where \(a\)
is a generator of \(K\). The value of \(x\) is initialized using a FmpzPoly
import Data.Number.Flint main = do let c = [1,10,9,8,8,0,2,9,1,3,1] withNewQadicCtx 11 4 0 128 "a" padic_series $ \ctx -> do CQadicCtx pctx _ _ _ _ <- peek ctx withNewQadic $ \x -> do withFmpzPoly (fromList [3,0,4,8]) $ \poly -> do padic_poly_set_fmpz_poly x poly pctx newton x c ctx putStr "x = " qadic_print_pretty x ctx putStr "\n" y <- horner x c ctx withQadic y $ \y -> do putStr "y = " qadic_print_pretty y ctx putStr "\n" newton x c ctx = do withNewQadic $ \y -> withNewQadic $ \y' -> do qadic_set_ui y (c!!0) ctx qadic_set_ui y' 0 ctx withNewQadic $ \tmp -> forM_ (tail c) $ \c -> do qadic_set_ui tmp c ctx qadic_mul y' y' x ctx qadic_add y' y' y ctx qadic_mul y y x ctx qadic_add y y tmp ctx is_zero <- qadic_is_zero y qadic_inv y' y' ctx qadic_mul y y y' ctx qadic_sub x x y ctx when (is_zero /= 1) $ newton x c ctx return () horner x c ctx = do y <- newQadic withQadic y $ \y -> do qadic_set_ui y (head c) ctx withNewQadic $ \tmp -> forM_ (tail c) $ \c -> do qadic_mul y y x ctx qadic_set_ui tmp c ctx qadic_add y y tmp ctx return y
Running main yields:
x = (8*a^3+4*a^2+3) + (8*a^2+2*a+5)*11 + (8*a^3+a^2+6)*11^2 + (7*a^3+6*a^2+2*a+6)*11^3 + (10*a^3+6*a^2+9*a+3)*11^4 + (6*a^3+6*a^2+3*a+7)*11^5 + (7*a^3+5*a^2+9*a+9)*11^6 + (2*a^2+4*a+3)*11^7 + (a^3+3*a^2+3*a+8)*11^8 + (2*a^3+2*a^2+8*a+2)*11^9 + (5*a^3+9*a^2)*11^10 + (2*a^3+3*a^2+2*a+7)*11^11 + (a^3+4*a^2+7*a+3)*11^12 + (10*a^3+9*a^2+10*a+6)*11^13 + (7*a^3+a^2+9*a+3)*11^14 + (10*a^3+10*a^2+6*a+4)*11^15 + (3*a^3+a^2+2*a+1)*11^16 + (4*a^3+6*a^2+8*a)*11^17 + (2*a^3+9*a^2+9*a+10)*11^18 + (4*a^3+4*a^2+5*a+4)*11^19
- data Qadic = Qadic !(ForeignPtr CQadic)
- type CQadic = CPadicPoly
- newQadic :: IO Qadic
- withQadic :: Qadic -> (Ptr CQadic -> IO a) -> IO (Qadic, a)
- withNewQadic :: (Ptr CQadic -> IO a) -> IO (Qadic, a)
- newQadicWithPrec :: CLong -> IO Qadic
- withNewQadicWithPrec :: CLong -> (Ptr CQadic -> IO a) -> IO (Qadic, a)
- data QadicCtx = QadicCtx !(ForeignPtr CQadicCtx)
- data CQadicCtx = CQadicCtx (Ptr CPadicCtx) (Ptr CFmpz) (Ptr CLong) CLong CString
- newQadicCtx :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> IO QadicCtx
- newQadicCtxConway :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> IO QadicCtx
- withQadicCtx :: QadicCtx -> (Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO a) -> IO (QadicCtx, a)
- withNewQadicCtx :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> (Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO a) -> IO (QadicCtx, a)
- withNewQadicCtxConway :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> (Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO a) -> IO (QadicCtx, a)
- qadic_ctx_init :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> CString -> PadicPrintMode -> IO ()
- qadic_ctx_init_conway :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> CString -> PadicPrintMode -> IO ()
- qadic_ctx_clear :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_ctx_degree :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CLong
- qadic_ctx_print :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_init :: Ptr CQadic -> IO ()
- qadic_init2 :: Ptr CQadic -> CLong -> IO ()
- qadic_clear :: Ptr CQadic -> IO ()
- _fmpz_poly_reduce :: Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO ()
- _fmpz_mod_poly_reduce :: Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qadic_reduce :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_val :: Ptr CQadic -> IO CLong
- qadic_prec :: Ptr CQadic -> IO CLong
- qadic_randtest :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_randtest_not_zero :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_randtest_val :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_randtest_int :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_set :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> IO ()
- qadic_zero :: Ptr CQadic -> IO ()
- qadic_one :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_gen :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_set_ui :: Ptr CQadic -> CULong -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_get_padic :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- qadic_is_zero :: Ptr CQadic -> IO CInt
- qadic_is_one :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- qadic_equal :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> IO CInt
- qadic_add :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_sub :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_neg :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_mul :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- _qadic_inv :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO ()
- qadic_inv :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- _qadic_pow :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qadic_pow :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_sqrt :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- _qadic_exp_rectangular :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qadic_exp_rectangular :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- _qadic_exp_balanced :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qadic_exp_balanced :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- _qadic_exp :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO ()
- qadic_exp :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- _qadic_log_rectangular :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qadic_log_rectangular :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CPadicCtx -> IO CInt
- _qadic_log_balanced :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qadic_log_balanced :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- _qadic_log :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- qadic_log :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- _qadic_frobenius_a :: Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO ()
- _qadic_frobenius :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO ()
- qadic_frobenius :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> CLong -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- _qadic_teichmuller :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO ()
- qadic_teichmuller :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- _qadic_trace :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO ()
- _qadic_norm :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO ()
- qadic_norm :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_norm_analytic :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_norm_resultant :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO ()
- qadic_fprint_pretty :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
- qadic_print_pretty :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt
Unramified extensions over p-adic numbers
q-adic numbers
Data structures
We represent an element of the
extension \(\mathbb{Q}_q \cong \mathbb{Q}_p[X]\ /\ f(X)\)
as a polynomial in \(\mathbb{Q}_p[X]\) of degree less than \(\deg(f)\).
As such, qadic_struct
and qadic_t
are typedef'ed as
and padic_poly_t
type CQadic = CPadicPoly Source #
withNewQadicWithPrec :: CLong -> (Ptr CQadic -> IO a) -> IO (Qadic, a) Source #
Apply f
to new q-adic
q-adic context
We represent an unramified extension of \(\mathbb{Q}_p\)
via \(\mathbb{Q}_q \cong \mathbb{Q}_p[X]\ /\ f(X)\),
where \(f \in \mathbb{Q}_p[X]\) is a monic, irreducible polynomial which we
assume to actually be in \(\mathbb{Z}[X]\). The first field in the
context structure is a \(p\)-adic context struct pctx
, which contains
data about the prime \(p\), precomputed powers, the printing mode etc.
The polynomial \(f\) is represented as a sparse polynomial using two
arrays \(j\) and \(a\) of length len
where \(f(X) = \sum_{i} a_{i} X^{j_{i}}\).
We also assume that the array \(j\) is sorted in ascending
order. We choose this data structure to improve reduction modulo \(f(X)\)
in \(\mathbb{Q}_p[X]\), assuming a sparse polynomial \(f(X)\)
is chosen. The field var
contains the name of a generator of the
extension, which is used when printing the elements.
Storable CQadicCtx Source # | |
Defined in Data.Number.Flint.Qadic.FFI |
newQadicCtx :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> IO QadicCtx Source #
Create q-adic context with prime \(p\), extension \(d\),
precomputed powers \(p^{min}\) to \(p^{max}\) and PadicPrintMode
. Initialized with qadic_ctx_init
newQadicCtxConway :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> IO QadicCtx Source #
Create q-adic context with prime \(p\), extension \(d\),
precomputed powers \(p^{min}\) to \(p^{max}\) and PadicPrintMode
. Initialized with qadic_ctx_init_conway
withNewQadicCtx :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> (Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO a) -> IO (QadicCtx, a) Source #
withNewQadicCtxConway :: Fmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> String -> PadicPrintMode -> (Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO a) -> IO (QadicCtx, a) Source #
qadic_ctx_init :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> CString -> PadicPrintMode -> IO () Source #
qadic_ctx_init ctx p d min max var mode
Initialises the context ctx
with prime \(p\), extension degree \(d\),
variable name var
and printing mode mode
. The defining polynomial is
chosen as a Conway polynomial if possible and otherwise as a random
sparse polynomial.
Stores powers of \(p\) with exponents between min
(inclusive) and
exclusive. Assumes that min
is at most max
Assumes that \(p\) is a prime.
Assumes that the string var
is a null-terminated string of length at
least one.
Assumes that the printing mode is one of PADIC_TERSE
This function also carries out some relevant precomputation for arithmetic in \(\mathbb{Q}_p / (p^N)\) such as powers of \(p\) close to \(p^N\).
qadic_ctx_init_conway :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> CString -> PadicPrintMode -> IO () Source #
qadic_ctx_init_conway ctx p d min max var mode
Initialises the context ctx
with prime \(p\), extension degree \(d\),
variable name var
and printing mode mode
. The defining polynomial is
chosen as a Conway polynomial, hence has restrictions on the prime and
the degree.
Stores powers of \(p\) with exponents between min
(inclusive) and
exclusive. Assumes that min
is at most max
Assumes that \(p\) is a prime.
Assumes that the string var
is a null-terminated string of length at
least one.
Assumes that the printing mode is one of PADIC_TERSE
This function also carries out some relevant precomputation for arithmetic in \(\mathbb{Q}_p / (p^N)\) such as powers of \(p\) close to \(p^N\).
qadic_ctx_clear :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_ctx_clear ctx
Clears all memory that has been allocated as part of the context.
qadic_ctx_degree :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CLong Source #
qadic_ctx_degree ctx
Returns the extension degree.
qadic_ctx_print :: Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_ctx_print ctx
Prints the data from the given context.
Memory management
qadic_init :: Ptr CQadic -> IO () Source #
qadic_init rop
Initialises the element rop
, setting its value to \(0\).
qadic_init2 :: Ptr CQadic -> CLong -> IO () Source #
qadic_init2 rop prec
Initialises the element rop
with the given output precision, setting
the value to \(0\).
_fmpz_poly_reduce :: Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #
_fmpz_poly_reduce R lenR a j len
Reduces a polynomial (R, lenR)
modulo a sparse monic
polynomial \(f(X) = \sum_{i} a_{i} X^{j_{i}}\) of degree at least \(2\).
Assumes that the array \(j\) of positive length len
is sorted in
ascending order.
Allows zero-padding in (R, lenR)
_fmpz_mod_poly_reduce :: Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_fmpz_mod_poly_reduce R lenR a j len p
Reduces a polynomial (R, lenR)
modulo a sparse monic
polynomial \(f(X) = \sum_{i} a_{i} X^{j_{i}}\) of degree at least \(2\) in
\(\mathbb{Z}/(p)\), where \(p\) is typically a prime power.
Assumes that the array \(j\) of positive length len
is sorted in
ascending order.
Allows zero-padding in (R, lenR)
qadic_reduce :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_reduce rop ctx
Reduces rop
modulo \(f(X)\) and \(p^N\).
qadic_randtest :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_randtest rop state ctx
Generates a random element of \(\mathbb{Q}_q\).
qadic_randtest_not_zero :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_randtest_not_zero rop state ctx
Generates a random non-zero element of \(\mathbb{Q}_q\).
qadic_randtest_val :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_randtest_val rop state v ctx
Generates a random element of \(\mathbb{Q}_q\) with prescribed valuation
Note that if \(v \geq N\) then the element is necessarily zero.
qadic_randtest_int :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFRandState -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_randtest_int rop state ctx
Generates a random element of \(\mathbb{Q}_q\) with non-negative valuation.
Assignments and conversions
qadic_one :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_one rop ctx
Sets rop
to one, reduced in the given context.
Note that if the precision \(N\) is non-positive then rop
is actually
set to zero.
qadic_gen :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_gen rop ctx
Sets rop
to the generator \(X\) for the extension when \(N > 0\), and
zero otherwise. If the extension degree is one, raises an abort signal.
qadic_set_ui :: Ptr CQadic -> CULong -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_set_ui rop op ctx
Sets rop
to the integer op
, reduced in the context.
qadic_get_padic :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_get_padic rop op ctx
If the element op
lies in \(\mathbb{Q}_p\), sets rop
to its value
and returns \(1\); otherwise, returns \(0\).
qadic_is_zero :: Ptr CQadic -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_is_zero op
Returns whether op
is equal to zero.
qadic_is_one :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_is_one op ctx
Returns whether op
is equal to one in the given context.
qadic_equal :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_equal op1 op2
Returns whether op1
and op2
are equal.
Basic arithmetic
qadic_add :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_add rop op1 op2 ctx
Sets rop
to the sum of op1
and op2
Assumes that both op1
and op2
are reduced in the given context and
ensures that rop
is, too.
qadic_sub :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_sub rop op1 op2 ctx
Sets rop
to the difference of op1
and op2
Assumes that both op1
and op2
are reduced in the given context and
ensures that rop
is, too.
qadic_neg :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_neg rop op ctx
Sets rop
to the negative of op
Assumes that op
is reduced in the given context and ensures that rop
is, too.
qadic_mul :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_mul rop op1 op2 ctx
Sets rop
to the product of op1
and op2
, reducing the output in the
given context.
_qadic_inv :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #
_qadic_inv rop op len a j lena p N
Sets (rop, d)
to the inverse of (op, len)
modulo \(f(X)\) given by
and \(p^N\).
Assumes that (op,len)
has valuation \(0\), that is, that it represents
a \(p\)-adic unit.
Assumes that len
is at most \(d\).
Does not support aliasing.
qadic_inv :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_inv rop op ctx
Sets rop
to the inverse of op
, reduced in the given context.
_qadic_pow :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_qadic_pow rop op len e a j lena p
Sets (rop, 2*d-1)
to (op,len)
raised to the power \(e\), reduced
modulo \(f(X)\) given by (a, j, lena)
and \(p\), which is expected to
be a prime power.
Assumes that \(e \geq 0\) and that len
is positive and at most \(d\).
Although we require that rop
provides space for \(2d - 1\)
coefficients, the output will be reduces modulo \(f(X)\), which is a
polynomial of degree \(d\).
Does not support aliasing.
qadic_pow :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_pow rop op e ctx
Sets rop
the op
raised to the power \(e\).
Currently assumes that \(e \geq 0\).
Note that for any input op
, rop
is set to one in the given context
whenever \(e = 0\).
Square root
qadic_sqrt :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_sqrt rop op ctx
Return 1
if the input is a square (to input precision). If so, set
to a square root (truncated to output precision).
Special functions
_qadic_exp_rectangular :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_qadic_exp_rectangular rop op v len a j lena p N pN
Sets (rop, 2*d - 1)
to the exponential of (op, v, len)
modulo \(p^N\), assuming that the series converges.
Assumes that (op, v, len)
is non-zero.
Does not support aliasing.
qadic_exp_rectangular :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_exp_rectangular rop op ctx
Returns whether the exponential series converges at op
and sets rop
to its value reduced modulo in the given context.
_qadic_exp_balanced :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_qadic_exp_balanced rop x v len a j lena p N pN
Sets (rop, d)
to the exponential of (op, v, len)
reduced modulo
\(p^N\), assuming that the series converges.
Assumes that len
is in \([1,d)\) but supports zero padding, including
the special case when (op, len)
is zero.
Supports aliasing between rop
and op
qadic_exp_balanced :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_exp_balanced rop op ctx
Returns whether the exponential series converges at op
and sets rop
to its value reduced modulo in the given context.
_qadic_exp :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #
_qadic_exp rop op v len a j lena p N
Sets (rop, 2*d - 1)
to the exponential of (op, v, len)
modulo \(p^N\), assuming that the series converges.
Assumes that (op, v, len)
is non-zero.
Does not support aliasing.
qadic_exp :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_exp rop op ctx
Returns whether the exponential series converges at op
and sets rop
to its value reduced modulo in the given context.
The exponential series converges if the valuation of op
is at least
\(2\) or \(1\) when \(p\) is even or odd, respectively.
_qadic_log_rectangular :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_qadic_log_rectangular z y v len a j lena p N pN
\[`\] \[z = - \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} \frac{y^i}{i} \pmod{p^N}.\]
Note that this can be used to compute the \(p\)-adic logarithm via the equation
\[`\] \[\begin{aligned} \log(x) & = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{i-1} \frac{(x-1)^i}{i} \\ & = - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{(1-x)^i}{i}. \end{aligned}\]
Assumes that \(y = 1 - x\) is non-zero and that \(v = \operatorname{ord}_p(y)\) is at least \(1\) when \(p\) is odd and at least \(2\) when \(p = 2\) so that the series converges.
Assumes that \(y\) is reduced modulo \(p^N\).
Assumes that \(v < N\), and in particular \(N \geq 2\).
Supports aliasing between \(y\) and \(z\).
qadic_log_rectangular :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CPadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_log_rectangular rop op ctx
Returns whether the \(p\)-adic logarithm function converges at op
, and
if so sets rop
to its value.
_qadic_log_balanced :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_qadic_log_balanced z y len a j lena p N pN
Computes \((z, d)\) as
\[`\] \[z = - \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} \frac{y^i}{i} \pmod{p^N}.\]
Assumes that \(v = \operatorname{ord}_p(y)\) is at least \(1\) when \(p\) is odd and at least \(2\) when \(p = 2\) so that the series converges.
Supports aliasing between \(z\) and \(y\).
qadic_log_balanced :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_log_balanced rop op ctx
Returns whether the \(p\)-adic logarithm function converges at op
, and
if so sets rop
to its value.
_qadic_log :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_qadic_log z y v len a j lena p N pN
Computes \((z, d)\) as
\[`\] \[z = - \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} \frac{y^i}{i} \pmod{p^N}.\]
Note that this can be used to compute the \(p\)-adic logarithm via the equation
\[`\] \[\begin{aligned} \log(x) & = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{i-1} \frac{(x-1)^i}{i} \\ & = - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{(1-x)^i}{i}. \end{aligned}\]
Assumes that \(y = 1 - x\) is non-zero and that \(v = \operatorname{ord}_p(y)\) is at least \(1\) when \(p\) is odd and at least \(2\) when \(p = 2\) so that the series converges.
Assumes that \((y, d)\) is reduced modulo \(p^N\).
Assumes that \(v < N\), and hence in particular \(N \geq 2\).
Supports aliasing between \(z\) and \(y\).
qadic_log :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_log rop op ctx
Returns whether the \(p\)-adic logarithm function converges at op
, and
if so sets rop
to its value.
The \(p\)-adic logarithm function is defined by the usual series
\[`\] \[\log_p(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{i-1} \frac{(x-1)^i}{i}\]
but this only converges when \(\operatorname{ord}_p(x)\) is at least \(2\) or \(1\) when \(p = 2\) or \(p > 2\), respectively.
_qadic_frobenius_a :: Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #
_qadic_frobenius_a rop e a j lena p N
Computes \(\sigma^e(X) \bmod{p^N}\) where \(X\) is such that \(\mathbb{Q}_q \cong \mathbb{Q}_p[X]/(f(X))\).
Assumes that the precision \(N\) is at least \(2\) and that the extension is non-trivial, i.e.(d geq 2).
Assumes that \(0 < e < d\).
Sets (rop, 2*d-1)
, although the actual length of the output will be at
most \(d\).
_qadic_frobenius :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #
_qadic_frobenius rop op len e a j lena p N
Sets (rop, 2*d-1)
to \(\Sigma\) evaluated at (op, len)
Assumes that len
is positive but at most \(d\).
Assumes that \(0 < e < d\).
Does not support aliasing.
qadic_frobenius :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> CLong -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_frobenius rop op e ctx
Evaluates the homomorphism \(\Sigma^e\) at op
Recall that \(\mathbb{Q}_q / \mathbb{Q}_p\) is Galois with Galois group \(\langle \Sigma \rangle \cong \langle \sigma \rangle\), which is also isomorphic to \(\mathbb{Z}/d\mathbb{Z}\), where \(\sigma \in \operatorname{Gal}(\mathbb{F}_q/\mathbb{F}_p)\) is the Frobenius element \(\sigma \colon x \mapsto x^p\) and \(\Sigma\) is its lift to \(\operatorname{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}_q/\mathbb{Q}_p)\).
This functionality is implemented as GaloisImage()
in Magma.
_qadic_teichmuller :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #
_qadic_teichmuller rop op len a j lena p N
Sets (rop, d)
to the Teichm"uller lift of (op, len)
modulo \(p^N\).
Does not support aliasing.
qadic_teichmuller :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_teichmuller rop op ctx
Sets rop
to the Teichm"uller lift of op
to the precision given in
the context.
For a unit op
, this is the unique ((q-1)`th root of unity
which is congruent to )op modulo :math:`p.
Sets rop
to zero if op
is zero in the given context.
Raises an exception if the valuation of op
is negative.
_qadic_trace :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #
_qadic_trace rop op len a j lena pN
Sets rop
to the trace of op
For an element \(a \in \mathbb{Q}_q\), multiplication by \(a\) defines a \(\mathbb{Q}_p\)-linear map on \(\mathbb{Q}_q\). We define the trace of \(a\) as the trace of this map. Equivalently, if \(\Sigma\) generates \(\operatorname{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}_q / \mathbb{Q}_p)\) then the trace of \(a\) is equal to \(\sum_{i=0}^{d-1} \Sigma^i (a)\).
_qadic_norm :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CLong -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #
_qadic_norm rop op len a j lena p N
Sets rop
to the norm of the element (op,len)
in \(\mathbb{Z}_q\) to
precision \(N\), where len
is at least one.
The result will be reduced modulo \(p^N\).
Note that whenever (op,len)
is a unit, so is its norm. Thus, the
output rop
of this function will typically not have to be
canonicalised or reduced by the caller.
qadic_norm :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_norm rop op ctx
Computes the norm of op
to the given precision.
Algorithm selection is automatic depending on the input.
qadic_norm_analytic :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_norm_analytic rop op ctx
Whenever op
has valuation greater than \((p-1)^{-1}\), this routine
computes its norm rop
\[`\] \[\operatorname{Norm} (x) = \exp \Bigl( \bigl( \operatorname{Trace} \log (x) \bigr) \Bigr).\]
In the special case that op
lies in \(\mathbb{Q}_p\), returns its norm
as \(\operatorname{Norm}(x) = x^d\), where \(d\) is the extension
Otherwise, raises an abort
The complexity of this implementation is quasi-linear in \(d\) and \(N\), and polynomial in \(\log p\).
qadic_norm_resultant :: Ptr CPadic -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO () Source #
qadic_norm_resultant rop op ctx
Sets rop
to the norm of op
, using the formula
\[`\] \[\operatorname{Norm}(x) = \ell(f)^{-\deg(a)} \operatorname{Res}(f(X), a(X)),\]
where \(\mathbb{Q}_q \cong \mathbb{Q}_p[X] / (f(X))\), \(\ell(f)\) is the leading coefficient of \(f(X)\), and \(a(X) \in \mathbb{Q}_p[X]\) denotes the same polynomial as \(x\).
The complexity of the current implementation is given by \(\mathcal{O}(d^4 M(N \log p))\), where \(M(n)\) denotes the complexity of multiplying to \(n\)-bit integers.
qadic_fprint_pretty :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_fprint_pretty file op ctx
Prints a pretty representation of op
to file
In the current implementation, always returns \(1\). The return code is part of the function's signature to allow for a later implementation to return the number of characters printed or a non-positive error code.
qadic_print_pretty :: Ptr CQadic -> Ptr CQadicCtx -> IO CInt Source #
qadic_print_pretty op ctx
Prints a pretty representation of op
to stdout
In the current implementation, always returns \(1\). The return code is part of the function's signature to allow for a later implementation to return the number of characters printed or a non-positive error code.