{-# LINE 1 "src/Data/Number/Flint/Fq/NMod/Vec/FFI.hsc" #-} {-| module : Data.Number.Flint.Fq.NMod.Vec.FFI copyright : (c) 2022 Hartmut Monien license : GNU GPL, version 2 or above (see LICENSE) maintainer : hmonien@uni-bonn.de -} module Data.Number.Flint.Fq.NMod.Vec.FFI ( -- * Vectors over finite fields (word-size characteristic) -- * Memory management _fq_nmod_vec_init , _fq_nmod_vec_clear -- * Randomisation , _fq_nmod_vec_randtest -- * Input and output , _fq_nmod_vec_fprint , _fq_nmod_vec_print -- * Assignment and basic manipulation , _fq_nmod_vec_set , _fq_nmod_vec_swap , _fq_nmod_vec_zero , _fq_nmod_vec_neg -- * Comparison , _fq_nmod_vec_equal , _fq_nmod_vec_is_zero -- * Addition and subtraction , _fq_nmod_vec_add , _fq_nmod_vec_sub -- * Scalar multiplication and division , _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_addmul_fq_nmod , _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_submul_fq_nmod -- * Dot products , _fq_nmod_vec_dot ) where -- Vectors over finite fields (word-size characteristic) ----------------------- import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import qualified Foreign.Concurrent import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr ) import Foreign.Storable import Data.Number.Flint.Flint import Data.Number.Flint.Fmpz import Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Poly import Data.Number.Flint.NMod.Mat import Data.Number.Flint.Fq import Data.Number.Flint.Fq.NMod import Data.Number.Flint.Fq.NMod.Mat import Data.Number.Flint.Fq.NMod -- Memory management ----------------------------------------------------------- -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_init/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Returns an initialised vector of @fq_nmod@\'s of given length. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_init" _fq_nmod_vec_init :: CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO (Ptr CFqNMod) -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_clear/ /vec/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Clears the entries of @(vec, len)@ and frees the space allocated for -- @vec@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_clear" _fq_nmod_vec_clear :: Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- Randomisation --------------------------------------------------------------- -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_randtest/ /f/ /state/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Sets the entries of a vector of the given length to elements of the -- finite field. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_randtest" _fq_nmod_vec_randtest ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- Input and output ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_fprint/ /file/ /vec/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Prints the vector of given length to the stream @file@. The format is -- the length followed by two spaces, then a space separated list of -- coefficients. If the length is zero, only \(0\) is printed. -- -- In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, -- returns a non-positive value. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_fprint" _fq_nmod_vec_fprint :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO CInt -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_print/ /vec/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Prints the vector of given length to @stdout@. -- -- For further details, see @_fq_nmod_vec_fprint()@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_print" _fq_nmod_vec_print ::Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO CInt -- Assignment and basic manipulation ------------------------------------------- -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_set/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /ctx/ -- -- Makes a copy of @(vec2, len2)@ into @vec1@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_set" _fq_nmod_vec_set ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_swap/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /ctx/ -- -- Swaps the elements in @(vec1, len2)@ and @(vec2, len2)@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_swap" _fq_nmod_vec_swap ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_zero/ /vec/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Zeros the entries of @(vec, len)@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_zero" _fq_nmod_vec_zero ::Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_neg/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /ctx/ -- -- Negates @(vec2, len2)@ and places it into @vec1@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_neg" _fq_nmod_vec_neg ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- Comparison ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_equal/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Compares two vectors of the given length and returns \(1\) if they are -- equal, otherwise returns \(0\). foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_equal" _fq_nmod_vec_equal ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO CInt -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_is_zero/ /vec/ /len/ /ctx/ -- -- Returns \(1\) if @(vec, len)@ is zero, and \(0\) otherwise. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_is_zero" _fq_nmod_vec_is_zero ::Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO CInt -- Addition and subtraction ---------------------------------------------------- -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_add/ /res/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /ctx/ -- -- Sets @(res, len2)@ to the sum of @(vec1, len2)@ and @(vec2, len2)@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_add" _fq_nmod_vec_add ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_sub/ /res/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /ctx/ -- -- Sets @(res, len2)@ to @(vec1, len2)@ minus @(vec2, len2)@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_sub" _fq_nmod_vec_sub ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- Scalar multiplication and division ------------------------------------------ -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_scalar_addmul_fq_nmod/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /c/ /ctx/ -- -- Adds @(vec2, len2)@ times \(c\) to @(vec1, len2)@, where \(c\) is a -- @fq_nmod_t@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_addmul_fq_nmod" _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_addmul_fq_nmod ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_scalar_submul_fq_nmod/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /c/ /ctx/ -- -- Subtracts @(vec2, len2)@ times \(c\) from @(vec1, len2)@, where \(c\) is -- a @fq_nmod_t@. foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_submul_fq_nmod" _fq_nmod_vec_scalar_submul_fq_nmod ::Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO () -- Dot products ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | /_fq_nmod_vec_dot/ /res/ /vec1/ /vec2/ /len2/ /ctx/ -- -- Sets @res@ to the dot product of (@vec1@, @len@) and (@vec2@, @len@). foreign import ccall "fq_nmod_vec.h _fq_nmod_vec_dot" _fq_nmod_vec_dot :: Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> Ptr CFqNMod -> CLong -> Ptr CFqNModCtx -> IO ()