- nonpubExecutReport_fpmlVersion :: XsdString
Indicate which version of the FpML Schema an FpML message
adheres to.
- nonpubExecutReport_expectedBuild :: Maybe PositiveInteger
This optional attribute can be supplied by a message
creator in an FpML instance to specify which build number
of the schema was used to define the message when it was
- nonpubExecutReport_actualBuild :: Maybe PositiveInteger
The specific build number of this schema version. This
attribute is not included in an instance document. Instead,
it is supplied by the XML parser when the document is
validated against the FpML schema and indicates the build
number of the schema file. Every time FpML publishes a
change to the schema, validation rules, or examples within
a version (e.g., version 4.2) the actual build number is
incremented. If no changes have been made between releases
within a version (i.e. from Trial Recommendation to
Recommendation) the actual build number stays the same.
- nonpubExecutReport_header :: Maybe RequestMessageHeader
- nonpubExecutReport_validation :: [Validation]
A list of validation sets the sender asserts the document
is valid with respect to.
- nonpubExecutReport_isCorrection :: Maybe Boolean
Indicates if this message corrects an earlier request.
- nonpubExecutReport_parentCorrelationId :: Maybe CorrelationId
An optional identifier used to correlate between related
- nonpubExecutReport_correlationId :: [CorrelationId]
A qualified identifier used to correlate between messages
- nonpubExecutReport_sequenceNumber :: Maybe PositiveInteger
A numeric value that can be used to order messages with the
same correlation identifier from the same sender.
- nonpubExecutReport_onBehalfOf :: [OnBehalfOf]
Indicates which party (or parties) (and accounts) a trade
or event is being processed for. Normally there will only
be a maximum of 2 parties, but in the case of a novation
there could be a transferor, transferee, remaining party,
and other remaining party. Except for this case, there
should be no more than two onABehalfOf references in a
- nonpubExecutReport_asOfDate :: Maybe IdentifiedDate
The date for which this document reports positions and
- nonpubExecutReport_asOfTime :: Maybe Time
The time for which this report was generated (i.e., the
cut-off time of the report).
- nonpubExecutReport_portfolioReference :: Maybe PortfolioReferenceBase
- nonpubExecutReport_choice10 :: Maybe (OneOf10 (Maybe OriginatingEvent, Maybe Trade) TradeAmendmentContent TradeNotionalChange (Maybe TerminatingEvent, Maybe TradeNotionalChange) TradeNovationContent OptionExercise [OptionExpiry] DeClear Withdrawal AdditionalEvent)
Choice between:
- Sequence of:
- amendment
- increase
- Sequence of:
- terminatingEvent
- termination
- novation
- optionExercise
- optionExpiry
- deClear
- withdrawal
- The additionalEvent element is an
extension/substitution point to customize FpML and add
additional events.
- nonpubExecutReport_quote :: [BasicQuotation]
Pricing information for the trade.
- nonpubExecutReport_party :: [Party]
- nonpubExecutReport_account :: [Account]
Optional account information used to precisely define the
origination and destination of financial instruments.