- equitySwapTransSuppl_ID :: Maybe ID
- equitySwapTransSuppl_primaryAssetClass :: Maybe AssetClass
A classification of the most important risk class of the
trade. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization
using a coding scheme.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_secondaryAssetClass :: [AssetClass]
A classification of additional risk classes of the trade,
if any. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization
using a coding scheme.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_productType :: [ProductType]
A classification of the type of product. FpML defines a
simple product categorization using a coding scheme.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_productId :: [ProductId]
A product reference identifier. The product ID is an
identifier that describes the key economic characteristics
of the trade type, with the exception of concepts such as
size (notional, quantity, number of units) and price (fixed
rate, strike, etc.) that are negotiated for each
transaction. It can be used to hold identifiers such as the
UPI (universal product identifier) required by certain
regulatory reporting rules. It can also be used to hold
identifiers of benchmark products or product temnplates
used by certain trading systems or facilities. FpML does
not define the domain values associated with this element.
Note that the domain values for this element are not
strictly an enumerated list.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_buyerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
A reference to the party that buys this instrument, ie.
pays for this instrument and receives the rights defined by
it. See 2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (b). In the case
of FRAs this the fixed rate payer.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_buyerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
A reference to the account that buys this instrument.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_sellerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
A reference to the party that sells (writes) this
instrument, i.e. that grants the rights defined by this
instrument and in return receives a payment for it. See
2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (a). In the case of FRAs
this is the floating rate payer.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_sellerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
A reference to the account that sells this instrument.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_returnSwapLeg :: [DirectionalLeg]
An placeholder for the actual Return Swap Leg definition.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_principalExchangeFeatures :: Maybe PrincipalExchangeFeatures
This is used to document a Fully Funded Return Swap.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_choice10 :: Maybe (OneOf2 Boolean (Maybe Boolean, Maybe Boolean, Maybe FeeElectionEnum, Maybe NonNegativeDecimal))
Choice between:
- Used for specifying whether the Mutual Early
Termination Right that is detailed in the Master
Confirmation will apply.
- Sequence of:
- A Boolean element used for specifying whether the
Optional Early Termination clause detailed in the
agreement will apply.
- A Boolean element used for specifying whether the
Break Funding Recovery detailed in the agreement
will apply.
- Defines the fee type.
- breakFeeRate
- equitySwapTransSuppl_choice11 :: Maybe (OneOf2 Boolean Boolean)
Choice between:
- For an index option transaction, a flag to indicate
whether a relevant Multiple Exchange Index Annex is
applicable to the transaction. This annex defines
additional provisions which are applicable where an
index is comprised of component securities that are
traded on multiple exchanges.
- For an index option transaction, a flag to indicate
whether a relevant Component Security Index Annex is
applicable to the transaction.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_localJurisdiction :: Maybe CountryCode
Local Jurisdiction is a term used in the AEJ Master
Confirmation, which is used to determine local taxes, which
shall mean taxes, duties, and similar charges imposed by
the taxing authority of the Local Jurisdiction If this
element is not present Local Jurisdiction is Not
- equitySwapTransSuppl_relevantJurisdiction :: Maybe CountryCode
Relevent Jurisdiction is a term used in the AEJ Master
Confirmation, which is used to determine local taxes, which
shall mean taxes, duties and similar charges that would be
imposed by the taxing authority of the Country of Underlyer
on a Hypothetical Broker Dealer assuming the Applicable
Hedge Positions are held by its office in the Relevant
Jurisdiction. If this element is not present Relevant
Jurisdiction is Not Applicable.
- equitySwapTransSuppl_extraordinaryEvents :: Maybe ExtraordinaryEvents
Where the underlying is shares, specifies events affecting
the issuer of those shares that may require the terms of
the transaction to be adjusted.