Frames- Data frames For working with tabular data files

Safe HaskellNone



Efficient in-memory (in-core) storage of tabular data.



type family VectorFor t :: * -> * Source

The most efficient vector type for each column data type.

type VectorMFor a = Mutable (VectorFor a) Source

The mutable version of VectorFor a particular type.

initialCapacity :: Int Source

Since we stream into the in-memory representation, we use an exponential growth strategy to resize arrays as more data is read in. This is the initial capacity of each column.

type family VectorMs m rs Source

Mutable vector types for each column in a row.


VectorMs m [] = [] 
VectorMs m ((s :-> a) : rs) = (s :-> VectorMFor a (PrimState m) a) : VectorMs m rs 

type family Vectors rs Source

Immutable vector types for each column in a row.


Vectors [] = [] 
Vectors ((s :-> a) : rs) = (s :-> VectorFor a a) : Vectors rs 

class RecVec rs where Source

Tooling to allocate, grow, write to, freeze, and index into records of vectors.


allocRec :: (Applicative m, PrimMonad m) => proxy rs -> m (Record (VectorMs m rs)) Source

freezeRec :: (Applicative m, PrimMonad m) => proxy rs -> Int -> Record (VectorMs m rs) -> m (Record (Vectors rs)) Source

growRec :: (Applicative m, PrimMonad m) => proxy rs -> Record (VectorMs m rs) -> m (Record (VectorMs m rs)) Source

writeRec :: PrimMonad m => proxy rs -> Int -> Record (VectorMs m rs) -> Record rs -> m () Source

indexRec :: proxy rs -> Int -> Record (Vectors rs) -> Record rs Source

produceRec :: proxy rs -> Record (Vectors rs) -> Rec ((->) Int) rs Source


RecVec ([] *) 
(MVector (VectorMFor a) a, (~) (* -> * -> *) (Mutable (VectorFor a)) (VectorMFor a), Vector (VectorFor a) a, RecVec rs) => RecVec ((:) * ((:->) s a) rs) 

inCoreSoA :: forall m rs. (Applicative m, PrimMonad m, RecVec rs) => Producer (Record rs) m () -> m (Int, Rec ((->) Int) rs) Source

Stream a finite sequence of rows into an efficient in-memory representation for further manipulation. Each column of the input table will be stored optimally based on its type, making use of the resulting generators a matter of indexing into a densely packed representation. Returns the number of rows and a record of column indexing functions. See toAoS to convert the result to a Frame which provides an easier-to-use function that indexes into the table in a row-major fashion.

inCoreAoS :: (Applicative m, PrimMonad m, RecVec rs) => Producer (Record rs) m () -> m (FrameRec rs) Source

Stream a finite sequence of rows into an efficient in-memory representation for further manipulation. Each column of the input table will be stored optimally based on its type, making use of the resulting generators a matter of indexing into a densely packed representation. Returns a Frame that provides a function to index into the table.

inCoreAoS' :: (Applicative m, PrimMonad m, RecVec rs) => (Rec ((->) Int) rs -> Rec ((->) Int) ss) -> Producer (Record rs) m () -> m (FrameRec ss) Source

Like inCoreAoS, but applies the provided function to the record of columns before building the Frame.

toAoS :: Int -> Rec ((->) Int) rs -> FrameRec rs Source

Convert a structure-of-arrays to an array-of-structures. This can simplify usage of an in-memory representation.

inCore :: forall m n rs. (Applicative m, PrimMonad m, RecVec rs, Monad n) => Producer (Record rs) m () -> m (Producer (Record rs) n ()) Source

Stream a finite sequence of rows into an efficient in-memory representation for further manipulation. Each column of the input table will be stored optimally based on its type, making use of the resulting generator a matter of indexing into a densely packed representation.

toFrame :: (Foldable f, RecVec rs) => f (Record rs) -> Frame (Record rs) Source

Build a Frame from a collection of Records using efficient column-based storage.

filterFrame :: RecVec rs => (Record rs -> Bool) -> FrameRec rs -> FrameRec rs Source

Keep only those rows of a FrameRec that satisfy a predicate.