Frames-0.1.2: Data frames For working with tabular data files

Safe HaskellNone




Infer row types from comma-separated values (CSV) data and read that data from files. Template Haskell is used to generate the necessary types so that you can write type safe programs referring to those types.



data QuotingMode Source



No quoting enabled. The separator may not appear in values

RFC4180Quoting QuoteChar

Quoted values with the given quoting character. Quotes are escaped by doubling them. Mostly RFC4180 compliant, except doesn't support newlines in values

defaultParser :: ParserOptions Source

Default ParseOptions get column names from a header line, and use commas to separate columns.

defaultSep :: Separator Source

Default separator string.


tokenizeRow :: ParserOptions -> Text -> [Text] Source

Helper to split a Text on commas and strip leading and trailing whitespace from each resulting chunk.

reassembleRFC4180QuotedParts :: Separator -> QuoteChar -> [Text] -> [Text] Source

Post processing applied to a list of tokens split by the separator which should have quoted sections reassembeld

prefixInference :: (ColumnTypeable a, Monoid a) => ParserOptions -> Handle -> IO [a] Source

Infer column types from a prefix (up to 1000 lines) of a CSV file.

readColHeaders :: (ColumnTypeable a, Monoid a) => ParserOptions -> FilePath -> IO [(Text, a)] Source

Extract column names and inferred types from a CSV file.

Loading Data

class ReadRec rs where Source

Parsing each component of a RecF from a list of text chunks, one chunk per record component.


readRec :: [Text] -> Rec Maybe rs Source


ReadRec ([] *) 
(Parseable t, ReadRec ts) => ReadRec ((:) * ((:->) s t) ts) 

readRow :: ReadRec rs => ParserOptions -> Text -> Rec Maybe rs Source

Read a RecF from one line of CSV.

readTableMaybeOpt :: (MonadIO m, ReadRec rs) => ParserOptions -> FilePath -> Producer (Rec Maybe rs) m () Source

Produce rows where any given entry can fail to parse.

readTableMaybe :: (MonadIO m, ReadRec rs) => FilePath -> Producer (Rec Maybe rs) m () Source

Produce rows where any given entry can fail to parse.

readTableOpt' :: forall m rs. (MonadPlus m, MonadIO m, ReadRec rs) => ParserOptions -> FilePath -> m (Record rs) Source

Returns a MonadPlus producer of rows for which each column was successfully parsed. This is typically slower than readTableOpt.

readTable' :: forall m rs. (MonadPlus m, MonadIO m, ReadRec rs) => FilePath -> m (Record rs) Source

Returns a MonadPlus producer of rows for which each column was successfully parsed. This is typically slower than readTable.

readTableOpt :: forall m rs. (MonadIO m, ReadRec rs) => ParserOptions -> FilePath -> Producer (Record rs) m () Source

Returns a producer of rows for which each column was successfully parsed.

readTable :: forall m rs. (MonadIO m, ReadRec rs) => FilePath -> Producer (Record rs) m () Source

Returns a producer of rows for which each column was successfully parsed.

Template Haskell

recDec :: ColumnTypeable a => [(Text, a)] -> Q Type Source

Generate a column type.

sanitizeTypeName :: Text -> Text Source

Massage a column name from a CSV file into a valid Haskell type identifier.

mkColTDec :: TypeQ -> Name -> DecQ Source

Declare a type synonym for a column.

mkColPDec :: Name -> TypeQ -> Text -> DecsQ Source

Declare a singleton value of the given column type.

colDec :: ColumnTypeable a => Text -> Text -> a -> DecsQ Source

For each column, we declare a type synonym for its type, and a Proxy value of that type.

declareColumn :: Text -> Name -> DecsQ Source

Splice for manually declaring a column of a given type. For example, declareColumn "x2" ''Double will declare a type synonym type X2 = "x2" :-> Double and a lens x2.

Default CSV Parsing

data RowGen a Source

Control how row and named column types are generated.




columnNames :: [String]

Use these column names. If empty, expect a header row in the data file to provide column names.

tablePrefix :: String

A common prefix to use for every generated declaration.

separator :: Separator

The string that separates the columns on a row.

rowTypeName :: String

The row type that enumerates all columns.

columnUniverse :: Proxy a

A type that identifies all the types that can be used to classify a column. This is essentially a type-level list of types. See colQ.

colQ :: Name -> Q Exp Source

Shorthand for a Proxy value of ColumnUniverse applied to the given type list.

rowGen :: RowGen Columns Source

A default RowGen. This instructs the type inference engine to get column names from the data file, use the default column separator (a comma), infer column types from the default Columns set of types, and produce a row type with name Row.

tableType :: String -> FilePath -> DecsQ Source

Generate a type for each row of a table. This will be something like Record ["x" :-> a, "y" :-> b, "z" :-> c].

tableTypes :: String -> FilePath -> DecsQ Source

Like tableType, but additionally generates a type synonym for each column, and a proxy value of that type. If the CSV file has column names "foo", "bar", and "baz", then this will declare type Foo = "foo" :-> Int, for example, foo = rlens (Proxy :: Proxy Foo), and foo' = rlens' (Proxy :: Proxy Foo).

Customized Data Set Parsing

tableType' :: forall a. (ColumnTypeable a, Monoid a) => RowGen a -> FilePath -> DecsQ Source

Generate a type for a row a table. This will be something like Record ["x" :-> a, "y" :-> b, "z" :-> c]. Column type synonyms are not generated (see tableTypes').

tableTypes' :: forall a. (ColumnTypeable a, Monoid a) => RowGen a -> FilePath -> DecsQ Source

Like tableType', but additionally generates a type synonym for each column, and a proxy value of that type. If the CSV file has column names "foo", "bar", and "baz", then this will declare type Foo = "foo" :-> Int, for example, foo = rlens (Proxy :: Proxy Foo), and foo' = rlens' (Proxy :: Proxy Foo).