Changelog for GA-1.0
Changelog for GA, a Haskell library for working with genetic algorithms:
v1.0 (Sept. 27th 2011):
* reorganize examples
* minor code cleanup
* support for user-defined:
- checking of progress (mustContinue)
- print progress per generation (showProgress)
* bug fixes:
- double pop/archive entities
v0.2 (Sept. 19th 2011):
* fixed compilation warnings in GA module and examples
* major API changes
- generalized result type of evolve from IO a to Monad m => m a
- hist genRandom, crossover, mutation adn scores into genertic Monad m
* introduced evolveVerbose which allows checkpointing, and prints
progress to stdout (requires liftIO)
* implemented random search
* code cleanup and reorganization
v0.1 (Aug. 31st 2011):
* initial release
* support for:
- evolution of arbitrary entities (see Entity type class)
- checkpointing between generations with automatic restore from checkpoint
* two toy examples