GoogleChart-0.2: Generate web-based charts using the Google Chart API




This module is for generating web-based charts using Google's Chart API: Its output is URLs that will resolve to a PNG image of the resulting chart.

Most of the functions in this module, with names like setFoo, take a Chart as an argument and produce a new Chart with the specified attribute added. These calls are designed to be chained together. See the example below.

Charts are represented as a hierarchy of type classes so that parameters that only affect a specific chart type are only available to that chart type.

putStrLn "URL for your chart:"
putStrLn $ chartURL $
  setSize 400 257 $
  setTitle "My Chart" $
  setData (encodeDataSimple [[1..20]]) $
  setLegend ["1 to 20"] $

This produces:

Remaining features to implement:

  • lxy line charts
  • chbh bar charts
  • scatter plots
  • background/fill colors
  • all style attributes


Chart basics

These functions and types are shared by all chart types.

class Chart c Source

The type class underneath all Charts.

chartURL :: Chart c => c -> StringSource

Construct the URL used to show the chart.

setSize :: Chart c => Int -> Int -> c -> cSource

Set the width and height, in pixels, of the resulting image.

setTitle :: Chart c => String -> c -> cSource

Set the title of the chart.



:: Chart c 
=> String

Color of the text.

-> Int

Size of the text.

-> c 
-> c 

Set options for the display of the title of the chart.

setData :: Chart c => ChartData -> c -> cSource

Set the data displayed by the chart.

Chart data

There are multiple options for encoding chart data. See for more details on the tradeoffs of the different encoding options.

data ChartData Source

All the encoding methods produce ChartData, which is usable by setData.


encodeDataSimple :: [[Int]] -> ChartDataSource

Encode data using the "simple" encoding, which maps each input value to a single letter in the URL. This produces minimal URLs but doesn't have as lot of resolution. Input values must be in the range 0 <= x <= 61. Values outside the valid input range will be considered missing data.

encodeDataText :: RealFrac a => [[a]] -> ChartDataSource

Encode data using the "text" encoding, which maps each input value to its string representation (e.g. "3.4") in the URL. This has more resolution than simple encoding but produces larger URLs. Input values must be in the range 0 <= x <= 100. Values outside the valid input range will be considered missing data. Values with more than one decimal place of resolution will be rounded.

encodeDataExtended :: [[Int]] -> ChartDataSource

Encode data using the "extended" encoding, which maps each input value to a two-character pair in base 64. This has more resolution than text encoding and is more compact. Input values must be in the range 0 <= x <= 4095. Values outside the valid input range will be considered missing data.

setDataColors :: Chart c => [String] -> c -> cSource

Set data set colors. The nth color specified here colors the nth data set in the ChartData passed to setData. See for more information.

Chart features


class Chart c => LegendChart c Source

LegendChart represents charts that can display legends with setLegend.

setLegend :: LegendChart c => [String] -> c -> cSource

Set the legend for the corresponding data sets. The colors are taken from the data set colors.

Axis labels

The order of elements in the lists passed to these functions matter: If the first AxisType passed to setAxisTypes is AxisBottom, then the first set of labels passed to setAxisLabels refers to that bottom axis.

class Chart c => AxisLabelChart c Source

AxisLabelChart represents charts that can display axis labels.

setAxisTypes :: AxisLabelChart c => [AxisType] -> c -> cSource

Set which axes to display. Repeating an AxisType produces multiple sets of labels on that axis.

data AxisType Source

Where to display an axis.

setAxisLabels :: AxisLabelChart c => [[String]] -> c -> cSource

Set axis labels. The nth list of strings in the argument sets the labels for the nth axis specified with setAxisTypes. An empty list of strings skips labelling the corresponding axis.

setAxisLabelPositions :: AxisLabelChart c => [[Int]] -> c -> cSource

Set axis label positions. The nth list of Ints in the argument sets the positions for the nth axis specified with setAxisTypes. An empty list skips setting position for the corresponding axis.

setAxisRanges :: AxisLabelChart c => [(Int, Int)] -> c -> cSource

Set axis ranges. The nth pair of Ints in the argument sets the range for the nth axis specified with setAxisTypes.

data AxisAlignment Source

Text alignment for labels on an axis.

setAxisStyles :: AxisLabelChart c => [(String, Int, AxisAlignment)] -> c -> cSource

Set axis styles. The nth element in the argument sets the style for the nth axis specified with setAxisTypes. Each style is a tuple of (color, font size, text alignment).

Specific chart types

Line charts

Pie charts

data PieChart Source


data PieStyle Source



setLabels :: [String] -> PieChart -> PieChartSource

Set labels for the different data points on the chart. Specify missing values by passing an empty string.

Bar charts

data BarStyle Source



Venn diagrams

data VennDiagram Source

Venn diagram data is specified in a particular format. There should be exactly seven data values, which represent, in order: circle A size, circle B size, circle C size, A/B overlap, A/C overlap, B/C overlap, A/B/C overlap.