HROOT-0.6.6: Wrapper for ROOT




class (ITNamed a, ITAttLine a, ITAttFill a, ITAttMarker a) => ITH1 a whereSource

the TH1 class : the mother class of all histogram classes

 class TH1 : TNamed, TAttLine, TAttFill, TAttMarker


add :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Double -> IO ()Source

 void TH1::Add( TH1* h1, Double_t c1 ) 

addBinContent :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source

 void TH1::AddBinContent( Int_t bin, Double_t w )

chi2Test :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> [Double] -> IO DoubleSource

 Double_t TH1::Chi2Test( const TH1* h2, Option_t* option="UU", Double_t* res=0 ) const

computeIntegral :: a -> IO DoubleSource

 Double_t TH1::ComputeIntegral ()

directoryAutoAdd :: (ITDirectory c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> IO ()Source

 void TH1::DirectoryAutoAdd(TDirectory* )

distancetoPrimitive :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO IntSource

 Int_t TH1::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)

divide :: (ITH2 c1, FPtr c1, ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> c1 -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source

 void TH1::Divide(const TH1* h1, const TH1* h2, Double_t c1=1, Double_t c2=1, Option_t* option="")

drawCopy :: a -> String -> IO aSource

 TH1* TH1::DrawCopy (Option_t* option="") const 

drawNormalized :: a -> String -> Double -> IO (Exist TH1)Source

 TH1* TH1::DrawNormalized (Option_t* option="", Double_t norm=1) const

drawPanel :: a -> IO ()Source

 void TH1::DrawPanel()

bufferEmpty :: a -> Int -> IO IntSource

eval :: (ITF1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO ()Source

executeEvent :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()Source

fFT :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO (Exist TH1)Source

fill1 :: a -> Double -> IO IntSource

fillN :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Int -> IO ()Source

fillRandom :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Int -> IO ()Source

findBin :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO IntSource

findFixBin :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO IntSource

findFirstBinAbove :: a -> Double -> Int -> IO IntSource

findLastBinAbove :: a -> Double -> Int -> IO IntSource

fitPanel :: a -> IO ()Source

getNdivisions :: a -> String -> IO IntSource

getAxisColor :: a -> String -> IO IntSource

getLabelColor :: a -> String -> IO IntSource

getLabelFont :: a -> String -> IO IntSource

getLabelOffset :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource

getLabelSize :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource

getTitleFont :: a -> String -> IO IntSource

getTitleOffset :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource

getTitleSize :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource

getTickLength :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource

getBarOffset :: a -> IO DoubleSource

getBarWidth :: a -> IO DoubleSource

getContour :: a -> [Double] -> IO IntSource

getContourLevel :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getContourLevelPad :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBin :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO IntSource

getBinCenter :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinContent1 :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinContent2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinContent3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinError1 :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinError2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinError3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinLowEdge :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getBinWidth :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getCellContent :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

getCellError :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource

scale :: a -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source

setAxisColor :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()Source

setAxisRange :: a -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source

setBarOffset :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBarWidth :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBinContent1 :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBinContent2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBinContent3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBinError1 :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBinError2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBinError3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source

setBins1 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()Source

setBins2 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()Source

setBins3 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()Source

setMaximum :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source

setMinimum :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source

setXTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()Source

setYTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()Source

setZTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()Source

upcastTH1 :: (FPtr a, ITH1 a) => a -> TH1Source