Changelog for HTTP-4000.3.15

* If the URI contains "user:pass@" part, use it for Basic Authorization * Add a test harness. * Don't leak a socket when getHostAddr throws an exception. * Send cookies in request format, not response format. * Moved BrowserAction to be a StateT IO, with instances for Applicative, MonadIO, MonadState. * Add method to control size of connection pool. * Consider both host and port when reusing connections. * Handle response code 304 "not modified" properly. * Fix digest authentication by fixing md5 output string rep. * Make the default user agent string follow the package version. * Document lack of HTTPS support and fail when clients try to use it instead of silently falling back to HTTP. * Add helper to set the request type and body. Version 4000.1.2: release 2011-08-11 * Turn off buffering for the debug log. * Update installation instructions. * Bump base dependency to support GHC 7.2. Version 4000.1.1: release 2010-11-28 * Be tolerant of LF (instead of CRLF which is the spec) in responses. Version 4000.1.0: release 2010-11-09 * Retroactively fixed CHANGES to refer to 4000.x.x instead of 4004.x.x. * Fix problem with close looping on certain URLs due to trying to munch the rest of the stream even on EOF. Modified from a fix by Daniel Wagner. * This involves a new class member for HStream and is thus an API change, but one that will only affect clients that define their own payload type to replace String/ByteString. * Applied patch by Antoine Latter to fix problem with 301 and 307 redirects. Version 4000.0.10: release 2010-10-29 * Bump base dependency to support GHC 7.0. * Stop using 'fail' from the Either monad and instead build Left values explicitly; the behaviour of fail is changing in GHC 7.0 and this avoids being sensitive to the change. Version 4000.0.9: release 2009-12-20 * Export headerMap from Network.HTTP.Headers (suggested by David Leuschner.) * Fix Network.TCP.{isTCPConnectedTo,isConnectedTo} to be useful. * Always delay closing non-persistent connections until we reach EOF. Delaying it until then is vital when reading the response out as a lazy ByteString; all of the I/O may not have happened by the time we were returning the HTTP response. Bug manifested itself occasionally with larger responses. Courtesy of Valery Vorotyntsev; both untiring bug hunt and fix. * drop unused type argument from Network.Browser.BrowserEvent; needlessly general. (patch provided by Daniel Wagner.) Version 4000.0.8: release 2009-08-05 * Incorporated proxy setting lookup and parsing contribution by Eric Kow; provided in Network.HTTP.Proxy * Factor out HTTP Cookies and Auth handling into separate modules Network.HTTP.Cookie, Network.HTTP.Auth * new Network.Browser functionality for hooking up the proxy detection code in Network.HTTP.Proxy: setCheckForProxy :: Bool -> BrowserAction t () getCheckForProxy :: BrowserAction t Bool If you do 'setCheckForProxy True' within a browser session, the proxy-checking code will be called upon. Use 'getCheckForProxy' to get the current setting for this flag. * Network.Browser: if HTTP Basic Auth is allowed and server doesn't 401-challenge with an WWW-Authenticate: header, simply assume / realm and proceed. Preferable than failing, even if server is the wrong. Version 4000.0.7: release 2009-05-22 * Minor release. * Added Network.TCP.openSocketStream :: (BufferType t) => String {-host-} -> Socket -> IO (HandleStream t) for interfacing to pre-existing @Socket@s. Contributed and suggested by <>. Version 4000.0.6: release 2009-04-21; changes from 4000.0.5 * Network.Browser: use HTTP.HandleStream.sendHTTP_notify, not HTTP.sendHTTP_notify when issuing requests. The latter runs the risk of undoing request normalization. * Network.HTTP.Base.normalizeRequest: when normalizing proxy-bound requests, insert a Host: header if none present. Set it to the destination server authority, not the proxy. * Network.Browser: don't fail on seeing invalid cookie values, but report them as errors and continue. Version 4000.0.5: release 2009-03-30; changes from 4000.0.4 * Get serious about comments and Haddock documentation. * Cleaned up normalization of requests, fixing bugs and bringing together previous disparate attempts at handling this. * RequestMethod now supports custom verbs; use the (Custom String) constructor * Beef up Network.HTTP.Base's support for normalizing requests and URIs: * added splitRequestURI which divides a URI into two; the Authority portion (as a String) and the input URI sans the authority portion. Useful when wanting to split up a request's URI into its Host: and abs_path pieces. * added normalizeRequest :: Bool -> Request ty -> Request ty, which fixes up a requests URI path and Host: info depending on whether it is destined for a proxy or not (controlled by the Bool.) * moved defaultRequest, defaultRequest_, libUA from Network.Browser to Network.HTTP.Base * added mkRequest :: RequestMethod -> URI -> Bool -> Request ty for constructing normalized&sane Request bases on top of which you can add custom headers, body payload etc.