{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}

-- | LaTeX syntax description in the definition of the 'LaTeX' datatype.
--   If you want to add new commands or environments not defined in
--   the library, import this module and use 'LaTeX' data constructors.
module Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax
 ( -- * @LaTeX@ datatype
   Measure (..)
 , MathType (..)
 , LaTeX (..)
 , TeXArg (..)
 , (<>), between
   -- * Escaping reserved characters
 , protectString
 , protectText
   -- * Syntax analysis
 , matchCommand
 , lookForCommand
 , matchEnv
 , lookForEnv
 , texmap
 , texmapM
   -- ** Utils
 , getBody
 , getPreamble
   ) where

import Data.Text (Text,pack)
import qualified Data.Text
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import Data.String
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Hashable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

-- | Measure units defined in LaTeX. Use 'CustomMeasure' to use commands like 'textwidth'.
--   For instance:
-- > rule Nothing (CustomMeasure linewidth) (Pt 2)
-- This will create a black box (see 'rule') as wide as the text and two points tall.
data Measure =
   Pt Double -- ^ A point is 1/72.27 inch, that means about 0.0138 inch or 0.3515 mm.
 | Mm Double -- ^ Millimeter.
 | Cm Double -- ^ Centimeter.
 | In Double -- ^ Inch.
 | Ex Double -- ^ The height of an \"x\" in the current font.
 | Em Double -- ^ The width of an \"M\" in the current font.
 | CustomMeasure LaTeX -- ^ You can introduce a 'LaTeX' expression as a measure.
   deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

-- | Different types of syntax for mathematical expressions.
data MathType = Parentheses | Square | Dollar | DoubleDollar
  deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

-- | Type of @LaTeX@ blocks.
data LaTeX =
   TeXRaw Text -- ^ Raw text.
 | TeXComm String [TeXArg] -- ^ Constructor for commands.
                           -- First argument is the name of the command.
                           -- Second, its arguments.
 | TeXCommS String -- ^ Constructor for commands with no arguments.
                   --   When rendering, no space or @{}@ will be added at
                   --   the end.
 | TeXEnv String [TeXArg] LaTeX -- ^ Constructor for environments.
                                -- First argument is the name of the environment.
                                -- Second, its arguments.
                                -- Third, its content.
 | TeXMath MathType LaTeX -- ^ Mathematical expressions.
 | TeXLineBreak (Maybe Measure) Bool -- ^ Line break command.
 | TeXBraces LaTeX -- ^ A expression between braces.
 | TeXComment Text -- ^ Comments.
 | TeXSeq LaTeX LaTeX -- ^ Sequencing of 'LaTeX' expressions.
                      -- Use '<>' preferably.
 | TeXEmpty -- ^ An empty block.
            -- /Neutral element/ of '<>'.
   deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

-- | An argument for a 'LaTeX' command or environment.
data TeXArg =
   FixArg LaTeX    -- ^ Fixed argument.
 | OptArg LaTeX    -- ^ Optional argument.
 | MOptArg [LaTeX] -- ^ Multiple optional argument.
 | SymArg LaTeX    -- ^ An argument enclosed between @\<@ and @\>@.
 | MSymArg [LaTeX] -- ^ Version of 'SymArg' with multiple options.
 | ParArg LaTeX    -- ^ An argument enclosed between @(@ and @)@.
 | MParArg [LaTeX] -- ^ Version of 'ParArg' with multiple options.
   deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

-- Monoid instance for 'LaTeX'.

-- | Method 'mappend' is strict in both arguments (except in the case when the first argument is 'TeXEmpty').
instance Monoid LaTeX where
 mempty = TeXEmpty
 mappend TeXEmpty x = x
 mappend x TeXEmpty = x
 -- This equation is to make 'mappend' associative.
 mappend (TeXSeq x y) z = TeXSeq x $ mappend y z
 mappend x y = TeXSeq x y

-- Since GHC starting from 7.4 provides (<>) as synonym to 'mappend' (see "Data.Monoid"),
-- we avoid an overlapping definition with a CPP conditional.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 704
-- | Alias for 'mappend'.
(<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
(<>) = mappend

instance Semigroup.Semigroup LaTeX where
  (<>) = mappend

-- | Calling 'between' @c l1 l2@ puts @c@ between @l1@ and @l2@ and
--   appends them.
-- > between c l1 l2 = l1 <> c <> l2
between :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m -> m
between c l1 l2 = l1 <> c <> l2

-- | Method 'fromString' escapes LaTeX reserved characters using 'protectString'.
instance IsString LaTeX where
 fromString = TeXRaw . fromString . protectString

-- | Escape LaTeX reserved characters in a 'String'.
protectString :: String -> String
protectString = mconcat . fmap protectChar

-- | Escape LaTeX reserved characters in a 'Text'.
protectText :: Text -> Text
protectText = Data.Text.concatMap (fromString . protectChar)

protectChar :: Char -> String
protectChar '#'  = "\\#"
protectChar '$'  = "\\$"
protectChar '%'  = "\\%"
protectChar '^'  = "\\^{}"
protectChar '&'  = "\\&"
protectChar '{'  = "\\{"
protectChar '}'  = "\\}"
protectChar '~'  = "\\~{}"
protectChar '\\' = "\\textbackslash{}"
protectChar '_'  = "\\_{}"
protectChar x = [x]

-- Syntax analysis

-- | Look into a 'LaTeX' syntax tree to find any call to the command with
--   the given name. It returns a list of arguments with which this command
--   is called.
-- > lookForCommand = (fmap snd .) . matchCommand . (==)
--   If the returned list is empty, the command was not found. However,
--   if the list contains empty lists, those are callings to the command
--   with no arguments.
--   For example
-- > lookForCommand "author" l
--   would look for the argument passed to the @\\author@ command in @l@.
lookForCommand :: String -- ^ Name of the command.
               -> LaTeX  -- ^ LaTeX syntax tree.
               -> [[TeXArg]] -- ^ List of arguments passed to the command.
lookForCommand = (fmap snd .) . matchCommand . (==)

-- | Traverse a 'LaTeX' syntax tree and returns the commands (see 'TeXComm' and
--   'TeXCommS') that matches the condition and their arguments in each call.
matchCommand :: (String -> Bool) -> LaTeX -> [(String,[TeXArg])]
matchCommand f (TeXComm str as) =
  let xs = concatMap (matchCommandArg f) as
  in  if f str then (str,as) : xs else xs
matchCommand f (TeXCommS str) = if f str then [(str,[])] else []
matchCommand f (TeXEnv _ as l) =
  let xs = concatMap (matchCommandArg f) as
  in  xs ++ matchCommand f l
matchCommand f (TeXMath _ l) = matchCommand f l
matchCommand f (TeXBraces l) = matchCommand f l
matchCommand f (TeXSeq l1 l2) = matchCommand f l1 ++ matchCommand f l2
matchCommand _ _ = []

matchCommandArg :: (String -> Bool) -> TeXArg -> [(String,[TeXArg])]
matchCommandArg f (OptArg  l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (FixArg  l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (MOptArg ls) = concatMap (matchCommand f) ls
matchCommandArg f (SymArg  l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (MSymArg ls) = concatMap (matchCommand f) ls
matchCommandArg f (ParArg  l ) = matchCommand f l
matchCommandArg f (MParArg ls) = concatMap (matchCommand f) ls

-- | Similar to 'lookForCommand', but applied to environments.
--   It returns a list with arguments passed and content of the
--   environment in each call.
-- > lookForEnv = (fmap (\(_,as,l) -> (as,l)) .) . matchEnv . (==)
lookForEnv :: String -> LaTeX -> [([TeXArg],LaTeX)]
lookForEnv = (fmap (\(_,as,l) -> (as,l)) .) . matchEnv . (==)

-- | Traverse a 'LaTeX' syntax tree and returns the environments (see
--   'TeXEnv') that matches the condition, their arguments and their content
--   in each call.
matchEnv :: (String -> Bool) -> LaTeX -> [(String,[TeXArg],LaTeX)]
matchEnv f (TeXComm _ as) = concatMap (matchEnvArg f) as
matchEnv f (TeXEnv str as l) =
  let xs = concatMap (matchEnvArg f) as
      ys = matchEnv f l
      zs = xs ++ ys
  in  if f str then (str,as,l) : zs else zs
matchEnv f (TeXMath _ l) = matchEnv f l
matchEnv f (TeXBraces l) = matchEnv f l
matchEnv f (TeXSeq l1 l2) = matchEnv f l1 ++ matchEnv f l2
matchEnv _ _ = []

matchEnvArg :: (String -> Bool) -> TeXArg -> [(String,[TeXArg],LaTeX)]
matchEnvArg f (OptArg  l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (FixArg  l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (MOptArg ls) = concatMap (matchEnv f) ls
matchEnvArg f (SymArg  l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (MSymArg ls) = concatMap (matchEnv f) ls
matchEnvArg f (ParArg  l ) = matchEnv f l
matchEnvArg f (MParArg ls) = concatMap (matchEnv f) ls

-- | The function 'texmap' looks for subexpressions that match a given
--   condition and applies a function to them.
-- > texmap c f = runIdentity . texmapM c (pure . f)
texmap :: (LaTeX -> Bool) -- ^ Condition.
       -> (LaTeX -> LaTeX) -- ^ Function to apply when the condition matches.
       ->  LaTeX -> LaTeX
texmap c f = runIdentity . texmapM c (pure . f)

-- | Version of 'texmap' where the function returns values in a 'Monad'.
texmapM :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
        => (LaTeX -> Bool) -- ^ Condition.
        -> (LaTeX -> m LaTeX) -- ^ Function to apply when the condition matches.
        ->  LaTeX -> m LaTeX
texmapM c f = go
   go l@(TeXComm str as)  = if c l then f l else TeXComm str <$> mapM go' as
   go l@(TeXEnv str as b) = if c l then f l else TeXEnv str <$> mapM go' as <*> go b
   go l@(TeXMath t b)     = if c l then f l else TeXMath t <$> go b
   go l@(TeXBraces b)     = if c l then f l else TeXBraces <$> go b
   go l@(TeXSeq l1 l2)    = if c l then f l else liftA2 TeXSeq (go l1) (go l2)
   go l = if c l then f l else pure l
   go' (FixArg  l ) = FixArg  <$> go l
   go' (OptArg  l ) = OptArg  <$> go l
   go' (MOptArg ls) = MOptArg <$> mapM go ls
   go' (SymArg  l ) = SymArg  <$> go l
   go' (MSymArg ls) = MSymArg <$> mapM go ls
   go' (ParArg  l ) = ParArg  <$> go l
   go' (MParArg ls) = MParArg <$> mapM go ls

-- | Extract the content of the 'document' environment, if present.
getBody :: LaTeX -> Maybe LaTeX
getBody l =
  case lookForEnv "document" l of
    ((_,b):_) -> Just b
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Extract the preamble of a 'LaTeX' document (everything before the 'document'
--   environment). It could be empty.
getPreamble :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
getPreamble (TeXEnv "document" _ _) = mempty
getPreamble (TeXSeq l1 l2) = getPreamble l1 <> getPreamble l2
getPreamble l = l

-- LaTeX Arbitrary instance

arbitraryChar :: Gen Char
arbitraryChar = elements $
  ++ ['a'..'z']
  ++ "\n-+*/!\"().,:;'@<>? "

-- | Utility for the instance of 'LaTeX' to 'Arbitrary'.
--   We generate a short sequence of characters and
--   escape reserved characters with 'protectText'.
arbitraryRaw :: Gen Text
arbitraryRaw = do
  n <- choose (1,20)
  protectText . pack <$> replicateM n arbitraryChar

-- | Generator for names of command and environments.
--   We use only alphabetical characters.
arbitraryName :: Gen String
arbitraryName = do
  n <- choose (1,10)
  replicateM n $ elements $ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']

instance Arbitrary Measure where
  arbitrary = do
     n <- choose (0,5)
     let f = [Pt,Mm,Cm,In,Ex,Em] !! n
     f <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary LaTeX where
  arbitrary = arbitraryLaTeX False

arbitraryLaTeX :: Bool -> Gen LaTeX
arbitraryLaTeX inDollar = do
  -- We give more chances to 'TeXRaw'.
  -- This results in arbitrary 'LaTeX' values
  -- not getting too large.
  n <- choose (0,16 :: Int)
  case n of
    0 -> if inDollar then arbitraryLaTeX True else pure TeXEmpty
    1 -> do m <- choose (0,5)
            TeXComm <$> arbitraryName <*> vectorOf m arbitrary
    2 -> TeXCommS <$> arbitraryName
    3 -> do m <- choose (0,5)
            TeXEnv <$> arbitraryName <*> vectorOf m arbitrary <*> arbitrary
    4 -> if inDollar
            then arbitraryLaTeX True
            else do do m <- choose (0,3)
                       let t = [Parentheses,Square,Dollar,DoubleDollar] !! m
                       TeXMath <$> pure t <*> arbitraryLaTeX (t == Dollar || t == DoubleDollar)
    5 -> TeXLineBreak <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
    6 -> TeXBraces <$> arbitrary
    7 -> TeXComment <$> arbitraryRaw
    8 -> TeXSeq <$> (if inDollar then arbitraryLaTeX True else arbitrary) <*> arbitrary
    _ -> TeXRaw <$> arbitraryRaw

instance Arbitrary TeXArg where
  arbitrary = do
     n <- choose (0,6 :: Int)
     case n of
       0 -> OptArg <$> arbitrary
       1 -> do m <- choose (1,5)
               MOptArg <$> vectorOf m arbitrary
       2 -> SymArg <$> arbitrary
       3 -> do m <- choose (1,5)
               MSymArg <$> vectorOf m arbitrary
       4 -> ParArg <$> arbitrary
       5 -> do m <- choose (1,5)
               MParArg <$> vectorOf m arbitrary
       _ -> FixArg <$> arbitrary

instance Hashable Measure
instance Hashable MathType
instance Hashable TeXArg
instance Hashable LaTeX