-- | Module for the package @amssymb@.
module Text.LaTeX.Packages.AMSSymb
 ( -- * AMSSymb package

   -- * Arrows
  , vartriangleleft, vartriangleright 
  , leftleftarrows, rightrightarrows
  , rightleftarrows, leftrightarrows
  , upuparrows, downdownarrows
  , leftarrowtail, rightarrowtail
  , curvearrowleft, curvearrowright
  , twoheadleftarrow, twoheadrightarrow
  , rightleftharpoons
  , lsh2, rsh2
  , leftarrow3, rightarrow3
  , rightsquigarrow, leftrightsquigarrow
  , looparrowleft, looparrowright
  , circlearrowleft, circlearrowright
  , upharpoonleft, upharpoonright
  , downharpoonleft, downharpoonright
  , nleftarrow, nrightarrow
  , nleftarrow2, nrightarrow2
  , nleftrightarrow, nleftrightarrow2

   -- * Other
  , lll, ggg
  , gtrdot, lessdot
  , square, blacksquare  
  , lozenge, blacklozenge
  , checkmark, nexists
 ) where

import Text.LaTeX.Base.Class
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Types

-- | AMSSymb package.
-- Example:
-- > usepackage [] amssymb
amssymb :: ClassName
amssymb :: ClassName
amssymb = ClassName


-- | \(\vartriangleleft\) symbol.
vartriangleleft :: LaTeXC l => l
vartriangleleft :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
vartriangleleft = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\vartriangleleft\) symbol.
vartriangleright :: LaTeXC l => l
vartriangleright :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
vartriangleright = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\leftleftarrows\) symbol - double left arrows.
leftleftarrows :: LaTeXC l => l
leftleftarrows :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
leftleftarrows = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\rightrightarrows\) symbol - double right arrows
rightrightarrows :: LaTeXC l => l
rightrightarrows :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
rightrightarrows = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\rightleftarrows\) symbol - right arrow atop a left arrow
rightleftarrows :: LaTeXC l => l
rightleftarrows :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
rightleftarrows = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\leftrightarrows\) symbol - left arrow atop a right arrow.
leftrightarrows :: LaTeXC l => l
leftrightarrows :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
leftrightarrows = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\upuparrows\) symbol - double upward arrows.
upuparrows :: LaTeXC l => l
upuparrows :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
upuparrows = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\downdownarrows\) symbol - double downward arrows.
downdownarrows :: LaTeXC l => l
downdownarrows :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
downdownarrows = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\lll\) symbol - triple less than.
lll :: LaTeXC l => l
lll :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
lll = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\ggg\) symbol - triple greater than.
ggg :: LaTeXC l => l
ggg :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
ggg = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\leftarrowtail\) symbol - leftwards "mapsto"
leftarrowtail :: LaTeXC l => l
leftarrowtail :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
leftarrowtail = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\rightarrowtail\) symbol - rightwards "mapsto"
rightarrowtail :: LaTeXC l => l
rightarrowtail :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
rightarrowtail = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\curvearrowleft\) symbol - leftwards curved arrow
curvearrowleft :: LaTeXC l => l
curvearrowleft :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
curvearrowleft = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\curvearrowright\) symbol - rightwards curved arrow
curvearrowright :: LaTeXC l => l
curvearrowright :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
curvearrowright = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\twoheadleftarrow\) symbol - double head left arrow
twoheadleftarrow :: LaTeXC l => l
twoheadleftarrow :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
twoheadleftarrow = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\twoheadrightarrow\) symbol - double head right arrow
twoheadrightarrow :: LaTeXC l => l
twoheadrightarrow :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
twoheadrightarrow = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\checkmark\) symbol.
checkmark :: LaTeXC l => l
checkmark :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
checkmark = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\lozenge\) symbol - narrow diamond
lozenge :: LaTeXC l => l
lozenge :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
lozenge = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\blacklozenge\) symbol - filled narrow diamond
blacklozenge :: LaTeXC l => l
blacklozenge :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
blacklozenge = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\nexists\) symbol - does not exist
nexists :: LaTeXC l => l
nexists :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
nexists = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\lessdot\) symbol - less than with inner dot
lessdot :: LaTeXC l => l
lessdot :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
lessdot = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\gtrdot\) symbol - greater than with inner dot
gtrdot :: LaTeXC l => l
gtrdot :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
gtrdot = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\square\) symbol - square.
--   For the QED “tombstone”, see 'Text.LaTeX.Packages.AMSThm.qed' instead; it is normally the
--   same symbol but gives the suitable text alignment.
square :: LaTeXC l => l
square :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
square = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\blacksquare\) symbol - a filled square
blacksquare :: LaTeXC l => l
blacksquare :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
blacksquare = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName

-- | \(\rightleftharpoons\) symbol
rightleftharpoons :: LaTeXC l => l
rightleftharpoons :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
rightleftharpoons = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\Lsh\) symbol
lsh2 :: LaTeXC l => l
lsh2 :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
lsh2 = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\Rsh\) symbol
rsh2 :: LaTeXC l => l
rsh2 :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
rsh2 = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\Lleftarrow\) symbol
leftarrow3 :: LaTeXC l => l
leftarrow3 :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
leftarrow3 = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\Rrightarrow\) symbol
rightarrow3 :: LaTeXC l => l
rightarrow3 :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
rightarrow3 = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\rightsquigarrow\) symbol
rightsquigarrow :: LaTeXC l => l
rightsquigarrow :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
rightsquigarrow = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\leftrightsquigarrow\) symbol
leftrightsquigarrow :: LaTeXC l => l
leftrightsquigarrow :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
leftrightsquigarrow = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\looparrowleft\) symbol
looparrowleft :: LaTeXC l => l
looparrowleft :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
looparrowleft = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\looparrowright\) symbol
looparrowright :: LaTeXC l => l
looparrowright :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
looparrowright = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\circlearrowleft\) symbol
circlearrowleft :: LaTeXC l => l
circlearrowleft :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
circlearrowleft = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\circlearrowright\) symbol
circlearrowright :: LaTeXC l => l
circlearrowright :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
circlearrowright = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\upharpoonleft\) symbol
upharpoonleft :: LaTeXC l => l
upharpoonleft :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
upharpoonleft = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\upharpoonright\) symbol
upharpoonright :: LaTeXC l => l
upharpoonright :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
upharpoonright = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\downharpoonleft\) symbol
downharpoonleft :: LaTeXC l => l
downharpoonleft :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
downharpoonleft = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\downharpoonright\) symbol
downharpoonright :: LaTeXC l => l
downharpoonright :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
downharpoonright = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\nleftarrow\) symbol
nleftarrow :: LaTeXC l => l
nleftarrow :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
nleftarrow = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\nrightarrow\) symbol
nrightarrow :: LaTeXC l => l
nrightarrow :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
nrightarrow = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\nLeftarrow\) symbol
nleftarrow2 :: LaTeXC l => l
nleftarrow2 :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
nleftarrow2 = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\nRightarrow\) symbol
nrightarrow2 :: LaTeXC l => l
nrightarrow2 :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
nrightarrow2 = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\nleftrightarrow\) symbol
nleftrightarrow :: LaTeXC l => l
nleftrightarrow :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
nleftrightarrow = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName
-- | \(\nLeftrightarrow\) symbol
nleftrightarrow2 :: LaTeXC l => l
nleftrightarrow2 :: forall l. LaTeXC l => l
nleftrightarrow2 = forall l. LaTeXC l => ClassName -> l
comm0 ClassName