module Data.IntGraph.Undirected.Algorithms where

import Prelude hiding (null)

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)

import Data.IntGraph.Undirected

-- | If there is a vertex cover of size k, returns the vertex cover
-- | Otherwise Nothing
-- | O(n*2^k)
vertexCoverDec :: IntGraph -> Int -> Maybe [Node]
vertexCoverDec graph k
  | nullEdges graph = Just []
  | k == 0 = Nothing
  | otherwise = uCover <|> vCover
    (u, v) = head $ edges graph
    uCover = (u :) <$> vertexCoverDec (removeNode u graph) (k - 1)
    vCover = (v :) <$> vertexCoverDec (removeNode v graph) (k - 1)

-- | vertexCoverDec, but just returns true or false
vertexCoverBool :: IntGraph -> Int -> Bool
vertexCoverBool = (isJust .) . vertexCoverDec

-- | Optimal vertex cover
-- | Not all that efficient, just keeps trying difference values for k
vertexCover :: IntGraph -> [Node]
vertexCover graph = let f k = vertexCoverDec graph k <|> f (k + 1)
                     in fromJust $ f 0