-- | Handle atomic commands received by the client.
module Game.LambdaHack.Client.HandleAtomicM
  ( MonadClientSetup(..)
  , cmdAtomicSemCli
    -- * Internal operations
  , invalidateInMelee, wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills, tileChangeAffectsBfs
  , createActor, destroyActor
  , addItemToDiscoBenefit, perception
  , discoverKind, discoverKindAndAspect, coverKind, coverAspectAndKind
  , discoverAspect, coverAspect
  , killExit
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude

import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import           Data.Ord

import           Game.LambdaHack.Atomic
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.Bfs
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.BfsM
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.CommonM
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.MonadClient
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.Preferences
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.State
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.ActorState
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.MonadStateRead
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Perception
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.State
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Tile as Tile
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Types
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Content.CaveKind as CK
import           Game.LambdaHack.Content.ModeKind
import           Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind (TileKind)
import           Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Defs

-- | Client monad for saving and restarting games.
class MonadClient m => MonadClientSetup m where
  saveClient    :: m ()
  restartClient :: m ()

-- | Effect of atomic actions on client state. It is calculated
-- with the global state from after the command is executed
-- (except where the supplied @oldState@ is used).
cmdAtomicSemCli :: MonadClientSetup m => State -> UpdAtomic -> m ()
{-# INLINE cmdAtomicSemCli #-}
cmdAtomicSemCli oldState cmd = case cmd of
  UpdCreateActor aid b ais -> createActor aid b ais
  UpdDestroyActor aid b _ -> destroyActor aid b True
  UpdCreateItem iid _ _ (CActor aid store) -> do
    wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills [store] aid
    addItemToDiscoBenefit iid
  UpdCreateItem iid _ _ _ -> addItemToDiscoBenefit iid
  UpdDestroyItem _ _ _ (CActor aid store) ->
    wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills [store] aid
  UpdDestroyItem{} -> return ()
  UpdSpotActor aid b ais -> createActor aid b ais
  UpdLoseActor aid b _ -> destroyActor aid b False
  UpdSpotItem _ iid _ _ (CActor aid store) -> do
    wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills [store] aid
    addItemToDiscoBenefit iid
  UpdSpotItem _ iid _ _ _ -> addItemToDiscoBenefit iid
  UpdLoseItem _ _ _ _ (CActor aid store) ->
    wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills [store] aid
  UpdLoseItem{} -> return ()
  UpdSpotItemBag (CActor aid store) _bag ais -> do
    wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills [store] aid
    mapM_ (addItemToDiscoBenefit . fst) ais
  UpdSpotItemBag _ _ ais ->
    mapM_ (addItemToDiscoBenefit . fst) ais
  UpdLoseItemBag (CActor aid store) _bag _ais ->
    wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills [store] aid
  UpdLoseItemBag{} -> return ()
  UpdMoveActor aid _ _ -> do
    invalidateBfsAid aid
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    -- Too costly to take projectiles into account. If blocked by them,
    -- instead we wait for them to move aside or we hit them.
    -- They are still considered whenever an actor moves himself
    -- and so his whole BFS data is invalidated.
    unless (bproj b) $ invalidateBfsPathLid (blid b) $ bpos b
    invalidateInMelee (blid b)
  UpdWaitActor aid _fromW toW ->
    -- So that we can later ignore such actors when updating targets
    -- and not risk they beling pushed/displaces and targets getting wrong.
    when (toW == WSleep) $
      modifyClient $ updateTarget aid (const Nothing)
  UpdDisplaceActor source target -> do
    invalidateBfsAid source
    invalidateBfsAid target
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody source
    unless (bproj b) $ invalidateBfsPathLid (blid b) $ bpos b
    tb <- getsState $ getActorBody target
    unless (bproj tb) $ invalidateBfsPathLid (blid tb) $ bpos tb
    invalidateInMelee (blid b)
  UpdMoveItem _ _ aid s1 s2 -> wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills [s1, s2] aid
  UpdRefillHP{} -> return ()
  UpdRefillCalm{} -> return ()
  UpdTrajectory{} -> return ()
  UpdQuitFaction fid _ toSt _ -> do
    side <- getsClient sside
    when (side == fid && maybe False ((/= Camping) . stOutcome) toSt) $ do
      let won = case toSt of
            Just Status{stOutcome=Conquer} -> True
            Just Status{stOutcome=Escape} -> True
            _ -> False
      when won $ do
        gameModeId <- getsState sgameModeId
        scurChal <- getsClient scurChal
        let sing = M.singleton scurChal 1
            f = M.unionWith (+)
            g = EM.insertWith f gameModeId sing
        modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {svictories = g $ svictories cli}
  UpdLeadFaction fid source target -> do
    side <- getsClient sside
    when (side == fid) $ do
      mleader <- getsClient sleader
      let !_A = assert (mleader == source
                          -- somebody changed the leader for us
                        || mleader == target
                          -- we changed the leader ourselves
                        `blame` "unexpected leader"
                        `swith` (cmd, mleader)) ()
      modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {_sleader = target}
  UpdDiplFaction{} -> return ()
  UpdAutoFaction{} ->
    -- @condBFS@ depends on the setting we change here (e.g., smarkSuspect).
  UpdRecordKill{} -> return ()
  UpdTacticFaction{} -> do
    -- Clear all targets except the leader's.
    mleader <- getsClient sleader
    mtgt <- case mleader of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just leader -> getsClient $ EM.lookup leader . stargetD
    modifyClient $ \cli ->
      let stargetD | Just tgt <- mtgt
                   , Just leader <- mleader
                   = EM.singleton leader tgt
                   | otherwise = EM.empty
      in cli {stargetD}
  UpdAlterTile lid p fromTile toTile -> do
    updateSalter lid [(p, toTile)]
    cops <- getsState scops
    let lvl = (EM.! lid) . sdungeon $ oldState
        t = lvl `at` p
    let !_A = assert (t == fromTile) ()
    when (tileChangeAffectsBfs cops fromTile toTile) $
      invalidateBfsLid lid
  UpdAlterExplorable{} -> return ()
  UpdAlterGold{} -> return ()
  UpdSearchTile aid p toTile -> do
    COps{cotile} <- getsState scops
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    let lid = blid b
    updateSalter lid [(p, toTile)]
    cops <- getsState scops
    let lvl = (EM.! lid) . sdungeon $ oldState
        t = lvl `at` p
    let !_A = assert (Just t == Tile.hideAs cotile toTile) ()
    -- The following check is needed even if we verity in content
    -- that searching doesn't change clarity and light of tiles,
    -- because it modifies skill needed to alter the tile and even
    -- walkability and changeability.
    when (tileChangeAffectsBfs cops t toTile) $
      invalidateBfsLid lid
  UpdHideTile{} -> return ()
  UpdSpotTile lid ts -> do
    updateSalter lid ts
    cops <- getsState scops
    let lvl = (EM.! lid) . sdungeon $ oldState
        affects (p, toTile) =
          let fromTile = lvl `at` p
          in tileChangeAffectsBfs cops fromTile toTile
        bs = map affects ts
    when (or bs) $ invalidateBfsLid lid
  UpdLoseTile lid ts -> do
    updateSalter lid ts
    invalidateBfsLid lid  -- from known to unknown tiles
  UpdSpotEntry{} -> return ()
  UpdLoseEntry{} -> return ()
  UpdAlterSmell{} -> return ()
  UpdSpotSmell{} -> return ()
  UpdLoseSmell{} -> return ()
  UpdTimeItem{} -> return ()
  UpdAgeGame{} -> return ()
  UpdUnAgeGame{} -> return ()
  UpdDiscover _ iid _ _ -> do
    item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
    case jkind item of
      IdentityObvious _ik -> discoverAspect iid
      IdentityCovered ix _ik ->
        if ix `EM.notMember` sdiscoKind oldState
        then discoverKindAndAspect ix
        else discoverAspect iid
  UpdCover _ iid _ _ -> do
    item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
    newState <- getState
    case jkind item of
      IdentityObvious _ik -> coverAspect iid
      IdentityCovered ix _ik ->
        if ix `EM.member` sdiscoKind newState
        then coverAspectAndKind ix
        else coverAspect iid
  UpdDiscoverKind _c ix _ik -> discoverKind ix
  UpdCoverKind _c ix _ik -> coverKind ix
  UpdDiscoverAspect _c iid _arItem -> discoverAspect iid
  UpdCoverAspect _c iid _arItem -> coverAspect iid
  UpdDiscoverServer{} -> error "server command leaked to client"
  UpdCoverServer{} -> error "server command leaked to client"
  UpdPerception lid outPer inPer -> perception lid outPer inPer
  UpdRestart side sfper s scurChal soptions srandom -> do
    COps{cocave, comode} <- getsState scops
    fact <- getsState $ (EM.! side) . sfactionD
    snxtChal <- getsClient snxtChal
    svictories <- getsClient svictories
    stabs <- getsClient stabs
    let f !acc _p !i _a = i : acc
        modes = zip [0..] $ ofoldlGroup' comode "campaign scenario" f []
        g :: (Int, ContentId ModeKind) -> Int
        g (_, mode) = case EM.lookup mode svictories of
          Nothing -> 0
          Just cm -> fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup snxtChal cm)
        (snxtScenario, _) = minimumBy (comparing g) modes
        h lvl = CK.labyrinth (okind cocave $ lkind lvl)
                && not (fhasGender $ gplayer fact)
          -- Not to burrow through a labyrinth instead of leaving it for
          -- the human player and to prevent AI losing time there instead
          -- of congregating at exits.
        sexplored = EM.keysSet $ EM.filter h $ sdungeon s
        cli = emptyStateClient side
    putClient cli { sexplored
                  -- , sundo = [UpdAtomic cmd]
                  , sfper
                  , srandom
                  , scurChal
                  , snxtChal
                  , snxtScenario
                  , scondInMelee = EM.empty
                  , svictories
                  , soptions
                  , stabs }
    salter <- getsState createSalter
    modifyClient $ \cli1 -> cli1 {salter}
  UpdRestartServer{} -> return ()
  UpdResume _side sfperNew -> do
    sfperOld <- getsClient sfper
    let !_A = assert (sfperNew == sfperOld
                      `blame` (_side, sfperNew, sfperOld)) ()
    modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sfper = sfperNew}
    salter <- getsState createSalter
    modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {salter}
  UpdResumeServer{} -> return ()
  UpdKillExit _fid -> killExit
  UpdWriteSave -> saveClient
  UpdHearFid{} -> return ()

-- This field is only needed in AI client, but it's on-demand for each level
-- and so fairly cheap.
invalidateInMelee :: MonadClient m => LevelId -> m ()
invalidateInMelee lid =
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {scondInMelee = EM.delete lid (scondInMelee cli)}

-- For now, only checking the stores.
wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills :: MonadClient m => [CStore] -> ActorId -> m ()
wipeBfsIfItemAffectsSkills stores aid =
  unless (null $ intersect stores [CEqp, COrgan]) $ invalidateBfsAid aid

tileChangeAffectsBfs :: COps
                     -> ContentId TileKind -> ContentId TileKind
                     -> Bool
tileChangeAffectsBfs COps{coTileSpeedup} fromTile toTile =
  Tile.alterMinWalk coTileSpeedup fromTile
  /= Tile.alterMinWalk coTileSpeedup toTile

createActor :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> Actor -> [(ItemId, Item)] -> m ()
createActor aid b ais = do
  side <- getsClient sside
  fact <- getsState $ (EM.! side) . sfactionD
  let affect3 tap@TgtAndPath{..} = case tapTgt of
        TPoint (TEnemyPos a) _ _ | a == aid ->
          let tgt | isFoe side fact (bfid b) = TEnemy a  -- still a foe
                  | otherwise = TPoint TKnown (blid b) (bpos b)
          in TgtAndPath tgt Nothing
        _ -> tap
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {stargetD = EM.map affect3 (stargetD cli)}
  mapM_ (addItemToDiscoBenefit . fst) ais
  unless (bproj b) $ invalidateBfsPathLid (blid b) $ bpos b
  invalidateInMelee (blid b)

destroyActor :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> Actor -> Bool -> m ()
destroyActor aid b destroy = do
  when destroy $ modifyClient $ updateTarget aid (const Nothing)  -- gc
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sbfsD = EM.delete aid $ sbfsD cli}  -- gc
  let affect tgt = case tgt of
        TEnemy a | a == aid ->
          if destroy then
            -- If *really* nothing more interesting, the actor will
            -- go to last known location to perhaps find other foes.
            TPoint TKnown (blid b) (bpos b)
            -- If enemy only hides (or we stepped behind obstacle) find him.
            TPoint (TEnemyPos a) (blid b) (bpos b)
        TNonEnemy a | a == aid -> TPoint TKnown (blid b) (bpos b)
        _ -> tgt
      affect3 TgtAndPath{..} =
        let newMPath = case tapPath of
              Just AndPath{pathGoal} | pathGoal /= bpos b -> Nothing
              _ -> tapPath  -- foe slow enough, so old path good
        in TgtAndPath (affect tapTgt) newMPath
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {stargetD = EM.map affect3 (stargetD cli)}
  unless (bproj b) $ invalidateBfsPathLid (blid b) $ bpos b
  invalidateInMelee (blid b)

addItemToDiscoBenefit :: MonadClient m => ItemId -> m ()
addItemToDiscoBenefit iid = do
  cops <- getsState scops
  discoBenefit <- getsClient sdiscoBenefit
  case EM.lookup iid discoBenefit of
    Just{} -> return ()
      -- already there, with real or provisional aspect record,
      -- but we haven't learned anything new about the item
    Nothing -> do
      side <- getsClient sside
      factionD <- getsState sfactionD
      itemFull <- getsState $ itemToFull iid
      let benefit = totalUsefulness cops side factionD itemFull
      modifyClient $ \cli ->
        cli {sdiscoBenefit = EM.insert iid benefit (sdiscoBenefit cli)}

perception :: MonadClient m => LevelId -> Perception -> Perception -> m ()
perception lid outPer inPer = do
  -- Clients can't compute FOV on their own, because they don't know
  -- if unknown tiles are clear or not. Server would need to send
  -- info about properties of unknown tiles, which complicates
  -- and makes heavier the most bulky data set in the game: tile maps.
  -- Note we assume, but do not check that @outPer@ is contained
  -- in current perception and @inPer@ has no common part with it.
  -- It would make the already very costly operation even more expensive.
  perOld <- getPerFid lid
  -- Check if new perception is already set in @cmdAtomicFilterCli@
  -- or if we are doing undo/redo, which does not involve filtering.
  -- The data structure is strict, so the cheap check can't be any simpler.
  let interAlready per =
        Just $ totalVisible per `ES.intersection` totalVisible perOld
      unset = maybe False ES.null (interAlready inPer)
              || maybe False (not . ES.null) (interAlready outPer)
  when unset $ do
    let adj Nothing = error $ "no perception to alter" `showFailure` lid
        adj (Just per) = Just $ addPer (diffPer per outPer) inPer
        f = EM.alter adj lid
    modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {sfper = f (sfper cli)}

discoverKind :: MonadClient m => ItemKindIx -> m ()
discoverKind = discoverKindAndAspect

discoverKindAndAspect :: MonadClient m => ItemKindIx -> m ()
discoverKindAndAspect ix = do
  cops <- getsState scops
  -- Wipe out BFS, because the player could potentially learn that his items
  -- affect his actors' skills relevant to BFS.
  side <- getsClient sside
  factionD <- getsState sfactionD
  itemToF <- getsState $ flip itemToFull
  let benefit iid = totalUsefulness cops side factionD (itemToF iid)
  itemIxMap <- getsState $ (EM.! ix) . sitemIxMap
  -- Possibly overwrite earlier, provisional benefits.
  forM_ (ES.elems itemIxMap) $ \iid -> modifyClient $ \cli ->
    cli {sdiscoBenefit = EM.insert iid (benefit iid) (sdiscoBenefit cli)}

coverKind :: ItemKindIx -> m ()
coverKind = coverAspectAndKind

coverAspectAndKind :: ItemKindIx -> m ()
coverAspectAndKind _ix = undefined

discoverAspect :: MonadClient m => ItemId -> m ()
discoverAspect iid = do
  cops <- getsState scops
  -- Wipe out BFS, because the player could potentially learn that his items
  -- affect his actors' skills relevant to BFS.
  side <- getsClient sside
  factionD <- getsState sfactionD
  itemFull <- getsState $ itemToFull iid
  let benefit = totalUsefulness cops side factionD itemFull
  -- Possibly overwrite earlier, provisional benefits.
  modifyClient $ \cli ->
    cli {sdiscoBenefit = EM.insert iid benefit (sdiscoBenefit cli)}

coverAspect :: ItemId -> m ()
coverAspect _iid = undefined

killExit :: MonadClient m => m ()
killExit = do
  side <- getsClient sside
  debugPossiblyPrint $ "Client" <+> tshow side <+> "quitting."
  modifyClient $ \cli -> cli {squit = True}
  -- Verify that the not saved caches are equal to future reconstructed.
  -- Otherwise, save/restore would change game state.
  sactorMaxSkills2 <- getsState sactorMaxSkills
  salter <- getsClient salter
  sbfsD <- getsClient sbfsD
  alter <- getsState createSalter
  actorMaxSkills <- getsState maxSkillsInDungeon
  let f aid = do
        (canMove, alterSkill) <- condBFS aid
        bfsArr <- createBfs canMove alterSkill aid
        let bfsPath = EM.empty
        return (aid, BfsAndPath bfsArr bfsPath)
  actorD <- getsState sactorD
  lbfsD <- mapM f $ EM.keys actorD
  -- Some freshly generated bfses are not used for comparison, but at least
  -- we check they don't violate internal assertions themselves. Hence the bang.
  let bfsD = EM.fromDistinctAscList lbfsD
      g BfsInvalid !_ = True
      g _ BfsInvalid = False
      g (BfsAndPath bfsArr1 _) (BfsAndPath bfsArr2 _) = bfsArr1 == bfsArr2
      subBfs = EM.isSubmapOfBy g
  let !_A1 = assert (salter == alter
                     `blame` "wrong accumulated salter on side"
                     `swith` (side, salter, alter)) ()
      !_A2 = assert (sactorMaxSkills2 == actorMaxSkills
                     `blame` "wrong accumulated sactorMaxSkills on side"
                     `swith` (side, sactorMaxSkills2, actorMaxSkills)) ()
      !_A3 = assert (sbfsD `subBfs` bfsD
                     `blame` "wrong accumulated sbfsD on side"
                     `swith` (side, sbfsD, bfsD)) ()
  return ()