            ,UndecidableInstances #-}

{- |
Instances of 'Data.ListLike.ListLike' and related classes.
Re-exported by "Data.ListLike".

-- UTF8 ByteString

module Data.ListLike.UTF8 () where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import           Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Data.ListLike.Base
import Data.ListLike.FoldableLL
import Data.ListLike.IO
import Data.ListLike.String (StringLike(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.String (IsString(fromString))
import Data.String.UTF8 (UTF8, UTF8Bytes)
import qualified Data.String.UTF8 as UTF8
import GHC.Generics

utf8rnf :: NFData a => UTF8 a -> ()
utf8rnf = rnf . UTF8.toRep

instance FoldableLL (UTF8 BS.ByteString) Char where
    foldl = UTF8.foldl
    -- foldl' = UTF8.foldl'
    -- foldl1 = UTF8.foldl1
    foldr = UTF8.foldr
    -- foldr' = UTF8.foldr'
    -- foldr1 = UTF8.foldr1

instance ListLike (UTF8 BS.ByteString) Char where
    empty = mempty
    singleton c = UTF8.fromString [c]
    -- cons = UTF8.cons
    -- snoc = UTF8.snoc
    -- append = UTF8.append
    uncons = UTF8.uncons
    head = fst . fromMaybe (error "head") . uncons
    -- last = UTF8.last
    tail = snd . fromMaybe (error "tail") . uncons
    -- init = UTF8.init
    null s = UTF8.length s == 0
    length = UTF8.length
    -- -- map =
    -- rigidMap = UTF8.map
    -- reverse = UTF8.reverse
    -- intersperse = UTF8.intersperse
    -- concat = UTF8.concat . toList
    -- --concatMap =
    -- rigidConcatMap = UTF8.concatMap
    -- any = UTF8.any
    -- all = UTF8.all
    -- maximum = UTF8.maximum
    -- minimum = UTF8.minimum
    -- replicate = UTF8.replicate
    take = UTF8.take
    drop = UTF8.drop
    splitAt = UTF8.splitAt
    -- takeWhile = UTF8.takeWhile
    -- dropWhile = UTF8.dropWhile
    span = UTF8.span
    break = UTF8.break
    -- group = fromList . UTF8.group
    -- inits = fromList . UTF8.inits
    -- tails = fromList . UTF8.tails
    -- isPrefixOf = UTF8.isPrefixOf
    -- isSuffixOf = UTF8.isSuffixOf
    -- --isInfixOf = UTF8.isInfixOf
    -- elem = UTF8.elem
    -- notElem = UTF8.notElem
    -- find = UTF8.find
    -- filter = UTF8.filter
    -- --partition = UTF8.partition
    -- index = UTF8.index
    -- elemIndex = UTF8.elemIndex
    -- elemIndices x = fromList . UTF8.elemIndices x
    -- findIndex = UTF8.findIndex
    -- findIndices x = fromList . UTF8.findIndices x
    -- -- the default definitions don't work well for array-like things, so
    -- -- do monadic stuff via a list instead
    -- sequence  = liftM fromList . P.sequence  . toList
    -- mapM func = liftM fromList . P.mapM func . toList
    -- --nub = UTF8.nub
    -- --delete = UTF8.delete
    -- --deleteFirsts = UTF8.deleteFirsts
    -- --union = UTF8.union
    -- --intersect = UTF8.intersect
    -- sort = UTF8.sort
    -- --insert = UTF8.insert
    toList = UTF8.toString
    -- fromList = UTF8.pack
    -- fromListLike = fromList . toList
    -- --nubBy = UTF8.nubBy
    -- --deleteBy = UTF8.deleteBy
    -- --deleteFirstsBy = UTF8.deleteFirstsBy
    -- --unionBy = UTF8.unionBy
    -- --intersectBy = UTF8.intersectBy
    -- groupBy f = fromList . UTF8.groupBy f
    -- --sortBy = UTF8.sortBy
    -- --insertBy = UTF8.insertBy
    -- genericLength = fromInteger . fromIntegral . UTF8.length
    -- genericTake i = UTF8.take (fromIntegral i)
    -- genericDrop i = UTF8.drop (fromIntegral i)
    -- genericSplitAt i = UTF8.splitAt (fromIntegral i)
    -- genericReplicate i = UTF8.replicate (fromIntegral i)

instance ListLikeIO (UTF8 BS.ByteString) Char where
    hGetLine h = UTF8.fromRep <$> BS.hGetLine h
    hGetContents h = UTF8.fromRep <$> BS.hGetContents h
    hGet h n = UTF8.fromRep <$> BS.hGet h n
    hGetNonBlocking h n = UTF8.fromRep <$> BS.hGetNonBlocking h n
    hPutStr h s = BS.hPutStr h (UTF8.toRep s)
    hPutStrLn h s = BSC.hPutStrLn h (UTF8.toRep s)
    -- getLine = BS.getLine
    -- getContents = BS.getContents
    -- putStr = BS.putStr
    -- putStrLn = BSC.putStrLn
    -- interact = BS.interact
    -- readFile = BS.readFile
    -- writeFile = BS.writeFile
    -- appendFile = BS.appendFile

instance StringLike (UTF8 BS.ByteString) where
    toString = UTF8.toString
    fromString = UTF8.fromString

instance Semigroup (UTF8 BS.ByteString) where
  (<>) = mappend

instance Monoid (UTF8 BS.ByteString) where
    mempty = UTF8.fromString []
    mappend a b = UTF8.fromRep (mappend (UTF8.toRep a) (UTF8.toRep b))

-- UTF8 Lazy.ByteString

instance FoldableLL (UTF8 BSL.ByteString) Char where
    foldl = UTF8.foldl
    -- foldl' = UTF8.foldl'
    -- foldl1 = UTF8.foldl1
    foldr = UTF8.foldr
    -- foldr' = UTF8.foldr'
    -- foldr1 = UTF8.foldr1

instance ListLike (UTF8 BSL.ByteString) Char where
    empty = mempty
    singleton c = UTF8.fromString [c]
    -- cons = UTF8.cons
    -- snoc = UTF8.snoc
    -- append = UTF8.append
    uncons = UTF8.uncons
    head = fst . fromMaybe (error "head") . uncons
    -- last = UTF8.last
    tail = snd . fromMaybe (error "tail") . uncons
    -- init = UTF8.init
    null s = UTF8.length s == 0
    length = fromInteger . toInteger . UTF8.length
    -- -- map =
    -- rigidMap = UTF8.map
    -- reverse = UTF8.reverse
    -- intersperse = UTF8.intersperse
    -- concat = UTF8.concat . toList
    -- --concatMap =
    -- rigidConcatMap = UTF8.concatMap
    -- any = UTF8.any
    -- all = UTF8.all
    -- maximum = UTF8.maximum
    -- minimum = UTF8.minimum
    -- replicate = UTF8.replicate
    take = UTF8.take . fromInteger . toInteger
    drop = UTF8.drop . fromInteger . toInteger
    splitAt = UTF8.splitAt . fromInteger . toInteger
    -- takeWhile = UTF8.takeWhile
    -- dropWhile = UTF8.dropWhile
    span = UTF8.span
    break = UTF8.break
    -- group = fromList . UTF8.group
    -- inits = fromList . UTF8.inits
    -- tails = fromList . UTF8.tails
    -- isPrefixOf = UTF8.isPrefixOf
    -- isSuffixOf = UTF8.isSuffixOf
    -- --isInfixOf = UTF8.isInfixOf
    -- elem = UTF8.elem
    -- notElem = UTF8.notElem
    -- find = UTF8.find
    -- filter = UTF8.filter
    -- --partition = UTF8.partition
    -- index = UTF8.index
    -- elemIndex = UTF8.elemIndex
    -- elemIndices x = fromList . UTF8.elemIndices x
    -- findIndex = UTF8.findIndex
    -- findIndices x = fromList . UTF8.findIndices x
    -- -- the default definitions don't work well for array-like things, so
    -- -- do monadic stuff via a list instead
    -- sequence  = liftM fromList . P.sequence  . toList
    -- mapM func = liftM fromList . P.mapM func . toList
    -- --nub = UTF8.nub
    -- --delete = UTF8.delete
    -- --deleteFirsts = UTF8.deleteFirsts
    -- --union = UTF8.union
    -- --intersect = UTF8.intersect
    -- sort = UTF8.sort
    -- --insert = UTF8.insert
    toList = UTF8.toString
    -- fromList = UTF8.pack
    -- fromListLike = fromList . toList
    -- --nubBy = UTF8.nubBy
    -- --deleteBy = UTF8.deleteBy
    -- --deleteFirstsBy = UTF8.deleteFirstsBy
    -- --unionBy = UTF8.unionBy
    -- --intersectBy = UTF8.intersectBy
    -- groupBy f = fromList . UTF8.groupBy f
    -- --sortBy = UTF8.sortBy
    -- --insertBy = UTF8.insertBy
    -- genericLength = fromInteger . fromIntegral . UTF8.length
    -- genericTake i = UTF8.take (fromIntegral i)
    -- genericDrop i = UTF8.drop (fromIntegral i)
    -- genericSplitAt i = UTF8.splitAt (fromIntegral i)
    -- genericReplicate i = UTF8.replicate (fromIntegral i)

instance ListLikeIO (UTF8 BSL.ByteString) Char where
    hGetLine h = (UTF8.fromRep . BSL.fromStrict) <$> BS.hGetLine h
    hGetContents h = (UTF8.fromRep) <$> BSL.hGetContents h
    hGet h n = UTF8.fromRep <$> BSL.hGet h n
    hGetNonBlocking h n = UTF8.fromRep <$> BSL.hGetNonBlocking h n
    hPutStr h s = BSL.hPutStr h (UTF8.toRep s)
    hPutStrLn h s = BSLC.hPutStrLn h (UTF8.toRep s)
    -- getLine = BSL.getLine
    -- getContents = BSL.getContents
    -- putStr = BSL.putStr
    -- putStrLn = BSLC.putStrLn
    -- interact = BSL.interact
    -- readFile = BSL.readFile
    -- writeFile = BSL.writeFile
    -- appendFile = BSL.appendFile

instance Semigroup (UTF8 BSL.ByteString) where
  (<>) = mappend

instance StringLike (UTF8 BSL.ByteString) where
    toString = UTF8.toString
    fromString = UTF8.fromString

instance Monoid (UTF8 BSL.ByteString) where
    mempty = UTF8.fromString []
    mappend a b = UTF8.fromRep (mappend (UTF8.toRep a) (UTF8.toRep b))

{-# RULES "fromListLike/a" fromListLike = id :: a -> a #-}