Portability | portable |
Stability | stable |
Maintainer | sven.panne@aedion.de |
This module corresponds to section 4.1 (Per-Fragment Operations) of the OpenGL 2.1 specs.
- scissor :: StateVar (Maybe (Position, Size))
- sampleAlphaToCoverage :: StateVar Capability
- sampleAlphaToOne :: StateVar Capability
- sampleCoverage :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampf, Bool))
- depthBounds :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampd, GLclampd))
- data ComparisonFunction
- alphaFunc :: StateVar (Maybe (ComparisonFunction, GLclampf))
- stencilTest :: StateVar Capability
- stencilFunc :: StateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
- stencilFuncSeparate :: Face -> SettableStateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
- data StencilOp
- = OpZero
- | OpKeep
- | OpReplace
- | OpIncr
- | OpIncrWrap
- | OpDecr
- | OpDecrWrap
- | OpInvert
- stencilOp :: StateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
- stencilOpSeparate :: Face -> SettableStateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
- activeStencilFace :: StateVar (Maybe Face)
- depthFunc :: StateVar (Maybe ComparisonFunction)
- newtype QueryObject = QueryObject GLuint
- data QueryTarget = SamplesPassed
- withQuery :: QueryTarget -> QueryObject -> GL a -> GL a
- queryCounterBits :: QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar GLsizei
- currentQuery :: QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar (Maybe QueryObject)
- queryResult :: QueryObject -> GettableStateVar GLuint
- queryResultAvailable :: QueryObject -> GettableStateVar Bool
- blend :: StateVar Capability
- data BlendEquation
- = FuncAdd
- | FuncSubtract
- | FuncReverseSubtract
- | Min
- | Max
- | LogicOp
- blendEquation :: StateVar BlendEquation
- blendEquationSeparate :: StateVar (BlendEquation, BlendEquation)
- data BlendingFactor
- blendFuncSeparate :: StateVar ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))
- blendFunc :: StateVar (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)
- blendColor :: StateVar (Color4 GLclampf)
- dither :: StateVar Capability
- data LogicOp
- = Clear
- | And
- | AndReverse
- | Copy
- | AndInverted
- | Noop
- | Xor
- | Or
- | Nor
- | Equiv
- | Invert
- | OrReverse
- | CopyInverted
- | OrInverted
- | Nand
- | Set
- logicOp :: StateVar (Maybe LogicOp)
Scissor Test
Multisample Fragment Operations
Depth Bounds Test
Alpha Test
data ComparisonFunction Source
Stencil Test
Depth Buffer Test
Occlusion Queries
newtype QueryObject Source
withQuery :: QueryTarget -> QueryObject -> GL a -> GL aSource
data BlendEquation Source
data BlendingFactor Source
blendFuncSeparate :: StateVar ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))Source